Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 816: The Ancient Demonic Dragon (First upd

Since the moment Ye Xu stepped into the Sky Tomb, the places he has visited are only the periphery of the Sky Tomb. These places have been searched over and over again by explorers going to the Sky Tomb. Even in the depths of the earth, in the sun and the moon, They've all been looked through, and it's hard to find anything useful anymore.

Even the demons living in the sky tombs were forced by these explorers to travel far away, unable to survive in this barren land.

Only the depths of the Sky Tomb, where those tyrannical demon kings and even demon gods live, are the real treasures. It can be said to be the unexplored heaven!

Today's Jiutian is the largest fragment of the ancient heaven that King Yuanshi moved from the Sky Tomb. However, after so many years of development, although there is a lot of wealth in the heaven, they are all concentrated in the hands of giants. It is conceivable that the Sky Tomb How amazing is the wealth in other places!

"With great wealth comes great danger."

Ye Xu stood on the back of the Roaring Sky Dog and ran towards the depths of the Sky Tomb. He thought to himself: "The core of the Sky Tomb must be full of powerful people and is not something I can go to. However, the wealth in other places should also be there." No less.”

The roaring dog flew for several days and nights. Ye Xu took the opportunity to melt the fragments of the ancestral soldiers of the Luhe family and break them into the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. As expected, the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower was only upgraded to the tenth floor. The divine gold and divine materials in the two ancestral weapons were only enough for him to refining a two-story pagoda. It can be seen that each subsequent level of this pagoda requires several times more materials than before!

However, the power of this pagoda has become stronger and stronger as a result, and is nearly twenty times more powerful than Ye Xu himself!

He encountered more and more ancient behemoths along the way, and they were no longer so desolate. These giant beasts are full of strange things. They are very powerful. From their reproduction in ancient times to the present, they have experienced the ancient immortal court and survived the catastrophe after the death of the ancient immortals.

However, the strength of these giant beasts is not high, and the most powerful ones are only at the level of the Witch King. Even the Roaring Sky Dog has no interest in these "delicious little rabbits" and only exudes its fierce power. Driving these giant beasts away was not a feast for the eyes.

Ye Xu perked up. He thought: "There are giant beasts living here, there must be many treasures, and there are even many spiritual veins!"


He suddenly reached out and grabbed a majestic mountain below, only to hear a loud roar, and a fairy vein was drawn out by his magic power. This fairy vein is very different from the spiritual veins Ye Xu has seen before. The veins of the fairy spirit are milky white, but this fairy vein is filled with dense demonic energy, and its whole body is as black as a black dragon.

The spiritual energy in the spiritual veins is not so pure. Instead, all kinds of negative thoughts are turbulent and sad in the spiritual veins. Anger, sorrow, murder, insidiousness. Hatred, disgust, jealousy, despair, almost include the dark side of everyone's psychology!

This is the horror of the Sky Tomb. Because the ancient world is buried in the Sky Tomb, the ancient immortals and humans buried here will decline and their immortal lives will end. The Taoist heart is shattered, and all the darkness in the heart explodes. It left an indelible curse on this land and all living creatures. They were born with their negative emotions and turned into demons. Even the divine gold and divine materials in the sky tomb, including the spiritual veins, were also transformed into demons!

If a strong person in the heaven rashly absorbs the spiritual veins here, he will be assimilated by the negative emotions in it, destroy his will, and over time, he will turn into a demon and lose his mind. It is extremely dangerous!

Even the sacred gold and divine materials here will become demonized if used to refine witchcraft treasures. If you use this witchcraft treasure for a long time, you will be infected!

Ye Xu glanced at this fairy vein and then threw it into his mouth.

All the negative emotions in this fairy vein suddenly erupted, and countless noisy voices came one after another, getting into his mind and disrupting his sanity!

"Qingming Seal!"

Ye Xu unfolded his seal and immediately purified these negative emotions. The pure energy in his spiritual veins flowed throughout his body, allowing him to recover some of his cultivation.

"The effect of fairy veins on my cultivation is too small. If I rely on fairy veins to supplement my cultivation, even a thousand of them won't be enough... Huh?"

Ye Xu let out a sigh, and suddenly felt that the fairy vein he had devoured and refined just now contained a strange message, and he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

This information is full of violence and darkness, but it is not the curse of the fallen immortals in ancient times. It seems to be the knowledge and principles naturally born in this world!

"This information is..."

Ye Xu closed his eyes, captured these insignificant information, and thought about it carefully. His body suddenly shook, and his eyes showed disbelief and ecstasy.

"Hell! This information is the truth of heaven and earth contained in ancient hell!"

This information is so weak that it can almost be ignored, but the great way of heaven and earth contained in it is different from the thirty-three worlds, and also different from the three thousand worlds, but a brand new way, the way of the ancient hell, which is better than the three thousand worlds. The world of the underworld in ten directions is more complete and richer!

"Could it be said that the sky tomb under my feet is a fragment of ancient hell?"

Ye Xu's heart moved. The Sky Tomb was not a whole, but an unimaginably huge space composed of countless fragments. Even if the Nine Heavens God Realm and the Three Thousand Worlds were tied together, it would not be one percent of the size of the Sky Tomb. .

He entered the Sky Tomb and traveled dozens of billions of miles, but he never visited the fragments of the ancient world beneath his feet, not even one percent of this fragment!

"If I can deduce the complete eighteen levels of hell, I will no longer have to rely on pseudo-hells such as the Ten Directions Netherworld Demonic Land. It will be enough for my King Pan to open the Heavenly Scripture to accommodate the three realms of heaven, earth, and man, and completely perfect it!"

