The Eudemon Space is the best place to shelter the Eudemons!

Did not swallow the blue, the piranhas angered the roots, and a few people could not escape, was pulled to the ground, was rolled into the teeth and chewed. The roots of the piranha are extremely thick and strong, and the god-level powerhouse is caught up, unable to break free and cannot be spared.

Song Yan was scared to collapse into a group and did not dare to move. The piranha did not move her. It was about to abandon her and tasted bad. The Song members and several other Song nationals took Song Yan to the edge, and once the momentum was wrong, they were ready to slip away.

The dragon of Wei Mo and the phoenix of the double moon make the cannibal flower a little taboo, and now they dare not attack it.

"Save me..." A god-level strongman was stuck in the teeth of the piranha, but he still refused to yield and struggled. He also wants to climb the top of the strong, he has unfinished ideals, he does not want to die!

Lu Yuqian fanned the white wings and rushed over.

Yes, she is not a kind person. She is more like a devil, but she respects those who struggle to survive!

The closer you are, the more you feel that this eater is huge, and people standing in front of it are like mosquitoes. The closer you are, the more you can smell the nausea and odor that is emitted from it. How many prey can you swallow, will this thing make such an unpleasant smell? The closer you are, the more you feel the style of the flower head is very different.

There are many rows of teeth in the piranha where the blood is dripping, and the legs of the god-level strongman are completely shredded!

If the disgusting picture is seen by a normal woman, it will definitely be disgusting and even spit out of the face.

Lu Yanqian calms his face and calculates how he can save the god-level power in the shortest possible time.

Cutting a common vine, Lu Yiqian kicked the style on the style, then the vines pulled and pulled the man out.

It may seem simple, but it is extremely difficult to implement. After grasping the time when the flower buds are spent on the flower buds, the time when the piranha flower is closed again, there is only one chance, and the chance is fleeting!

Lu Yiqian succeeded!

Throwing the man to the person who responded, Lu Yiqian made a move to the fire dragon.

Hundreds of fire dragons rushed to the cannibal style, and the petals of the piranhas immediately closed to protect the style. Sure enough, here is its weakness.

Lu Hao jumped a thousand, but was tied by the rhizome of another eater.

Damn, careless!

Lu Hao Qian moved, but the more he moved the stem, the tighter it was. The roots of the piranha are very similar to rubber bands, and they are really not slippery!

Wei Mo saw Lu Yiqian tied up, his heartache screamed, and the one he would rather be **** with was him! No matter what, just want to run to her side, even if it is dead, the two will die together!

Double as the moon is also a big shock, jumped over, vowed to save her, I have not bullied her well, how can she die!

Seven Miles, the wind letter is also anxious, the strong who was previously saved by Lu Yiqian also jumped to the side of Lu Yiqian.

One person suffers, actually affects everyone's heart.

Departing like a trepidation, he jumped to the side of Lu Yiqian. The volley stood in the air and said voluptuously: "This kind of killing and killing is still to let men come."

A piece of peach blossom fell, followed by ten pieces, hundreds of pieces, thousands of pieces, and swaying. In this dark and dangerous moment, this seemingly weak peach blossom has many strange and strange effects.

Lu Yiqian knows that leaving the country, you have to shoot!

"Falling flowers!" Lightly open the lips, the sky is red, and then began to spin up, with great power, cut hundreds of stems, peaches form a knife-like shape, straight to the eater's flower petals.

"Boom!" The huge eater's flower petals slammed on the ground.

The piranha was hit, and it was madly twisted and beaten.

Departure from the beginning, glamorous and enchanting: "Falling flowers!"

The petals floated and brought a burst of fragrance.

"Bang, rumbling..." The other three petals of the piranha fell, and they fell out of the ground and three large pits.

In the beautiful and enchanting posture, against the powerful and disgusting things, this battle has amazed people's eyes.

People guessed that the departure was very strong, but did not expect him to be so strong!

The roots of Lu Yiqian were broken. She had not had time to take a step and was hugged by Wei Mo.

The feeling of fear of losing is so strong, the feeling of recovery is so excited, he kissed Lu Yiqian.

When one person regards another person as all, he can understand the state of the mind.

"A thousand..." Wei Mo almost fell into tears.

Lu Hao said with a smile: "Don't cry, don't cry, my life is hard, God doesn't accept me." She comforted Wei Modao, this simple child, worried him.

Who knows this comforting words, makes Wei Mo feel even more sad, he is red with two peach eyes, and wants to cry.

Helpless, I really owe him. Lu Yiqian supported the waist of Wei Mo, leaned over and kissed the red lips that had been bitten by nervousness, smothered and sucked, and told him to let go of his heart.

The strong people are speechless, too bully, the enemy is still clawing, and they are so hot that they can get so hot.

Oh, this is a young man!

Departing from the two kissing people, I have to plug in a stick: "Look at you so sweet, I want a kiss."

Everyone is absolutely down!

Double standing like a moon, it is not a taste, he is also the first time to arrive, why Lu Jiqian's attention is not on him? Isn't he the fan of the unreasonable kid?

The eater flower that was previously attacked by Lu Yiqian unfolded the petals, and his companions were severely wounded. The petals flapped and spurted dozens of kilograms of venom from the cavity to attack the people. The small eater blossomed and surrounded the crowd.

It was full of anger, a group of food, and actually dared to hurt it.

Lu Yiqian stood up against the wind, hand picking peach: "Wang Cai, you are up!"

Wang Cai excitedly opened his eyes with great enthusiasm and jumped out of the space of the Eudemons. After being transformed by the owner, the body is more beautiful, with a lustrous blue color and a large palm. First, he happily licks the master's palm, then jumps to the ground and looks angry at the owner's nectar.

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