Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 813: The Will of the Demon God (Second upda

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai also harvested many divine materials in the small Yuanjie. Although Fu Xilai was robbed of some of the divine materials by Ye Xu, he also gained a lot by killing the prince of Yuandao.

At this moment, the two of them used Ye Xu's Chiming Seal to re-temper their own holy treasures and integrate various divine materials into their own holy treasures. They saw that the Golden Disc of Creation and the Qingxuan Divine Mansion were branded with various Dao patterns and Dao marks, and the power doubled, which was more powerful than before!

After the two of them re-refined their holy treasures, Ye Xu's Miro Heaven and Earth Tower had not been completely re-refined successfully.

Ye Xu successively put the Qingming He Tongtian Qingming Seal and the Xuantai Pingyutian Xuantai Seal into the pagoda, and the power of the Miro Heaven and Earth Tower doubled again. The power was so strong that it almost reached the peak of the holy treasure, and the power it exuded was almost comparable to Ye Xu!

The power of this pagoda is equivalent to another Ye Xu, and the power is so strong that Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai are secretly shocked.

"If Brother Ye's pagoda is refined to the seventeenth floor, its power will be comparable to that of the ancestral weapon!"

When Ye Xu refined the Miro Heaven and Earth Pagoda to the fifth floor, he was suddenly startled and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He refined five layers of the pagoda in a row, and all the divine materials and divine gold at hand were consumed, without any left!

"This pagoda consumes too many materials. I killed so many sons of gods and emperors in the small Yuanjie, but I still haven't got enough divine materials to refine the Miro Heaven and Earth Pagoda!"

To refine a holy treasure, it is necessary to enter the corresponding Dao patterns and Dao marks. At this moment, Ye Xu has enough strength to refine the Miro Heaven and Earth Pagoda into a holy treasure, but there are not enough divine materials to upgrade the pagoda. Now this pagoda is only equivalent to a semi-finished product of a holy treasure.

"Gu family's ancestral weapon, come out!"

Ye Xu shouted in a deep voice, and suddenly released the Gu family's ancestral weapon from the Jade Tower. After he killed all the disciples of the Gu family, the Gu family's ancestral weapon became an ownerless object, which he collected calmly and kept in the Jade Tower, without time to sacrifice and refine. Even when fighting with the ancestor of the Mang family, he never used this treasure.

This is an umbrella-shaped ancestral weapon. Once it is sacrificed, the big umbrella opens, the Dao rhyme flows, and the attack and defense are integrated, which is very powerful.

However, the power of the Gu family's ancestral weapon is far less than that of the demon god's corpse. The Dao rhyme emitted by the demon god's corpse alone is a hundred times thicker than the Dao rhyme of the Gu family's ancestral weapon!

Moreover, the Dao rhyme of the Gu family's ancestral weapon is not much. There are only a hundred or so, while the Dao rhyme on the demon god's corpse is densely packed, numbering in the thousands, which shows how powerful this demon god was when he was alive!

"Xuantai Seal!"

"Qingming Seal!"

"Guanming Duanjing Seal!"

Ye Xu displayed three seals in succession, his body was in a mysterious fetus, his mind was clear, his eyes were like torches, and he had an unparalleled majesty all over his body. Like an emperor coming to the world, looking at the Gu family's ancestral weapon, the three seals were added, especially the Guanming Duanjing seal. When this seal was unfolded, the various Dao rhymes of the Gu family's ancestral weapon were clear in his eyes, without any secrets.

The information involved in these Dao rhymes. It was beyond the understanding of the Holy Emperor. But he blessed himself with the three seals, and saw the principles in these Dao rhymes clearly and distinctly. He easily understood the structure of the Gu family's ancestral weapon, and even the mental method that the witch ancestor who created this ancestral weapon practiced during his lifetime was deduced by him.

As long as Ye Xu is willing, he can even completely restore the Gu family's mental method.

However, Ye Xu used these three seals to bless the body of the demon god. He felt that the Dao rhyme wrapped around the body was very profound and difficult to understand, and it should be many times stronger than the Dao rhyme of the Gu family's ancestral weapon!