Ye Xu became energetic and glanced towards the depths of the sky tomb, thinking: "The spiritual veins born from the fragments of the ancient hell contain the Tao and principles of the ancient hell, but the information contained in the fairy veins is in the Taipei." It’s so weak that it’s impossible to deduce the complete truth of hell. Only Taiqing spiritual veins can deduce the eighteen levels of hell!”

The fairy veins do not form any dao marks at all, and contain very little information. Only high-level spiritual veins such as Taiqing Spiritual Veins, Shangqing Spiritual Veins, and Yuqing Spiritual Veins contain rich truths.

Ye Xu's heart was filled with fire and he sped forward. Along the way, he pulled out the fairy veins from the ground, constantly integrated into himself, and restored his own cultivation.

Although the fairy veins are of little use to him, it is better than nothing. As long as there is a large amount, it is enough to restore his cultivation strength.

"In the Sky Tomb, high-level spiritual veins such as the Taiqing Spiritual Vein are probably protected by extremely powerful monsters or demons. It will be difficult to snatch them away without recovering their cultivation strength."

The density of giant beasts in the sky tomb is getting higher and higher. Along the way, Ye Xu encountered countless tyrannical beasts, running rampant everywhere, competing for resources, and fighting each other. The fight shook the earth.

This is simply a world in a barbaric era, with constant wars.

Fortunately, the strength of these giant beasts is not high, and their grades are not high. Wherever the roaring dog passes, the aura of the giant beast overlord spreads out, and these giant beasts automatically give way. Not daring to step forward, Ye Xu also saved a lot of trouble.

The broken dog was as proud as an emperor walking into the back garden, and thought to himself: "No matter where the great king went before, he was always chased by people, one by one broken dog. I didn't expect that the great king would have such a glorious day..."

"What a powerful aura!"

Ye Xu's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt the demonic energy rising to the sky in front of him. It was obvious that there was an extremely powerful giant beast in front of him. From this aura alone, he could deduce the strength of this giant beast, which was probably no weaker than when he was in his heyday. . Just like the old Holy Emperor, but his energy and blood are a thousand times more powerful than the old Holy Emperor's. It is a giant beast close to the witch ancestor!

He looked up and saw mountains swaying in front of him. Leaning in all directions, it must be that this giant beast is too strong and its aura is emitting, forcing these mountains to tilt outwards!

"Tai Qing Spiritual Vein, and there is more than one Tai Qing Spiritual Vein!"

Ye Xu focused his eyes and looked towards the mountains. His eyes penetrated the valleys in the mountains and saw an underground cave that was vast and thousands of miles underground. There was a demonic dragon entrenched in the cave. In this cave, there were four more. Taiqing's spiritual veins were in constant turmoil and were sealed by this demonic dragon.

This demonic dragon is wrapped with Dao patterns and Dao marks, as if it were a ferocious thing made of Dao patterns and Dao marks. Its whole body is full of explosive power. You can tell at a glance that it is very difficult to provoke!

Its cultivation strength is much more tyrannical than that of the Roaring Heavenly Dog. The realm of the Roaring Heavenly Dog is only equivalent to the middle stage of the Holy Emperor. It has not yet cultivated to the point where it can use Dao patterns and Dao marks to forge its physical body, but this demon dragon has already completed it. This step!

The ancient behemoth is huge and incomparable. It is many times more powerful than the human demon race. Its huge body is all tempered with Dao lines and Dao marks. You can imagine how strong its body is!

Ye Xu's eyes flashed and he suddenly smiled and said: "Xiao Tian, ​​below this valley, there is an ancient demon dragon that is comparable to the peak holy emperor. You go down and call the formation."

"Ancient Demonic Dragon?"

The Roaring Sky Dog's ears immediately stood up, its mouth watered, and it rushed towards the valley with joy: "The ancient magic dragon in the peak Holy Emperor stage must have a unique taste and rich nutrition! Lord, you must remember to hold the battle for me! "

"Don't worry, you are the most respected king under my command, how can I watch you die?" Ye Xu chuckled.

Roaring Heavenly Dog became bolder, its four hooves crashed down, lowered its head and opened its mouth to roar, roaring through the earth, revealing the vast cave below.

"My grandson below, come out quickly and die!" Pogou shouted arrogantly.

hold head high--

The ancient demon dragon was furious, opened its mouth and chanted, rushed out of the cave, its momentum soared into the sky, shaking the mountains, and saw the demon dragon's body entangled in the mid-air, as tall as a mountain, much higher than the Roaring Sky Dog, condescending Look at this broken dog!

"A roaring dog?"

The demon dragon turned from anger to joy, salivated at the mouth, and laughed: "The Roaring Sky Dog has the blood of ancient gods and demons. It is extremely rare and has almost become extinct. How pitiful is it that you have come to my door and I can devour you?" Improve your bloodline and become a witch ancestor!”

As soon as it opened its mouth, the fallen mountains exploded with a bang, which was extremely shocking!

Roaring Sky Dog was startled, looked up at the demon dragon, and murmured: "My dear, this thing is so big, how long will it take to finish it off..."

At the same time, Ye Xu suddenly unfolded the void seal, his body merged into the void of the sky tomb, and quietly sneaked into the Demon Dragon Cave. He thought to himself: "You can't make a weapon without cutting it, Xiaotian, it's not that my lord is harming you intentionally, but for your sake, you As the most powerful king under my command, you must work hard to become a great weapon! In short, you should carry it first..."

————My ranking on the monthly ticket list is declining, please support me with some monthly tickets~ (To be continued.)

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