Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 998: Proving the Emperor (Urgently asking fo

"The heavens have fallen! Heaven and earth are in mourning! The heavens have fallen! Lawlessness! Heaven and earth are destroyed!"

Di Zishang displayed all the true meanings in the Sutra of Doomsday Tribulation and Destruction in one breath, hard-hitting Ye Xu's punch, and said sternly: "God King Yuxu, you are just a pitiful creature in my eyes. Without the ability to realize the Tao, "Bao, I kill you like a chicken!"

This vast heavenly palace was completely destroyed by his witchcraft. Everywhere was a scene of great destruction of heaven and earth. The heavens fell and fell, the heaven and earth cried, all things withered, all avenues were reduced to nothingness, and no witchcraft or rules could be used!

He displayed all his cultivation skills, just like reenacting the terrifying and spectacular scene of the great destruction of heaven and earth in the ancient past. At that time, the destruction of heaven and earth directly destroyed an ancient immortal who had lived for 5.6 billion years. In the court world, the rules of immortality were ruined, and countless extremely powerful beings fell one after another. Even the ancient immortals in the Da Luo Tian above thirty-three days ago who had already attained enlightenment ended sadly one after another and became history!

Now, although Di Zishang cannot reach the level of the great destruction of heaven and earth, it is not trivial. Even the emperors and Buddhas in Tianfen and the Buddhist world can feel the rapid passage of life and the depletion of cultivation. It is the Yuanshi Tianwang Zheng who sits in the center of the Tiangong. The incarnation of Tao is also covered in dirt at this moment, and the clear light behind his head is dim and extinguished!

Even the Demon God Emperor and the Great World Honored One, who is the Heavenly Lord of Proving the Dao, cannot break his subtle Dao Enlightenment Seal, unable to suppress and refine him, but at this moment, it has been broken by Emperor Zishang!

The bodies of the Kshadi God Lord and the others were rapidly withering away, their faces were aging, they felt their cultivations were flying by, and they were horrified: "Emperor Shang, the son of Emperor Cangtian, what kind of mental method have you cultivated? How can it be better than the mental method of my Tianfen?" Want to be sinister?"

They are simply unable to withstand the invasion of the Doomsday Tribulation. If this continues, they will inevitably be completely destroyed, and they will all become nourishment for the emperor's son!

The emperor is so mighty and domineering, in heaven and on earth. 51o. There are less than fifty people who can become emperors. Such tyrannical people are now going to die in the doomsday disaster!

The mental method created by Di Zishang is really terrifying. It completely overcomes other people's mental methods and makes people unable to resist. I am afraid that only the existence of Zhengdao can suppress him!

"Di Zishang. You are indeed a genius. You can understand what others cannot, and you can break all methods, but you can't break my inner method!"

Ye Xu's fists continued to strike, majestic, even though Di Zishang's Doomsday Tribulation Scripture destroyed all witchcraft. The avenue was reduced to nothingness, but Ye Xu himself opened up the world, created something out of nothing, and opened up the avenue of witches from his own body. The rules of witches, the power of this punch has not weakened at all, and is still unmatched!

Bang bang bang!

His fist smashed all the witchcraft of Emperor Zishang, like a breeze, blowing away everything about the sinking of the heavens, the sorrow of the heaven and the earth, the fall of the heavens, and the lawlessness. The terrifying and spectacular scene of the destruction of the world was directly shattered by his punch!

Ye Xu stood like a sacred tree in the midst of the doomsday, sweeping away all the energy of destruction in the Heavenly Palace with one punch. His punch was a combination of what he had learned and understood throughout his life. The avenue surged, reincarnation rotated, and life continued.

The Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra claims to destroy all dharmas. All the great avenues of heaven and earth are included in the destruction. There is no such kind of mentality that can escape the doomsday catastrophe and escape the destruction of heaven and earth. However, Ye Xu's Panwang Kaitian Jing has already escaped this category.

His Panwang Kaitian Sutra has six paths that govern birth, birth and death. Reincarnation is endless, even if it is destroyed, it can be reborn. A system of great circulation and great perfection has been formed, which can be called the most powerful mental method in history!


Emperor Zishang endured the heavy blow from this punch, with a horrified expression on his face, and then his body exploded with a bang, turning into a rolling doomsday calamity, running in all directions!

"God King Yuxu, you are indeed very strong, but you said that it is not possible to break my Sutra of Doomsday Tribulation and Destruction!"

The Doomsday Tribulation condensed and turned into a huge sea eye with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Di Zishang turned himself into the sea eye, turned crazily, swallowed everything, crushed everything, and moved downwards, swallowing Ye Xu immediately!

The voice of Di Zishang came from Haiyan, and he laughed loudly: "If you create the world by yourself, then I will devour you, refine and devour your body, and turn you into my nourishment! As long as I devour and refine you, , then I can prove to the Heavenly Lord..."

"You will not live if you do your own evil. Emperor Zishang, if you want to die quickly, I will help you."

Ye Xu's voice suddenly came from Haiyan, and he said calmly: "Yuanshen, get up."

Ye Xu's eyebrows flashed, and he saw a green jade sapling flying out of his purple mansion and falling into the center of the sea eye. The jade tree grew wildly, getting bigger and taller, and countless roots took root in the sea eye. The branches were pulled out one by one, giving birth to green branches and leaves, and with a roar, the Yushu Yuanshen opened up a world, but it was the human world, and the three thousand worlds rotated endlessly!

Boom boom boom!

