Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 999: Self-Proving the Emperor (Monthly Pass

.. "Great World Honored One, do you also want to wade into this muddy water?"

Ye Xu waved his sleeves, and the Infinite Altar flew up, directly facing the World Buddha Golden Bell. The two treasures of enlightenment burst out with power, shaking the Yuanshi Ancient Road to collapse faster! .

The boundless arrogance of the World Buddha Golden Bell was blocked by the Infinite Altar. Although the golden bell was shaking continuously and approaching, forcing the Infinite Altar to retreat step by step, it could not threaten Ye Xu for the time being!

Ye Xu groaned, and was hit back from the Infinite Altar by the recoil force of the World Buddha Golden Bell into his own body, and was immediately shocked to bleed from the corners of his mouth. (,(.)

But at this moment, the void was broken, and the power of the Emperor of Heaven broke through the void, huge and incomparable, and hammered down fiercely at Ye Xu. Obviously, the Queen Mother of Heaven also knew that Ye Xu was at the most critical period of breaking through the Emperor, and intended to kill him in one fell swoop and strangle him on the spot!

"Queen of Heaven, you can't stop me from becoming the Emperor!"

Ye Xu stretched out his hand and pointed, and saw the Ju Mang Divine Tree flying up, getting bigger and bigger, supporting the boundless divine pattern, the divine tree covered the sky, and even if the power of the Emperor of Heaven fell, it could not shake this divine tree at all!


Ye Xu's face flushed, and he finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

Although the Queen Mother of Heaven had not achieved the Tao of the Emperor of Heaven, she had the blessing of the Three Treasures of the Emperor of Heaven, which made her strength comparable to that of the Emperor of Heaven. With the Golden Bell of the World Buddha constantly shaking and repelling the infinite altar, Ye Xu was finally hit hard!


Another Hongmeng Golden List flew over, rolling in the air, the golden The light shone brightly, intending to crush all of Ye Xu's divine patterns and cut off his hope of becoming an emperor!

There was also the Buzhou Mountain Seal falling from the sky, joining forces with the Heavenly Emperor's power to confront the Ju Mang Divine Tree!

Ye Xu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and frowned slightly. The Great World Honored One, the Queen Mother of Heaven, the Lord of Lihen and others attacked him at the same time, all to prevent him from becoming an emperor. In addition, the Demon God Emperor, who had achieved enlightenment, had not yet made a move. If the Demon God Emperor was added, his situation would be worrying!

"Don't panic, Junior Brother Yuxu, we will help you!"

The voice of Emperor Taixu suddenly came. I saw that among the divine patterns in the sky, a demon-slaying monument rose into the sky, meeting the Buzhou Mountain Seal and the Hongmeng Golden List. It was Emperor Duanjing, Emperor Taixu, and many other gods, such as the God of Creation, who joined forces to activate the demon-slaying monument to help Ye Xu resist the Lord of Lihen, the Eternal Emperor, and the Great Sun Emperor. Attack and kill!

"Brother Taixu and others alone cannot stop Lihen Tianzhu and Yongheng Emperor!"

Ye Xu pointed his hand, and saw the Jade Tower soaring into the air, meeting the Buzhou Mountain Seal. The power of the Jade Tower is not as strong as the Buzhou Mountain Seal. However, Yongheng Emperor who activated the Buzhou Mountain Seal was much inferior to Ye Xu.

Emperor Taixu and others breathed a sigh of relief. Even if these strong men joined forces, they were not the opponents of Yongheng Emperor Lihen Tianzhu. They could only hold on with all their might, but with the help of this Jade Tower, they could calmly fight against the Hongmeng Golden List!

However, Ye Xu activated the Jade Tower to hit the Buzhou Mountain Seal. The recoil force he had to suffer was also stronger and stronger. If he had not practiced to prove the truth with his body, his physical body was stable, and he was catching up with Tianjun, I am afraid that the recoil force alone would be able to shake him to pieces!


A treasure tower suddenly flew over, with all kinds of things, and the devilish energy was surging. A The Demon Emperor of Zuntian Tomb stood on the treasure tower. They all shouted loudly, and the void suddenly turned into chaos and nothingness. They saw the big hands of the Demon Emperors crushing countless divine patterns and blasting towards Ye Xu!

