Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 415: Killing people and stealing goods (Second upda

Chapter 415: Killing people and stealing goods (Second update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

The peak Holy Emperor of the He family had just sacrificed the Taoist sect and was about to activate the holy treasure. Suddenly, lines and traces poured out from Ye Xu's body, and he injected it crazily into the Roaring Sky Dog, and sacrificed the Roaring Sky Dog. A broken dog flew across the sky, opened its big mouth, and bit it. It was supported by Ye Xu's magic power, and was sacrificed by Ye Xu. Its strength skyrocketed, and a large piece of the sky in the tomb was bitten off on the spot!

Above the sky, a large, intertwined hole appeared, which was shocking!

The peak Holy Emperor didn't even hum. He was swallowed directly into the belly of the Roaring Heavenly Dog and disappeared. Not only him, but also his Taoist Sect and his holy treasure were all eaten by the Roaring Heavenly Dog!


An obscure throbbing came from the He family's battleship, and the He family's ancestral soldiers were revived, and the Tao Yun was formed naturally. A Tao Yun was like a dragon, brushing through the air, slicing the sky, as if using thick ink to draw heavy layers on the sky. One stroke, brush toward the roaring dog!

"I want to eat this Dao Yun!" The Roaring Sky Dog was supported by Ye Xu's magic power. It was full of confidence. It shouted and rushed towards this Dao Yun. It actually planned to confront the Ancestral Soldier Dao Yun head-on and destroy the Ancestral Soldier's Dao Yun. Yun also ate it!

Cold sweat broke out on Ye Xu's forehead. This dog was even more arrogant than him and actually planned to fight with Zu Bing Daoyun head-on.

"It is true that the ignorant are fearless. Roaring Sky Dog is clearly looking for death...but since it is my dog, I can't let it die!"

Ye Xu's thoughts moved slightly, and the Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda flew out and penetrated into the Roaring Sky Dog. Ye Xu pushed the pagoda with all his strength, and saw the broken dog howling and yelling as if it had taken aphrodisiac. A large area of ​​the void collapsed!

Miluo Tiandi Pagoda has been re-refined by Ye Xu. Its power at this moment is even seven or eight times stronger than Ye Xu's own strength. Its power is close to that of the ancestral soldiers. Such a huge power is added to Pogou. How terrifying is it?

This pagoda alone can elevate Roaring Sky Dog's strength to an extremely terrifying level. Coupled with Ye Xu's own cultivation, Po Dog feels that he can swallow the entire heaven at this moment!

I saw this broken dog swallowing the Dao Yun in one gulp, full of energy, howling and rushing towards the two warships, shouting: "If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick dog! Are you not chasing Uncle Long?" Isn’t it great? Uncle Long wants to eat you all!”

Ye Xu's face turned dark. Not only were the ancestors of the He family and the Lu family sitting on the two battleships, but there were also two great ancestor soldiers suppressing them. This broken dog's confidence was really overwhelming to the point of ignorance. It must be that its big The brain matter in the head was squeezed into the size of a pea, making it unable to judge the situation.

"Now that I have reached the eighth level of the pagoda, I wonder how big the strength gap is with the ancestor of the He family and the ancestor of the Lu family?"

Ye Xu's eyes flickered. He did not forcibly take back the Roaring Sky Dog. Instead, his mana surged wildly into the Roaring Sky Dog. He sacrificed the dog like a witch treasure and allowed the broken dog to pounce on the two battleships.

"A dead dog is not a poor man. This broken dog can only be slightly injured, and I can also take this opportunity to see the power of Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower!"

The broken dog howled loudly, opened its big mouth, and bit into the two battleships. Many masters of the He family and the Lu family on the battleships looked up and saw that the sky was dark, like a huge black hole, and a barb-covered The tongue rolled out from the black hole, which was dozens of miles wide and hundreds of miles long. It seemed that with just one sweep, they could all be swept away!

Everyone's expressions were pale. They originally chased this broken dog and beat the Roaring Sky Dog with bruises all over his body. They were running for their lives. They didn't expect that as soon as Ye Xu appeared, he would use his own magic power to sacrifice the Roaring Sky Dog to such an extent!

"The Roaring Sky Dog can be said to be a living witch treasure. It is unique. It is also a witch treasure that can be cultivated by itself. It seems that I will have to cultivate it more in the future."

Ye Xu also saw this scene, nodded secretly, and thought in his mind: "Raising a broken dog is much less labor-intensive than refining treasures such as the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. After all, the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower requires too many materials, and a broken dog But I know I am looking for food..."

"What a junior, how dare you let a dog commit a crime! Die!"

An old voice suddenly came from one of the battleships, and then the ancestral soldiers on the two battleships revived one after another. Thousands of rhymes circulated, and they suddenly rolled towards the roaring dog's mouth!


The Roaring Sky Dog shook violently, and its mouth was filled with countless small steel teeth that were broken. A scream came from its mouth, and it fled back hastily with its tail between its legs. Only the sound of hissing and hissing could be heard endlessly. Behind the broken dog, there were many rhymes. Thousands of things rushed towards this broken dog!

At the same time, Ye Xu only felt his energy and blood vibrating, his body almost cracked by the shock, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

The blow just now seemed to be a confrontation between the roaring dog and the ancestors of the He family and the Lu family, but it was actually an indirect blow between him and the two old holy emperors!

"The Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower is indeed powerful. Although it is only a semi-finished holy treasure, it can compete with the ancestral soldiers. It is worth my hard work for so long to refine it!" Ye Xu thought to himself.

In mid-air, streaks of rhymes fell down, beating the Roaring Sky Dog to pieces but not damaging its roots.

