Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 918: The Flower of the World (The third up

Chapter 918 The Flower of the World (The third update is out, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

"What exactly does the Queen want to do? But I have already left a plan. No matter what means she has, she will not be able to escape my control!"

Ye Xu forcibly suppressed the injury. The moment the Queen's clone in Yuxu Palace took action, Wusheng Patriarch Ji Le Patriarch and others took action one after another, urging the magic weapon left by Ye Xu to turn into towering heavens and earth, sealing off Time and space sealed the small Yuan Realm where the Queen of Heaven's clone was.

Feng Yanrou, Demon Emperor, Xiang Ji and others flew out one after another. Feng Yanrou's body swayed slightly, and thirty-three female heavenly emperors walked out above her head. Each of them activated a heaven to refine the thirty-three magic weapons into one, and the demon The two of them, Huang Xiangji, joined forces to activate the magic weapon of the eighteenth level of hell, and jointly besieged the clone of the Queen of Heaven!

And Su Qiaoqiao, she sacrificed the Hunyuan Golden Dou and stared at the seal of heaven and earth. If Patriarch Wusheng and others were defeated by the clone of the Queen of Heaven, they sacrificed the golden dou, a magic weapon!

Ye Xu has regarded Yuxu Palace as his lair and arranged it perfectly. Even though the clone of the Queen of Heaven has the fighting power of the God King, he cannot break the seal of heaven and earth for a moment and re-sacrifice Yuxu Palace.

"Two god kings, help me to expel the alien divine patterns of other god kings and the charm of the Great Sun Emperor from my body!"

Ye Xufu sat in mid-air, with the sacred tree above his head, pulling the essence of the sacred tree, falling crazily, integrating into himself, constantly expelling and refining the divine patterns of other god kings, restoring his cultivation, and repairing the broken Taoist charm.

The King of Creation and his wife were still shocked by the resurrecting effect of ginseng fruit. After hearing this, they couldn't help but become alarmed. They immediately joined forces. The divine patterns behind them were washed away, and they swarmed into Ye Xu's body, crushing various alien divine patterns to help Ye Xu heal his injuries.

"Master Ye, we can easily refine the divine patterns of other divine kings, but the charm of the Emperor of the Sun is very difficult and requires more time." Princess Creation glanced at the battlefield and saw only the divine kings of the heavens. The fierce battle between the emperor and the queen was approaching rapidly, he quickly reminded.

"It doesn't matter!"

Ye Xu said decisively: "First suppress the charm of the Emperor of the Sun, and then I will refine it myself!"

The two god kings, plus Ye Xu himself, the alien divine patterns in his body were quickly expelled, leaving only the charm of the sun god king, which was suppressed in the purple palace between Ye Xu's eyebrows.

"The canopy of heaven, return to Hongmeng, reincarnate in the six paths, reverse the universe, and recreate the world!"

Ye Xuqing shouted, the Tao Yun behind him boiled, the forty-nine heavens were like a canopy, covering down, and all the ragged thirty-three worlds and eighteen levels of hell collapsed and turned into chaos, and then he frowned. In a flash, Yushu Yuanshen flew out and fell into Hongmeng.

The jade tree lifts up the sky, separates the black and yellow, opens up the heaven and earth, and forcibly opens up a new thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell from the vast mist!

His cultivation skyrocketed and continued to rise. He recovered to five or six points of cultivation in a few breaths. This speed really shocked the God of Creation and his wife!

For a being at the level of a god king, it would be difficult to restore his cultivation level in a short time if his cultivation level is exhausted. For example, for a being like the God King Tanzu, if his cultivation level is exhausted, even if his spiritual veins are sufficient, it will take months or even days. It will take years to recover.

And Ye Xu actually recovered five or six points of cultivation in a few breaths, and his cultivation is still soaring. He believes that he will return to his peak state soon. In the eyes of the God of Creation and his wife, this is simply incredible. Possible things!

"Strange, he is absorbing the energy from the sacred tree and turning the essence of the sacred tree into his own!"

