When his voice fell, someone looked at him with amazement, and the weight of this sentence was obvious.

Lu Yiqian has a slight beauty, and said faintly: "Your life, or keep it yourself, it is already enough for a person to bear a life. Where is the extra energy and strength to bear the lives of others."

The man looked at Lu Yiqian with amazement and didn't want her to answer like this.

Hiddenly understood something, he made up his mind, and if she needs it later, she will go to the fire.

The seven squeezing squeezed through the urchin, and the white hair shone: "Little guy, how are you so many magical pets?"

When he asked, the strong people raised their ears and listened carefully.

Lu Yiqian is very fond of this old man, she does not marry him: "Catch."

Qi Yan thought she was keeping a secret, who would reveal the source of the powerful magic pet? "Little guy, lying is not a good thing for a good child."

Lu Yiqian is very helpless. When she tells the truth, why is there no one to believe? On the contrary, when she wants to lie and do bad things, people believe it. "The family biography, these are family biography, my family was originally a family of animals, three generations of single pass, so the ancestors left me so many Eudemons, in case I was bullied by the bad guys."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Seven nodded and nodded.

Other strong people are also like this.

Lu Hao couldn’t help but pull his mouth.

Going very smoothly, no dangerous World of Warcraft has ever been encountered on the road. More than two hundred people have entered a layer of taller, denser and darker trees. This forest is like a watershed, and the two forests are clearly separated. .

As soon as I entered, I felt something swaying and shining. When you look at it, it is gold, gold everywhere! Blocks, layers, and so on!

Has the forest already shown them the wealth they have? However, this is too much, right? !

"Look, these golds are magical!" The middle-aged woman is excited. Women are not interested in these shiny and bright things, even if they become gods.

Moreover, these golds are also devilish!

"Look here, God, so many days of vanilla, what's next, oh, Thunderstone!" Another god-level powerhouse found something good.

"There are purple gold here, and olivine!"

"Look here..."

People are crazy, the general common things they don't care about, grow into God, money rights can't be anything, only the treasures that can improve their strength, precious forging materials, equipment and Eudemons can provoke their nerves. .

Here, everything is there!

"You said, what do we get when we go down again?" asked a god-level powerhouse excitedly.

"Will there be... artifacts?" someone asked.

With this pile of gold and exotic treasures, people are already crazy, don't forget, their original purpose is to explore this forest and find rare babies on the mainland!

And the artifact, of course, is the treasure that all the god-level powerhouses dream of!

Will people who are provoked to win the treasure will easily withdraw from the forest?

In the face of the heavy treasures of these ordinary people, Lu Yiqian is silent, there are weird! I can't say anything, it's weird anyway, it seems like someone is digging a trap waiting for them.

But no matter what, she is going to kneel down and experience the speed/sense of the battle. She believes that this forest must have what she wants!

Everyone puts treasures in their storage bags and only hates that the storage bags are too small. But there are also strong people who have left their minds, and as soon as possible, in this dangerous forest, it is really not suitable for the road.

Of course, there are also some people who are greedy. Take the example of several god-level powers in the Song Dynasty. They even let the food and fresh waters come out. Especially Song Yan, put gold into the storage bag and don’t even talk about it. Several gems.

"You'd better leave food and fresh water." The good-hearted Seven Miles said that although they couldn't see their behavior, they still reminded them of it.

"You don't have to be good-hearted, the food is so much in this forest, you can play two World of Warcraft!" Song Yan said arrogantly, and tied a piece of peridot to his hair.

When I saw it, I didn’t say anything anymore. What happened when they loved it? Anyway, he would never give food to them!

Everyone smashed the gems and reluctantly moved forward. Many people were still enchanted by the shock of gold everywhere.

Still five teams, Lu Yiqian this team took the lead, the Song members of the team.

But sometimes, falling behind is not the most sensible choice. Song Yan, a member of the Song Dynasty, played a small abacus in their hearts. As long as they were in danger, let the first group of idiots take it. They just need to be cheaper in the back. They are full of gold gems and are quite proud of their intelligence.

The smell of gold gems came out very far. They didn't know that there was a kind of Warcraft in this forest, which specializes in eating gold.

One of the land behind them, quietly opened, and slowly closed. The earth moved quietly, and no one could find it. The thing swims to the end of the team, and after confirming that the food that can be eaten in front is open, the mouth is opened, one bite, and the person who is swallowed has not even issued a sound, which shows that the speed is fast.

At this point, people have not been able to find someone missing.

Next to Song Yan, there are five sacred sects. They are all students of the Song dynasty. They are all actively welcoming her. At this time, one of the sacred fields has a wild flower and a beautiful bouquet. "My beautiful Princess, please accept my heart."

Song Yan also loves this tone. She likes the feeling of being complimented. She likes all men to turn around her. She was angrily thinking that these men are much stronger than the ugly women, not only good, but also good bed. She smiled and took the flowers, was preparing to praise two sentences, but was shocked to see a three-meter-wide, mouthful of mouthful of the white mouth, swallowed the sanctuary of the bouquet, and then drilled at a speed Enter the ground. The position of the person standing, the land is flat, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe that there was a looting!

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