He suddenly raised the Miro Heaven and Earth Pagoda, and the pagoda was so powerful that it drew out the Dao rhymes from the Gu family's ancestral weapon and merged them into the pagoda!

He had already understood all the principles contained in the Gu family's ancestral weapon, and now he could easily decompose the ancestral weapon.

"What is Brother Ye doing?"

Feng Suiyun looked up and saw a treasure umbrella open in the air. Hundreds of Dao rhymes flowed, and above the treasure umbrella, a 17-story tower stood, constantly drawing out the Dao rhymes from the treasure umbrella and absorbing them into the tower.

Fu Xilai looked solemn. He said in a deep voice: "Could it be that Brother Ye wants to decompose the Gu family's ancestral weapon and integrate it into the tower to enhance the power of the pagoda? This move is too risky. If the true spirit in the pagoda is alarmed, this ancestral weapon will backfire with a power comparable to the full force of the ancestral weapon, and it can easily kill the invincible Saint Emperor like the ancestor of the Mang family!" Feng Suiyun couldn't help but get nervous, and hurriedly offered up the Golden Disc of Creation. The golden disc floated in the air and appeared above the Creation Dao Gate. It opened with a bang, and the Dao patterns and traces were dropped to protect Ye Xu. Fu Xilai also encouraged the Dao Gate and urged the Qingxuan Divine Mansion to bless Ye Xu's body, just in case. "Brother Feng, Brother Fu, you don't have to be so cautious. I have a trick to kill the true spirit of the Gu family's ancestral soldiers!" Ye Xu smiled slightly, and suddenly a Taihuang Seal chopped off one of the heads of the demon god's flesh body, and shouted: "Open it for me!" The demon god's flesh body originally had four heads, but one was chopped off, leaving only three. Ye Xu's Taihuang Seal fell like an axe that opened the sky, and the center of the head's eyebrows suddenly opened. Miro Tiandi Tower and Gu family's ancestral soldiers rushed into the center of the head's eyebrows and disappeared. "Let's go in too!" Ye Xu's figure shrank rapidly and plunged into the center of the demon god's eyebrows. Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai looked at each other and hurriedly rushed in. They had just entered the center of the demon god's eyebrows, and suddenly their eyes lit up and became extremely open, but they entered the demon god's purple mansion space. Whether it is a human, god, demon, or monster, the purple mansion is extremely mysterious, and it contains the soul, consciousness, and will of the sorcerer.

This demon god's soul and consciousness were all shattered, and he was already dead. However, a ray of his will was still alive, so the refining demon god's corpse would be attacked by his unyielding will.

Ye Xu's eyes flashed, and he continued to sacrifice the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, extracting the Tao Yun of the treasure umbrella, thinking: "As long as we stimulate the ancestral soldiers to counterattack, and use the full strength of the ancestral soldiers to strike, we may be able to severely damage the unyielding demon god. Will can drive away tigers and swallow wolves. Not only can it decompose and refine the ancestral weapons and integrate them into my pagoda, it can also refine the body of this demon god!"

The space of Zi Mansion suddenly shook, and a great demon god suddenly appeared in the sky. The demonic energy around his body was entangled and majestic. An unyielding thought suddenly surged into the hearts of the three of them.

This was the unyielding will of the demon god. It was this will that shattered the consciousness of the ancestor of the Mang family. He had four heads, eight arms and eight legs, and a bronze head and iron bones. The majestic beast-headed man suddenly looked at Ye Xu and said with a ferocious smile: "The Dharma King of Samsara, you have finally appeared!"

He laughed loudly and suddenly rushed towards Ye Xu and the others: "Samsara Dharma King, I am unwilling to accept defeat. Let's fight again!"


Ye Xu was shocked. The plan could not keep up with the change. They had just entered the Zi Mansion. Unexpectedly, this demon god's unyielding will was awakened, and he was not given time to calmly arrange it!

"Who is the Dharma King of Samsara?"

Feng Suiyun was stunned. He saw the will of the demon god rushing towards him, and he quickly shouted: "Brother, we are really not the Dharma King of Samsara!"

The demon god ignored his will at all, stepped on the void, stepped towards the three of them, and said with a ferocious smile: "The King of Samsara. Die!"

