
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


Gu Huang sitting on the void, the pupil light suddenly opened, full of terrified look, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and the whole person gasped violently, even from in the depth of one’s soul is filled with deep horror and anxiety.

“Boss, why is it so panic?”

In the depths of the soul, Space-Time’s spirit naturally keenly felt Gu Huang’s mind fluctuations. It was a kind of inner fear and coldness, fiend in human form that was never afraid of heaven and earth. What made him so panic.

“Space-Time spirit, I caught a glimpse of Supreme……”

Gu Huang tried his best to calm his mind, and his heart was filled with extreme panic, but he suppressed this thought. There are some unthinkable, thinking, reading, words, words…

Even if you accidentally say something about the little bit, you will be aware of it.

Taboos cannot be guessed, Supreme cannot be delusional!

The commander of Pisces, Elena*Evelyn* Glory, is it my once mortal enemy?

Only one after another killed me three times in seven chapters of ancient history.

She turned out to be one of Supreme!

The commander of the twelve constellations, the ruler of the Holy Grail, is not the spokesperson introduced by the seven civilizations, but one of the bosses behind the alliance of the seven civilizations.

It is the real body of Yunxi, the lord of miracles…

No wonder, every time I see that naughty little girl in Yunxi, there is an uncontrollable killing intent.

In the past, what kind of py deal did I have with her, which made her body resurrect. Based on what this Young Master has done to this naughty little girl, I really want to go to the period when the Great Evil Empire was first built. Over the years, this naughty little girl must not poke this Young Master into ashes!


Fortunately, I dug the hole in advance, leaving enough back players. A trumpet of this Young Master has sneaked into the domain where Supreme is located…

No, although there are enough trumpets, it is difficult to guarantee that the old yin of those hearts is better than all kinds of plots. You have to change your strategy.

“Boss, do you…want to court death? You dare to peek Supreme…”

“No, Boss, how did you peep.”

“Supreme didn’t even feel it, and you can come back alive, you can’t be…”

“Boss, 99 trumpets are missing one, you shouldn’t put that trumpet into the eternal realm!”

In the depths of the realm of mind, the Spirit of Space-Time swept the gold pupil light, and immediately the whole person slumped directly on the Spirit Sea of ​​life, and the 99 trumpets were actually missing one.

Crazy, crazy, really crazy ah!

99 trumpets, that is an essential part of the big plan.


This bastard Boss, unexpectedly…

“The Spirit of Space-Time, calm, calm, I have already let the trumpet stand up, maybe it will be useful in the future, of course, this probability is less than 1/10000th.”

“Adventure is not without gain, at least I have gained an important piece of information. Is it called the Eternal Realm?”

“Although it was just a glimpse, it is indeed an extremely powerful domain. I perceive the complete Heavenly Dao, which is the place of the Supreme where all living things dreams of, and the ultimate place of our Human Race’s dream.”

“Above Supreme, the eternal realm, is it that you have issued the edict of the Human Race of the Eternal Death Ruins?”

“Sooner or later, one day, I will go to flatten you.”

“Space-Time Spirit, let’s start! The Ashes Project is officially launched, and it’s time for us to separate.”

Gu Huang silhouette stood up slowly from the void, the whole person’s face was full of calm and indifference, I hope the Ashes Project will never be activated, but it won’t work if you don’t, this is only one after another opportunity to break free , How to gamble.

Project Ashes!

Let it die and then resurrect, born a spark from the ashes.

I used to plot against myself, so how can I not plot against myself?

If you want to do it, you must sacrifice its head.

If the chance of one in a trillion is broken, it depends on this time.

“Boss, I won’t go…”

In the depths of the realm of the soul, the Spirit of Space-Time trembles slightly, and the ashes plan that is put to death and then born, the Boss is really crazy, and crazy to the extreme…

fiend in human form, my only love in this life.

How can I abandon you again!

Life after life…

Only now will I be with you Three Eternal Ji……

“What a fool!”

“You have your destiny, I have my way, you should go back and perform your duties, and I should bet on a glimmer of survival.”

“The Great Qin Empire in the future will be handed over to you. Keep Qin’s arrogance.”

“Take the spirit realm and leave, don’t forget what I told you, and never give up our core team.”

“If Project Ashes can be achieved, I believe I will have time to participate in team battles.”

“This Young Master can’t bear you either, but it’s a pity that it’s time to be parted. When you leave here, you will completely forget the Ashes Project…”

“If one day, the Great Qin Empire no longer has the legend of fiend in human form, and the entire Heaven and Earth is no longer taboo, then it will prove that I succeeded…”

Gu Huang’s mind descended into the spiritual realm. Looking at the Spirit of Space-Time in front of him, there was only a long and incomparable sigh. He really didn’t want to be separated, but he had to be separated…

Drag the corpse all the way, hoping to…

that’s all, that’s all, the ashes rekindled, and a trace of sparks reappeared. That is the probability of in ten-thousand does not have one.

“Stupid Boss, do you know who I am?”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, don’t tell me, don’t tell me, because I’m afraid I will not be willing to leave you.”

“Idiot, idiot, let me stay, OK, I take away the spiritual realm, you will die…”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, I am actually very afraid of death. If there is a spiritual realm, I will be dependent. When I make up my mind, I will go quickly! Don’t hesitate.”

“Boss, if your plan is successful…you will come back, right? Can I make a request?”

“This…well! Tell me…but I can’t guarantee you can do it.”

“Boss, since you agree, then give me back alive, or I… will kill the empress.”


“Stupid Boss, what I said and done, dare you not come back, I will really kill the empress, and you must come to me immediately…otherwise I will really kill the empress.”

“Cough! Cough! The Spirit of Space-Time, it’s not that I look down on you. The Demoness is very strong. Even if you master the power of the spiritual realm, I am afraid you may not be able to…”

“Stupid Boss, no one in this world can kill the empress, because the only person who can kill her is me. She was the empress of Supreme Supreme, and I was the most precious empress of Paragon in the world…”


“Don’t believe me? Idiot Boss, but I won’t tell you now. I’ll understood the day when you wait till you get back. I won’t take away the spiritual realm. Just keep it! This belongs to Your things, if you can come back, I will immediately perceive you, and I will take away the spirits of hundreds of millions of people. Those villain spirits who refuse to sleep will be left to the boss. After all, there is only you, the Great Demon King. Can really cure them…”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, I have always wanted to ask you why you feel like a silly girl sometimes, sometimes like a blue butterfly, sometimes like Tigress, and sometimes like Ruoer, also Like Huanger and Qin Xi……”

“Stupid Boss, what do you think? I’m leaving…that’s all…that’s all… take care…”

In the depths of the soul realm, the Spirit of Space-Time gently turned around, two rows of gold tears slid down, dripping into the depths of the Spirit Sea of ​​life, and her spirit escaped silently The spiritual realm turned into an invisible spot of light and flew out of No. 9 town, disappeared into the depths of a crack in the universe, and finally turned into a spiritual light moved towards the dead ruins……

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