
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

No. 9 In the depths of the small town, there is also a void where countless light and shadows are intertwined. It seems that there are vast intertwined light, endless time, destiny, cause and effect, and there is a dividing point between light and dark…but But there are nine broken, rotten, and silent Ancient Roads spreading out, seeming to lead to an unknown and ancient domain, and at the end of the road stands 9 huge doors.

Every door is permeated with countless mysteries, authority, and principles, full of supernatural wonders and ancient times. No one knows what the end of the door is? Only people feel the inexplicable dullness and insignificance.

Guide No. 9’s silhouette silently emerged in this void, with the ancient golden scepter gathered in the palm, as if a pilgrim stepped on the most central Ancient Road.

Each step is full of piety, and every action is full of awe. The silhouette of Guide No. 9 has been walking on this ancient road for a long, long time…

“Using Antiquity’s covenant as a medium, sacrificing the fate of the pinnacle of this world, as evidenced by the aspirations of all living things Myriad Races, the humble servants of the 9th Burning Sanctuary call to you with the most pious heart Resurrection, the gate of the great dust-covered Heaven and Earth, the witness field of the vast years, the sanctuary of endless living things!”

Guide No. 9’s silhouette knelt in front of the giant gate, touched a strange crystal with both hands, emitting a misty and endless brilliance, moved towards the ancient giant gate in front of him to sacrifice.


The crystals turned into streamers and poured into the door. The ancient huge door seemed to be activated, countless mysteries, authority, and the way… disappeared, the entire giant door slowly opened, sending out like a grinding wheel rotating The dull voice, a touch of dusty boundless years, the aura of throughout time, seems to have crossed the end of time and reached the end of eternity.

The bizarre and endless stream of light is full of unparalleled vitality. An extremely bright picture of the universe slowly unfolds, the endless and bright Star River, the illusory shadow of 100,000 Heaven and Earth, and the four long rivers of gold, silver, blue and black. Passing through the void, there is amazingly time, destiny, and the two rivers of life and death, a real and complete domain of Primal Chaos.

“The creatures of sinful land!”

“If you open the dusty realm, you can know the crime!”

A vast, dull and extremely majestic voice intertwined, and the soul shivered unconsciously.

“Great, Supreme, Supreme’s existence, how dare a humble servant open the door to the dust, but that person appeared…”

Guide No. 9 Before kneeling down at the giant gate, the whole body shuddered, and he didn’t dare to move even when he moved. It was full of unparalleled silence and coldness, and only felt that the soul was frozen in ice.



The ancient and majestic voice disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. It seems that all existence and cause and effect have been clearly understood.

“Great, Supreme, Supreme’s existence, humble servant, thank you for your generosity.”

“The Supreme Commander of Great Earl, the Brilliant Lord of Immortal, the Frost Flower on the battlefield, the Hunter at the End of Eternity, the leader of the Seven Civilizations, the Owner of the Holy Grail, the True Walker of the Lord of Miracles, the only Demon Killer —Elena*Evelyn* Under the crown of glory…”

“The servants of the 9th Burning Land request your presence!”

Guide No. 9 Creeping on the ground, I read an extremely obscure name. When the last word was finished, the whole person was still gasping for breath, almost the True Spirit collapsed and died.

“Who is calling my true body…”

“Do I remember you… the final chapter opened?”

“Finally…Finally waited for this day…He is back again…”

“The multiple taboo Legendary, the co-lord of the myth, the Alliance Leader of Heaven and Earth, the king of order and chaos, the founder of the twelve sides, the last inheritance of the fairy, the only lord of dooms and natural disasters, fiend in human form Gu Huang ……My eternal enemy and best friend, you are finally back.”

“I, you, a long, long time, six volumes of ancient history, no victory or defeat!”

“At the end of the chapter, if you decide to compete, you will also divide life and death!”

“fiend in human form, your Legendary is destined to end by me.”

At the other end of the ancient giant gate, the entire universe Primal Chaos seems to be forbidden, only a silhouette slowly looming, like tearing apart the ancient giants of Primal Chaos, forcibly propping up the universe of Primal Chaos, and evolving into Heaven and Earth all living things.

A silhouette of a woman with long blue hair and shawl, her skin like snow, and her facial features like creations from the heavens emerged. She wore a pure white robe full of magical wind. Even the loose robe could hardly hide her lithe and graceful figure. Especially the pair of oppa forcibly propped up the saint robes, full of swelling and explosion, especially the white touch on the chest, it was extremely dazzling.

The two long legs hidden under the loose saint robe are even more difficult to hide, especially the exposed pair of jade foot, which seems to be able to step through the light of the world and bully the first place.

Elegant, mysterious, noble, charming, glamorous, like a Spiritual God sitting on the top of the cloud, like a Queen who controls everything, and even more like a monster spirit full of charm, it is hard to imagine that a creature would gather like this So much temperament.

Especially the 12 Pairs silver wings behind it, filled with countless mysteries, authority, and principles, it seems that everything mysterious in Heaven and Earth is engraved on the twenty-four wings.

Elena*Evelyn* shines.

Countless ages, different races, nations, civilizations, Heaven and Earth have many different titles. He was once the shining lord of Supreme Supreme and the Pisces commander of the Great Ecuador Empire.

A supreme existence that has set foot in Supreme, entrenched itself at the end, a slumber in the dusty Primal Chaos domain, is also the only mortal enemy of fiend in human form Gu Huang, and the only nemesis.

It is also the only one after another supreme powerhouse that has killed fiend in human form three times. Even among the endless Supreme, it is also the top ten powerhouse.

He is both a close friend of Huang Old Demon and his mortal enemy.

Each volume of ancient history is irreconcilable to Old Demon, but this one is her real body.

“Sir…he’s back…but there seems to be a difference…the humble servant dare not take him directly to the door…and Sir sleeps…it is a sin worthy of death…”

“Now I only beg Sir…how to decide.”

Guide No. 9 Before kneeling down on the giant gate, I didn’t dare to peer into Elena’s half-silhouette, because Aura alone could crush him to death.

“No need to ask for instructions, business as usual!”

The glorious silhouette of Elena*Evelyn* stands on Heaven and Earth, and the majestic voice echoes in the void, and there is a touch of contemplation on the facial features that look like God’s creation.

fiend in human form, the final chapter…

The layout of six volumes of ancient history… everything will be staged in the last chapter…

“Yes, Sir!” Guide No. 9 responded, and the ancient giant door slowly closed as if it had never appeared, and as soon as the giant door closed, no one found a golden light spot. Flew out from No. 9 and plunged into the depths of the giant gate……

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