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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 1,001: Tempering the Heavenly Gate (please s

~Date:~October 04~

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God Lord Qiangong's eyes flickered and hesitated. Samsara Dharma King and many other demon gods in the sky tomb looked at each other, then they all stepped forward and said: "Emperor, we are willing to surrender!"

The Chashu Emperor and the Zhuxian Divine Lord also stepped forward and said: "The Chashu Emperor and Zhuxian are willing to surrender to the Emperor!"

"Qian Gong is also willing to surrender."

Qiangong Shenjun sighed secretly and stepped forward to greet you. He was still a little dissatisfied and said: "Emperor, I regret that I was just an incarnation in Daluo Heaven that day, and I was unable to kill you, leading to today's humiliation."

"This time, that time."

Ye Xu smiled and said: "At that time, I was like an ant in front of you, and now you are the same in front of me. God Lord, if you can submit to Di Zishang, you have already fallen into the inferior position. Now you should change your ways and submit to me. , is the best.”

Qiangong Shenjun secretly curled his lips and said in his heart: "I was framed by Emperor Zishang's trick and had to entrust my soul in the Six Paths Stele of the Baolian Conferred God. It was already extremely embarrassing. Now that I surrender to you, it is naturally even more embarrassing. Where does it come from?”

"The slaves with the third surname are very thick-skinned." King Guangshou Buddha sneered.

Qiangong Shenjun was furious, turned around and glared at him, and sneered: "Yes, I am a servant of the third surname. First, I was under the throne of the Demon God, and then was coerced by the emperor's son Shang, and finally surrendered to the master. But King Guangshou , I am a slave of the third surname, and you are not much better! You were originally Buddhas under the Great Master Daxitian. You surrendered to the emperor for the sake of your own life. It can be seen that you Buddhas are just selling dog meat with Buddha heads. What integrity!”

King Guangshou Buddha was furious, and Buddhas such as Xingyue Bodhi and others wanted to come forward and fight him desperately.

The Kshatti Divine Lord, the Immortal-killing Divine Lord, and the Samsara Dharma King and others sneered and stood side by side with the Qiangong Divine Lord, as if they shared the same hatred and the same enemy.

Ye Xu couldn't help but feel dizzy and shouted: "That's enough! You are all my subordinates now, and the grudges from the past are nothing more than that, no fighting!"

King Guangshou Buddha and Lord Qiangong restrained themselves and stood on both sides of Ye Xu, still quite unhappy with each other.

There are many grievances between Tianfen and the Buddhist world. In addition to the grievances with the heaven, the devil rules the tomb, and the Buddha rules the Buddhist world. The gods and Buddhas are not at odds with each other, so the two sides are constantly fighting to the death. For example, the Burning Eyebrow Buddha once entered the Heavenly Tomb and refined the Jiapo Tower under the command of the King of Samsara. And the strong men in the sky tomb often enter the Buddhist world to kill the Buddha's children.

"These people have taken refuge in me, plus the God King of Creation, the Wuxianghuang Buddha and others, there are a total of forty-three God Kings. Seven emperors, five treasures of enlightenment, plus the Jade Tower, the Heavenly Gate of Samsara, etc. are so huge. The power is enough for me to compete with the Great World Honored One, the Demon God Emperor and the Heavenly Empress!”

Ye Xu is very ambitious. With such a huge power, he is only inferior to the power of the Great World Honored One and the Demon God Emperor. Even the Queen of Heaven is not as good as him. After all, the Queen of Heaven only has three great emperors: Eternity, Lihen, and Great Sun!

As long as Ye Xu completes the self-certification of his soul, he will refine the Samsara Tianmen into an imperial weapon. He is enough to keep pace with the Great World Honored One and the Demon God Emperor, and the Queen of Heaven is not as good as him!

He has no intention of coveting the treasures of enlightenment such as the Jumang Sacred Tree, the Dangmo Monument, and the Golden Body of the Buddha Emperor. Even the Infinite Shrine, he will return it to the Houtu family sooner or later. Now it is just a loan. .

