Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 113: The Monkey King of Witchcraft

Chapter 113: The witchcraft predator

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief after being recognized by King Liang, which meant that he would have fewer troubles in Qingzhou. After all, King Liang was the real master of Qingzhou.

Prince Liang was granted a title by the imperial court, and even forces like the Five Poison Sect and Baihua Palace did not dare to touch him, otherwise they would face the cavalry of Great Qin.

However, even Prince Liang could not imagine that the Tianxiang Life-Sustaining Pill that Ye Xu gave him was the one that was taken away from him, and now it can be said that it has returned to its original owner.

On the cliff of Yunmen Mountain, Ye Xu and Gu Yanyan stood on the top of the cliff. Looking around, they saw that the terrain of Yunmen Mountain was not high, but it was also rolling and beautiful. It covered an area of ​​about a hundred miles.

Not far away, there is a cave like a door at the top of the mountain, which runs through the entire mountain range, like a bright mirror. The clouds and mist are like waves. Passing through the cave is like a snow-white river, floating in the air, like a fairyland.

Zhou Shiwen and others also looked up and were amazed when they saw this situation.

"These mountains will be mine from now on?" Ye Xu was in a daze, still thinking about it.

When he left the Ye family in Liuzhou, he had nothing, and was kidnapped by Mr. Eagle. After several life and death experiences, he is now the helmsman of a magic sect, sitting on hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers, and can be called a dominating witchcraft predator!

Gu Yanzhi smiled and said: "Junior brother, let me teach you the method of observing qi. The so-called observing qi means observing the vitality of heaven and earth. As the name suggests, the vitality of heaven and earth is divided into two types. One is the energy of the stars in the sky, which is born from the sun, moon and stars. Yuan Qi. The Yuan Qi projected from the sun, moon and stars is extremely huge and endless, but when it is dispersed on the ground, it is extremely thin, and its attributes are mixed. A wizard in the Three Realms Realm can only absorb the Sun's Yuan Qi to increase his cultivation. In the Three True Realm, if you rely on the energy of the sun to increase your cultivation, the speed will be much slower."

Ye Xu, Zhou Shiwen and others had never heard of this and couldn't help but calm down and listen.

Just listen to Gu Yan continue: "The second type of vitality is called the earth spirit's energy, or spiritual energy for short. It is the spiritual roots and spiritual veins bred by the earth. The earth's spirit energy is more pure than Zhou Tianxing's energy, and it is in the three true realms. If the sorcerers want to make rapid progress, they will look for spiritual roots everywhere. This is Guanqi. Famous sects often like to build the foundation of their sects on mountains. It is not that they like tranquility, but the foundation of a sect is the spiritual roots in the mountains. !”

This was the first time Ye Xu heard about these classifications of the vitality of heaven and earth, and he was quite curious.

However, he did not completely agree with some of Gu Yan's views and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Gu said that Zhou Tian's star power is not as good as the earth spirit's energy. Isn't that an exaggeration? Zhou Tian's star power is endless and inexhaustible. , and it can be practiced without searching for spiritual veins. In my opinion, it is much better than the earth spirit energy."

Gu Yanzhi smiled and said: "Junior brother, I don't know. The Zhoutian Star Power is indeed not inferior to the Earth Spirit Qi, but its properties are mixed. If you pull the Zhoutian Star Power into your body, you will only end up going crazy. I have never heard of this before. I have said that there are people who can absorb Zhou Tian’s star power to practice.”

Ye Xuxin said: "There is someone right in front of you. My Zhoutian Xingdou Qi Refining Technique relies on absorbing the power of Zhoutian Star to improve my cultivation."

"Junior brother, you will be guarding the Yunmen Mountain branch for the time being. I will find a spiritual vein for you first. You only need to hold on to the spiritual vein."

Gu Yanzhi looked around and said: "To search for spiritual veins, the first thing is to look at the texture and trend of the mountains. Spiritual veins often follow the main mountain range. The second thing is that you need to have a pair of discerning eyes to find the differences, such as the one in front of you. "Pian Waterfall, Junior Brother, can you see the difference?"