Princess Creation was attentive and soon discovered that Ye Xu had quickly recovered his cultivation through the energy of the sacred tree, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

The God King of Creation also marveled and said: "The remains of the World Tree are great treasures. It is best used to understand the witchcraft. There are actually people who can absorb the energy of the divine tree. Mansion Master Ye is really a strange person, but also Isn’t it too wasteful?”

He shook his head and absorbed the essence of the sacred tree. The sacred tree would gradually exhaust its essence and turn into nothing. It was obviously a waste of natural resources.

Princess Creation's eyes flashed and she whispered: "If he is the reincarnation of that existence and absorbs the essence of the sacred tree, then there is nothing to be surprised about."

The King of Creation nodded secretly. Only Ye Xu, the second incarnation of that taboo existence, could explain the situation in front of him.

However, Ye Xu was unable to recover the memory of his "past life" even after obtaining the fragment of the treasure of enlightenment. This was indeed very abnormal and difficult to understand.

"Go back to Yuxu Palace!"

Ye Xu had recovered 80% of his cultivation. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and took God King Tanzu into the Jade Tower, allowing him to heal his wounds in peace. He immediately took the lead and flew to Yuxu Palace.

He could feel that Patriarch Feng Yanrou Wusheng and others were gradually unable to resist the Queen of Heaven's clone. Soon, the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth would be broken by the Queen of Heaven's clone. Although he didn't know what was in the Little Yuan Realm. , but seeing that the Queen of Heaven is so persevering in heading towards Yuxu Palace, we can be sure that the things in that small Yuan Realm are definitely not trivial. They are probably the back-ups left by the Queen of Heaven. If her clone is allowed to break through the seal, it will be said that Maybe the queen will make a complete comeback!

In this battle, if the kings and emperors of the gods win, Ye Xu still has hope of survival. If the Queen of Heaven wins, no one in the world can stop the Queen of Heaven from ascending to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven!

At that time, the Queen of Heaven will become the co-owner of the Nine Heavens God Realm, and Ye Xu will have no choice but to die!

The Creation God King and his wife followed closely behind, and the three of them quickly approached Yuxu Palace.

Behind them, the battle between the Queen of Heaven and the kings and emperors of the gods was extremely fierce. Even though the Queen of Heaven controlled the power of the Emperor of Heaven, she was still in danger. She was seriously injured by the gods and kings many times, and was even beaten by the three emperors until her body collapsed and her body was exhausted. The lamp is dry!

However, she was indeed extremely tyrannical, and she had the power to kill several divine kings. Even beings such as the Eternal Emperor, the God of Lihen, and the Emperor of the Sun were not immune to injuries!

The battle has reached the point where life and death are decided, and everything is decided!

The Queen of Heaven, alone, can fight to such an extent with the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens, it is indeed awesome and respectable!

In front of Yuxu Palace, Ye Xu arrived quickly. In just a few moments, his cultivation level had returned to its peak state, even more advanced than during the court meeting!

His black hair was flying, and the Taoist rhyme was tumbling behind him, like a streamer washing back and forth. He took one step forward and walked directly into the depths of the Yuxu Palace. He saw that the thirty-three days of magic weapons he had refined were connected together like a majestic pagoda. , the Little Yuan Realm where the Queen of Heaven's clone is located is turned upside down under the pagoda.

The eighteen levels of hell are like an eighteen-story mysterious black ancient building. From bottom to top, it contains the Little Yuan Realm and is connected with the pagoda, sealing the Little Yuan Realm tightly!

Feng Yanrou, Wu Sheng Ancestor, Demon Emperor and others each stood on a small Yuan Realm, stimulating their cultivation with all their strength, and desperately activating these fifty-one magical weapons.

Su Qiaoqiao, on the other hand, was extremely nervous and mobilized Hunyuan Jindou with all his strength, ready to strike at any time.

