
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Respect, what are you thinking about?”

When the light of the heart of Huang Old Demon returned to its place, the silhouette of the thin old man also appeared, holding a yellowed old jade slip in his palm, and his expression was full of calm…

Sir, sorry!

You are not dead, we have trouble sleeping and eating.

Don’t blame us for being ruthless, blame you for being too big, too many people want you to die.

You alone are a greater threat than everyone else.

For all living things, I have to sacrifice you. After all, you are the Great Demon King full of love and justice.

I believe this is also to satisfy your long-cherished wish.

“Old Mister, I can take this trip for you, but I need careful planning and a lot of resources.”

“Also, I will try my best to upgrade my cultivation base to Supreme Path in the most limited time. Only when I reach the Taoist level, I will have the confidence to face various emergencies.”

“I wonder if Old Mister can do it, otherwise it will only be a risk.”

Gu Huang sat in the void and opened the pupil light slightly, with a slightly ending expression. Now he is thinking of each other and singing each other, it depends on who is more realistic than the other.

old fellow, this Young Master, I really want to thank you for giving me such an opportunity, something that I never even dared to think about and did.

There is no chance in a trillion, I will bet on a glimmer of survival.

An opportunity to cut the connection with all living things, time, destiny, cause and effect, Heaven and Earth, and even the dead market.

Seven chapters of ancient history have passed, everything I have experienced will not be accidental, the entire Heaven and Earth don’t know how many Lao Yinbi is staring, studying everything about me, everything I do, It’s all in the pit you dug.

Numerous series of huge pits have given me a real chance to run out.

Out of the dead market, out of the birth world, out of Supreme, out of this big world……

“Respect driving, No. 9 small town, I will do everything to help you, and this jade slip was given to you by three manager Sirs.”

“The three manager Sirs said that this jade slip was sent by the existence that was suppressed by the Great Ecuador Empire, who used the last force to send it out.”

“What’s in it? Even the three manager Sirs didn’t know. The one who was suppressed once said that this jade slip can only be solved by fate.”

“You are from Mythological Era. You have been fighting against evil things, and are recognized by the three Grand Laws. Three manager Sirs let you give it a try?”

“old man will not bother you, so I will prepare everything you need.”

The skinny old man left the jade slip in his palm, moved towards Huang Old Demon gave a salute, and then left quietly again, but did not find a tiny spot of light integrated into his body.

Respect, this jade slip is indeed left by you, but it’s not you now, but you from a long time ago…

The intelligence is true, but it is out of date, and everything has been analyzed by us.

About your next steps, every thing you do, we have already penetrated, and you have no secrets before us.

Whether you look at it or not, you have no chance. The front is your end.

“Boss, there is fraud, so I can’t watch it.”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, this is the end of the matter, so why not look at it?”

“Boss, infinite Heaven and Earth, hundreds of millions of Space-Time, I don’t know how many singularities exist, absolutely not to be ignored.”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, what you are talking about is reasonable, so I will temporarily close the realm of the soul to avoid being taken advantage of.”


The voice of the Space-Time spirit hadn’t fallen yet, and was banned by Huang Old Demon with the light of the soul, the power of eternal destruction, and the Devouring Power. His expression calmly looked at the jade slip in his palm, and his heart was faintly filled. With the unpredictable excitement, the power of the soul poured into it silently, and the light of the soul of Old Demon was strongly drawn, and the depths of the jade slip have undergone unexplainable changes…

The light of the heart of Huang Old Demon entered a strange place, and saw a mysterious and incomparable brand floating, emitting a misty white light, giving a warm, gentle aura.

The Gu Huang manifest of the state of the light of the soul, after a moment of contemplation, with a mysterious smile on his face, I saw that the power of the soul was the core, which led to the eternal destruction and devouring strength of Taboo of the body, a black One ash and two mists poured in, and quickly poured into the brand ahead.


The white brand made a huge noise, and it disappeared in an instant, and a vortex like a water curtain was faintly formed, which seemed to lead to an unknown domain, but a silhouette emerged from the vortex in an instant.

“Wu! I met again, the future me, I don’t know which chapter of ancient history you came from, but according to my calculation, it is at least the last chapter. If you can see it, you must have seen our little discipline Up.”

“Don’t worry that what I left you will be peeped. It’s not the real me in the future. I can’t grasp the swallowing, eternal extinction, origin, and the big side power that has been conceived and created in the future. You can’t see me at all.”

“If you see our little discipline, I believe it should have appeared at the intersection at this moment. Don’t be surprised how I knew. The hearts of those old friends are very strong, but we are not good people either. It’s not that it’s been out for a day, who doesn’t know whose means.”

“The future me, you have to listen clearly. The identity we currently have, the trump card, the means, the power, everything that can be used, are all clearly understood by the old ladies, the only one is what we expected The thirteenth side force, if you master it, then it is the only proof that you can jump out.”

“The Holy Grail is very difficult to deal with, really very difficult to deal with. The commander of Pisces is also very strong. I have suffered a lot from her hand. This woman is not simple, and the trump card in her hand is also Quite a few, there are several old Yinbi backs behind it, but I have killed her in three ancient history chapters and found that she is actually a pawn, more accurately a puppet, so I did it 4th time, 5th time, In the 6th chapter, she was hacked to death three times, which is regarded as returning her cause and effect.”

“Of course, you know, that woman is indeed very strong, but she is also quite foolish. I told her everything before the 6th death, so I reached a PY…no…agreement…a real The agreement… naturally cooperates.”

“The future me, listen carefully. This woman only recognizes the secret order. If there is no accident, it should be understood by those old Yinbi, but fortunately still has one hand, that is to dance the Primal Chaos sacrifice… …”

“No. 9 Those few things in the town, find a chance to eradicate them! I will leave you with a secret spell, you can summon one of the low-latitude corpses, but you can only use it once. “

“This time is really going to die. The future me, everything is left to you. I have no legacy left. All our layout, plot against, is in the eyes of Supreme , It’s always just a chess piece, it’s too difficult, it’s really too difficult, I can finally fall asleep.”

“In the future, I hope you can succeed. You must jump out. Only if you jump out, you are qualified to know more secrets…”

The picture has disappeared again, and Gu Huang’s light of the soul has returned, but the expression on his face is very peculiar, and it is indescribably ugly…

Having a rush, what fierce person was this Young Master before?

Get tough and even plot against yourself!

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