
You can search “Unparalleled Villain System Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Heh! Spicy chicken system, really didn’t expect that one day, the three irreversible laws of time, destiny, and cause and effect will require my Villain to come and save.”

“I can’t help but wonder if someone is deliberately trying to trap me with race, empire, and civilization. Do you want to take the opportunity to find something?”

“The established history cannot be changed, the spicy chicken system, can I understand this way, as long as everything in the taboo Space-Time is destroyed, then the normal history will not be changed.”

“That is to say, as long as the results are the same, the process is naturally indifferent, right.”

In the void above the Space-Time river, I don’t know how long it has passed. Gu Huang slowly opened the pupil light, with an imperceptible smile on his mouth.

“Master Gu, nine-headed sacks…Your smiling face is panicked by the system…Master Gu…Master Gu…Ancestor Gu…What on earth do you want to do?”

“The ancestor of this system, ah! Don’t mess around… If you have any ideas, you must say it, and this system will advise you.”

“Would you do it alone…absolutely or…we are a group…”

system Seeing Gu Huang calm as the wind and smiling, he immediately panicked, because whenever Gu Ye showed this smile, it meant that he would not play cards according to the routine.

And 99% point ninety-nine, he is going to do something again. Needless to say, the system will be blocked, which is completely prepared to go it alone.

No, this is very wrong, very bad, absolutely wrong!

Taboo Space-Time, the breakpoint of two eras, will move the whole body with one…

“Spicy chicken system, you won’t help me anyway. Instead of thinking and meditating here, it’s better to follow my own ideas.”

“There is an old saying on Earth that is good. It depends on the sky and the people. This Young Master walked in the rivers and lakes in his previous life. There are no 1,000 but 800.”

“The layout of plot against is to grasp the priority of intelligence, but what I lack now is intelligence, but accidents always happen in everything.”

“Spicy chicken system, I have a total of eight disciplines in thousands of disciplines, one of which is a deception and failure, and is responsible for cleaning up the aftermath.”

“Therefore, I also understand this uniqueness. No matter how big the Primal Chaos is, Heaven and Earth are wide, and the powerhouse is strong, but you can’t escape humanity after all…”

“Since I opened the net, I will tear it apart completely. The big deal is either the fish dies or the net splits.”

After saying that, Gu Huang raised his head and looked up at endless void, and instantly turned into his true identity, slowly drew out the folding fan, and backhanded the silver sword behind him, his hair was dancing with no wind, calm, unrestrained, and calm. Set foot in the time barrier.

Heaven and Earth rotate, Space-Time replacement, it seems to cross hundreds of millions of Star River in an instant, I don’t know how many layers of the universe have been walked out, and it seems to have entered the sea of ​​ether, quantum space, increasing the dimensionality from low latitudes…

I don’t know how long it has been!

For an instant, it seems like ten thousand years, even eternity.

Gu Huang has descended upon an endless, vast and boundless darkness since the time barrier was instantaneously. He stands in the dark void, filled with death, desolation, and shattered horror sword intent.

I don’t know how many miles apart the dark zone at both ends. You can clearly see the divided river of time. One end is connected to the vast and distant past, and the other end is the unknown future.

“Sword intent that is overbearing, cuts off time, destiny, cause and effect…It is the emperor Luo Qingchen…”

“The vast years have passed, but the word intent has not disappeared. If I don’t understand your law and physique is enough for tenacious, I am afraid it will be wiped out by your remaining word intent.”

“Another Space-Time Secret Realm, I’m going to see what kind of killings are there, the origin of the descendants of the Zhu Xia civilization and the extremely ancient Human Race, if the memory of the time priest is correct, It should be deep in the dark zone covered by this sword intent.”

“Space-Time Secret Realm, infinite loop, want me to make a choice, to be your spring and autumn dream!”

“How can you understand the power mastered by this Young Master.”

“The real body is spiritualized and will be protected forever!”

Gu Huang’s voice was so low that the gold aura on the body diffused instantly, from the substantive existence, directly turned into an all living things unseen, unknowable spirit, and the dark and dark like the abyss of nothingness. The mist shrouded the body in the state of spiritualization. If you peep carefully, you will find that the mist has a strange symbol, even Gu Huang himself has not found it. Twelve ancient symbols entrenched in the deepest part of his soul, one of which flashes With a ray of rays of light…

At this time, just as Gu Huang was about to leave, the time from the far past had suddenly changed dramatically.

I saw a middle-aged woman whose length is thousands of 10,000 li, full of broken, desolate Ancient Road extending to the breakpoint of the long river of time, a body covered with blood, dishevelled hair, wearing decaying iron armor and holding Broken Sword silhouette Staggering at the end of a long breakpoint.

And just at the end of the broken Ancient Road, a five-colored altar emerged. The silhouette of the middle-aged man was physically and mentally seemed to have reached a critical point. The silhouette fell to the altar and trembled out a jade talisman. As well as the five mysterious corner plates, they were instantly printed into the five-color altar, forming a blue Pentagram seal.

The state of spiritualization, Gu Huang under perpetual protection, pupil light staring deadly at the silhouette of a middle-aged man. This scene he has seen, not only seen, but also at the end of his Gu Family Human Sovereign road Appeared.

The five-color altar, the five corner plates, and the Pentagram seal are all deep in System Space today?

When I set foot on a long break, I actually witnessed this scene with my own eyes. Who is this person? What does jade talisman stand for?

If Gu Family Human Sovereign Lu Yingzhao’s fate vortex is right, then the starry sky Great Sage and Tongtian White Ape are the people who chase him.

The state of spiritualization, under the protection of eternal destruction, seems to be able to ignore the sword intent of the Emperor Tianhuang, and directly reverse to the other side of time.

“Why are you struggling, useless, no matter how many times you come again, you can’t break this cycle.”

“It has been twelve times on the 7th, except that everything was not formed before Space-Time Secret Realm, you accidentally sent jade talisman out.”

“But you forgot one thing, the old man and the great sky Sage also entered the other end, we are in the past and the future.”

“It is in this Space-Time Secret Realm that the past, present, and future exist at the same time.”

“”The last Human Sovereign of the Last Ancient Race of Zhuxia Civilization is also one after another Human Sovereign that has not been replaced. You have no chance.”

“No matter how many times you perform Self-destruction, Secret Realm will automatically restart, and you will automatically reproduce it again. We have understood your secret.”

“Even if you initially fled into the future Space-Time, but you have been killed by us, there is no chance, surrender is your only way to survive.”

“The summers are gone, why put up a desperate struggle!”

“Ancient invincible, old man respects you as a tough guy. I have solicited you from time to time and tolerated you 70 times. This is your last chance.”

“This time will not have a cycle, because the Space-Time breakpoint is reconnected, and everything in this Secret Realm will be re-imported into the mainstream.”

“Surrender! Ancient invincible.”

At the end of the ancient, dilapidated Ancient Road, two silhouettes, one high and one low, slowly emerged, and they were the white ape and the starry Great Sage.

Beginning monthly pass!

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