With the protection and blessing of Ye Xu's Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, this broken dog's physical body is almost as powerful as an ancestral soldier. Even the Tao Yun condensed from Tao and Li cannot seriously injure it!

The Roaring Sky Dog became smaller and smaller, and quickly fled back to Ye Xu. It turned into a black dog as tall as a person, hid behind Ye Xu, and barked endlessly at Daoyun who was suppressed by the overwhelming pressure.

Ye Xu took back the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower and suppressed his physical body. He saw that the Dao Yun of one of the ancestral weapons turned into a big net, covering him and Roaring Sky Dog at the same time, while the Dao Yun of the other ancestral weapon turned into a large net. A big hand grabbed the devil's body!

"Brother He, you come to suppress this kid, and I come to steal the demon's body. Then our two families will share it equally!" An old voice said from the Lu family's battleship.

Ye Xu stood still, and under the brush of the net Dao Yun, he could see the Tai Chi Mongolian Sky emerging from his head, turning into black and white double fishes, circling each other, and thousands of continents and oceans emerged on the backs of the double fishes, fighting against the ancestral soldiers. Daoyun, the Daoyun of this ancestral weapon was rushed by his momentum and could not fall down at all.

However, Ye Xu was suppressed by the ancestral soldiers sacrificed by the ancestor of the He family, and he was also unable to move. He could only watch as the ancestor of the Lu family lowered his big hand and lifted the body of the demon god.

The ancestor of the Lu family encouraged his cultivation and forcibly captured the demon god's body and dropped it next to the two battleships. After a careful inspection, he saw that the demon god's body was covered with thick Taoist rhymes, which were completely natural. He couldn't help but laugh loudly: "Sure enough, It is the body of a demon god, a god born from heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This body, let alone the refining of ancestral weapons, can be used as divine weapons!"

The ancestor of the He family couldn't help but be overjoyed. He felt that he had a tendency to be unable to suppress Ye Xu, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Lu, don't stop yet, kill this kid immediately, and let's discuss the ownership of this demon god's body later!"

"Kill me? You have snatched my incarnation, and you still dare to chase me?"

Ye Xu couldn't help but laugh loudly and said in a long voice: "Let me see you Luhe family off and go back to the west!"

"External incarnation?"

The ancestors of the Lu family and the He family were stunned. They hurriedly looked at the body of the demon god. They saw one of the three heads of the demon god. He suddenly opened his eyes, and endless black light poured out from his eyes. In an instant, The world is dark!

"Oops! I fell into a trap!"

"Quickly retreat!"


The Demon God raised his palm and brought it down. Before he could get close to the battleship, the two battleships began to disintegrate. The Dao Marks and Dao Marks collapsed. The two masters on the battleship were shattered one by one. They were shattered into pieces and could no longer die!

The ancestor of the Lu family was extremely frightened and furious. He hurriedly activated the Taoist gate, raised his ancestral soldiers, and shouted sternly: "Old ghost He, join forces, join forces immediately, otherwise we will all die!"

The two ancestral weapons rose into the air, with thousands of rhymes flowing, exuding the unique throbbing of the great avenue of heaven and earth, and greeted the demon god's big hand!

Under the Demon God's big hand, the two ancestral weapons were hit with an extremely strong blow, making a cracking sound, and then exploded with a bang. The Taoist door of the two men was shattered, and then their bodies disintegrated and disappeared into thin air!

"So strong?"

Ye Xu couldn't help being stunned and laughed: "With this incarnation, even if I am the witch ancestor, I can fight!"

He suddenly felt weak. The amount of mana required to activate the demon god's external incarnation was beyond his expectation. He just sacrificed the demon god with only one movement, which was to raise his hand to cover it down, but it was just This one action drained away all his mana, leaving not a drop of it left!

"My magic power seems to be somewhat insufficient to begin with. If I add this demon god incarnation, it will become even more insufficient! I must improve my cultivation as soon as possible and break through to the realm of the Holy Emperor!"

The jade tower hung high above Ye Xu's head, and the fairy spirit in the tower kept pouring out, filling the emptiness of his cultivation. After recovering a little, he immediately accepted the demon incarnation, flew forward, and cleaned up the tattered battlefield. , put away all the fragments of the two ancestral weapons.

"I have obtained two more ancestral weapons. This time I can raise the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower to about ten floors!"

Ye Xu's heart was pounding. This wealth came so fast, making him a little dizzy. He thought to himself: "Sure enough, killing people and stealing goods is the fastest way to get rich. No wonder Brother Ying and the others went around robbing when they entered the heaven, and they robbed eighty times in a row. Many cities!”

Roaring Heavenly Dog stood on the side in admiration and thought: "I only ate a few Holy Emperors, but my lord killed all the people in the two ships. It turns out that my lord is a great expert in killing people and stealing goods. It's a pity that these guys were smashed by my lord." , It’s too much to eat, but having said that, the big demon just now is so fierce, it must have a good texture and chewiness..."

Its eyes were darting around, obviously trying to flirt with the devil's body. Ye Xu didn't notice the little calculation in the heart of the broken dog. He stood on the back of the roaring dog and urged the broken dog to go deep into the sky tomb. , said to himself: "Whether it is the demon body or the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, they are only external objects that enhance strength. Only one's own cultivation is the foundation. The sky tomb is extremely dangerous, and there must be many who have not yet been killed. If the discovered spiritual veins can be found at the Sanqing level, my thirty-three worlds can be quickly completed..."

————Chapter 2, imploring readers to subscribe, monthly and recommend! ! !


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