Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 117: Hundred Acres of Spiritual Field

Chapter 117: Hundred acres of spiritual land

Ye Xu thought for a moment and couldn't think of a way to subdue this guy. If he cultivated to the Three True Realms, he could indeed fight hard and win over this guy.

"Xiong Zan, if you don't obey me, I will lock you here and starve to death!" Ye Xu said fiercely.

Xiong Zan was startled, but then he became tough and said: "How long can you lock me up? Master, I will simply hibernate. I may not be able to starve to death in three to five years!"

Ye Xu has a headache. He also knows that beasts like black bears can hibernate and sleep for a whole winter. However, bear bears are alien monsters with wings growing from their ribs. After cultivating into monsters, they can live much longer than ordinary black bears. I'm afraid it will take three to five years to starve this black guy to death.

Xiong Yan was also worried that he would really lock him up for three to five years. He rolled his eyes, slowed down his voice, and said with a smile: "Boy, sir, I admit that you are the master of Yunmen Mountain, but if you can't defeat me, I will I will never submit to you. If you want to surrender to me, you just want me to take care of the medicine garden. Let's discuss it. I will help you grow the medicinal materials, but I will keep the proportion of the medicinal materials obtained!"

After saying that, the black bear stretched out a bear paw, spread its fingers, and waved it in front of Ye Xu.

"You want 50%? But it's not much..."

Ye Xu's heart moved. The reason why he planned to subdue the bear was because the black bear knew how to cultivate elixirs. If they could join forces, it would be a feasible solution.

He was about to agree, when he suddenly noticed Xiong Zan's bear paw, his face turned livid, and he laughed angrily: "You're such a naughty bear, you actually have six fingers, and you almost tricked me into agreeing!"

"We black bears already have six fingers!" the bear said confidently.

Ye Xu was so angry that he said angrily: "I am the landlord of Yunmen Mountain, and you have been cultivating my land for decades. As a tenant farmer, you haven't paid a penny of rent, and you still want 60%? I only give you this number, if you don’t agree, you will starve to death here!”

After Ye Xu finished speaking, he raised three fingers.

Xiong Zan was so upset that he had no choice but to agree to his conditions and whispered: "How come you were seen through? How come you were seen through..."

With a thought in his mind, Ye Xu released him from the jade tower, thinking: "As long as you agree to come down, won't you become a boy who takes care of my medicine garden? What does it matter whether you surrender or not? You have worked hard to farm, and seven The harvest of success is not left to me..."

Xiong Zhi came out of the trap and cried with joy. He glanced at Ye Xu and suddenly became jealous. He roared angrily and stretched out a palm as big as a cattail leaf fan to slap Ye Xu.

Ye Xu sneered and said, "I knew you were wild and untamed, how could I be unprepared?"

Before Xiong Zhen's slap fell, Ye Xu's Jade Tower covered the black bear's head. Gan Chai Jiao stuck his head out, bit the black bear with a click, and dragged him in again!

Xiong Zhen was released for the second time and immediately became much more honest.

"If you use violence again, I will imprison you for three years!" Ye Xu sneered.

This Xiong Zan spoke of himself as a master, and unknowingly, he couldn't help but use this title to call himself.

"I am the landowner of Yunmen Mountain and the helmsman of the Five Poison Sect's branch in Qingzhou. I am well-deserved to call myself a master! This stupid bear has nothing, how can he call himself a master?"

The voices of Shi Changqing, Gong Yangji and others came from outside. Ye Xu glanced at the bear next to him and said, "Master, when I captured you, I already ordered my nephews to remove you from the deep valley. All the medicinal materials have been moved here. From now on, you can open a medicinal field in this purple bamboo forest and plant medicinal materials with peace of mind."

Xiong Yan's face changed slightly and he stamped his feet: "Oops! Master, I'm afraid all the medicinal materials I have worked so hard to grow will die!"

Ye Xu was confused and said: "It doesn't take much time to transplant those medicinal materials, how can he die?"

Xiong Zhen was furious and said angrily: "You think it's easy to grow elixirs? Master, I have spent a lot of hard work just to cultivate those few medicinal fields! Master kills monsters every day and irrigates them with their essence and blood. It's enough for me." It took four years for those pieces of land to have some spiritual energy and be cultivated into a spiritual field! If you shovel the medicine garden away, all the spirituality in the spiritual field will be lost! These medicinal materials are very delicate and cannot be cultivated without a spiritual field. Not alive!"

