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Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 917: Ginseng Treasure Tree (Second update,

Chapter 917 Ginseng Treasure Tree (Second update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

The Emperor of the Sun was thinking deeply. Ye Xu killed his son, Prince Lingxiao. How could he not avenge this deep hatred? Moreover, he had long suspected that Ye Xu was the reincarnation of that existence, and he had already had murderous intentions in his heart!

In addition, he had another reason to kill Ye Xu. When he first met the Queen of Heaven, he was astonished. At that time, he was already in the realm of the God King, but he was like an ignorant boy who had just begun to fall in love. He only wanted this woman to die. beside. . hunhun. comHun*Hun Novel Network/《》AdvertisementFull text txt download Later, the Queen of Heaven became an emperor and married the Emperor of Heaven. The love in his heart still existed, but he knew that the Queen of Heaven was no longer the woman she was back then.

If it weren't for Ye Xu's sneak attack on the Queen during this court meeting, causing all the gods, kings and emperors to completely turn against the Queen, he would not have cut off the last trace of his love for the Queen and attacked the Queen.

Therefore, in his heart, it was Ye Xu who forced himself to take the last step, forcing himself to kill the queen, the goddess in his heart, the woman he once admired most!

At this moment, he was also besieging the Queen of Heaven. When he saw Ye Xu and God King Tanzu escaping, he immediately shocked the Chunyang Palace of the Great Sun and killed the two!

The emperor's strength is so powerful. Ye Xu and God King Tanzu are both weak and unable to compete with the power of his single move.

Ye Xu shouted loudly, and the World Tree above his head was flying and tumbling. On the divine tree, all the divine patterns were activated by him, crackling, and the power was not inferior to the divine weapons. At the same time, the power of the thirty-two heavens of the Jade Tower was also Inspired by him, even the fragments of the treasure of enlightenment in the Jade Tower were stimulated by him. The Dao and the Jade Tower were compatible, and they faintly exerted a power that surpassed the imperial soldiers!

The two rare treasures suddenly met the Emperor of the Sun's witchcraft, shattering countless scorching suns. The three-legged golden crow flapped its wings, and countless divine feathers shot out, fiercely shooting at the two pieces. Above the exotic treasure, the loud noise shook continuously, and it actually knocked back all of Ye Xu's sacred trees and jade towers!

Ye Xu groaned, and the powerful counter-shock force acted on his physical body, almost shattering his physical body, and his soul was also shocked to the point that it was almost broken!

The Tao Yun around him was constantly cracking and disintegrating. Even if Ye Xu's vitality was amazing, it would be difficult for him to have the strength to fight again in a short time!

The power of the emperor is evident!

This emperor's witchcraft continued to pounce, its wings reaching into the sky like arrows, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and shot toward the two of them!

At the same time, the huge Golden Crow stretched out three golden claws, opened the skull and severed the head, and grabbed the two of them fiercely!

"Hongmeng first sprouts a green lotus!"

God King Tanzu shouted fiercely, the qi and blood steaming from the top of his head, like a vast ocean, the physical body suddenly decomposed and turned into countless divine patterns, connected with the qi and blood. Only pieces of blue lotus petals were rapidly formed, and a blue lotus pod appeared, transforming into As a lotus platform, the petals are connected and turned into a slightly swaying green lotus. The divine pattern turns into a stamen, which is dazzling and dazzling, wrapping Ye Xu in the lotus. . hunhun. com /mix*mix*小*说网/《》Advertisement Full text txt download

This green lotus is the transformation of his whole body's essence, cultivation and body. It is the strongest move of God King Tanzu. It must not be used unless it is critical. He once used this move to fight against Tianji God. King, kill the King of Heavenly Mysteries, and at the same time lose the second of the three flowers on the top, and lose your second life!

The Hongmeng Qinglian met the three-legged Golden Crow, and immediately exploded with an extremely brutal blow. The divine patterns in the sky were shattered, turning into the most brilliant divine light, and passed around.