This is the Wanxiang Treasure Tower of the Demon God Emperor. When the Demon God Emperor was proving the Tao, he once refined a Wanxiang Treasure Tower that was a treasure of half-proving the Tao, but it was in the Tomb of the Ancestral God. It was smashed by the palm of the Ancestral God. Obviously, the Demon God Emperor has re-refined this treasure. He has plundered countless Hongmeng purple gold in the Hongmeng membrane of the Tomb of the Ancestral God. The newly refined Wanxiang Treasure Tower is more powerful than before. There are even a group of Demon Emperors surrounding an ancient god on the tower!

That is the figure of the Ancestral God. The Demon God Emperor did not gain nothing in the Tomb of the Ancestral God. Although he did not completely obtain the magical power of the Ancestral God to prove the Tao with his body, he also had some understanding. When he re-refined the Wanxiang Treasure Tower, he integrated this understanding into the treasure tower!

Although the Wanxiang Treasure Tower is not a treasure for the Way at this time, with the figure of the ancestor god sitting in it, its power is no less than that of the treasure for the Way!

"Demon God Emperor, you finally made a move!"

Ye Xu's face was extremely solemn. He took a long breath, waved his sleeves, and the Heavenly Gate of Samsara flew up and went straight to the Wanxiang Treasure Tower. The two rare treasures in the world shook in the sky and destroyed everything!

The two treasures collided with each other, and Ye Xu groaned suddenly, his body shook violently, and there were crackling sounds in his flesh. His skin exploded, and shocking wounds appeared one after another, and blood flowed!

The Heavenly Gate of Samsara is just a magic weapon. At this moment, its power is slightly inferior to that of the Wanxiang Treasure Tower. In addition, Ye Xu needs to mobilize his magic power to resist the Great World Honored One, the Queen of Heaven, and the Eternal Emperor at the same time, and he is unable to split himself, and the Luotian Divine Mirror was left by him in the Zhutian God King's Mansion to guard the Yuxu Palace. It is almost impossible to compete with the Wanxiang Treasure Tower!

The Demon God Emperor attacked, and the pressure suddenly exceeded the limit he could bear. His body could not resist and showed a tendency to collapse and disintegrate!

This was just the recoil force. If the various treasures of the Way fell on Ye Xu, I am afraid that he would be completely destroyed in one blow, and his body and the Way would disappear!

At this time, on the Yuanshi Ancient Road, there appeared ten treasures with power comparable to the treasures of the Way. The Golden Bell of the World Buddha, the Infinite Altar, the Power of the Emperor of Heaven, the God Tree of Ju Mang, the Golden List of Hongmeng, the Seal of Buzhou Mountain, the Monument of the Demon-Subduing, the Jade Tower, the Treasure Tower of All Things, and the Gate of Samsara. Each of these ten treasures can suppress the world and has infinite power!

The ten treasures exploded with power, which was enough to destroy the heaven and the earth. Even a heaven would be beaten to pieces. However, on the Yuanshi Ancient Road, there was an endless void. Although the throbbing was extremely shocking, But not many people were killed or injured, it just destroyed the endless void and turned it into boundless chaos!

The power of the ten treasures bloomed, and the aura of the treasure of enlightenment suppressed the world. It even suppressed the ancient emperors such as the Divine Lord Desha Emperor, the Divine Lord Zhuxian, and many Buddhas in the Buddhist world, lying on the ground, unable to move!

They were originally in this heavenly palace, resisting the enlightened incarnation of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and marching forward with difficulty. It can be said that they have gone through a lot of hardships. The battle between Ye Xu and Di Zishang has left them exhausted. They were almost refined and swallowed by Di Zishang, and even suffered Various aftermath bombardments almost killed them all on the spot.

After Ye Xu defeated Di Zishang, he refined the incarnation of the Yuanshi Heavenly King's Dao. They were relieved, but they didn't expect a greater crisis to come. Ten treasures comparable to the treasures of the Dao came together. Ye Xu's The location was exactly the center of the impact. Although the Demon God Emperor and the others attacked Ye Xu, they were not far from Ye Xu and were also attacked at the same time!

This is really a misfortune!

This power is too strong, not to mention the existence of two heavenly kings who have achieved enlightenment, and the existence of the Queen of Heaven, who is comparable to a heavenly king, takes action. Not to mention these emperors, even Ye Xu feels unprecedented pressure. , if you are not careful, you will die completely!

