Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 116: Capture

Chapter 116: Capture in one attack

When Shi Changqing and others heard that Ye Xu had made a bet with the black bear, they couldn't help but look at each other with pale faces. They looked at each other and said silently in their hearts: "Our Qingzhou branch has been wiped out. We have to wait for the general forum to find something wrong and send people to rescue." We are..."

"It would be a big shame if the main altar sent people to rescue us..."

"This black bear has killed our Qingzhou branch. If word spreads, even the Five Poison Sect will not have the face to see other comrades..."

Shi Changqing and others were uneasy. Ye Xu took off his blue shirt and revealed his muscular upper body. He was ready to move and said with a smile: "I am the master of Yunmen Mountain. You are a guest. I will stand still and give you three moves!"

Shi Changqing and others couldn't bear to watch anymore. Even they were no match for this black bear. If they were captured by him, Ye Xu's cultivation level was not as good as theirs. He would definitely be beaten to pieces by the black bear!

The bear glanced at Ye Xu's not-so-strong body, and said with a smile: "You are as skinny as a chicken, with not even a ounce of meat on your body. Master, if I attack you first, I will bully you! Master, I don't want you to give in." , but I’ll give you three moves!”

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. If Brother Xiong says this, I will be rude!"

"Stop talking nonsense and fight quickly!" Xiong Yan roared angrily.

Ye Xu put on his clothes and slowly walked ten feet away in front of him. Compared with Xiong Zhen's taller figure, he was just a small person.

Ye Xu slowly raised the jade tower. The two-story green light cold jade tower shook slightly and buzzed, and the green light shook the rocks on the ground to pieces.

Although his Jade Tower has not grown into the Zen Shan Wuliang Xuanhuang Tower, it is a bit taller than before, already two feet high, exuding a simple and solemn atmosphere.

The jade tower slowly rotated and stayed on top of the bear's head.

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Brother Xiong, be careful, I'm about to take action."

"Call me Xiong Batian!"

Xiong Yan became more and more irritable and said angrily: "Don't wait any longer. I will give you three moves when I say it. You will never dodge! If you keep talking nonsense, I will smash this broken building of yours with one punch. You will have no place to cry." Go cry!"

Ye Xu sighed and said: "Actually, one move is enough... Qian Chai Jiao, why don't you do it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge head popped out from the jade tower. It looked like a horse but not a horse, like a dragon but not a dragon. The neck was covered with dragon scales, and the back of the neck was covered with bone spurs. The dorsal fin exuded waves of fierce power and was ferocious and terrifying. !

This monster was the dried firewood dragon that Ma Sanbao gave to Ye Xu. After arriving in Qingzhou, Ye Xu sent it to the Yulou space to be raised.

This dragon horse hides in the Yuhua Yao Pool in the Jade Tower and takes a bath all day long. It is nourished and nourished by the water temperature in the Yuhua Yao Pool. The dragon scales all over its body are shining brightly, and it is more powerful than before!

As soon as Gan Chai Jiao poked his head out of the base of the Jade Tower, he bit Xiong Yan's upper body with a snap. Before Xiong Yan could struggle to resist, Gan Chai Jiao shrank his head and dragged him back to the Jade Tower!

Ye Xu stretched out his hand and saw that the jade tower gradually shrank, about two inches high, and fell into the palm of his hand. He shook his head and said: "Stupid bear, if it is Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen, they will never dare to let me take three moves!"

The reason why he practiced in the back mountain of Zizhu Peak was not to practice witchcraft, but to train Gan Chai Jiao so that the dragon horse would know how to sneak attack from the Jade Tower.

Shi Changqing and others were stunned and speechless for a long time.

"What are you nephews doing standing there in a daze?"

Ye Xu put away the jade tower and said, "Move all these medicine fields and medicine gardens to Zizhu Peak! I subdued this bear demon and asked him to take care of the medicine gardens."

Shi Changqing and others were still in a daze and still hadn't come back to their senses. Even Xiao Yue stayed where she was, looking stupidly at the place where Xiong Zhi disappeared.

Fortunately, Gong Yangji was so shocked by Ye Xu that he was already a little numb. He immediately woke up and felt contempt for these people in his heart: "Rookie! Although you have high cultivation, you have little knowledge. You don't know Uncle Ye's methods..."

Ye Xu ordered him to stay here and directed Shi Changqing and others to move the medicine garden and transplant the medicinal materials. He immediately planned to go back to the mountain, but at this time, the rumbling thunder came again, deafening!