The three-legged golden crow screamed violently, the two wings of divine feathers flew, and countless feathers were shattered. Only one claw of the three legs was left, the whole body was holed, and most of its power was lost. The Hongmeng Qinglian transformed by the Tanzu God King had almost all the lotus petals broken. , only one lotus platform was left, carrying Ye Xu whizzing away.

The golden crow roared after him, and suddenly exploded with a bang, completely shattering. The God King of Creation and his wife rushed out from the pure Yang divine power in the sky, and quickly approached Ye Xu, but the two finally got rid of the battlefield and rushed towards them. When he came out, he saw that Ye Xu and God King Tanzu were in a critical situation, so he took action to break the witchcraft.

The four of them flew hundreds of millions of miles away in the blink of an eye. The lotus platform formed by God King Tanzu became slower and slower, and finally stopped. The lotus platform decomposed and turned into the majestic body of the God King. His steps staggered, crumbled, and almost fell from the air. Go down.

The King of Creation and his wife arrived one after another. The two of them were originally like a beautiful couple, but now their bodies were in tatters. It was obvious that they had been in danger many times during the battle to kill the Queen of Heaven and almost died.

The two of them had all their magic weapons broken into pieces, and they were also seriously injured, but they were much better off than Ye Xu and God King Tanzu.

Ye Xu and Tanzu God King were both close to running out of gas, especially Tanzu God King, whose eyes had lost all life. Ye Xu could feel the life and longevity of the God King pouring out rapidly.

He had already suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Queen of Heaven. In order to save Ye Xu, he burned his lifespan to improve his cultivation strength, resisted the siege of many god kings, and fought against the strongest witchcraft of the Emperor of the Sun. After a hard blow, his flawless Hongmeng body was no longer perfect, and his life span was about to end!

Ye Xu roared angrily and struggled to get up. His injuries were also extremely serious. Almost all the Daoyun around his body was broken off, and only a trace of his cultivation was left. His soul body was full of cracks and could collapse at any time. If it collapsed, it would It’s the time when he dies and transforms into a Tao!

Ye Xu ignored his injuries and forcibly activated the Jade Tower. The vitality contained in the jade trees in the Jade Tower surged into the body of God King Tanzu, constantly treating his physical injuries and improving his vitality.

"Master, when the Hongmeng flowers bloom, they will eventually wither. There is no need to save me anymore..."

A burst of green energy rushed out from the top of the God King's head, turning into a green lotus, blooming slowly, and the petals withered and fell from the lotus. With a smile on his face, he turned to look at the God King of Creation and the princess, and said with a smile: "You two, I'm going to see my two senior brothers."

The God King of Creation was in great mourning. He could see that it was not that God King Tanzu lacked vitality, but that his lifespan had been exhausted and his lifespan had come to an end. The vitality emanating from Ye Xuyu Tower was endless. Even if it was a stone, he could get it. This vitality can also take shape and have life!

However, God King Tanzu's lifespan was at the end of his life. It was completely consumed by him in this battle, and there was no possibility of treatment.

Princess Creation's eyes were red, and she forced a smile and said: "God King, please go slowly, maybe there is hope of treatment and prolonging your life..."

The vitality in the body of God King Tanzu poured out. Even if the vitality from the jade tree poured into his body, it could not stay for a moment. As much as it flowed in, it dispersed. He smiled and said: "I think that my teacher has a blood feud, and my enemy is in a high position. He is very powerful and practices step by step. He doesn't know how many years it will take to reach the realm of God King. Therefore, he has repeatedly burned his lifespan and forcibly improved his cultivation level to become a God King from Saint King in hundreds of years. His lifespan is already running out. . I have already eaten up all the treasures in the world that can extend my life, and there is nothing left that can extend my life... When I transform into a Tao, there is only one thing I cannot let go of..."