The Demon God Emperor, the Great World Honored One, and the Heavenly Empress all attacked him in order to prevent him from becoming an emperor and to eliminate a terrifying enemy for his future!

As for Di Zishang who fled in a hurry, they didn't pay attention to them at all. Only Ye Xu was the one they wanted to eradicate.

Under the bombardment of the incomparably vast and terrifying power, the Yuanshi Ancient Road finally completely collapsed and ceased to exist. Countless avenues swarmed in, converging on Ye Xu. He was still working hard to reach the realm of the emperor, with the help of a series of proofs. Bao's pressure forces him to break through as soon as possible!

"That's what I hear!"

In the battlefield, there was suddenly another loud and clear sound of the Buddha's trumpet, and a giant Buddha was seen, standing high in the sky, with seals on his hands, resisting the impact of the ten treasures, but it was the Buddhas who were suppressed and lying here, and finally Feeling that I could no longer hold on, I immediately raised the golden body of the Buddha Emperor!

This golden body of the Buddha Emperor is also a treasure of enlightenment. The body is vast and infinite, and the Buddha's light shines in the void, resisting the aftermath of the bombardment of the ten treasures, and protecting the Buddhas.

However, the aura of Emperor Buddha's golden body bloomed, blocking the aftermath of the attack, but also gave Ye Xu a chance to breathe.

"Bodhi Buddha Xingyue, King Guangshou Buddha, why don't you accept the golden body of the Buddha Emperor?"

The Great World Honored One's voice suddenly came, booming and rumbling, shaking the world. There was a hint of anger in the voice, and he shouted: "There is only a small step left to kill Yuxu. If you sacrifice the golden body of the Buddha Emperor, you will only help this demon." , allow this demon to grow stronger!”

Those ancient Buddhas raised their heads, and Buddha Xingyue Bodhi said loudly: "Great World Honored One, we are also attacked by you. If we don't sacrifice the golden body of the Buddha Emperor, we will die immediately. Now we don't care about so much!"

The Great Master's voice fell silent, and he was obviously very angry. Without this golden body of Buddha Emperor, Ye Xu would definitely die. Even if Ye Xu became an emperor, he would not be able to block so many treasures of enlightenment by himself. of bombardment.

But the appearance of the Buddha Emperor's golden body gave him a chance to breathe, allowing him to speed up his attack on the emperor's realm, giving him hope of becoming an emperor!

The voice of Ciyun Buddha suddenly came, and he said in a persuasive manner: "Xingyue Bodhi Buddha, brothers, my Buddha has sacrificed his life for righteousness, cut his flesh to feed tigers, and fed his body to eagles. Why don't you imitate the actions of the ancient Buddhas? Receive the golden body of the Buddha Emperor and let the devil kill him? "

King Guangshou Buddha was furious and shouted loudly: "Hey! Brother Ciyun, you have the heart to sacrifice your life for righteousness, why don't you come and give it a try!"

Another Buddha said angrily: "The Buddhas of the ancient gods in the past have long since transformed into Taoism. Now our Buddhist world has teachings without meaning. Although we are Buddhas, we are essentially witches. We use ancient teachings to Let us die heroically, Ciyun, don’t do this!”

Buddha Ciyun was furious and shouted: "Buddha Xingyue Bodhi, King Guangshou Buddha, you have fallen into the devil's path. You are helping the devil to achieve enlightenment and being the aide of the tiger. Don't you know it?"

Xingyue Bodhi Buddha and others argued repeatedly with Ciyun Buddha. They spoke with lotus flowers in their mouths, but they refused to put away the golden body of the Buddha. Instead, they saved their own lives first.

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief. These Buddhas were helping him solve his problems, greatly reducing his pressure. This was something he had never expected.

"I have proved the Tao with my own body, and my soul has been integrated into my body, inseparable. If I use the ordinary method to become an emperor, it is absolutely impossible for me to get rid of my evil thoughts and become an emperor! In this case, then find another way to prove myself as an emperor!"

————We sincerely request readers to log in to their accounts and see if there are any monthly tickets left in their accounts. Dubu Tianxia is in urgent need of monthly ticket support! To be continued...

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