Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 108: Eating less will make you fat

   Chapter 108 Eating less will make you fat

   After Li Xin came to the capital, the emperor of Chengde had already set a lot of "precedents" for him.

  For example, before him, no commoner had ever been named "Enyin Guan", and no Yulinwei's school captain was transferred to the princess's mansion's personal guard.

   There is no precedent for the military officer Yulinwei Colonel to be transferred to the military commander.

   After receiving this imperial decree, Li Xin felt complicated.

To be honest, he actually refused to go to the southern border. First, he and Li Shen were in the wrong way. Second, he offended the Li family in southern border. of.

   He is now working as a guard in the Princess' Mansion, making snacks every day, teasing the princess, and inspecting his subordinates. His life is quite smooth, and there is really no need to take risks in person.

   But there is no way.

   The imperial decree of this era is the Heavenly Rule. There are only two paths in front of you, either go or die. There is no third path to choose from.

   This is the hegemony of imperial power.

  Li Xin took the imperial edict out of his sleeve and looked up, down, left and right.

  This thing, if it is put into the future, it should be able to sell for a lot of money...?

  Unfortunately, his grade is too low, and the shaft of the imperial decree is made of wood. If it is a first-grade and second-grade shaft, it will be a jade shaft, and that kind of imperial decree has preservation value.

  Thinking of this, Li Xin looked up at the sky, it was almost noon.

  According to what the **** Chen said, he will go to the southern border with the general Zhuguo early tomorrow morning. Before that, he still has to say goodbye to the nine princesses.

   Li Xin turned around and walked into the Princess Mansion, and found Her Royal Highness in the backyard who was sitting under the gazebo grilling skewers.

   After more than a month, she has learned to do it by herself and has enough food and clothing.

   Li Xin sat silently across from the Nine Princesses, looked at her slightly fat face, and let out a long sigh.

   "Your Highness, it's better to eat the main meal at noon."

  Ji Lingxiu raised her head and glanced at Li Xin, and hummed: "Don't do it, do so much, and nosy, and I will let the royal father send you to guard the city gate!"

   Now, the relationship between the two of them has progressed a lot, and Ji Lingxiu can make jokes with Li Xin unscrupulously.

Li Xinxin took out a bunch of grilled meat skewers from the grill, and said casually while eating: "I'm going to go out during this time, and the guards of the princess' mansion will be handed over to two sentries to take care of them. It's not peaceful, if you want to go out. Remember to tell Zhu Ke."

Zhu Ke is one of the two sentinels under Li Xin. He is in his thirties, and he basically has no potential to climb up. At most, he will be a commander of Yulin Guards in his life. Calm, Li Xin usually asks him to take this school captain with him.

   Now that Li Xin is going to leave the capital, this school captain's camp will be temporarily handed over to Zhu Ke.

  The nine princesses were concentrating on grilling skewers, but after hearing this, she suddenly raised her head to look at Li Xin.

   "Where are you going?"

  Li Xin took out the rolled up imperial decree from his sleeve, shook it in front of the nine princesses, and said helplessly: "Just now, someone from the palace passed the imperial decree, and your majesty called me to go out on business. It is estimated that I will be out for a while."

   Originally, the imperial decree was read out, and the people in the house were to come out to receive it together, but Chen Ju did not make much fanfare this time. He just found Li Xin alone and read the imperial decree in the room, so he did not alarm the Qinghe princess.

   "How long?"

   Li Xin replied softly.

   "As short as three months, as long as half a year."

  Three months is what Chen Ju told him, saying that it would only take three months to return to the capital, but Li Xin was not so optimistic, so he added half a year to it.

   Nine princesses are a little anxious.

   "There are so many people in the imperial court, who can't be sent, but they want to send you?"

   The ninth princess stood up and snorted: "No, I'm going to ask the father and ask him to send someone else."

   Li Xin glanced at the nine princesses helplessly.

   "Your Highness, the imperial decree has come down, do you think Your Majesty will go back on his word?"

The change of court orders and evenings is the most taboo thing for the rulers. The emperor Jinkouyu said that what he said is an iron-like fact, and there can be no change. This involves the authority of the emperor. Even the emperor is unlikely to let the emperor of Chengde easily withdraw the imperial decree. Ji Lingxiu, who is a princess, will definitely not succeed.

  As a princess, Ji Lingxiu naturally understood this truth, she sat back in her seat and bit her lip.

   Li Xin comforted softly: "Your Highness, rest assured, the imperial decree said that it was just a temporary errand. I am still the chief guard of the Princess Mansion. When I return to the capital, I will return to the Princess Mansion to work."

  The nine princesses stretched out her slender white right hand, which was stained with a lot of oil from the barbecue, and gritted her teeth: "Show me."

   Li Xin glanced at her.

   "Your Highness, it is a disrespectful sin to contaminate the imperial decree. It will be me who will be beheaded at that time. Don't harm me..."

   "No knowledge."

  The nine princesses took out the handkerchief and wiped their hands, and said in a low voice: "The decree has come down, you keep it in the room, who will ask you to check the decree again?"

   "The coward."

   As she spoke, she had wiped her hands clean, and after taking the imperial edict and looking at it carefully, her expression changed slightly.

   "Why did you go to the southern border..."

   "The southern border is fighting, and it is very dangerous. Will you die if you go?"

   The Qinghe Princess frowned, worried: "If you die, who will get me something to eat?"

  Li Xin looked at this foodie princess speechlessly.

   "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will write down all the recipes for you tonight. Even if I die in the southern border, I won't be able to starve you."

   Ji Lingxiu blinked: "Then go and write."

  Li Xin sighed, squeezed another bunch from the grill, got up and stood up: "Then I'll go back and write the recipe for His Highness. I'm not in the capital during this time, Your Highness is careful."

   Li Xin took a few steps and looked back at Ji Lingxiu.

   "Also, don't eat too much, you will really gain weight."

   Princess Qinghe made a face with Li Xin, raised her head and said, "It's a blessing to be fat, and the mother-in-law keeps saying that I'm too thin."

  As a princess, she doesn't have as many concerns as those girls in later generations, because no matter what she looks like, people in the world will rush to please her.

  Li Xin shook his head and walked away from the Princess Mansion.

   Of course, he didn't want to go back and write the recipe for the snack for this Princess Qinghe, he was going to the Prince Wei's Mansion. This imperial decree was too strange, and he had to discuss it with His Royal Highness Prince Wei.

  In Princess Qinghe's mansion, after Li Xin left, Ji Lingxiu, the ninth princess, sat alone in the pavilion, feeling a little lost.

   The smile on her face also disappeared.

  I don't know why, but when I looked at the delicious skewers under the gazebo, I suddenly lost my appetite.

   (end of this chapter)

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