Ye Xu looked in the direction of his finger and saw that the cliff was lined with strange rocks, and a waterfall flew down from the top of the cliff, with jade and jade falling into the pool below.

There is an ancient pine growing on the cliff. The old tree has roots and is firmly rooted into the rock.

Although the living environment is harsh, the ancient pine has dense needles and lush green leaves. The crown of the tree is like a huge umbrella canopy, and the needles are dark green and shiny, and they are extremely strong.

"This ancient pine grows on the cliff, but it is far more lush than other trees. Could it be that its roots are connected to a spiritual root?" Ye Xu's expression moved slightly and he asked doubtfully.

Gu Yan nodded and said: "The ancient trees are so strong when they are nourished by spiritual energy. Looking for spiritual roots is to find the differences from these places that ordinary people don't pay attention to. Some have a strange big flower growing on the dry ground, and some have In one place, there is a pool of sweet dew condensed on the bare rocks, and in another place, there is a small ravine filled with persistent fog. These places may seem ordinary and easy to be ignored, but spiritual roots are often hidden. An unusual thing among the ordinary. However, the largest spiritual root of Yunmen Mountain is not here, but on the Zizhu Peak over there."

Ye Xu looked up and saw a not-so-high peak in the center of Yunmen Mountain. The mountains were covered with purple bamboos, which were extremely lush.

"Purple Bamboo Peak is the intersection of six or seven mountains in Yunmen Mountain. Only this kind of place can breed high-quality spiritual roots. However, I have searched this mountain but I have never found that spiritual root."

Gu Yanzhi sighed and said: "Looking for spiritual roots also requires luck. If you are lucky, you can find it in the blink of an eye. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to find it even if you search for a hundred years. Junior Brother, if you can't find Zizhu either If you want to find the spiritual root of Feng, go to the ancient pine tree by the waterfall to guard that spiritual root."

Ye Xu nodded lightly and said, "Senior brother, don't worry."

Gu Yanzhi smiled and said: "The spiritual energy is extremely violent. If you haven't cultivated to the Three True Realm, you will explode and die if you take a whiff. Junior brother must not be greedy for merit and rashly absorb the spiritual energy to practice. You can guard here for as short as ten days, or as long as In half a year, I will come to replace you. Junior Brother Zhou, Junior Brother Fang, let’s go!”

Zhou Shiwen smiled and said: "Shaobao, I and the pretty boy are going to Lingnan to practice. If someone gives you guidance, you must not slack off!"

Fang Chen also smiled and said: "Brother Ye, don't wait until we have entered the Three True Realm while you are still dawdling in the training stage."

The two of them provoked each other one after another, but said nothing about the two beast-transformation pills in Ye Xu's hands. They obviously planned to give these two pills to Ye Xu.

Ye Xu was moved in his heart and waved his hand: "Brothers, please go first. Shaobao will be here soon."

Gu Yan raised a small boat and let the two of them board the boat. They saw the small boat slowly taking off and speeding towards the south.

Ye Xu looked back and saw that only Gong Yangqi was left beside him. This old man couldn't survive in Qingzhou because he mixed with people like him. He could only follow him. Otherwise, if he was alone, he would definitely be exposed in the wilderness. fate.

Gong Yangji also knew that the big family in Qingzhou was angry with him, so he refused to leave Ye Xu even if he was killed.

"Brother Gongyang, let's go to Zizhu Peak and search around to see if we can find the spiritual root of Zizhu Peak."

Ye Xu and Gong Yangji came to Zizhu Peak and searched everywhere until the sun set, but they could not find the spiritual root of Zizhu Peak.

At the beginning of the lanterns, Ye Xu climbed to the top of the mountain and looked into the distance. He saw lights suddenly lighting up in the sky a hundred miles away in the west. The wall of lights was brilliant and dazzling. There is Mount Laoshan, the main altar of Baihua Palace.

