Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2 Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 111 The Leader of Qingzhou

Chapter 111 The Leader of Qingzhou

"Whose disciples are you? Why didn't I see you when I was on the mountain?"

Gu Yanzhi looked at the three of them up and down, and the more he looked at them, the happier he became. However, when he saw Zhou's big beard, he was still a little confused: "Why is this man so old and more mature than me..."

Ye Xu's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "Did he meet the rightful master?" He secretly complained in his heart. The reason why his group was so unscrupulous and domineering in Qingzhou was because they were using the name of the Five Poison Sect. If someone exposes them, I'm just afraid that I will be besieged by a group of people.

Ye Xu bit the bullet and asked, "Who are you, sir?"

"You don't even recognize me?"

Gu Yanzhi was slightly startled, and couldn't help but look suspicious. He had doubts about the identity of Ye Xu and the others, but he smiled happily and said, "Is it possible that you are not my disciples of the Five Poison Sect?"

He seemed to be smiling happily, but Ye Xu had an extremely dangerous feeling. He always felt that this man was hiding a sharp knife behind his smile. If his answer dissatisfied him, he would swing the knife to kill!

At such a close distance, if such a master of witchcraft were to kill someone, the three of them would have no room to fight back!

Gong Yangji's face turned pale. He didn't know until now that Ye Xu and others were not disciples of the Five Poison Sect, but a group of fakes!

"It's pitiful. I thought I was holding on to the right thigh, but I didn't expect that these young ancestors are also liars. It's terrible, it's terrible. Those aristocratic families in Qingzhou are afraid that they will skin me alive..."

Countless thoughts were running around in Ye Xu's mind. He thought seriously for a moment, and finally decided to tell the truth. He told the story about the Five Poison Cave in Yingchoujian and said sternly: "We got the mantle of that senior, but we don't know who he is. He has no choice but to claim that he is a disciple of the Five Poison Sect in Qingzhou. "

Gu Zhi was stunned for a long time, and suddenly two lines of tears fell from his eyes, and he murmured: "The embryo is not yet complete, and my life span is over. There is nothing I can do... When I die in the future, I am afraid I will have to leave this feeling..." The Yuan Fei is a natural chasm that blocks out countless people. How many people with the qualifications of the Master of Baihua Palace..."

He sighed with emotion and said seriously: "The senior you met should be the elder of my Five Poison Sect. He traveled down the mountain when his life span was about to end, looking for opportunities to break through. Unexpectedly, he died of old age in the Baiman Mountain... You guys Now that you have obtained the mantle of that elder, you can be regarded as a registered disciple of my Five Poison Sect. You three are all talented people, are you willing to join our sect?"

When Gu Yan said this, he stretched out his fingers and gently pinched a silkworm from his shoulder. He looked at Ye Xu, his eyes full of admiration and said: "The four-winged blood silkworm, yes, yes, it is a top-grade Gu insect. It's extremely rare. You have a righteous look on your face when you are bewitching me, and you are hard to guard against. You have mastered the samadhi of my teaching, and you are really underestimating your talent if you don't follow me."

Ye Xu's face changed slightly. He was not someone who was used to waiting for death. While chatting with Gu Yan, he sacrificed four-winged blood silkworms and attached them to Gu Yan's body. If Gu Yan wanted to kill them, he would let the blood silkworms immediately. Rise violently.

Unexpectedly, he discovered the four-winged blood silkworm. He gently pinched it in his hand, as if he were really pinching a small insect. He could easily crush it to death!

"Your Gu insect has not been refined enough. It cannot stop the real fire of the sorcerer of the Three Realms Realm. If it is burned by the real fire, it will turn into ashes."

Gu Yan let go of the four-winged blood silkworm and said with a smile: "Now I give the three of you two choices, either join my religion or die!"

He moved his fingers slightly, and Ye Xu felt numbness and itching all over his body. When he looked down, he saw insects crawling out of his sleeves quickly. There were ants, spiders, moths, and even one as thick as a little finger. The green snake got into his clothes at some point!

The same goes for Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen. Gu insects crawled out from under their clothes one after another. The number was shocking!

Even Gong Yangji received preferential treatment. A blue and white snake clung to his shoulder, stretched out its thin tongue and licked his goatee, frightening the old man out of his mind.

