Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 919: The Fall of Power

The World Flower is a plump flower blooming on the World Tree. The flower blooms in the void, and each flower has a world. There is infinite space in the flower. There are countless small Yuanjies. They are natural gods, refined into treasures by that forbidden existence. Use it as your own residence.

This kind of flower is rare in the world, and most likely there is only one such flower in the world. In the past, when the World Tree was at its peak, it was so big that it held up the three heavens of Cangtian, Juntian, and Haotian, but it only produced one World Flower.

This big flower had a strange connection with Ye Xu, as if it was a part of his body. He sacrificed it to Yuxu Palace for a while, and finally Ye Xu gathered the big flower and closed any passage to Yuxu Palace!

The World Flower gradually shrank into the void, and seemed to disappear from this world, but Ye Xu forcibly collected the World Flower, escaped from the world, and went away happily.

The power of the Emperor of Heaven came with a bombardment. This important treasure was between the imperial weapon and the treasure of enlightenment. It was one of the Three Treasures of the Emperor of Heaven refined by the Emperor of Heaven. Although the Empress of Heaven could not activate this treasure, it was still indestructible. A loud noise broke through the petals of the World Flower and blasted into the World Flower!

Boom boom boom!

Daquan crashed through countless small Yuan realms and roared towards Ye Xu!

This was an angry blow from the Queen of Heaven. Even though she was exhausted, the power of this blow was still unstoppable, enough to easily kill Ye Xu!

Ye Xu sacrificed the Yuxu Palace and took away the Flower of the World, cutting off the Queen of Heaven's last escape route, and finally made this world-powerful woman furious.

The Little Yuan Realm in Yuxu Palace is related to her ultimate means and capital. It is the basis for her long-standing plan to ascend to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. Now Ye Xu has closed the world flower and incorporated Yuxu Palace into the flower, planning to How could she not be angry if the World Flower was hidden and Yuxu Palace was completely freed from her control?

"Goodbye, Queen of Heaven."

Ye Xu saw the power of the Emperor of Heaven coming, with a smile on his face. Suddenly his body dispersed, disappeared from the void, and turned invisible. Not only did Ye Xu disappear, but even fifty-one magical weapons from all over the world were also destroyed. Ye Xu dispersed and put it away, revealing the Little Yuan Realm where the Queen of Heaven's clone is!

The great power continued to bombard away with endless power, containing a vast power that even the emperor did not dare to confront. With a loud bang, it bombarded the clone of the Queen of Heaven.

There was a look of horror on the face of this clone of the Queen of Heaven, and it exploded with a bang. The emotions all around were shattered in an instant, and nothing remained, not even a drop of it was left!

The power of the Heavenly Emperor is the treasure of the Heavenly Emperor, which contains the will of the Nine Heavens Divine Realm. It has been sacrificed by countless Heavenly Emperors in history. Even the Queen of Heaven cannot control it. Only the Emperor of Heaven can truly control this treasure. Therefore, Ye Xu saw the Queen of Heaven. Throwing the power to bombard her, she no longer tried to refine the Queen's clone, but directly used the Queen's power to kill her own clone!

In the past, it would have been impossible for the Queen of Heaven to make such a stupid mistake, but now she was desperate and did not think carefully in her haste, so she resorted to such a stupid move!

The power of this great authority of the Heavenly Emperor did not diminish, and continued to collide, crashing into the small Yuan Realm where the love threads were entangled. Suddenly, billions of love threads shattered and turned into nothing!

Boom boom!

This small Yuan Realm was bombarded by the power of the Emperor of Heaven and immediately fell into pieces. The huge world was completely shattered in the blink of an eye, and all the worlds thousands of miles away were destroyed in one fell swoop!

The remaining power of the great power was exhausted and fell into the void. This treasure of the Emperor of Heaven finally became ownerless and fell into the depths of Yuxu Mansion.


Ye Xu and the God of Creation King and his wife exclaimed almost at the same time. They saw that the small Yuan Realm was shattered, but there were still things preserved in this violent impact. Even the impact of the Emperor of Heaven's power was not damaged at all!

The Little Yuan Realm where the Queen of Heaven's clone is located was originally the nest where the Queen of Heaven's real body was hidden. There were many palaces in it, but all of them were bombarded by the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Even one ancestral vein and several Jade Pure Spiritual Veins were destroyed. It was torn apart, but in the chaos, there were still treasures rising and falling. Among them, the ones that attracted Ye Xu's attention the most were the remains of a jade tower and the fragments of the World Tree!

The ruins of this jade building are even bigger than the one that Princess Good Fortune handed over to Ye Xu. It has three complete floors. The power of the avenue is permeated in it. Although it is invisible and formless, people can feel that there is no power in it. Unparalleled shock!

This is a fragment of the treasure of enlightenment, which is better than the imperial weapon. It is only because the Queen of Heaven has not practiced the mental method of that existence that it was not prompted by her!

If she could activate the power of the remains of the jade tower, I'm afraid she wouldn't be in such a mess this time!

The fragment of the World Tree was even bigger than the one Ye Xu got. It could even block the bombardment of the Emperor of Heaven. Although countless branches and leaves were broken, it was still spectacular!

In addition, there is a terrifying throbbing that permeates the chaotic chaos created by the shattered ancestral veins. This is a terrifying force, even more amazing than the fragments of the treasure of enlightenment, faintly You can see a huge furnace, with blazing fire in the furnace. A huge god-man stands in the fire, holding a sledgehammer high, shouting and hammering hard, and the clanking sound of iron can be clearly heard!

