Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 112: Fighting against the Rich

Chapter 112 Fight against the rich

Prince Liang's Mansion is now full of guests. Most of the sorcerers have a small influence in the local area. However, those who can enter the hall are only the eight major families in Qingzhou, as well as the Baihua Palace, Ghost King Sect, Luofu Island and Five Poison Sect.

Among them, Mao Kaifu and Yao Chengxian sent by the Ghost King Sect have been killed by Ye Xu. However, Baihua Palace only sent a young girl to offer congratulatory gifts and then left.

Most of the people who are still here now have been beaten by Ye Xu, and even King Liang was almost killed by him. If the Master of Baihua Palace hadn't stopped them, the birthday banquet would have turned into a funeral banquet.

"My branch of the Five Poison Sect in Qingzhou will not be able to operate for long. Maybe one night, Captain Ye will die inexplicably." The head of the Lan family sneered.

He was seriously injured and his legs were broken by Ye Xu. However, Liang Wang had to come to his birthday, so he was carried on a stretcher and appeared at the banquet.

The head of the Jiang family had almost all his teeth smashed by Ye Xu. His face was still a little swollen and his speech was unclear. He said solemnly: "Master Ye, if you do too many bad things, you won't be able to sleep peacefully. I don't know when the enemy will be killed." They will come to take your life!"

Several other family heads also made sarcastic remarks, spoke strangely, and made secret threats.

They were beaten horribly by Ye Xu, all of them were injured, some of them were extremely seriously injured, and they were extremely unhappy with Ye Xu.

King Liang sat in the main seat, looking at each other coldly but not persuading.

He was also very angry. Ye Xu made a big fuss in Qingzhou and almost killed him. How could he not be angry?

Ye Xu smiled faintly and said: "I still have a few beast transformation pills. If someone wants to take my life, I have no choice but to strike first and uproot the opponent and eradicate the whole family!"

"you dare!"


"Be bold!"

The heads of the eight aristocratic families all slapped the table and shouted angrily. Several people stood up on the spot, their true energy surged, exuding a terrifying aura, but they did not dare to take action.

Ye Xu was a naked threat, but they had no choice but to stare angrily.

When Ye Xu took a beast-turned-elixir, he almost wiped out all the eight major families in Qingzhou plus Prince Liang's Mansion, but he himself was unscathed.

Listening to his tone now, it appeared that there was far more than one beast-transformation pill with such power, which made them feel chilled. They could only vent their anger, but they would never dare to take action.

This young man's strength was low. In the past, when they encountered sorcerers of this level, they didn't even bother to take a look. Now, Ye Xu dared to blatantly threaten them, making them hate him but they were helpless.

Behind the head of the Lan family, a young man stood up and sneered: "What you rely on is nothing more than the animal transformation pill. If there is no such pill, with so many people present, anyone can easily crush you to death!"

Ye Xu frowned slightly and said, "Who are you?"

The young man smiled proudly and said: "I am Lan Shaoyou, the eldest son of Lan, and my cultivation has reached the ninth level of Guyuan! Ye, if you have the guts, don't take the beast transformation pill and fight me openly!"

Ye Xu's eyes turned cold and he sneered: "It turns out you are a junior from the Lan family! Who are you, and you want to fight with me? Who here is not your uncle? When I talk to your uncle, do you have the right to interrupt? Anything that doesn’t go up or down, get out!”

Lan Shaoyou was so angry that he almost vomited blood and his face was ashen.

He is a genius of the Lan family. He is only three or four years older than Ye Xu. He is a key training target of the Lan family. It is not impossible for him to succeed as the head of the Lan family in the future.

Zhou Shiwen chuckled and said: "My good nephew, call Uncle Zhou to come and listen. Uncle Zhou will say a good word for you in front of Uncle Ye. Otherwise, your Uncle Ye will most likely come to your Lan family in person to challenge you." The Lan family.”

The face of the head of the Lan family changed slightly, and he was also worried that Ye Xufa would destroy the Lan family, and shouted to Lan Shaoyou: "Little beast, your Uncle Ye taught you that these are all your uncles, how can you say anything? Get out! "

Lan Shaoyou's face turned red and he opened his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, the head of the Lan family waved his hand, and his true energy surged out and swept him out.

King Liang coughed, raised his wine glass, and said with a smile: "Everyone, today is Xiao Wang's birthday, why should we ruin our harmony over some trivial matter? Sit down, everyone."

Everyone sat down one after another, and Ye Xu also sat down.

Gu Yan glanced around for a week and saw that everyone dared to be angry but dare not speak out. He couldn't help but feel proud in his heart: "My vision is not bad. Brother Ye can indeed control Qingzhou. Let him take care of the Qingzhou branch, which reassures me." "

"For the sixtieth birthday of King Liang, my Ding family has prepared thirty rhinoceros skins, sixty tiger-striped leopard skins, ten thousand-year-old wild ginseng, eighty kilograms of various medicinal materials, twenty stones of refined iron, and presented them to Liang Happy birthday to the king!" the head of the Ding family said loudly.

