Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 115: Xiong Batian

Chapter 115 Xiong Batian

Ye Xu was shocked and angry. The eight capable disciples given to him by the Five Poison Sect were all captured by a black bear in less than a day. Moreover, the black bear also knew the strategy, so he actually released him back with one person to carry out reinforcements, attracting more people. Go over and farm for him!

"Send a few more people over? Doesn't this black bear plan to capture all the disciples of my Qingzhou branch and farm them?"

Ye Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked patiently: "Xiao Yue, tell me slowly, what method did that black bear use to catch you?"

Xiao Yue calmed down and explained the process in detail. It turned out that the seven of them went to the deep valley of Yunmen Mountain and found a medicinal garden in the valley, where more than a dozen rare medicinal materials were planted, including the elixir of green blood golden lotus, so they became greedy.

The seven of them were about to collect medicine, but they didn't know that a big black bear about 10 feet tall appeared next to them. He punched them without any explanation, injuring them all. Only he escaped.

The black bear did not kill people, but captured them and ordered those people to cultivate wasteland, weed and catch insects, and treat them as farmers.

"Blue Blood Golden Lotus?"

Ye Xu was slightly startled. It was recorded in the Five Poisons Classic that if the four-winged blood silkworm wanted to evolve into a celestial silkworm or a golden silkworm, it must be fed with medicinal materials such as green blood golden lotus.

If the four-winged blood silkworm can evolve into a celestial silkworm or a golden silkworm, its power will be equivalent to that of a witch treasure!

"How did Shi Changqing get caught by him? Could it be that the witch treasure couldn't hurt him?" Ye Xu continued to ask.

Shi Changqing is a master of the True Yuan Stage of the Three Realms Realm. He can control witch treasures and is extremely powerful, second only to the heads of those aristocratic families in Qingzhou.

Xiao Yue said with shame: "Senior Brother Shi has just cultivated to the Three Realms Realm. He has not refined the witchcraft yet, only one witch weapon. As soon as Senior Brother Shi sacrificed the witch weapon, he was smashed to pieces by the black bear's fist, and then he released the Gu worm. , Unexpectedly, the bear demon cultivated the demonic real fire and burned all the Gu insects to death. The senior brother had to use witchcraft to fight with the bear demon. After only a few moves, the bear demon got close to him, grabbed him, and threw the poison. We went to work in the garden... When the bear demon started to attack, he did not use witchcraft, witch soldiers, or witch treasures. He just relied on his brute force to beat us to a pulp..."

Gong Yangji had been listening at the side and suddenly said: "Senior Brother Xiao, does that bear demon have wings under its ribs?"

Xiao Yue thought carefully, nodded suddenly, and said: "That bear demon does have a pair of wings under its ribs, but the wings are too small, so I probably won't be able to fly."

Gong Yangji smiled and said: "Uncle Ye, it seems that the person living in seclusion in my Yunmen Mountain is probably a bear." When he saw Xiao Yue and others calling Ye Xu his uncle, he did not dare to call him "Brother Ye" anymore, so he simply Together with Xiao Yue and others, they also called Ye Xu uncle.

Ye Xu turned around and asked, "What is Xiong Zhi?"

Gong Yangji hurriedly explained: "Xiong Zan is also called flying bear. It is relatively rare. It has two wings on its ribs and can fly. This kind of monster is extremely powerful, its whole body is like iron, and it is difficult to be hurt by weapons. Moreover, Xiong Zan can recognize hundreds of herbs and poisons. Bu Guo, who often grows his own spiritual herbs and elixirs, is the nemesis of our Five Poison Sect."

He seemed to regard himself as a disciple of the Five Poison Sect, saying "our Five Poison Sect".

Xiao Yue couldn't help but look at the old man with admiration. When he first came here, he used to look down on Gong Yangji, but now he had to admire his profound knowledge.

"Uncle Master, do you want me to go back to the Five Poison Sect to bring in reinforcements?"

Ye Xu heard this and said with a smile: "I just became the helmsman not long ago. If I call in reinforcements when encountering such a trivial matter, wouldn't it make Senior Brother Gu laugh? I will deal with this bear. I happen to lack someone to take care of the medicine garden. Boy, how pitiful is this bear that he actually came to my door! Just wait for me for a while, then go and tame the black bear!" After that, he walked into the Zizhu courtyard and hurried away after a while. Come out and walk towards the back hill.

Xiao Yue and Gong Yangji stood in front of the door and looked at each other. After a long time, Xiao Yue exhaled a breath and asked doubtfully: "Brother Gong Yang, the helmsman will personally fight the black bear? Are you sure?"

In his heart, he was extremely doubtful about Ye Xu's ability. After all, Ye Xu was only at the ninth level of Pei Yuan, and he had not even fully entered the Solid Yuan stage. Not to mention his cultivation level, even Gong Yangji was better than Ye Xu's. The cultivation level is slightly higher.