He turned to look at Ye Xu, and the divine patterns around his body began to float away, and he would turn away at any time. He sighed and laughed softly: "I still have no memory of my mentor, and I don't know that Tanzu is incompetent and can't continue to protect his old man. From now on, I’ll leave it to you two.”

He bowed to the ground to the God-King of Creation and his wife. The two God-Kings quickly returned the gift and choked with sobs: "Send me off to my senior brother..."

God King Tanzu laughed loudly and sat down in the air, with divine patterns flying all over his body. Under his seat, a lotus leaf grew. His body turned into a lotus platform, with lotus petals growing out. He smiled at Ye Xu and said: "Master, after my disciple transforms into Taoism, his physical body transforms into a lotus. I would like to always stay under my mentor's seat and listen to his teachings..."


Ye Xu opened his mouth and shouted, with cold sweat rolling down his forehead: "You have eaten all the rare delicacies in the world, but have you ever eaten ginseng fruit? I have a ginseng tree with three ginseng fruits. One ginseng fruit can extend your life by nine thousand years. If you If you haven’t eaten, you can continue to live for me! You can’t die even if you want to!”

He gritted his teeth and forcibly brought up the last bit of cultivation, activated the Jade Tower, took out the Abbot Immortal Mountain, stepped out into the Immortal Mountain, picked off the ginseng fruit, pinched open the mouth of God King Tanzu, stuffed it in, and said sternly: "No matter what Whether I am your mentor or not, whether you are my disciple or not, will be decided by you in the future! I want you to live to see that scene with your own eyes!”

The ginseng fruit in the Abbot Immortal Mountain can extend your life to nine thousand years. The ancestor of the ancient great immortals and earth immortals once ate it. After the destruction of the world, they lived for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, they could not endure the loneliness and turned into Taoism.

Qing Emperor also took it once, and it extended his life by nine thousand years. However, the second time he took it, it had no effect.

There are only three ginseng fruits left on the treasure tree, and Ye Xu has been reluctant to use them. He plans to keep these three fruits for those closest to him to extend their lives and accompany him until the end.

But at this moment, he took it out without hesitation to extend the life of God King Tanzu!

This god-king is a man of temperament. His existence is to live for his mentor. To repay his kindness and revenge, he has lived until now. In fact, with his qualifications and cultivation, he can have another life. With a bright future and a long life span of 200,000 years, I will watch the wind and clouds disperse with a smile, and be proud of the world.

At the last moment of his life, he died for Ye Xu. Ye Xu did not think that he would be his mentor, the second life of that existence. This way of repaying his gratitude was absolutely unacceptable to him!

Regardless of whether it's public or private, Ye Xu wants him to live!

Ginseng fruit, the most wonderful treasure left over from the ancient Immortal Court, finally began to stop the collapse of the cultivation of Tanzu God King, the trend of transformation into the Dao stopped, his lifespan began to increase rapidly, and his physical body regained its youth.

However, his injuries were still extremely serious. After repeated battles, he was seriously injured and dying. Although he had an extra nine thousand years of life, if he died of serious injuries, it would be hopeless.

"I said you can't die even if you want to, but you just can't!"

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief and laughed. His physical body suddenly almost collapsed. He quickly stopped laughing. The vitality in the Jade Tower surged out and continued to pour into his and God King Tanzu's bodies. The injuries on their physical bodies gradually recovered, but The cultivation level is still greatly depleted, especially since there are more than ten kinds of divine patterns surging in Ye Xu's body, and even the charm of the Emperor of the Sun is destroying everywhere in his body!

Compared to God King Tanzu, he was the most seriously injured!


The heaven and earth were overturned, divine power filled the air, the Queen of Heaven and the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens were coming towards this direction. The Queen of Heaven's destination was clearly the Yuxu Palace!

At the same time, Ye Xu felt that the small Yuanjie wrapped in love in Yuxu Palace was beginning to move, with countless love threads flying and suddenly expanding outward!

————Chapter 2 has been updated. The miserable pig is asking for subscription and monthly support! !

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