The strongmen first looked at Lu Qianqian's tone of voice, thinking that she would summon a strong Eudemons, they were surprised that Lu Hao had twenty-nine stars and two white horses, followed by a red fox, a mighty silver wolf, and one Only a rare crystal scorpion, heard her call again, thought that there would be a magnificent magical pet, the result is actually a puppy!

A big puppies!

The strongmen were hit, so a puppy, in addition to spoiling the tail, what is the use?

But also true, the powerful pet of this four-level Master contract is the best in history, let her contract a strong pet, but also do not live? Considering the god-level powerhouse, there are still many people who have not found a satisfactory fantasy pet!

Wang Cai, no matter what everyone thinks, it... began to change!

The night sky is faint and seemingly far away. The stars hang on the curtains of the night, like twinkling diamonds. Whose necklace will be the embellishment of this diamond? The death of the gods under the night is quiet, quiet like a beautiful woman, but I have never seen how sharp the fangs of the beauty after turning around.

How long has the death of Mori existed?

The oldest literature mentions a little: Black waved, creating the death of the forest.

What does black mean, what is the wave of a finger? According to the literature, the death of the gods may miraculously appear in a very short period of time?

The strange thing is that there are so many high-star Warcraft in the forest of death, but none of them go out to kill humans. Otherwise, the literature on the types of World of Warcraft stars on the magic dance continent must be greatly rewritten.

There are many unknown fields on the magic dance continent. The most dangerous ones are people who are dead, that is, the forest of death and the sea of ​​emptiness.

Even at night, the death of the gods is still fighting and killing. Compared with the human world, it is obviously more dangerous, more focused on strength, more dangerous, and at night, it is not killing.

But today, there is a lot of different voices in the killing, the "clam" sound of metal collision.

"Oh." It is very slight, but it can also make people hear clearly.

Listening is clear, but far from being shocked!

Seeing a slap-up puppy, it grows into a height of 30 meters and a length of 60 meters. The body is shining with fascinating light, the lines are beautiful, the hair is sharp, the back is metal wings, and the shoulders are resistant to two snipers. The singular creature of the cannon.

Yes, after the transformation of the creation of the fire, the ability of Wangcai has greatly improved!

The strongmen were smashed by the earthquake, and they looked at the monster’s eyes to see Lu Qianqian. Should this woman be so scary? ! Should her Eudemons be so abnormal? !

The departure is very charming, very enchanting, very attractive, and the long-lost heart of the lake is swaying. This woman is more interesting than the imagination, and can't let go. Otherwise, his long life is not too boring.

The peach blossoms wandered around him and scattered. And look at it, it is not too late to shoot again when necessary.

Wang Cai flexibly provokes, the sharp claws are slightly pulled down, and the roots of the piranha are like the tofu being cut. Adhering to the principle of bullying the weak, the first one will bite the eater who was struck by the departure, and the big claws will pull the style of the piranha. Poorly, the eater's flower petals were cut off by four petals, and they couldn't protect their own vitality. Take the teeth and bite them. Sorry, the people's wealth is caused by the best growthable metal, and they can't bite. Breaking the style, this eater is also dying and will die.

Bite a piranha, and Wang Cai is fully committed to the other. First, the sniper guns were bombarded and fried, and the eater's flower petals were broken. Then they jumped up and bit the roots of the eater's flower.

Ready to bombard again, the eater screamed, and actually moved the remaining rhizome very quickly and ran away.

Everyone suddenly stopped, this illusionary beast really is extraordinary.

Wang Cai is going to win the battle, but he is stopped by Lu Yiqian: "Wang Cai, come back."

Wang Cai shook his body and changed his puppies. He rummaged through the piranhas to find a green and magical nucleus. When he picked it up, he jumped to the owner's palm, and the small tail swayed and wet. My eyes are so sloppy, so cute.

"Taking an X, cute, shameless!" Silver said disdainfully. Ok, it also wants to be cute, but it's big, it's only a clever one. It is about to go to the owner's side to arch the owner's legs, who knows that Hongjin grabbed the first, slammed on the owner's shoulder, wiped his face and wiped his face. "It's a clever, shameless!" Silver angered.

The powerful people looked at the giant beast and sneaked into a puppy. The eyes suddenly slid round and did not blame them for making a fuss. It was really the heart of the scene.

Lu Yiqian rewarded Wang Cai, Hong Jin and Yin with great reward. He said: "You are awesome."

Ever since, Wang Cai cutely smashed Lu Qian’s hand, and the two tails of Hong Jin were going crazy, and the anger of silver suddenly disappeared. The beasts want to get the approval of the master. For them, it is the happiest thing to get the approval of the master.

"Master, this is for you." Wang Cai put the magic core in Lu Qian thousand hands.

The magic core of forty stars is crystal clear and beautiful.

Magic core, there are many space bracelets in Lu Qianqian, all of them are hundreds of stars, and they have been suffering from no way to absorb them. The forging **** has the method of using the magic core, just to absorb its magical power, that is to buy the 椟 椟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , For example, the same is the fire illusion, the dragon's dragon inflammation is much more cattle than the fire fox fire rain. If you get a dragon's magic nucleus to the fire fox evolution, then the fire fox's fire and rain will inevitably Powerful and many!

Only the magical nucleus of the hundred stars can be refining the fire of the creation, but it is not easy to grasp. The magic core of the forty stars can be used to try.

The five-star or more plant-like Eudemons are innumerable in the Forest of Death. The silver scorpion pulled a tent that was almost slain by the piranhas and threw the ten-star vines into the tents of Lu Qianqian.

Victory over the piranha, the rest of the rest of the strong, the healing of the healing, ready to adventure again. There was Lu Yiqian in the team, and the confidence of the strong people doubled. Looking at the blue cloak, no one was bothering to disturb her.

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