Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 1000 Emperor Yuxu (1000 chapters!)

Chapter 1000

Yuxu Emperor

Ye Xu sat upright. To become an emperor, one needs to have his own avenue compatible with the avenue of heaven and earth. Therefore, he must cut off his own evil thoughts and make his own avenue pure and flawless before he can integrate into the avenue of heaven and earth. (氵昆.


His spirit and soul have been completely integrated into his body. If he wants to cut off his own evil thoughts, he must break the method of proving the way with his body. Ye Xu will naturally not tolerate such a thing.

"My body opened up the world, and my avenue is the avenue of heaven and earth. There is no need to obtain the recognition of the avenue of heaven and earth outside the body! I prove myself to be an emperor, then prove my body, prove my primordial spirit, prove the way with my body, prove the way with my spirit, prove the way with my treasure, and prove immortality!"

Ye Xu's body shook, his body was like another reincarnation gate, the heaven and earth reincarnation heavenly way Daluo Hongmeng was all in his body, and he planned to open up a path of self-prove!

The realm of the emperor is profound and far beyond the imagination of outsiders. This realm is the foundation of proving the way. One must first make his own avenue compatible with the avenue of heaven and earth before he can prove the way of the emperor.

This is the way and the way to prove the heaven and earth.

Only by taking this step can one prove the way of heaven and earth and become a heavenly monarch.

Ye Xu took a different approach and was determined to create a path of self-proving. He proved himself without the approval of heaven and earth, without the approval of heaven and earth, and proved his flesh and soul!

It sounds simple to prove the flesh and soul, but it is actually very difficult. With Ye Xu's extraordinary talent, it may take thousands of years of hard work to prove himself, turn all the divine patterns into divine charm, integrate them into the flesh and soul, and become an emperor.

However, at this moment, under such a strong pressure, his divine patterns were forced to condense into divine charm faster. One by one, the divine charm fell and merged into his flesh. It was squeezed by many treasures of proving the way. After being urged by Pan Wang Kaitian Jing, these divine charms were closely matched with his flesh and became one!

This move is equivalent to the great world, the queen of heaven, the devil emperor and other peerless strong men urging the treasures of proving the way to help him become an emperor, saving thousands of years of hard work!

Of course, this move is also extremely dangerous. If the attack of the Great World Honored One and others is a little stronger, Ye Xu will be crushed directly and killed on the spot. There will be no hope of becoming an emperor! This is a rare opportunity. If it were not for the Star Moon Bodhi Buddha and others to activate the Buddha Emperor Golden Body to help Ye Xu resist part of the power of the Great World Honored One and others, Ye Xu would have been unable to resist and support, and his body would have died and disappeared. However, it was precisely the Star Moon Bodhi Buddha and others who helped Ye Xu to save their own lives. "Fortunately, the Yuanshi Ancient Road was completely annihilated and refined by me. Otherwise, if the Great World Honored One, the Demon God Emperor or the Queen Mother of Heaven came in person, any one of them could kill me!" Ye Xu secretly said that he was lucky. Only after he broke through the Emperor, he could truly have the strength to compete with the Great World Honored One and others head-on, but not now. Please remember that it was fortunate that the Great World Honored One, the Demon God Emperor and others only activated their own treasures to try to kill Ye Xu, and did not come in person. Now that the Yuanshi Ancient Road is completely cut off, it is even more difficult for them to personally come down and kill Ye Xu.

As the divine pattern turns into divine charm and the divine charm merges into the flesh, Ye Xu's cultivation is also rising step by step, and it is no longer as difficult as before to resist the bombardment of the great power of the Heavenly Emperor, the Golden Bell of the World Buddha, and other treasures.

His cultivation is improving, his strength is soaring, and he has more and more cultivation to bless and activate treasures such as the Infinite Altar, the Ju Mang Divine Tree, the Jade Tower, and the Heavenly Gate of Samsara to resist the attacks of the powerful.

Finally, the divine light in the sky gradually became dim, and the divine patterns in the void became fewer and fewer. The divine patterns around Ye Xu turned into more divine charm and merged into the flesh.

He first proved his flesh, and then proved his primordial spirit, before he could completely achieve the emperor.

