Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 920: The Emperor’s Pursuit

The Queen of Heaven is as cunning as a fox. She has always been the only one who plots against others. No one else can plot against her. Her power is still there. Even if the three emperors saw her die with their own eyes and shattered her with their own hands, they were not sure that this woman was dead. .

The Queen of Heaven is really too powerful. If Ye Xu had not rebelled at the court meeting this time and stirred up the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens to rebel, I am afraid that this woman would have become the Emperor of Heaven sooner or later, and all the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens would have surrendered to her!

She is a strange woman, even if her previous methods were a bit disgraceful, she is still a strange woman!

"Be a woman and be a queen..."

When Tian Yaoji witnessed the death of the Queen of Heaven, she suddenly felt something in her heart. She rushed to the side of God King Dihui and whispered: "Your Majesty, retreat from this place as soon as possible. The Queen of Heaven is dead, and there is no guarantee that other gods, kings and emperors will not do anything to Your Majesty. Malice!"

Divine King Dihui nodded. He was the son of Divine King Diku who once competed with Emperor Cangtian for the position of Heavenly Emperor. If other gods, kings and emperors had malicious intentions, they could justifiably kill him.

The two of them immediately met up with the head of the Xuanyuan family and retreated. Di Hui smiled and said: "Ye Shaobao was really too arrogant this time. If he hadn't suddenly rebelled, he would have been the biggest celebrity in front of the Queen of Heaven from now on, and even been granted the title of God King. What an honor it is to rule the hundreds of millions of miles of territory that originally belonged to the King of Heavenly Secrets, and only have a status under the emperor! Unfortunately, he went crazy for some reason and suddenly attacked the Queen of Heaven, so that he became a traitor and a traitor, and everyone got it. The bereaved dog that was killed.”

Di Hui smiled, shook his head and said with a smile: "If I were him, I would definitely not do this. Even if I have the intention of rebellion in my heart, I would endure it for the time being and would not attack the Queen of Heaven so rashly and break with the Queen of Heaven. It can be seen that, Ye Xuye Shaobao is not a perfect person. People who are too impulsive will have flaws. Military advisor, what do you think?"

Tianyao Ji hummed, a complicated look flashed in her eyes, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, please don't underestimate him. Although Meng Lang, the master of Yuxu Palace, took action against the Queen without full confidence, it is not a trivial matter. The lowest Queen The empress failed to make a comeback in the end, all thanks to his arrangements at the last moment. Moreover, from what I saw, he probably already knew that the Queen would attack him sooner or later, so it was not completely reckless to seize the Yuxu Palace and fall out with the Queen at the court meeting. But act with determination.”

Divine King Dihui didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "Military advisor, it is a great joy for you that your father's territory of Divine King Tianji has not fallen into Ye Xu's hands. Once I get this territory, I will reach the realm of the Divine King." It is not difficult to go one step further and consolidate and strengthen his cultivation to be on par with other god kings! At that time, Palace Master Yuxu was still fleeing for his life. In my eyes, there was no one else besides him and Di Zishang. On the table, everyone else, even the three emperors, are all dead and dead, just rotten trees occupying the position of emperor!"

Tianyao Ji was silent for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, if you ascend the throne of the Emperor of Heaven and rule the heavens in the future, never forget to restore my Tianji camp."

Divine King Dihui laughed loudly and said: "Of course! As long as you have no second thoughts about me, it's no problem to restore Tianji Camp! When my father, Divine King Dihu, and Emperor Cangtian competed for the position of Emperor of Heaven, he was already the Emperor's With regard to cultivation, the treasure house he left for me must be of no small importance. When I accept the territory of King Tianji, I will open that treasure house!"

As soon as the Queen of Heaven died, Di Zishang immediately drifted away without stopping at all. He was the most outstanding disciple of Emperor Cangtian and a thorn in the eyes of the kings and emperors of the gods. If he stayed for a moment, he would definitely be obliterated!

His eyes were shining brightly, tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, and he thought: "The power of the Emperor of Heaven has actually fallen into the hands of Ye Xu, the master of Yuxu Palace. This is really troublesome. If he dies in the hands of the three emperors, I will It will be difficult to regain power..."

"Not only that, the Queen's treasure house may also fall into Ye Xu's hands. Coupled with the wealth in Yuxu Palace, if this person can escape from the pursuit of the three emperors and the kings of gods, it will be a big deal in the future!"

Emperor Zishang's body was filled with lifeless energy, corroding the void, and he thought secretly: "However, compared with me, he is still inferior! Now, most of my brothers and sisters have died in my hands, even the emperor's son Wei Di Zili has died. I am the only one who can get the treasure house left by my father Cangtian Emperor! What kind of treasure is there in the Cangtian Emperor's treasure house? Even the treasure of enlightenment that my father is rumored to have may be among them! Even the emperor will not be my opponent..."

The Lord of Qingxuan Palace, Lord Luotian and other God-Kings were seriously injured in the battle with the Queen of Heaven. They left immediately without stopping. The other God-Kings also left this place of right and wrong to avoid being attacked by their opponents.

The Queen of Heaven is dead, and the magnificent dynasty founded by the Cangtian Emperor has also been destroyed with her death. The battle to seize the emperor has officially begun!

This is much earlier than the gods and kings imagined, but they also have their own plans. The battle to seize the emperor will be an extremely bright and dazzling battle, and it will also be a good opportunity to rise!

Throughout the ages, in all the battles to seize the emperor, some people fell and became withered bones, while others rose up in adversity, improved by leaps and bounds, and even eventually aspired to the throne!