Gu Yan's tricks were invisible, far superior to Ye Xu's, and he easily controlled them. He smiled proudly and said: "If I want to kill people, even the Master of Baihua Palace can't protect you! "

Ye Xu, Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen looked at each other and said with a wry smile: "Do we still have a choice..."

Gu Yanzhi perked up, waved his hand to collect the Gu insects, and said with a smile: "In that case, we are a family. My surname is Gu. In other words, since you are the heirs of the elders, you must be of high seniority. Just say "Senior Brother". The elder is dead. After returning to the mountain, I will inform the leader and choose a new master for you, which will not delay your future. "

Gu Yan followed the temptation and said with a smile: "There are many benefits to joining our Five Poison Sect. Our sect is very famous in Lingnan, not because of the strength of witchcraft, but because of our unity and friendship, and the disciples in our sect are united as one. Our five sect is very famous. The Poison Cult always fights together and relies on strength in numbers! If you are bullied outside, even the leader of the cult will stand up for you! "

"What our leader often says is that we should be as warm as the spring breeze to our fellow disciples, and as cruel as the cold winter to our enemies..."

Ye Xu and the other three looked at each other in confusion and murmured in their hearts: "Is this a witchcraft sect or a gangster?"

However, what Gu Yan said made them feel at ease. A sect that protects its shortcomings may be domineering to outsiders, but for its disciples, it is a safe haven worth trusting.

Besides, the domineering behavior of the Five Poison Sect is also very much to Ye Xu's taste.

Since they have become sorcerers and have escaped from the mortal world, if they are still timid in doing things, wouldn't it be a shame for what they have learned?

After talking with Gu Yanzhi for a while, Ye Xu couldn't help but have a good impression of this Five Poison Scholar.

Since Gu Yanzhi regarded them as fellow disciples, he talked about everything without any scruples, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is the birthday of King Liang. After the birthday of King Liang, I will return to the mountain. The purpose of my trip, in addition to paying birthday greetings to King Liang, is to set up a branch of my Five Poison Sect in Qingzhou. I have already discussed with King Liang, and Yunmen Mountain has been allocated to my Five Poison Sect to set up a branch. After I return to the mountain, the branch cannot be left unattended, and I must find someone who can calm the situation to act as the helmsman."

At this point, Gu Yanzhi kept silent.

Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen looked at each other, and both set their eyes on Ye Xu.

"I'll be the helmsman?"

Ye Xu laughed out loud: "Brother Gu, don't joke like that! I beat up all the heads of the eight great families in Qingzhou, and even disrupted King Liang's birthday, and almost flooded Qingzhou. If I were the helmsman of the Qingzhou branch, I'm afraid I'd be raided the next day!"

Gu Yanzhi smiled and said: "It's precisely because you beat up all the heads of the eight great families that the position of helmsman belongs to you!"

Zhou Shiwen also smiled and said: "Young Master, only you can control Qingzhou, so don't refuse!"

Fang Chen also smiled, "That's true. Shao Bao, you are more intimidating than Mr. Gu when you guard Qingzhou."

Gu Yanzhi said decisively: "It's settled! With the Five Poison Sect backing you up, few sorcerers in Qingzhou dare to touch you. Even King Liang can only take care of you! After I return to the mountain to report to the Sect Master, I will take over your position and let you return to the mountain to practice with peace of mind."

Ye Xu reluctantly agreed. His cultivation level is only the sixth level of Peiyuan, and there is still a long way to the Guyuan period. He is a sorcerer at the lowest level. It is indeed too rash to serve as the leader of the Qingzhou branch.

However, Gu Yanzhi will take over his position after he comes back, which makes him feel a little relieved.

The next day, King Liang's birthday, Gu Yanzhi greeted King Liang and took the opportunity to publicize the matter.

"A little sorcerer in Peiyuan period is the leader of the branch. Doesn't the Five Poison Sect have anyone else? It's really a fantasy!" As soon as Gu Yanzhi finished speaking, a patriarch of a noble family sneered.

Ye Xu looked over and saw the head of the Ding family who had been beaten up by him. He was now bruised and swollen, looking at him with an unhappy face.

Gu Yanzhi stopped talking and just smiled as he watched the head of the Ding family picking on him. It was obvious that he wanted to see how Ye Xu could handle this matter.

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