"It's a pity, Xingyue Bodhi Buddha, you are greedy for life and afraid of death, so you raise demons for trouble."

The voice of the Great World Honored One suddenly came, and the Golden Bell of the World Buddha shook in the air, whistled away, and the bell sounded continuously, rushing into the depths of the void and disappearing.

The sound of the bell came for a long time, as if the Great World Honored One was still angry at the Buddhas under his command, who would actually help Ye Xu.

As soon as the Golden Bell of the World Buddha retreated, the power of the Emperor of Heaven also suddenly fled away and was taken back by the Queen Mother of Heaven. Then the Hongmeng Golden List and the Buzhou Mountain Seal also whistled away. Finally, the Demon God Emperor sighed and took away his Wanxiang Treasure Tower.

These powerful people had a vision and knowledge far superior to ordinary people. They saw that Ye Xu's achievement of the Emperor was unstoppable. Unless they could come in person, they could not stop him from becoming the Emperor. Now that the ancient road was destroyed, they could not come here in a moment, so they could only take back their respective treasures of proof.

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand gently. He saw the Jade Tower, the Gate of Samsara, the Infinite Altar and the Ju Mang Divine Tree flying over, and extremely powerful witch treasures were distributed on his left and right.

Even if the Demon God Emperor and others left, he did not dare to slack off in the slightest, lest the Demon God Emperor and others come again.

When the Buddha of Star Moon and Buddha of Guangshou saw the many treasures of enlightenment leave, they immediately withdrew their magic power, looked at each other with a limp.

"This time it's bad. In order to save our own lives, we activated the Buddha Emperor's Golden Body, so that the Great World Honored One and others failed to kill Yuxu. The Great World Honored One was furious. I'm afraid we can't return to the Thirty-three Heavens of the Buddhist Realm." Buddha of Guangshou frowned and sighed.

"If we go back, we will definitely be suppressed and refined by the Great World Honored One as a demon, and we will die without a burial place!"

A Buddha frowned and said, "But where can we escape? There is no place for us to stand in the Heavenly Tomb, the Buddhist Realm, and the Nine Heavens. If the Great World Honored One wants to get rid of us, who can protect us?"

Xingyue Bodhi Buddha's eyes flashed and he whispered: "We unintentionally helped Emperor Yuxu escape from this disaster. This is a help in times of need. If he becomes an emperor, he will definitely have the magic power to fight against the Great World Honored One. If he surrenders to him, the Great World Honored One will I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do but wait!”

Several Buddhas were silent, and King Guangshou Buddha hesitated and said: "It's just that we have always had a lot of hatred with the heavens, and Emperor Yuxu probably doesn't want to see us either..."

Suddenly, Emperor Taixu and Emperor Duanjing came forward and said with a smile: "Senior brothers, you are polite."

Xingyue Bodhi Buddha and others quickly returned the courtesy and said: "Senior Brother Taixu, Senior Sister Duanjing, we are polite."

Several emperors sat down, and Emperor Taixu smiled and said: "Since these senior brothers intend to take refuge in Emperor Yuxu, why not entrust their souls in the Samsara Heavenly Gate?"

Emperor Duanjing smiled and said: "Although the Buddhist world has a lot of enmity with my heavenly world, several senior brothers have left the Buddhist world. I don't expect Emperor Yuxu to reject you. Besides, Emperor Yuxu's reincarnation heavenly gate is infinitely wonderful, and his soul is placed here. , there will be no birth, old age or death. In the future, the emperor will attain enlightenment, and everyone will benefit."

King Guangshou Buddha was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Thank you two brothers for your support."

These Buddhas breathed a sigh of relief and immediately placed their souls in the Samsara Gate.

The two emperors of the Sky Tomb, the Chashu Emperor and the Zhuxian Divine Lord, were not dead, but their vitality was seriously injured. They couldn't help but hesitate when they saw this.

They are also facing the same dilemma. Although the Demon God Emperor may not chase them, but now that the ancient road to Yuanshi is cut off, they, the Sky Tomb Emperors, cannot move forward or retreat. If Ye Xu leaves, they may not be able to do so for the rest of their lives. Can return to the sky tomb.

"How about we also place our souls in the Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation?"