For example, two hundred thousand years ago, Emperor Cang Tian and Emperor Ku God King, these two geniuses, were originally only in the realm of god kings in the battle to seize the emperor. Later, they came up from behind and became emperors. They were invincible and swept through the late Xuanyuan Emperor. The emperors of the heavens have finally become the two strongest existences!

This is the training of the battle to seize the emperor, which is enough to stimulate everyone's potential, collide with other geniuses in the world, and burst out the most brilliant sparks in the collision!

Taixu Divine King took a deep look at the three emperors, then turned and walked into the void, returning to Taixu Divine Mansion nine days away.

Although he was seriously injured in this battle, he got an imperial weapon from the Queen of Heaven and gained a lot. Moreover, during the battle, he gradually understood Ye Xu's Qingwei Dao Seal, becoming more and more comprehensive and impactful. The realm of the emperor is imminent.

As for the Eternal Emperor, the Lihen God and the Great Sun Emperor, they still stood in place. The auras of the three emperors were turbulent. Each of them reached into the void with a big hand, not looking at each other.

The Eternal Emperor has an expressionless face and remains the same as ever, the Lihen God smiles and looks up at the sky, while the Great Sun Emperor closes his eyes and rests, leisurely and at ease.

In this world, within the Nine Heavens Divine Realm, among the powerful men who have become emperors, after the death of the Queen, there will be only three of them left. Sooner or later, there will be a battle between them!

However, at this moment, they were eager to seize the World Flower, capture the Yuxu Palace and the power of the Emperor of Heaven, and search for the treasures of the Queen of Heaven, so they did not take action immediately.

In the depths of the void, a World Flower kept shuttling back and forth, twisting the void. In an instant, it traveled thousands of miles away and escaped. Behind the World Flower, three big hands of Shen Yun were seen fiercely rushing towards it, one after another. Grab this big flower!

These three big hands are each different. One big hand is simple and ancient, like the hand of the oldest god. The other big hand contains a strange power of the world, as if there are countless worlds in its hand. The other big hand is like a fire. The gold, golden light, thick and vast, is naturally the hands of the three emperors, the Eternal Emperor, the Lihen God and the Great Sun Emperor!

The three emperors did not confront each other in the central Juntian Divine Realm, but their respective palms continued to collide in the deepest part of the void, bombarding each other!

The void in the depths of the heaven was almost turned into a mess. Countless time and space planes were blasted out by the three emperors in an instant. Then with a slight vibration of the three palms, these time and space planes were all shattered, setting off a war. An extremely violent void turbulence, crushing everything and expelling everything!

The World Flower controlled by Ye Xu was swaying in the huge turmoil caused by the fight between the three emperors, and it shuttled rapidly, as if it would be shattered by these three ancient beings at any time!

The situation is extremely dangerous. In the World Flower, Ye Xu is sitting cross-legged with an ancient World Tree above his head. He is frantically absorbing the essence of the sacred tree to make up for the cultivation consumed by urging the World Flower to jump through time and space. Escape before.

"Master Ye, go to the Sky Tomb immediately!"

In the Jade Tower, God King Tanzu flew out, his face was pale, and his cultivation level still had not recovered. He also felt the violent movement outside, and immediately sent out a spiritual thought to explore. As soon as his spiritual thought flew out of the World Flower, he was struck by three The aftermath of the Great Emperor's fight was shattered, but it also allowed him to see the situation outside, and he couldn't help but gasp.

Now his cultivation base has not been restored, and the cultivation base of the God of Creation King and his wife has also been greatly damaged. If he wants to restore his cultivation base, he has to work hard to do it. Now that the three emperors are attacking the World Flower together, they can only rely on Ye Xu , to escape the pursuit of the three emperors!

It can be said that if the emperor takes action, there will be no place for Ye Xu and others in the Jiutian Divine Realm. Only the sky grave is not within the scope of the emperor in the heaven. Even the emperor will not dare to be unscrupulous there!

Ye Xu immediately mobilized the World Flower with all his strength and whizzed away, heading straight for the Sky Tomb.

This World Flower directly smashed the barrier of the Sky Tomb, flew into the Sky Tomb with a bang, appeared in an instant, and flew thousands of miles away, heading towards the depths of the Sky Tomb.


It took the world a few moments to reach the front of the next sky tomb, smash through the extremely thick sky tomb barrier, and enter it.

Bang bang bang!

The World Flower jumped continuously, and passed through more than ten celestial tomb worlds in just a moment. Three emperors' charming hands followed closely behind, approaching quickly. The hands of the Eternal Emperor suddenly fell down, and Ye Xu and others felt that the World Flower was suddenly heavy. Suddenly, it was like hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, unable to move even an inch. It was the powerful hand of the Eternal Emperor that directly solidified the millions of miles of void in this sky tomb, sealed time and space, and fixed the world in mid-air, so that they could no longer escape through the void. !

Ye Xu roared and stood up suddenly. His energy and blood surged all over his body. Various seals kept blessing him. The mysterious embryo beat, causing his energy and blood to increase several times in an instant. He desperately urged the World Flower to shake the void and continue to move forward. However, he still couldn't move forward. Flight was incredibly slow.

This big hand directly grabbed the Flower of the World, just like the Buddha holding a flower. He was about to hold the Flower of the World between his two fingers. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and two big hands with charm fell down, solidifying the Eternal Emperor. The time and space shattered, Ye Xu suddenly felt the boundless oppression dissipate, and immediately urged the World Flower to fly away.

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