However, due to limitations in their cultivation, they were unable to fully unleash the power of these fifty-one magical weapons, nor were they able to integrate these magical weapons into one, making them perfect. The Great Seal of Heaven and Earth seemed to be suppressing an extremely ferocious beast. It was constantly vibrating, causing Feng Yanrou and others to vomit blood, making it increasingly difficult to hold on.

Countless love threads sprang out from the gap between the pagoda and the jade tower, and the dense love threads swarmed and stabbed each small Yuanjie from all directions, piercing each small Yuanjie, trying to refine the Yuxu Palace again!

Su Qiaoqiao immediately activated Jin Dou, and the golden light brushed down, cutting off and refining the love threads one by one. However, there were too many love threads and her cultivation was insufficient, so she was in a hurry.

"Empress of Heaven, now that I'm back, you don't have any chance!"

Ye Xu came, and the Taoist rhyme behind him was like a chain. He shot out, turning into thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell. He took back all the control of the fifty-one magical weapons. With a sudden shock, the power of the fifty-one magical weapons It can bloom completely, instantly cut off countless love threads, lock and suppress the small Yuan Realm.

In the thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell, many magic weapons are getting smaller and smaller, and they are suppressing them in the middle. Ye Xu clearly intends to crush and refine the clone of the Queen of Heaven together with the small Yuanjie!

The clone of the Queen of Heaven is extremely powerful. Ye Xu added fifty-one magic weapons from all over the world, but he could only trap her without being able to refine it. There was no way to know what the Queen of Heaven had left behind in that small Yuan Realm. What kind of arrangement.

"Two god kings, help me!"

Ye Xu shouted fiercely. The King of Creation and the princess looked at each other, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and each mana spurted out, turning into divine patterns all over the sky, and joined forces with Ye Xu to activate fifty-one magic weapons.

Their eyesight was amazing, and they could naturally see that Ye Xu's magical weapons were no small matter. Each one had the potential to grow into a divine weapon or even an imperial weapon. Although it was currently only at the level of an ancestral weapon, after being integrated and unified, it was even more powerful than an imperial weapon. Not inferior either!

"Mansion Master Ye's family fortune is truly astonishing. It is not inferior to us divine kings, and even surpasses it!"

Although the two god kings did not know Ye Xu's mentality, they relied on their tyrannical cultivation to unleash the power of these fifty-one magic weapons. They joined forces to suppress the clone of the Queen of Heaven, which immediately made these two The power of the set of treasures increases crazily and gradually shrinks!

At the same time, the battle between the Queen of Heaven and the gods and kings of the gods is getting closer and closer, and they are already only tens of thousands of miles away from Yuxu Palace. The distance of tens of millions of miles, for the emperors and gods, can be reached in a moment, almost not It’s a distance!

If their battle reaches this point, the damage to Yuxu Palace will be obvious, and Ye Xu's family, including his disciples, will all die tragically on the spot!

"World Flower, close it!"

Ye Xu shouted loudly, and the Daoyun behind him suddenly erupted again. The extremely thick Daoyun penetrated the void, piercing through countless small Yuanjies, and actually activated the power of countless Small Yuanjies in one fell swoop!


The Little Yuan Realm was shaking continuously, and the Yuxu Palace was shaking endlessly. The mountain gate of Yuxu Palace was rumbling, and the two huge petals of the World Flower gradually closed together to lock the mountain door.

Looking from a distance, the petals of the world flower blooming in the void are closed one by one, and the Yuxu Palace in the flower is gradually covered, turning into a huge flower!

"Ye Shaobao, how dare you!"

The Empress of Heaven and the gods and kings of the gods came to fight. Seeing this abnormal situation, their livers and gallbladders split. They screamed, and the power in their hands suddenly flew out and slammed into the World Flower. They actually planned to blast through the World Flower and blast Ye Xu. Die in Yuxu Palace!

——-The pig still couldn't hold it back, and broke out again. It was a sin, it was peeing blood. Please give me a monthly ticket, please subscribe, and please give me a reward! !

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