Even Shi Changqing, who was in the True Yuan Stage of the Three Realms Realm, fell into the hands of that bear, not to mention Ye Xu, whose cultivation was far inferior to theirs?

Gong Yangji hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice: "Uncle Ye is probably going to take the Beast Transformation Pill and use the power of the Beast Transformation Pill to subdue the bear."

Xiao Yue had also heard Gu Yan mention this matter, and knew that Ye Xu used a beast-transforming pill to transform into a golden-haired water ape, causing trouble in Qingzhou and almost killing all the eight aristocratic families in Qingzhou plus the Prince of Liang.

He was also skeptical about this matter, and thought to himself: "The beast-transformation pill that can raise the cultivation level to the Haoyue stage can only be taken by a wizard at the Zhenyuan stage. Master Ye's cultivation level is so low, he will definitely take the beast-transformation pill." He will explode and die! It’s probably because Master Gu is exaggerating to make things easier for him.”

In the Five Poison Sect, there are many disciples who refine beast-transformation pills. He has never heard of anyone who can continuously cross dozens of levels and take high-level beast-transformation pills.

The two of them waited for a while with their own thoughts, but they heard a burst of beast roars coming from the back mountain, and from time to time a manic and violent spirit arose. The two of them couldn't help but wonder: "What kind of witchcraft is Uncle Ye practicing?"

After waiting for another half an hour, Ye Xu Shiran came from the back mountain and said with a smile: "Let's go, follow me to subdue that bear!"

The two of them were extremely puzzled, and Xiao Yue said boldly: "Uncle, are you confident enough? If even you are captured by the bear demon to become a farmer, our Qingzhou sub-rudder will have no backbone!"

Ye Xu smiled and said nothing, thinking: "Although these disciples from the Five Poison Sect have great respect for me, they still look down on me in their hearts when they see that my cultivation is not as good as theirs and I am younger than them. I just want to take this opportunity." , shock them, and let them know that it is not a fluke that I can become their uncle and take charge of the Qingzhou branch! "

The three of them gradually walked into a valley. Ye Xu looked up and saw that the valley was like a big bowl. The valley was extremely flat. The surrounding cliffs were as smooth as mirrors. There were a dazzling array of exotic flowers and plants in the mountains. From time to time, a tree sprang out from the dense forest. The fragrant deer watched them from afar, then quietly returned to the forest.

"It's a good place. This bear has some discernment and actually lives here in seclusion."

Ye Xu followed Xiao Yue and walked forward. After not walking very far, he saw several thatched cottages appearing in front of him. These thatched cottages were built against the mountains. In front of the thatched cottages was a plain with acres of medicinal gardens. It is full of various medicinal materials, including flowers and herbs.

Shi Changqing and others had a sad face. Some were reclaiming wasteland, while others were weeding and catching insects.

Beside the medicine garden, a big black bear with a golden sword and a big horse was lying on a big bamboo chair. A disciple of the Five Poison Sect stood beside him, waving a fan vigorously to cool him down, as if he was a wealthy landlord.

The black bear was extremely majestic and transformed into a human, but still retained its black fur. It was even more powerful than the oxen on Luofu Island!

When the disciple saw Ye Xu, he hurriedly winked at them and signaled not to come forward.

Shi Changqing and others also noticed the arrival of Ye Xu and the others, and secretly complained in their hearts: "Now, even Master Ye has thrown himself into the trap. Our Qingzhou branch of the Five Poison Sect has been completely wiped out, and all of them have been killed by this black bear." If you spread the words in your hands, you won’t even have the face to see people in the main altar..."

"Haha, as expected, a few more reinforcements have arrived!"

When the big black bear saw Ye Xu and others, he immediately jumped up. He stood up, more than ten feet tall, with two pitifully small wings under his ribs. It was really a tiger with a back and a bear's waist, majestic, and he laughed and said: "You guys You guys, don’t leave, just stay and let Mr. Xiong farm the land!”

Ye Xu stood far away, cupped his hands and smiled: "Brother Xiong, little brother..."

The bear roared, strode towards him, and said angrily: "Little guy, listen up, my name is Xiong Batian, don't call me a girly name like Xiong Xiong!"

"Xiong Batian, this name means very strong..."

Ye Xu was stunned and said with a smile: "I am the landowner of this Yunmen Mountain. My territory is within a hundred miles of my territory. I'm afraid you can't justify arresting my people on my territory, right?"

The black bear clenched its fists and said with a ferocious smile: "Your territory? Master, I have been practicing here for decades, transforming from beasts into monsters, and this is the first time I see you. Stop talking nonsense, whose fist is it?" Whoever is bigger is the landlord! Let's fight. If you win, Yunmen Mountain will belong to you. If you lose, all the mountains with a radius of a hundred miles will belong to me. You guys will also stay and let me take care of it. Medicine garden!”

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Okay, I agree! But there is one more condition. If you lose, you have to take care of the medicine garden for me!"

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