There were endless loud noises, and the sea eye shook violently. A layer of world was opened up by Ye Xu's Yushu Yuanshen, creating something out of nothing, refining the violent energy in the sea eye, and turning it into a new world!

I saw a layer of heaven forming rapidly above the three thousand worlds, with a total of thirty-three days, and the roots of the Yushu Yuanshen opened up a layer of hell, with a total of eighteen levels. Then I saw above the crown of the Yushu tree, There are forty-nine avenues flowing, turning into a huge canopy, and there is an enormous six paths of reincarnation cut out from the tree body. The heaven and earth are one, birth and death, endless reincarnation!

The huge sea eye was torn apart by Ye Xu's Yushu Yuanshen and exploded with a bang. Only Yushu opened up the world and stood on the spot, while Ye Xu sat cross-legged under the tree!

There was a sudden vibration in the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred God. Emperor Zishang's face was pale. He walked out of the Six Paths Monument and looked at Ye Xu with a look of fear in his eyes!

Just now, Ye Xu was sitting cross-legged, using his soul to transform into a world tree, creating the world, and actually bursting his body. Even all his magical powers were devoured and refined by Ye Xu's soul, causing him to die immediately. once!

If he hadn't entrusted his soul in the Six Paths Stele of Conferring Gods and brought him back to life with the help of the Six Paths Stele, he would have been "eaten" by Ye Xu's soul this time!

Although the Six Paths Monument of the Conferred Gods is extremely powerful and is a treasure of enlightenment, it is incomplete after all. This time Emperor Zishang came back from the dead and has consumed most of the energy of this treasure of demonstration. I am afraid that this treasure will not be able to support him next time. Rebirth!

"Birth and death, birth and death, there is birth before there is death."

With a smile on his face, Ye Xu looked at Di Zishang and said with a smile: "My Panwang Kaitian Sutra has achieved birth, birth and death, and is integrated. No one in the world can restrain me. If I become enlightened, I will live forever." If I attain enlightenment, I will become immortal and live forever with heaven and earth, becoming the only immortal existence!"

His voice was loud and loud, resounding throughout the world, shaking the past, present and future. His aura surged and was rising continuously. There was only a loud roar, the heavenly palace shook violently, and suddenly transformed into a road, and avenues poured into Ye Xu's body. Even the incarnation of the Yuanshi Heavenly King disintegrated at this moment, turning into the Dao and integrating into Ye Xu's body!

Countless divine patterns emerged from Ye Xu's body, and the sky was filled with divine light, illuminating the void. The entire Yuanshi Ancient Road was illuminated by these divine lights, as bright as day, allowing everyone on the ancient road to see and feel it. There is a powerful being on the ancient road who blooms his aura without reservation, witnessing the birth of an emperor!

The entire Yuanshi Ancient Road boiled and began to transform into the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, swarming in and pouring into Ye Xu's body!

I saw that the entire Heavenly Palace had been shrouded by Ye Xu's divine patterns, shaped like a huge gate of reincarnation. The three realms of heaven, earth and man, heaven, six realms, and even the incarnations of gods and demons between heaven and earth, heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were clearly visible!

The gods and demons all over the sky are composed purely of divine patterns. They all spoke together and sang loudly with Taoist sounds all over the sky!

This was the abnormality that happened when Ye Xu urged Pan Wang to open the Heavenly Sutra. It shocked the world and was unmatched by anyone. However, he saw the divine lines starting to crackle and gradually transform into a divine charm.


Emperor Zishang's expression changed drastically. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and pushed away Emperor Taixu, Emperor Duanjing and others. He rolled up Emperor Qiangong and others, and landed on the Six Paths Monument of the Gods. He blasted through the void and escaped far away. go.

Ye Xu's soul has devoured his cultivation, and now it has finally accumulated enough to break through and hit the realm of the emperor. There is already a huge gap between him and Ye Xu. If Ye Xu becomes the emperor, this gap will be It will get bigger and bigger, leaving him with no room to fight back in front of Ye Xu. He will only be killed by Ye Xu on the spot, fulfilling Ye Xu's reputation!

He had just set foot on the ancient road of Yuanshi, and saw that this vast ancient road began to collapse and gradually broke off. He was so horrified that he did not dare to stay anymore and rushed towards the end of the ancient road!

"Di Zishang, your mental method is of great benefit to my Panwang Kaitian Sutra. You'd better stay and complete my path of destruction of life and death!"

Ye Xu's voice came, and Di Zishang looked back, only to see a big hand with mixed divine patterns reaching out from behind. Wherever it passed, the Yuanshi Ancient Road collapsed faster, and it grabbed him hard!

"The Six Paths of Conferring Gods!"

Di Zishang had just sacrificed the Six Paths Monument to the Gods, and saw this treasure of enlightenment being grabbed by Ye Xu's big hand, and the Six Paths Monument was stripped out of his control!

"The Six Paths Stele of Baolian Conferred God contains the insights of the Buddha Emperor on the Six Paths of Reincarnation who attained enlightenment in the Buddha Realm. It is also of great use to me, and it must be mine!"

When Ye Xu's voice came, he retracted his big hand and actually took away this treasure of enlightenment. Then another big hand grabbed it, apparently planning to kill Di Zishang!


A huge golden bell suddenly flew from the end of the Yuanshi Ancient Road and met Ye Xu's big hand. A loud noise shattered the big hand. The World Buddha's golden bell kept ringing, and it even followed the ancient road. Go back and blast towards Ye Xu, intending to kill him on the spot before he can become an emperor!

————The beginning of the month is the most critical period for the monthly ticket list. I urgently need support for monthly tickets. Please give me a monthly ticket! !

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