Without saying a word, Ye Xu suddenly raised the Gu family's ancestral soldier, faced the big foot, and then pulled the two of them back quickly!

The Gu family's ancestral weapon was under endless pressure, and the big umbrella was cracked and full of cracks. This ancestral weapon was almost crushed by the devil's big foot!

Suddenly, the big umbrella shook violently. A simple figure emerged. Just like a Taoist ancestor, he said coldly: "What monster dares to destroy my treasure?"

This big umbrella rotated rapidly, and the Tao Yun in the umbrella soared, roaring to meet the will of the demon god!


Infinite light bloomed and suddenly erupted. The demon god's Zifu space could no longer withstand the blows of the two extremely powerful beings. It collapsed with a rumble and knocked all Ye Xu and the others away!

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai were shaken by the surging air waves and vomited blood. Shocked in his heart, Fu Xilai vomited blood and said, "Brother Ye, is this your clever plan?"

"The plan has changed..." Ye Xu said calmly.

His cultivation strength far surpassed the two of Feng Fu, but he was shocked by the two extremely powerful beings, but his blood was boiling, but he was not injured.

I saw the Gu family's ancestral soldiers shattering in mid-air, and the body of the Xuanmen Taoist ancestor in the umbrella became tattered. Withered.

And the demon god's will was cut all over by the Tao Yun in the umbrella. Seven of the eight legs were broken, six of the eight hands were shattered, and one was broken. The body was covered with cracks. It seems that it may be shattered to pieces at any time, with only one percent of its strength left. It can be said that both sides suffer losses!

"Although the plan has changed, the effect is the same! Do it!"

Ye Xu suddenly stood up, and the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower roared out, shrouding the true spirit of the Gu family's ancestral soldiers. Ye Xu moved and stood on the pagoda. He saw the pagoda suppressing it in the air and suppressing the Gu family's ancestral soldiers. The true spirit was shattered, and with a loud bang, the incarnation of the witch ancestor exploded on the spot, and the surging cultivation was like a sea, rushing in all directions!

At the same time, Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai also started to attack the will of the demon god. They saw two Taoist gates rising into the air. The power of the Golden Disk of Creation and Qingxuan Divine Palace surged towards the demon god. The devil's will is suppressed!

"Dharma King Samsara, you can't kill me!"

Two Taoist gates and two holy treasures were blasted down, and they all hit the head of the demon god's will. The head was immediately shattered. The demon god's will was injured, and he roared angrily. He stretched out his hand and slapped the Taoist gate of creation. He Qingxuan's divine gate was shattered into pieces, and Dao marks were everywhere!

Click! Click!

The Golden Disc of Good Fortune and the Qingxuan Divine Mansion were also severely damaged at the same time. Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai both vomited blood, flew out, collapsed to the ground, and said with lingering fear: "What a danger, if Brother Ye hadn't helped us to re-forge it." Holy treasure, our two holy treasures will also be shattered by the will of this demon..."

The demon god roared with will, stood up, his body was in tatters, and suddenly opened his mouth and roared, shattering the void with a roar, the demonic sound transformed, sound waves that shattered the void roared, and bombarded Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai!

Ye Xu suddenly appeared in front of Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai, struck by the demonic sound, shook his body, and three thousand worlds flew out, turning into the Witch Desolate Seal, and fell with one seal, covering the demon god's unyielding will!

"Dharma King Samsara, I'm going to kill you!"

The demon god's will was broken through Ye Xu's chest with a seal, and a big hole was opened in his chest. The front and back were translucent, and he smiled ferociously. He rushed towards Ye Xu and fell with a palm.

Ye Xu was indifferent, watching the Demon God's Will rush towards him with cold eyes, his thoughts moved slightly, and he saw the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower roaring towards him, colliding with the palm of the Demon God's Will!


His figure soared into the air, and green energy rushed out from his head, turning into thirty-three heavens. These heavenly realms took shape, and turned into palm prints, which fell suddenly, crushing the will of the demon god!

————Two chapters have been updated today. Please subscribe to the first chapter of bip. Also, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes~ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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