Ye Xu didn't know that planting elixirs would be so troublesome, but at this moment Shi Changqing and others had moved all the medicinal materials from the medicine garden. At this point, he had no other choice but to say: "Sir, I don't know anything about spiritual energy." If it’s missing, can’t we reopen a few acres of spiritual land?”

“How easy is it to open up a few acres of spiritual land?”

Xiong Yan sneered and said: "The Baihua Palace has a lot of money and uses spiritual energy to irrigate the fields. There are thousands of acres of spiritual fields in the mountains! However, even if you have spiritual energy to irrigate, it will take half a year to cultivate a spiritual field. By then, the master's medicinal materials will have long been dead." There are hundreds of acres of spiritual land in your jade tower, but it is impossible for the master to enter again!"

"My Jade Tower has hundreds of acres of spiritual land?"

Ye Xu was stunned. Apart from a jade tree, only the Yuhua Yaochi and the small island in the lake were left in his jade tower. The rest of the land was extremely flat.

According to what this bear said, those lands are actually spiritual fields that can be used to cultivate medicinal materials. This is an unexpected surprise!

"Brother Black Bear..."

"Please call me Xiong Batian!"

Ye Xu secretly cursed and said politely: "Brother Ba Tian, ​​wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't plant medicinal herbs in the hundreds of acres of spiritual fields in my Jade Tower? Besides, the more medicinal herbs you plant, the more you will harvest. Isn’t Brother Batian excited?”

Xiong Yan was indeed moved by what he said. He had worked hard for four years to open up a few spiritual fields, which were only a few acres in size, while Ye Xu's Jade Tower had hundreds of acres, which was incomparable.

He could almost see himself surrounded by elixirs piled up like a hill!

Xiong Yan rolled his eyes and said: "Ahem, I want to have my own private residence in your jade tower!"

"It's up to you!" Ye Xu smiled.

"Master, I can use the water in your Yaochi to take a bath, but don't let that dragon bully me!" This bear always thought that Gan Chai Jiao was a dragon and was quite afraid of it.

Ye Xu smiled and said, "It's up to you!"

"Master can come out of the Jade Tower at any time!"

Ye Xu frowned slightly and said: "I am cooperating with you, not your servant. I will come and go when you call me. You can go out once a day, but it cannot exceed six hours at a time!"

Xiong Yan smiled broadly and said, "Deal!"

Although he was a little clever, he had no idea that if he agreed to Ye Xu's condition, he would become Ye Xu's personal pet, which would be a worse life than being a drug boy.

Shi Changqing and others walked into the Zizhu courtyard and saw the black bear standing next to Ye Xu. They couldn't help but look at each other and saw the horror in the other person's eyes. They were secretly shocked: "Uncle Ye is indeed a helmsman." The position of Lord is actually able to take care of this bear. It is really a magical power that is unfathomable! "

Shi Changqing saluted quickly and said respectfully: "Uncle Master, all the medicinal gardens and medicinal materials in the deep valley have been moved here and placed outside the hospital."

Ye Xu nodded slightly, suddenly remembered something, and said: "Changqing, have you collected monster souls? I plan to open a furnace to refine several furnaces of beast transformation pills."

Hearing this, Shi Changqing looked at each other and smiled together: "As disciples of the Five Poison Sect, how can we not collect monster souls? We will have as many monster souls as our uncle wants, but the monster souls we collected I wonder if it’s a spirit that hasn’t cultivated to the Three True Realm or not?”

Ye Xu smiled and said: "My cultivation level is still low now, so I can't refine a high-grade beast transformation pill. An ordinary demon soul will do."

Shi Changqing and others hurriedly took out some jade beads. Ye Xu picked one up and looked carefully. He saw the demon soul of a crane sealed in the jade beads. It spread its wings and wanted to fly, but could not escape. He couldn't help but marvel.

The Five Poison Sect collects the souls of demonic beasts to refine beast-transformation pills. This method is indeed a true demonic way, but Ye Xu doesn't care at all about the distinction between good and evil.

Today's world is not that period in ancient times. In ancient times, there were six reincarnations, and every living being would be reincarnated after death.

At that time, the Five Poison Sect's methods were extremely heinous.

But now that the six paths have collapsed and reincarnation has ceased to exist, the souls of any living creature, whether it is a sorcerer or a spirit, will be shattered and scattered between heaven and earth after death. Therefore, it is not very evil to collect the souls of monsters and beasts to make elixirs.

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