These gods and men were muscular and majestic. Standing in the sky fire, they seemed not to feel any heat. Even the power of the Emperor of Heaven could not hurt them at all.

A god-like man shouted incessantly, hammering up and down, creating a series of divine marks, as if he was forging some kind of treasure, but Ye Xu was still far away from the God of Creation and his wife, so they couldn't see clearly.

This scene is so weird and unexpected!

"This huge furnace is probably an imperial weapon. It can actually withstand the impact of the Heavenly Emperor's power. It's really amazing!" Princess Zaohua said in a lost voice. "It seems to be the imperial weapon of the Zhurong family. It is said that it is in the hands of the former head of the Zhurong family, Emperor Yantian!"

The God of Creation is knowledgeable and immediately recognized the origin of this furnace. He frowned: "How could this furnace fall into the hands of the Queen Mother of Heaven?"

"Is the Queen Mother of Heaven forging her own imperial weapon?"

Ye Xu looked into the furnace with lightning eyes, but the power of the Emperor of Heaven broke the Jade Pure Spiritual Veins and an Ancestral Vein one by one. The chaos was filled with mist and it was unclear what was in the furnace. He was shocked: "The Queen Mother of Heaven has a big plan. In order to refine the imperial weapon, she will definitely not use another imperial weapon as a furnace. Is she planning to refine her own treasure of proof of the Tao?"

Outside the Yuxu Palace, the Queen Mother of Heaven and the Emperors of the Gods of Heaven came in with a bang. The Queen Mother's power fell, and it was difficult to support the siege of the Emperors of the Gods of Heaven. However, the offense and defense were still fierce and unmatched. No one could stop her when she was desperate!

She fought to the death. Even the three emperors, Yongheng Emperor, Lihen Tianzhu, and Da Ri Emperor, did not dare to confront her head-on, because the emperor's dying blow was too powerful, and he might even be able to drag one of them along.

"Ye Shaobao, although I didn't kill you, I got what I wanted!"

The Queen Mother giggled non-stop, her hair was disheveled, and she rushed towards the gap opened by the world flower quilt, intending to go straight to the furnace.

At the same time, the sound of iron chains in the furnace rang out, and a vast and abyssal divine power filled the furnace. The furnace was shaking constantly. The treasure in the furnace that had not yet been successfully forged seemed to sense the breath of the Queen Mother, and it was restless and almost flew out of the furnace!

Even if this unfinished treasure was not a treasure for proving the truth, it was probably more powerful than the imperial soldiers. It even shook the furnace and made it jump endlessly. Many gods and people in the furnace exploded and turned into blood mist!

"My Queen, you have appointed me as the Lord of Yuxu Mansion, so Yuxu Palace naturally belongs to me."

Ye Xu's figure suddenly flashed and appeared outside the gap of the World Flower. He looked at the Queen and smiled, "My Yuxu Palace does not welcome you, Queen!"

The Dao rhyme surged out of his body and merged into the World Flower. The gap of the big flower slowly recovered, and there was no longer any loophole for people to enter.

The Queen shouted fiercely, and grabbed Ye Xu and the World Flower with one palm. Suddenly, her body shook violently, and she groaned. The Emperor's soldiers of Lihen Tianzhu fell and hit her delicate body, knocking the Queen from the sky to the mortal world.

Eternal Emperor followed closely, and covered it with a palm, like an eternal god, illuminating the void, and pressing his big hand on the head of the Queen.

The Queen's body shook violently, spitting blood from her mouth, and her flesh was almost crushed by the Eternal Emperor. She was still struggling desperately, and countless love charms surged around her body, blasting in all directions.

The Great Sun Emperor looked indifferent, and strode forward. The Great Sun Pure Yang Palace crushed down, crushing countless love threads and shattering the Queen Mother.

The moment the three emperors took action against the Queen Mother, they did not stop, and spread their hands to grab the World Flower, obviously intending to grab the World Flower into their own hands.

In the World Flower, there are hundreds of years of arrangements by the Queen Mother, and there are countless treasures. Each one is earth-shattering, and even the emperors are tempted, especially the power of the Emperor of Heaven, which is the treasure of the Emperor of Heaven. If it falls into the World Flower, they must get it!

"Everyone, since the Queen Mother is dead, we will see each other another day."

Ye Xu looked at the big hands of the three emperors and smiled slightly. He saw that the World Flower was getting smaller and smaller, and the flower stalk was inserted into the void, swaying slightly behind his head.

He retreated, and the World Flower suddenly bloomed, and Ye Xu's body sank into the flower room.

The three emperors grabbed with their big hands, and the World Flower suddenly disappeared into the void, piercing through the void.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The big hands of the three emperors pierced through the void one after another, and fiercely grabbed Ye Xu and the World Flower!

At this time, all the charm and love left by the Queen Mother of Heaven, a stunning woman who amazed the world, were finally completely swept away by the three emperors. Compared with Ye Xu, the Queen Mother of Heaven was their main target. If this woman escaped, with her deep mind and wisdom, it would be an extremely terrifying thing!

"Is she dead?" The Great Sun Emperor murmured, smiling and crying.

The Eternal Emperor and the Lord of Lihen were a little unsure, and murmured: "She should be dead..."

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