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“It is worthy of the soul of the time priest. I haven’t swallowed the soul of the powerhouse in a long time, and I almost forget the taste.”

“Boss, I found a good thing, take a look for yourself.”

“I believe it will be helpful for your next Space-Time trip.”

In the depths of the realm of the soul, a smile on the face of Space-Time’s spirit reveals a swallow of Maba’s soul. His Spirit Physique is much stronger, and a wave of aura flashes, which is reflected in the realm of the soul. A picture.

The picture shows that it is a long time before the epoch, and a terrible word intent has been separated from it, and since then has formed a dark zone like nothingness in the middle.

Time has been cut off!

A long time ago, there was a broken azure robe, covered in blood, and a young man with long black hair and scattered clothes.

At the downstream end stands a silhouette of a white mist-covered silhouette, roaring at the azure robe people of the upstream time, and a dark empty space zone that cannot cross past becomes a barrier.

In the end, the loneliness of the azure robe disappeared, and the silhouette of the downstream roared, but it could not change the fact.

The azure robe is the 2nd emperor Luo Qingchen, and the white fog silhouette is the opponent of the emperor III, an unnamed powerful existence, and the fierce person who broke the river of life and death with his bare hands.

Since the countless hours, the silhouette of Baiwu has been standing for a long time, a long time, and it is too long to know how many years…

Until one day, when the silhouette of Baiwu was about to disappear, a door appeared in the dark zone of the river at both ends, a bronze giant door that had never appeared in history.

Baiwu silhouette stayed for a long time, but did not dare to get close to this door, until I did not know how long this door stood, one day the giant bronze door opened, and several silhouettes came out of it.

Severely wounded Emperor Hongkong, who was almost dying, as well as gorgeous peerless, gorgeous crown Heaven and Earth, the last female emperor of the extremely ancient Human Race.

The emperor never stepped on any end of time, but walked in the middle of the dark void, the white fog silhouette followed in secret, and dived through countless Primal Chaos, the void, the dark and dead void, and several of them mostly fallen among them.

But in the end, a silhouette of his final emperor came to an ancient Boss land that no one knew and had floated in Primal Chaos for some time.

Baiwu silhouette at first glance knows that it is the origin of the extremely ancient Human Race, and it is also the ancient Old Ancestor land that everyone has been looking for but never found.

The rumor is from the original Place of Origin of the extremely ancient Human Race. The Human Dao destiny is full of vitality and radiance, which makes Baiwu silhouette inexplicable panic and excitement.

The original ancestral land, the seed of life!

He found the seed of life left by the emperor he had been looking for, the last place of life in the dead market.

The extremely ancient Human Race, descendants of the Zhuxia civilization, are also hidden in it. Baiwu silhouette saw the emperor put the emperor into the sky, and it is also far away from the ancient Nine Heavens. The direct lineage of the monster clan, let it marry the Human Race of the original ancestral land, and let the Emperor Hongshi Race always guard the Human Race ancestral land forever.

Later, the female emperor left and led the giant bronze gate to disappear.

The silhouette of Baiwu quietly lurked into the origin of Human Race. After observing several eras, he finally decided to start, so he ordered the lost Heaven, Earth and Human emperor incarnation to come.

An originally peaceful ancestral land has completely changed its flavor since the advent of the famine. It directly provoked disputes among the descendants of the Xia, Emperor Hong, and the extremely ancient Human Race descendants.

The final result, the aloof and remote of the Emperor Hong’s, beyond everything, the descendants of the extremely ancient Human Race are wiped out, and the bloodline of the Xia clan clan is almost dead.

Fu Huang appeared as Savior, reset the order, made Human Sovereign of the ancestral homeland of several epochs, and finally passed to Cangli.

Since the abdication of the famine, the Cangli inherited the great rule. The first is to persecute the descendants of the extremely ancient Human Race. The Human Sovereign Palace built alone will bury the bones of hundreds of millions of extremely ancient people. .

The whole ancestral place was in a mess. The descendants of the Zhuxia civilization were suppressed, and they had to acknowledge allegiance to the Cangli family. However, the descendants of the extremely ancient Human Race were persecuted, and were once almost genocide.

If the Xi people of the descendants of the Zhuxia civilization tried their best to protect, they might have been completely killed.

Human Sovereign has no way, people’s grievances are boiling, and people’s hearts are broken.

In addition to the secret layout of the famine, it attracted the Supreme Celestial Court and Ming Sect of the downstream Space-Time, which directly led to the outbreak of the Heaven, Earth and Human war.

In the first battle, Celestial Court’s five sides Heaven and Earth fell four, Ming Sect three kings fell, Human Sovereign Cangli’s whereabouts unknown, all eight lords died, and the descendants of the extremely ancient Human Race descended.

In that battle, the core of the original ancestral land collapsed, and there was the inexpressible existence of Supreme Celestial Court, which charged 70% of the seven core core evolution Thirty Three Heavens.

Good fortune Tianding and Good fortune Heavenly Sword from Foreign Domain received 20% of them and evolved Heavenly Realm on the other side.

Just as the last point of origin was about to collapse, it evolved from it the twelve ancient symbols of the gold giant, drawing this point of origin under the Heavenly Realm Human Sovereign city on the other side.

The original ancestral land collapsed and disappeared, clansman fell in countless times, when all the dust settled, I don’t know how many epochs, the bronze giant gate reappeared, the white clothed bloody empress returned, but everything was too late.

At that moment, the empress was mad, and in spite of all burning life and soul, all the creatures drilled from the giant bronze gate were slaughtered.

At the moment of exhaustion, the Empress was irresistible and was about to die completely, but was stopped by the dripping Paragon lurking for unknown years…

The picture is cut off from now on, it seems that everything is clear, and this is a picture hidden in the depth of one’s soul, but it is not the memory of Mabao, but the silhouette of the white mist.

“Is the destruction of the original ancestral land?”

“The layout of Emperor Tianhuang’s countless years, but Di Ning has fallen into a species of life that he didn’t want to say. Has it been destroyed?”

“Baiwu silhouette, Hongmeng forbidden zone, this blood debt…I will liquidate with you sooner or later…”

“Space-Time Spirit, do you know what?”

Gu Huang is extremely shocked. He basically knows the destruction of some origins, but it is such an intuitive embodiment, but it is the first time I saw…

The descendants of the Zhuxia civilization, the descendants of the extremely ancient Human Race, should have been a brilliant recovery, and now it has caused the destruction of the ancestral land…

Hundreds of millions of people are buried in human Sovereign Your Majesty, and Cangli old thief is also a pawn against plot against.

There are also the twelve ancient symbols, which seem to exist within the body.

“Boss, now you should know why the Great Qin Empire can be put back, and you should also understand what you will face when entering the taboo Space-Time?”

“According to my understanding of Space-Time, this Space-Time breakpoint sealed by the river of time has formed a Space-Time Secret Realm just like Parallel Nine Provinces.”

“And it is in an infinite loop, and it is already a real event. Although you have the only power to tamper, if it really changes.”

“Once imported into the mainstream of time, the Great Qin Empire will not exist today, which means that this taboo Space-Time, whether you go or not, will be a huge killing.”

“Although the three irreversible laws cover everything for you, you have to face a choice, whether to protect the original ancestral land and let the species of life survive, or not to change, to retain the Great Qin in today’s heyday.”

“I can be sure that the crisis you encounter when you step into it will be thousands of times that of the past.”

The voice of Space-Time Spirit is full of helplessness, originally thought that it will be a rewriting of the legend, but some people arranged the killing game early.

As long as Boss stepped into it, everything will become a solidified history.

Beginning monthly pass!

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