Other family heads reported their congratulatory gifts one after another and were generous. Niu Jie waited for everyone to finish speaking, and said in a deep voice: "The Demon King of Wanfa paid his birthday to King Liang and presented a shaman treasure Biluo boat. I hope King Liang can often set up the boat and visit Luofu Island as a guest!"

Everyone was in an uproar. The generosity and generosity of the Demon King's actions were shocking.

Although these aristocratic families are wealthy, the number of witch treasures is rare. How rare are they? They are all treasures of the clan. How can they be willing to give them away? But the Wanfa Demon King easily took out one and gave it to Prince Liang as a gift!

King Liang couldn't help but be moved. He stood up quickly and thanked him: "How can Xiao Wang be so generous as the Demon King of Ten Thousand Dharmas?"

Gu Yanzhi stood up and said with a smile: "My Five Poison Sect is located in the barren land of Lingnan. We don't have any valuable items. We only have a Hundred Poison Banner to present to King Liang and celebrate his birthday!" After that, a small banner flew out of his jade building and flew in front of King Liang.

Another witch treasure!

Everyone was in an uproar, lowering their heads and whispering.

The two major forces of the Five Poison Sect and Luofu Island are far from comparable to their witch families. They can easily give away a witch treasure. Their generosity is astonishing!

Ye Xu looked at it intently, and saw that this Hundred Poisons Banner was similar in shape to the small black banner Fang Chen got in the Five Poisons Cave, but the power it emitted was far less than that one. He thought: "It seems that the same wizard treasures have different powers. This Hundred Poisons Banner is far less powerful than the one refined by the owner of the Five Poisons Cave. That Hundred Poisons Banner, without anyone offering it up, can float in the air with its own power, and its power is far greater than that of ordinary wizard treasures..." Fang Chen also noticed this and smiled. The head of the Ding family coughed and sneered, "I wonder what gift Master Ye has prepared for King Liang? Can you show it to us so we can open our eyes?"

The head of the Lan family laughed, "Brother Ye is the leader of the Five Poison Sect branch, and he is rich and powerful. Could it be that he is reluctant to give a birthday gift?"

The head of the Jiang family laughed and shook his head, "Does Master Ye plan to eat for free?"

Gu Yanzhi's heart moved, and he was thinking whether he should secretly give some treasures to Ye Xu to avoid him losing face. This time he was indeed inconsiderate and did not prepare some gifts for Ye Xu.

But at this moment, Ye Xu stood up and bowed to King Liang, smiling: "King Liang, I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare any new birthday gifts."

The head of the Ding family sneered: "Brother Ye, King Liang is magnanimous. If you don't prepare a gift, King Liang won't blame you. You will still have to eat."

Ye Xu smiled slightly, not caring, and said loudly: "I heard that a Tianxiang Life-Sustaining Pill was stolen by thieves in the Liang Palace, so I specially bought a Tianxiang Life-Sustaining Pill from the Lord of the Hundred Flowers Palace. I present it to King Liang and celebrate his birthday!"

Everyone was stunned and showed disbelief.

Although the Tianxiang Life-Sustaining Pill is only a pill, it is a life-saving treasure. In terms of value, it is higher than ordinary witch treasures. The gift of this pill is even more generous than the Five Poison Sect and the Wanfa Demon King!

Ten years ago, at the birthday of King Liang, the Lord of the Hundred Flowers Palace gave away a Tianxiang Life-Sustaining Pill and won the first prize in one fell swoop. People are still reminiscing about it and mentioning that event from time to time!

Ye Xu raised the Jade Tower and took out the jade box. When the jade box was opened, a snow-white and translucent pill slowly rose and floated in the air.

In the pill, a girl in white danced like a real person, and a light medicinal fragrance spread out. When the heads of several families smelled the medicinal fragrance, they seemed to feel that the injuries caused by Ye Xu seemed to have been alleviated a lot.

This is the real Tianxiang Xuanming Pill, there is no doubt about it!

The appearance of this Tianxiang Xuanming Pill surpassed the grand event ten years ago!

"Shao Bao is too bold..."

Zhou Shiwen, Fang Chen, Gongyang Yan and others looked at each other, their eyelids trembling. The three of them knew the origin of this pill. It was the one that Ye Sidao took from King Liang. Now Ye Xu actually sent it back openly!

"If King Liang knew that this Tianxiang Xuanming Pill was the one that was stolen from him, I'm afraid it would cause another bloody storm..." King Liang looked at the elixir and was moved. His bad feelings towards Ye Xu disappeared. His beard trembled slightly. He stood up and said, "I accept this great gift. Mr. Ye, thank you for your expense. Please take a seat!" He was much more polite in his words. Although Ye Xu was young, he was called "Mr.", which seemed to acknowledge his status as the leader of the Qingzhou branch of the Five Poison Sect!

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