Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 814: Incarnation (First update, please sub

Ye Xu shattered the demon's will with his palm, finally breathed a sigh of relief and stumbled to the ground.

This demon god is indeed terrifyingly powerful. Even the ancestral soldiers and the clones of the witch ancestors were smashed to pieces. His full blow, before it fell on the ancestral soldiers, crushed the ancestral soldiers' dao marks and shook the Gu family's ancestral soldiers. Gotta crack!

If it weren't for the Gu family's ancestral soldiers, it would be impossible to deal with this unyielding will with the strength of Ye Xu and others. Even if he cultivated into the Holy Emperor, he would never be able to deal with the remaining will of this demon god!

"This demon god must have been an extremely outstanding figure during his lifetime. He has definitely cultivated to the point where he is close to the god king. He must also be the overlord who dominates the sky tomb!"

Ye Xu thought to himself: "Such a person could actually be killed. Who is the Samsara Dharma King who killed him?"

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai were severely injured, and the Taoist sect collapsed. At this moment, they had suppressed their injuries and each took out a few fairy veins in an effort to restore their cultivation.

Ye Xu stepped forward and saw that the two men's injuries were not serious, so he felt relieved and asked: "Brother Feng, Brother Fu, you are well-informed, do you know who the Dharma King of Samsara is?"

This demon will regard the three of them as the King of Samsara, and fights them when they come up, disrupting Ye Xu's plan. Therefore, Ye Xu guesses that this demon must have died at the hands of the King of Samsara, so he left a trace of unyielding will, no matter what he saw. All living beings thought he was the King of Samsara, trying to kill his opponents and fulfill their wishes.

Fu Xilai shook his head and said: "Among the gods and kings of the Nine Heavens God Realm, there is no one called the King of Samsara. This person must be a great demon god in the Sky Tomb."

Feng Suiyun looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ye, the heaven is too big, and there are many secret realms that are extremely dangerous. There are countless strong people, and among them there are many tyrannical beings who are comparable to the God King. The King of Samsara is probably one of them. one."

"The King of Samsara, this person carries the word 'reincarnation'. Could it be that he has practiced the Six Paths of Reincarnation or something like that?" Ye Xu thought to himself.

In ancient times, the Six Paths of Reincarnation co-ordinated all major worlds, including the heavenly realm, and even opened the Heavenly Scripture to Ye Xu's King Pan. It has an immeasurable effect.

Therefore, when he heard the name of Samsara Dharma King, he couldn't help but pay attention to it.

"This demon god must have just died a few years ago. Maybe the King of Samsara is still in the sky tomb..."

At this moment, the Gu family's ancestral weapons were shattered, and even the clone of the Gu family's witch ancestor was destroyed by Ye Xu, without even the slightest threat. Ye Xu took a short rest. Immediately he raised the Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda, cast the Red Ming Seal, and melted the fragments of the ancestral soldiers into the pagoda.

The value of the ancestral weapons is extremely high. It is the treasure that the Holy Emperor dreams of. Not everyone can possess it. Such rare treasures can be used as important treasures to suppress the fate of a small sect or aristocratic family. Now it was destroyed, but Ye Xu didn't feel distressed at all.

Although the Gu family's ancestral soldiers are strong, they are dispensable to him. There is no possibility of further improvement. Only refining his own treasures is the most suitable path for him.

The fragments of the ancestral soldiers melted and poured into the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower.

There are countless divine materials and gold contained in the Gu family's ancestral weapons, and the quality of the divine materials and gold collected by Ye Xu is not only much higher. And the quantity is also extremely astonishing, dozens of times more than the magic material and gold collected by Ye Xu!

However, as the number of floors of Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower increases, the materials required also increase greatly.

Ye Xu once again refined the Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda to three levels. The power of this pagoda doubled again, up to a level that was seven or eight times better than Ye Xu's strength!

"If all seventeen floors of this pagoda are built, my strength plus the power of the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. Even if I encounter an old saint emperor like the ancestor of the Mang family, I can kill him with one blow. I will never use it. The second move! Even if I am only at the eighth level, I can now compete head-on with the ancestor of the Mang family without the need for conspiracy. Coupled with my own strength, I can also deal with the saint emperors like the ancestor of the Mang family... "

Ye Xu is full of confidence. Now he has only refinished the first eight floors of Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda. If this pagoda is upgraded to the thirty-third floor, its terrifying power may allow him to compete with the Witch Ancestor head-on!

"The materials required for the first eight levels are already so terrifying. The materials required for the next twenty-five levels are probably astronomical, enough to refine hundreds of ancestral weapons!"

He couldn't help but feel a little dizzy and murmured: "Is this still refining a holy treasure?"

The Gu family's ancestral weapons were shattered. In addition to the divine materials and gold, there was also the huge essence contained in the clones of the Gu family's ancestors. These essences were naturally in the form of Tao Yun. However, they were shattered by the will of the demon god and Ye Xu, and they were all broken. However, The energy contained in it is still extraordinary and extremely pure.

If one can absorb and refine these essences and improve one's cultivation level, it will definitely be much faster than absorbing the fairy veins or even the Taiqing spiritual veins!

"Brother Feng, Brother Fu, you two have done a great job this time. The two of you have absorbed and refined the essence of the witch ancestor's clone to improve your cultivation."