The Kshadi God Lord said in a low voice: "It is certainly no small matter for Yuxu to become an emperor. He will definitely be able to keep pace with the God Emperor. Otherwise, the God Emperor and the Great World Honored One and others would not rush to stop him from becoming an emperor. Let's take refuge in a strong person at the level of a heavenly king. , but it’s not a shame.”

Zhu Xian Shenjun nodded silently and said hesitantly: "You and I have been almost destroyed by Emperor Zishang and the battle just now. We have very little cultivation left. I'm afraid that Emperor Yuxu may not look down on us. Besides, , We and other demon gods are born with us, and our flesh is an excellent material for refining treasures. If Emperor Yuxu kills you and refines us into witch treasures, won’t we die without a burial place?”

King Guangshou Buddha sneered and said solemnly: "Evil demons and heretics should naturally be suppressed and refined to avoid causing trouble!"

The Kshatti God Lord and the Immortal Killing God Lord dare not speak out, so they have to swallow their anger. The grievances between Tianfen and the Buddhist world are very deep. Buddhism and the demon god are two opposing forces. They hate each other and attack each other. But the Kshadi God Lord The strength of the two of them was greatly reduced, so they did not dare to fall out with them.

Ye Xu turned a blind eye. He was still cultivating at this moment. Without the joint efforts of the Great Master and others to suppress him, his cultivation speed also slowed down.

Fortunately, he has already refined and reorganized most of the divine patterns. It doesn't take much time to completely transform the divine patterns into charm, integrate them into the body, and stabilize the realm of the emperor.

Several months passed, and the fluctuations in the avenue here finally gradually subsided, all integrated into Ye Xu's body, and disappeared.

Ye Xu stood up, his eyes filled with charm. He was like a treasure of enlightenment. With a slight movement, infinite power would explode.

"The realm of the emperor is still a little short of that."

He looked at his palms quietly and said to himself: "I have three certificates of body and soul treasure. Only the physical body has proved the emperor, and the soul and the reincarnation gate have not yet been achieved. It seems that it will take a period of hard work before it can be completely stable. realm."

Seeing this, Xingyue Bodhi Buddha and others hurriedly stepped forward to pay their respects. Xingyue Bodhi Buddha said respectfully: "I would like to inform you, the Emperor, that we must repent of our past mistakes and abandon the darkness for the light. We have no place to stand. I sincerely ask the Emperor to take you in."

King Guangshou Buddha stepped forward, presented the golden body of the Buddha Emperor, and said: "I sincerely ask the Emperor to accept this treasure as a gift for our audience."

"Buddhist treasures must be controlled by you, the Buddhas, in order to exert their power."

Ye Xu pondered for a moment, then asked the Wuxiang Huang Buddha to step forward and said: "Wuxian Divine King, you and all the Buddhas will sacrifice this treasure together."

Wu Xianghuang Buddha accepted the order, Ye Xu returned the Jumang Sacred Tree to Emperor Taixu, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your help, senior brother."

Emperor Taixu accepted the sacred tree and said with a smile: "Brother Yuxu, the Wuliang Altar is the treasure of Emperor Houtu's enlightenment. I wonder what senior brother wants to do with it?" When Ye Xu became emperor, he changed his words, and his words contained Use the word "senior brother".

"I will only use this infinite altar temporarily. After the Great Sun Emperor is eradicated, I will return this treasure to the Houtu family."

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Senior brother, don't worry, I won't take possession of the treasures of the Emperor of Heaven family."

Emperor Taixu praised him, and Ye Xu immediately took out the six-path stele of Baolian Conferring Gods, and saw the God of Qiangong, Samsara Dharma King, and others all sitting in the lotus, with pale faces.

Ye Xu shook his head slightly, and all the powerful men in these sky tombs fell down, side by side with the Chashu Emperor and the others.

"God Lord Qiangong, are you willing to surrender?"

The God Lord Qiangong was unruly, looked up and glared at Ye Xu, and sneered: "What if you submit, what if you don't submit?"

"Submit yourself to me, and you will naturally benefit from it."

Ye Xu chuckled, flicked his fingers, and said with a smile: "If you don't submit, you will die immediately."

———— Unparalleled in the world for a thousand chapters!

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