His real treasures are the Samsara Heaven Gate and the Jade Tower.

Among them, the Samsara Heaven Gate is the most important to him. Although the Heaven Gate was formed much later than the Jade Tower, it can fully accommodate his King Pan's Open Heaven Scripture. Its potential is far higher than that of the Jade Tower. Just after the battle with the Demon God Emperor's Ten Thousand Treasure Building, Already a big hit.

If you continue to refine it, the Heavenly Gate will definitely become a treasure of enlightenment in the future, and it will have the opportunity to surpass the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. Instead, it becomes the most powerful treasure of enlightenment in history!

"The Six Paths Stele of Baolian Conferred Gods contains the way of reincarnation, which can be used to perfect my Panwang Kaitian Sutra and the Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation."

Ye Xu took out the Six Paths Stele of Baolian Conferred Gods, took out the souls of Qiangong Shenjun Samsara Dharma King and others, and let them rest in the Samsara Heavenly Gate. I saw that this broken treasure of enlightenment was still shaking, trying to escape from his suppression. It was obvious that Di Zishang still had not given up and planned to take back this treasure.

"Huh? There is no soul of Di Zishang! This kid is very cunning." Ye Xu's spiritual thoughts poured into the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred Gods, and he searched everywhere, but couldn't find the soul of Di Zishang, so he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Di Zishang once entrusted his soul in the Six Paths Monument, but now it is no longer there. It should be the moment when this treasure fell into Ye Xu's hands, he knew that it was impossible to do, so he took back his soul to avoid leaving his life and death to Ye Xu. Take control.

"It's a pity that if his soul is still in the Six Paths Monument, his life and death will be under my control, and I can easily execute him!"

Ye Xu is also very moved by the Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra created by Di Zishang. There are not many ideas that can make him excited now, but the Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra contains the way of destruction. If it can be integrated into the Panwang Kaitian Sutra and understood, it will A great cycle of life and death will be formed, making Panwang's Kaitian Sutra more complete, with contradictions integrated into one, without any flaws.

His thoughts moved slightly, and the whole body's charm poured into the Six Paths Stele of Baolian Conferred Gods. He immediately erased all the imprints of the Emperor's Son on this treasure, and then carefully explored the wonders of this treasure of enlightenment, absorbing and absorbing the treasure contained in it. knowledge and information.

The person who refined this Lotus and Six Paths of Gods Monument was a Buddha Emperor who attained enlightenment in the Great Western Heaven of the Buddhist world. This person obtained many fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and also obtained the ancient Immortal Court’s important treasure of the Gods of the Gods, so he was able to refine it. Such a rare treasure.

Ye Xu carefully explored and understood all the truths contained in it. He couldn't help but admire the Buddha Emperor who refined this treasure. He was really wise. Many of the truths in this treasure were unknown to Ye Xu. See the unseen.

It's just a pity that the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred Gods has been damaged, and many magical principles have disappeared, making it impossible to restore this treasure.

Even so, it is enough to make his King Pan's Open Heaven Scripture more mature, and the power of the Samsara Heaven Gate can also increase slightly.

"Now that I have fully mastered the wonders of the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferring Gods, this treasure is of no use."

Ye Xu activated the Wuliang Altar, and saw the god in the altar stand up and hit the Baolian Six Paths Monument with his fist. He struck dozens of times in succession, leaving cracks all over this treasure of enlightenment. After a while, , the Six Paths Monument of the Gods was shattered.

God Lord Qiangong, King Guangshou Buddha and others have all seen the wonders of the Six Paths Stele of Conferring Gods. Although it is incomplete, its efficacy is still far better than other treasures. Even its resurrection effect is better than some treasures of enlightenment. Seeing Ye Xu completely destroying this treasure of enlightenment, my heart ached and I even said it was a pity.

God King of Creation shouted happily, and Princess Creation also had a sense of pleasure in revenge. When Emperor Cangtian surrounded and killed Taboo, he used this six-way monument to confer gods, allowing the emperors, kings and kings of heaven to come back to life almost infinitely. Endless, now this treasure of enlightenment has been completely destroyed in Ye Xu's hands, which can be regarded as a kind of blood revenge.