Ye Xu smiled and said: "With your improved cultivation and strong strength, we will be even more at home in the Sky Tomb!"

His way of cultivation is different. Although the essence of the witch ancestor's clone is good, Ye Xu is not very interested in it. However, these majestic essences are extremely precious to the wind and can indeed make them His cultivation level has been greatly improved in a short period of time!

The two of them did not refuse, looked at each other, nodded and smiled: "In that case, we will stay in the Demon God's Purple Mansion to refine these essences. Once these essences are completely refined, I am afraid that both of us will He is a peak Holy Emperor, and the gap between you and Brother Ye is not that big."

Both of them are talented people and the sons of the God King. Their cultivation has improved rapidly, but they were both hit hard in front of Ye Xu.

Ye Xu's original strength was almost the same as theirs, and he might not be able to defeat them even if he tried his best. But now, in just a few months, Ye Xu's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, leaving the two of them far behind. Out of reach.

If the essence of the witch ancestor's clone could be refined, the gap between the two of them and Ye Xu would be narrowed a lot, and they would not be so disappointed.

"Now, it's time to insert your own consciousness into the purple mansion space of this demon god and refine him into his external incarnation!"

Ye Xu sat down cross-legged, his thoughts moved slightly, and his eyebrows opened, revealing the deep Zifu space. He saw his consciousness swarming out, connecting with each other, turning into Dao lines and marks, and integrating into the Demon God's Zifu. , become one with this demon god.

His spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, but the vast space of this demon god's Purple Mansion is really surprisingly large. When most of Ye Xu's spiritual consciousness gushes out, the Purple Mansion has not yet been filled.

He could only calm down and slowly refine the demon god while generating new spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, if his spiritual consciousness was exhausted, Ye Xu's own cultivation strength would be greatly reduced.

After an unknown amount of time, his spiritual consciousness finally filled the space of the Demon God's Purple Mansion, imprinting his own mark everywhere, and refining it.

"The remaining steps are for my clone to take over the Demon God's Purple Mansion!"

Lines and marks all over Ye Xu's body surged out, turning into three thousand worlds. Thirty-three days later, more lines and marks poured out, turning into a jade tree, standing tall against the sky and the earth, penetrating the heaven and the underworld, and then A tattered Six Paths of Reincarnation flew out, shrouding the world and the underworld.

"Clone transformation!"

He shouted suddenly, and saw the heavy world suddenly compressed sharply, turning into a blue-shirted boy, a million feet tall, standing in the Demon God's Purple Mansion, like a god.

Ye Xu's avatar appeared and immediately connected with the divine consciousness all over the Zi Mansion. With just a slight movement of his mind, he could control this demon god!

"Finally, I've made this incarnation!"

Ye Xu was overjoyed. He glanced around and saw that Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai were still practicing hard. He immediately escaped from the space of Demon God Zifu in a flash.

"This demon god also has two other heads. Unfortunately, the demon god's unyielding will is also inside and cannot be refined easily. Therefore, after I have worked so hard to refine it for so long, it is only equivalent to refining one-third of the body. Incarnation. However, even one third is enough!"

Ye Xu left Zi Mansion and thought to himself: "The only drawback is that the blood and energy of this demon god have been exhausted. If you want to bring out his full strength, you must be infused with the blood of the witch ancestor."

"If you catch up with that broken dog, I will cut that stupid dog into pieces today, thousands of pieces!"

"What a bastard. This broken dog was running around with the devil's body on its back. It led us to chase it for several days. Before we could catch up with it, it even killed more than a dozen people from my Lu family and He family. The Holy Emperor was buried in its mouth. If I don't kill him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

"Kill the dog and skin it!"

Ye Xu's heart was moved, and when he looked back, he saw two battleships roaring in pursuit. On top of the battleships, the masters of the Lu family and the He family yelled and cursed, activated their witchcraft from afar, and blasted at the roaring dog.

Not only them, but even the ancestors of the two families were furious. From time to time they would mobilize their ancestral soldiers and attack them from afar. Unfortunately, the Roaring Sky Dog was too fast. After this giant beast reached the realm of the Holy Emperor, his body It was huge, hundreds of miles long, and it left everyone's attacks behind in a single leap, making it impossible to pursue it.

"You bitches, you are looking for death, do you know? If you piss off Uncle Long, Uncle Long will eat you all!"

Ye Xu suddenly heard the Roaring Dog's roar and couldn't help but laugh. This broken dog had obviously been with him for too long and actually learned his tone.

The masters of the two major families on the two battleships were even more angry, and they could not stop shouting and cursing.

"Xiaotian, stop." Ye Xu smiled.

The Roaring Sky Dog couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He immediately stopped, wagged his tail at Ye Xu, and said flatteringly, "My lord, these dogs are chasing me for no reason, but I'm eating them up!"

"here you go."

Ye Xu laughed loudly, turned around and faced many masters from the Lu family and the He family, and said with a smile: "Everyone, you are chasing and killing my dog ​​for no reason, isn't it too disrespectful to my master?"

Two battleships came forward, and one of the Peak Holy Emperors shouted angrily, suddenly rushed from the battleship, and said sternly: "So what if I kill your dog? I will kill you today!"

————The first update is here, please subscribe and support with monthly tickets~ (To be continued)

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