Unparalleled in the world

Volume Two: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 114: Black Bear in Deep Valley

Chapter 114 Black Bear in Deep Valley

Zizhu Peak is where the Yunmen Mountains converge. The spiritual roots and veins nurtured here should be no less than those of Laoshan Baihua Palace. Yet fascinated.

However, the speed at which the Star Magnetic Crystal can attract Zhou Tian's star power is enough for him, and there is even a surplus. His cultivation level is still low, and he cannot absorb too much Zhou Tian's star power to use the Star Magnetic Crystal. Cutting it open and rearranging the formation is just unnecessary.

Moreover, the hardness of this star magnet crystal is still higher than that of ordinary wizard soldiers, and he is temporarily unable to cut it.

Ye Xu was about to calm down and practice, when suddenly there was a deafening roar from Yunmen Mountain, and then, there were waves of dull thunder, boom, boom, the sound was endless, even Zizhu Peak was shaken slightly. !

When he went out to look, he saw a clear sky with no clouds. The thunder came from somewhere in the mountain, but Yunmen Mountain was hundreds of miles wide, so he didn't know where the thunder came from.

After a while, the thunder gradually subsided and the roar of the beast disappeared.

"Is there any other terrifying monster in Yunmen Mountain?" Ye Xu was surprised.

Gong Yangji was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly said: "Brother Ye, I'm afraid this Yunmen Mountain is not safe either. It's better to find a cave to hide in..."

"This Yunmen Mountain is my territory, and you want me to dig a hole in my house to hide? What a joke! No matter how powerful the monster is hidden in this mountain, or what treasures there are, they all have to be named Ye!" Ye Xu shook his head and laughed. , returned to the practice room.

His current strength is still low, and he urgently needs to practice to make his cultivation improve rapidly. He has no time to check what monsters are hidden in Yunmen Mountain.

In the training room, Ye Xu opened his mouth and inhaled, and suddenly all the star energy from the sky was sucked into his mouth, falling straight into his dantian, suddenly turning into vitality, and flooding around his body!

Using the Star Magnetic Crystal to practice makes him faster than before, and every breath makes his vitality soar!

His cultivation level soared at a terrifying speed, and the Violent Ape Pill he once consumed opened up all the barriers leading to the Haoyue Stage of the Three Realms. As long as he has enough vitality, Ye Xu's cultivation level will be as good as It will continue to skyrocket and climb all the way up, and it will not slow down until you reach the bright moon stage!

In just a few days, he successfully broke through and reached the seventh level of Peiyuan. The true energy around his body became increasingly hot, and his Dantian was like a big furnace, filled with blue flames!

His cultivation level continued to skyrocket. After a few days, he broke through again and entered the eighth level of Peiyuan. After another ten days, he broke into the ninth level of Peiyuan!

This terrifying cultivation speed is beyond the reach of even the core disciples of famous sects!

While he was practicing, several more beast roars came from Yunmen Mountain. From time to time, a demonic cloud rose from the valley, and the sound of thunder also sounded intermittently.

Ye Xu turned a deaf ear and concentrated on practicing.

Not long ago, he was entangled in various things and had no time to improve his cultivation. Now that he calmed down, he planned to upgrade his cultivation to the Gu Yuan stage.

Gu Yan still didn't come back, so he must have been caught up in something. Ye Xu was happy to be at peace and continued to sprint towards the Guyuan period.

According to Mr. Ying, when cultivation reaches the Gu Yuan stage, the Dantian has been expanded to its limit and is filled with surging vitality, like a scorching sun.

At this time, the amount of Yuan Qi cannot be increased, but the quality of Yuan Qi can only be improved. If he can practice to this level, he can practice the Nine Turns Yuan Gong and raise this magical witchcraft to another level!

If you practice to the ninth level of Solid Yuan, the Dantian will no longer expand, but the vitality will gradually melt and transform into true Yuan, so it is called the Fusion Stage.

For wizards in the Fusion Stage, their vitality is like a wheel, shining all over their body. They are very good at both witchcraft and sacrificial witchcraft!

On this day, Ye Xu was practicing at a critical point when he suddenly felt Yunmen Mountain's vitality surging. He immediately stopped practicing and walked out of the practice room. He looked up and saw a green light gradually appearing in the southern sky, getting bigger and bigger.

When the light flew to Zizhu Peak, Ye Xu saw clearly that it was a small boat.

