
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Guye, unfortunately, there is bad news. This system just detected that the 21st was lost and did not enter the taboo Space-Time, but set foot on the parallel Nine Provinces.”

“What? Spicy chicken system, what you said is true.”

“Guye, such a major event, how dare this system make a joke, if this system does not make a wrong calculation, then the fiend in human form left by the parallel Nine Provinces Space-Time, the forbidden taboo name, should be the serial code Twenty-one.”

“what? Spicy chicken system, I don’t understand it.”

“Gu Ye, Nine Provinces parallel Space-Time, the name of fiend in human form cannot be mentioned, and the main god Zi Qianliu was almost killed, according to the information held by this system, it is another fiend in timeline Human form, but the entire multiple Heaven and Earth, countless timelines, you are the only fiend in human form, how is it possible to come up with another fiend in human form, and now it looks right, no wonder the sick lady is the first to see you I sent out the Void Mask and gave you enough privileges to make sure she knew everything.”

“Spicy chicken system, you mean everything that has not been sacrificed has already happened, and now it is the beginning of everything.”

“Guye, it’s not right to say that, time, destiny, cause and effect are inherently corrective, but the three laws are not all-powerful. There will always be accidents, like the things in front of you, but twenty-one No. went to Nine Provinces parallel Space-Time, this system knows that it is the interference of the three laws itself, because to ensure that time forms a perfect closed loop, the long river of time you see is not a direct current, but a ring-shaped existence.”

“Spicy chicken system, so aren’t the three laws themselves helping me? As long as I’m not doing too well, the three laws will ignore my existence. This Young Master shows you something. “

Speaking, Gu Huang directly presents the pictures from the spirit of Space-Time to the spicy chicken system…

“what! Soga! Soga! This system understands, but you are facing two choices, one is to change everything in the origin and the other is to maintain the status quo.”

“If you change, Great Qin disappears and does not exist. If it does not change, Space-Time is forbidden to enter the mainstream once.”

“The Great Qin also does not exist. This is a near-unsolved killing game, but it also gives you a big gift.”

“tsk tsk! Gu Ye, still that sentence, risk and benefit coexist, it seems to kill the game, but it is also an opportunity.”

“Taboo Space-Time is already a piece of Space-Time Secret Realm. Everything that happened inside is already a solidified history on the outside. Some old Yin-Yi than want to pit you in, so that the time seal disappears into the mainstream. “

“But Gu Ye, let him do all kinds of plot against, thousands of layouts, if this piece of Space-Time Secret Realm is gone.”

The sound of the system is full of overwhelming ecstasy, and finally can save a lot of resources and energy. It is really sleepy. Someone sent a pillow. The one who stepped on the horse and took him to take it away, swallowed this piece. Space-Time Secret Realm.

“Spicy chicken system, you mean…”

“Guye, yes, this system is what it means, just take it away.”

“Trash system, this Young Master knows what you mean, but how to pack it, such a huge piece of Space-Time Secret Realm, all three irreversible laws are dreaded.”

“Master Gu, don’t you still have a broken Heaven and Earth? The sky and earth left you, but Heaven and Earth has been exhausted, all the stars are gone, and this Space-Time Secret Realm, isn’t it tailored for you?”

“Spicy chicken system, you mean to devour the core of the original ancestral land and directly integrate into the broken Heaven and Earth left by the Emperor Tianhuang, so that the two parties Heaven and Earth will merge…”

“Ran Ye! Ran Ye! Gu Ye, in this way, not only Space-Time Secret Realm can be broken, but also able to recover and break Heaven and Earth. Once the two parties Heaven and Earth merge, then no matter its origin and birth The all living creatures are all strong metamorphosis, enough to make the native ancestors reappear again, and the mythological fairy you are looking forward to will be born.”

“Spicy chicken system, you can think of it, others may not think of it. This piece of Space-Time Secret Realm feels fear even the three irreversible laws. It is likely that it will be like the memory of the screen, and there will be many powerhouses, even There is also the Heaven, Earth and Human war, and even the old Yin-Yin ratio that twisted the life and death river. Unsurprisingly, here is the same as the parallel Nine Provinces…”

“Guye, don’t think about it, it must be the same as the parallel Nine Provinces, so plundering the core origin is the only opportunity. Only by plundering the core of the origin ancestral land and fusing it with both Heaven and Earth is the only way to let As time goes on, there will not be any obstacle to fate, and there is only one chance to plunder the core, that is, after the end of the Heaven, Earth and Human war.”

“Spicy chicken system, then the problem is back, I have plundered the core, then Heavenly Realm and Thirty Three Heavens on the other side will not exist, and even the Remnant Soul of hundreds of millions of people will disappear…”

“Gu Ye… This… If you want to keep the Great Qin, you have to make a choice… Because the extremely ancient Human Race and the descendants of the Zhuxia civilization are also your ethnic group, even if you don’t want to make a choice. , I’m afraid it won’t work either.”

“Spicy chicken system, I have already made a trade-off, I don’t want to make a trade-off anymore, why do others have to lay out, we must jump, why do I have to solidify history.”

“Guye, if you don’t solidify history, then the future direction will have unpredictable changes. All the people, things, and things in it must happen according to the existing history, that is to say, you have entered. You can’t change what’s already happening, so grabbing the core is the only chance.”

“Spicy chicken system, what kind of tampering is that? What’s the point of going in? I really don’t want to continue to choose, so I decided to dive into it in another way.”

“Oh! Grandpa, what do you want to do?”

Gu Huang brows tightly knit up, and did not care about the spicy chicken system, because the continuation of all these things has reached an unprecedented point, really set foot in it, the risks involved are really great .

Taboo things in Space-Time will be made more dangerous by Parallel Nine Provinces, and the history must be solidified, the established events cannot be changed, and the Great Qin must be continued.

Take away the core of the ancestral land. That is the next strategy. The Heaven, Earth and Human War alone is a huge pit in itself. Who knows the old Yin-Yin ratio that twists the river of life and death? What is placed in it?

For today’s plan, I can only find other ways. Since I can’t change the established facts, then go for it.

“Spicy chicken system, must go to go, but how to go, when to go there is particular.”

“You were not able to lead me to the Great Qin with a will, give me a position of fiend in human form, but also let me be an order monarch.”

“Now, why cannot imitate again.”

Gu Huang’s pupil light is filled with a little smile, because there is only one chance to step on the real body. He does not step on it one day, and Space-Time is taboo in a cycle.

“Guye, this system can’t do ah! It used to be that time has not changed, you can play as you like, now you see what age ah this is!”

“The three major rules are all personally covered up for you, but it is almost straightforward, and here is the taboo Space-Time, which is also an infinite loop Space-Time.”

“You are really inaccessible, even if this system is trying to make trouble, it is not ah!”

The system sells miserably in minutes. After all, only when Gu Ye enters, he can fish fast. Gu Ye doesn’t go in, and it doesn’t work if he wants to fish.

The uncle of the host is becoming more and more savvy.

This system will definitely not admit that there are one hundred ways today, which can silently get rid of the taboo Space-Time, but that is not conducive to the growth of Gu Ye and will make him dependent.

Guye, this system is for your good…

4 even ask for monthly tickets!

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