Ye Xu did not have these thoughts in his mind. His thoughts moved slightly, and the charm turned into fire, melting the fragments of the Six Paths Stele of Conferring Gods, restoring them into divine materials, and integrating them into the Samsara Heavenly Gate. Then the Samsara Heavenly Gate was swept away, and the Qiangong Shenjun, Xingyue Bodhi Buddha and others all rolled up and fell into the door, saying: "Senior Sister Duanjing, please help me refine the Tianmen."

Emperor Duanjing and Emperor Taixu immediately rose up and fell into the Tianmen. They immediately commanded many god kings and emperors to use their own cultivation to temper the Tianmen. On top of the Samsara Tianmen, a god king bloomed with cultivation. In order to reveal the vision, the body is infinite, wielding the sledgehammer with divine patterns, and constantly tempering it.

Another Buddha appeared with a golden body. The golden body of the majestic Buddha was shining with golden light. He was also swinging a sledgehammer, using his charm as a hammer to polish the heavenly gate.

Another demon god appeared in the body of a demon god, with demonic energy billowing and his charm hammering the gates of heaven and forging hell.

Ye Xu's body swayed, and another incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, the Demonic Emperor of Yama, and the Human Emperor came out, tempering the Tianmen with everyone, as well as hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, bird officials and human emperors, and gods and demons. , fell on the Tianmen one after another, and they were tempered non-stop.

The loud bangs and the sound of the Tao are roaring continuously. This scene can be said to be rare in the world throughout the ages. It is comparable to the scene in ancient times when the Emperor of Heaven gathered the power of all the heroes in the world to forge the treasure of enlightenment!

Refining the treasure of enlightenment is not that simple. It not only requires the cultivation and strength of the heavenly king, but also the supreme divine materials. What is more important is that there are many strong people who gather the power of the powerful people in the sky and spend I don’t know how many years it will take to forge the treasure of enlightenment!

For example, although the Demon God Emperor is already a enlightened heavenly king, his Ten Thousand Elements Treasure Banner is still a semi-enlightenment treasure. If he wants to refine it into a treasure of enlightenment, he still needs to gather the power of many powerful people in Tianfen to do it. .

The Great World Honored One has been enlightened for a long time and has never invaded the heaven. This is because at that time he needed to gather the power of the thirty-three Buddhas in the Buddhist world to build the World Buddha's Golden Bell. It took hundreds of years to successfully refine it.

However, to refine an imperial weapon, six emperors and more than forty god kings were used to build it together, as if they were building a treasure of enlightenment. I am afraid that only the Samsara Tianmen can receive such treatment.

The power of this heavenly gate is too strong, and it has no refining effect without using the gods and emperors.

"When the Samsara Heavenly Gate is tempered to the level of the Imperial Soldier, they can use the Treasure of Proof to temper the Heavenly Gate!"

Ye Xu stood up with his sleeves fluttering, and a lot of charm came out from behind him, densely intertwined on the Samsara Heavenly Gate. The Heavenly Gate flew up, landed behind him, stood up and walked forward.

I saw his footsteps falling, and another Yuanshi ancient road extended from under his steps, penetrating the endless void.

After he walked through it, this ancient road gradually disappeared without a trace.

In the Jiutian Divine Realm, God King Tanzu, God King Dade, Patriarch Wusheng and others stood in front of the Yuxu Palace, covered with blood. Above the Yuxu Palace, the Luotian Divine Mirror shined brightly, turning into the Buddha Realm Thirty The phantom of Santian Ruins protects Yuxu Palace and shines on Zhu Tianshen Palace.


A bell rang, and the breath of the natural avenue surged, shattering the boundless mirror light and shattering the power of Luotian Divine Mirror. Only the voice of Di Hui was heard, smiling: "Tanzu, great virtue, you have been defeated. , now you can leave Zhu Tianshen Palace, I will not embarrass you. "

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