The small boat slowly landed in the purple bamboo forest, and eight sorcerers walked out of the boat, all of them young. One of the young men in his thirties saw Ye Xu and hurriedly led everyone forward, cupping his hands and saying, "Disciples Shi Changqing, Xiao Yue and others have met Master Uncle Ye!"

Several other people also greeted him and called him uncle.

Ye Xu's heart moved and he said with a smile: "Are you my disciples of the Five Poison Sect? Why didn't Senior Brother Gu Yan come?"

Shi Changqing said respectfully: "After Master Gu returned to the sect, he told the leader that if the Ghost King Sect stirred up trouble, it would be detrimental to the Qingzhou branch. The leader was furious, and took Master Gu and several other masters with him. Uncle, I went to the Ghost King Sect to cause trouble. Before leaving, Master Gu told us that only Master Ye was guarding the Qingzhou branch, so he asked me and eight others to come and follow his orders. "

Ye Xu was speechless for a long time. The leader of the Five Poison Sect was also a temperamental person, and he actually brought a group of masters to the Ghost King Sect to cause trouble!

Shi Changqing and others looked at Ye Xu up and down, and couldn't help but have a strange look in their eyes. At this moment, Ye Xu's vitality was surging obscurely, filled with waves of heat. They suddenly felt that the person standing in front of them was not a sorcerer, but a round of energy. The morning sun is rising slowly, exuding endless heat!

"Before we came, didn't Master Gu say that Master Ye had only cultivated to the sixth level of Peiyuan? How come that after more than ten days, he had almost cultivated to the Solid Yuan realm? No wonder Master Gu had no words to praise him, saying that he had Uncle Ye alone is enough to guard Qingzhou, our coming here is just the icing on the cake!"

Ye Xu was also looking at them carefully, and saw that each of these eight people had extremely advanced cultivation, and their vitality was like a wheel. They were obviously sorcerers in the Fusion Stage.

Among them, Shi Changqing's cultivation level is the highest and unfathomable. He should have reached the Three True Realm, otherwise it would be impossible to control the witch treasure to come through the sky!

"The Five Poison Sect is really generous. Just send some disciples here and you will have the foundation of a noble family!" Ye Xu admired in his heart.

Gong Yangji also hurriedly came out to greet Shi Changqing and others.

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Qingzhou Branch does not have many rules. You can build your own house, no matter where it is. Brother Shi, there is a spiritual vein on the cliff not far away, where you can open a cave to practice."

Shi Changqing was overjoyed. He had already cultivated to the Three True Realm. All his vitality had turned into true essence. He relied on the sun's vitality to cultivate. The speed was too slow. Only his spiritual veins could make his cultivation progress by leaps and bounds.

The spiritual veins of the Five Poison Sect are scarce, and he does not have his own cave in the mountain. Now that he has found one when he comes to Yunmen Mountain, he can't help but be extremely grateful to Ye Xu.

Suddenly, rumbling thunder came from the mountains, and beast roars followed one after another. Shi Changqing and others couldn't help but show strange expressions.

Xiao Yue and the other seven people looked at each other and gathered together to discuss: "Senior Brother Shi has a high level of cultivation and has received the attention of Master Ye. We are newcomers and cannot let Master Ye underestimate us. That beast roar just now , there must be something evil at work, why not take the opportunity to get rid of that monster, so that Uncle Master can take a good look at us! In the future, when we break through and reach the Three True Realm, we will have a cave!"

Ye Xu heard it and didn't care.

After the discussion, the seven people set off immediately. Not long after, only Xiao Yue came back, covered in blood, and cried to Shi Changqing: "Brother, we found the place where the beast roared and encountered a black bear. Several other senior brothers and sisters came back." , they were all captured by the black bear and made to plow the fields in the valley. I was the only one who escaped..."

Shi Changqing hadn't built the cave yet, and he became furious when he heard this: "What an arrogant black bear! You guys are so true, you can't beat a bear demon, and it's an embarrassment to my Five Poison Sect! Let me deal with it myself!" After that, When they arrived at Zizhu Peak, they asked Ye Xu for instructions, and then went with Xiao Yue to find the bad luck of the black bear.

"The one who made the beast roar and thunder was actually a bear demon..."

Ye Xu was also quite curious. After waiting for a long time, he saw Xiao Yue coming back alone again, hesitating and not daring to speak.

"Where's Shi Changqing?" Ye Xu asked patiently.

Xiao Yue burst into tears and choked with sobs: "I was captured by the black bear and plowed fields in the valley with other senior brothers. He only let me back. The black bear said to ask my senior uncle to send a few more people there..."

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