"Isn't the thunder caused by this bear?"

Ye Xu was surprised and doubtful, thinking: "Are there other monsters in this Yunmen Mountain?"

The thunder was dull, as if it came from the ground. It sounded for a moment and then subsided, making it impossible to determine the direction.

Ye Xu shook his head and returned to Zizhu Peak.

Not long after he left, Shi Changqing and others finally came to their senses.

Xiao Yue pointed to the place where the bear disappeared and stammered: "Senior Brother Shi, the black bear just disappeared with a click..."

Another person lost his mind and said: "I just saw an evil dragon emerging from Uncle Ye's jade tower and swallowed the bear monster in one bite!"

"Wrong, it should be a dragon horse!"

"It's a dragon, I'm definitely not wrong! Our Five Poison Sect General Temple has raised an evil dragon. It's not yet an adult. It lives in the Dragon Transformation Pond every day and is too lazy to die! If a fellow sect brother wants to practice the nine strikes of the green dragon, etc. In witchcraft, you have to offer blood food and feed it before it is willing to surface for people to contemplate!"

Several people quarreled endlessly, Gong Yangji sneered and said to himself: "A bunch of rookies who have never seen the world! If they see Uncle Ye transforming into a demon ape and offering sacrifices to dozens of water dragons, the head of the eight great families in Qingzhou and Prince Liang will also The cows on Luofu Island were almost cut to death by him, I’m afraid they were even more shocked!”

But he didn't remember that when he was hiding in Jubaozhai watching the battle, he was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

"Senior brothers, my uncle ordered us to move all these medicinal fields and medicinal materials to Zizhu Peak before he left." Gong Yangji coughed and said with a smile.

Shi Changqing said: "Junior brothers, take action quickly, so as not to make your uncle wait in a hurry."

Several of them were convinced by Ye Xu, and then they decided to follow Ye Xu wholeheartedly.

"This bear is difficult to deal with..." Ye Xu returned to Zizhu Courtyard, entered the training room, and raised the Jade Tower. A lot of spiritual energy had accumulated in the training room. As soon as the Jade Tower appeared, he swept away all the spiritual energy. And empty.

He thought about it for a moment. Although Xiong Zhen was taken into the Jade Tower by him, this black bear was trained to be a demon, unruly and powerful. He would definitely not be convinced by him. If he let him out, he would probably cause trouble again.

With a thought in Ye Xu's mind, a ray of consciousness entered the Jade Tower, and he saw the bear roaring endlessly in the Jade Tower space, cursing angrily at the dry firewood dragon in the Yuhua Yaochi.

In the Yuhua Yao Pond, Gan Chai Jiao lay lazily in the water, stirring up waves from time to time and ignoring him.

At this moment, the space of Ye Xu's Jade Tower is extremely vast. It is now covered by hundreds of acres of jade trees, just like a small world!

On the island suspended in the center of Yaochi, the jade tree growing on the island became even bigger, like a giant pillar holding the sky, and the top of the tree could not be seen when looking up.

The crown of this jade tree has completely grown to the second floor of the jade building, leaving only the simple tree body covered with jade-like scales.

Wisps of colorful energy hang down from the tree crown, pass through the barrier between the first and second floors, and fall on the lake, shaking slightly.

"Why is Brother Bear so angry?" Ye Xu's consciousness turned into his true form and appeared in front of the black bear.

Xiong Yan shouted angrily and punched Ye Xu's consciousness into pieces.

However, Ye Xu's body is made up of strands of consciousness. They disperse and gather together, and then come together again in the blink of an eye. He smiled and said: "I'm willing to admit defeat, Brother Xiong. I still need a boy to take care of the medicine garden. Catch me." My nephew, ask them to farm for you, and I will arrest you. From now on, I will leave all the tasks of managing the medicine garden to you in Yunmen Mountain."

Xiong Yan turned a deaf ear and blasted Ye Xu's consciousness to pieces twice and three times. Seeing that there was nothing he could do, he stopped and said angrily: "You use conspiracy and trickery to defeat me, but I won't accept it! If you defeat me with your true ability, I will naturally be convinced." oral!"

Ye Xu had a headache. It was really not difficult to subdue this black bear. He only needed to use a beast transformation pill to beat him into submission.

However, if he uses the Beast Transformation Pill, he will be controlled by the hostility in the Beast Transformation Pill. Not only will Shi Changqing and others die, but Yunmen Mountain will also be ruined by him.

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