Suddenly, twenty-four East China Sea Mermaid Pearls slowly rose from Laoshan Mountain, illuminating the mountains like a dragon palace under the sea, so gorgeous!

But the surroundings were dark. Among the vast mountains, the Baihua Palace was like a majestic lotus lighthouse towering into the clouds, which was extremely eye-catching.

Ye Xu was jealous for a while. The Baihua Palace was so grand, but Yunmen Mountain was deserted. He and Gong Yangli were the only two people, they could be described as kittens and puppies.

The young man stood on the top of Zizhu Peak and looked at the whole mountain with the dim starlight. Suddenly, he saw a faint purple glow rising from the Zizhu Forest, and his heart moved: "The spiritual root of Zizhu Peak! No wonder Senior Brother Gu can't find it. It turns out that this spiritual root is hidden in a bamboo!"

Ye Xu came to the purple bamboo forest and found the glow. In front of him was a purple bamboo as thick as the mouth of a bowl. It was much stronger than other bamboos. When he tapped the bamboo pole lightly, there was a crisp sound, like gold. Iron-clad!

This purple bamboo exudes a faint glow at night, with traces of purple glow emanating from the bamboo leaves and branches. The stars shine brightly, creating an indescribable sense of dignity and tranquility.

Ye Xu took out a handful of witch soldiers and slashed at the purple bamboo. He heard a "dang" sound, and the witch soldiers fell on the purple bamboo. Fire spread everywhere, leaving only a shallow wound. However, the witch soldier in his hand actually Disconnect together!

This purple bamboo is naturally stronger than the witch soldiers. It is simply a natural treasure!

Ye Xu was so shocked that the tiger's mouth was numb, and he changed a few more witch soldiers and chopped them off again and again. All the witch soldiers were chopped off, but he never cut off a branch of Zizhu!

Ye Xu took a breath of cold air, Gong Yangji was eager to try, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, let me give it a try." After that, he stepped forward, grabbed a branch, and planned to break it with force. The branch was just bent by him, and then Bounce.


Gong Yangji screamed and was thrown away by the bamboo stick, and he didn't know where he landed.

"This purple bamboo, with a little sacrifice, will become a witch treasure!" Ye Xu's eyes showed a strange light, and his heart was beating wildly. Instead of looking for Gongyangjian, he sacrificed the four-winged blood silkworm and let the blood silkworm He pounces on a bamboo stick and bites it, grinding his hands with water, and slowly bites off the bamboo stick.

The four-winged blood silkworm's small steel teeth had been smoothed for an unknown number of times, and it finally bit off the bamboo strip. Suddenly, a stream of spiritual energy shot out from the broken end of the purple bamboo, like a fountain, and it sprayed up to a height of more than two feet!

Ye Xu smiled slightly. He finally found the best spiritual vein in Zizhu Peak. The roots of this purple bamboo penetrated the spiritual roots in the mountains and absorbed the spiritual energy. If the bamboo heart was hollow, the spiritual energy would be continuously drawn out from the ground.

Suddenly, he was startled again. He looked carefully at the spiritual energy ejected from the purple bamboo. He saw that the spiritual energy was like mist, clinging to the ground like mercury. It was exactly the same as the white mist he found in the Black Bird Ridge Water Pool and the Five Poison Cave!

"It turns out that this mist is the so-called earth spirit energy, and the reason why my Jade Tower can grow is because it absorbs the effect of these spiritual energy. Now that I have the largest spiritual vein in Yunmen Mountain, doesn't it mean that my Jade Tower can grow infinitely? If it continues to grow, it may even surpass the seven-story Seven-Star Qingguang Hanyu Tower..."

Ye Xu suddenly felt a surge of pride in his chest. He laughed loudly in the deserted purple bamboo forest and said with great pride: "The Purple Bamboo Peak of Yunmen Mountain is where I, Ye Shaobao, made his fortune. This single purple bamboo is enough to help me." Become a dominating witchcraft predator!"

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