Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 107: Live well

   Chapter 107 Live Well

  Li rebelled in southern Xinjiang, and even went down to several counties. The military situation was urgent, and the imperial court issued an urgent decree, ordering Li Shen, the general of Zhuguo, to go to Nanjing to suppress the rebellion.

  The imperial decree was personally delivered to the Pingnanhou mansion by the **** Chen Ju. The Pingnanhou Li Shen took his family and knelt respectfully at the main entrance to welcome the imperial decree.

If an ordinary person sits in the position of Li Shen and has some capital to compete with the imperial court, he will be somewhat arrogant to the imperial court, but Li Shen will not. When he is facing the imperial court and the emperor of Chengde , every time it is orderly, it is time to kowtow, it is time to salut, and people can't get any handle on him.

  The **** Chen Ju coughed and began to read out the imperial decree. The content of the imperial decree was nothing more than complimenting Li Shen, then some southern Xinjiang information, and finally read out the transfer order.

After reading, Chen Ju closed the imperial decree, stepped forward to help Li Shen up in person, and sighed softly: "Master Hou has fought for the country for so many years, and he didn't even have time to stay in the capital, and I haven't had two since I returned to the capital. Yue, I really shouldn't have bothered the Hou Ye, but Li Ni is rampant in the southern border, and the Hou Ye has just returned to Beijing, and chaos has arisen again, Your Majesty has no choice but to work the Hou Ye again."

Li Shen bent down, took the imperial decree with both hands, and lowered his head: "What do you say, the Grand Duke, the Li family's salary is to share with you, and I have been guarding the southern border for so many years, but I haven't been able to clean up Li Ni, so they still remain to this day. I have spare energy to cause chaos, and it is also because I am ineffective, Your Majesty not only did not commit the crime, but still trusts Li Shen, Li Shen must be ruthless, in order to repay His Majesty's kindness!"

   This Zhuguo general looked solemn: "Please go back to the palace to report to Your Majesty, Li Shen must clear up the rebellion in the southern border as soon as possible, wipe out the remnants of Nanshu, and protect His Majesty's country for thousands of years!"

  Chen Ju said with admiration on his face: "Master Hou is indeed worthy of being the pillar of the country. In the future, the history books will contain records. His Majesty and Master Hou will be named in the history and become a favorite story of the monarch and his ministers."

   "The Grand Duke is rude."

  Li Shen cupped his hands and said, "Excuse me, Grand Duke, did His Majesty tell me when I should leave?"

   Chen Ju looked solemn: "The military in the southern border is urgent, naturally the sooner the better."

   Having said this, the big **** paused for a while, and then continued: "But there is something, you must inform the Hou Ye in advance."

   "Grand Duke, please speak."

Chen Ju lowered his head and said: "The remnants of the southern border have become more and more rampant these years, and your Majesty is very concerned about the affairs of the southern border, so this time, your majesty wants to send a few people to the southern border with the general, to see the scenery of the southern border, and take a look at the southern border. What is the situation now?"

   Li Shen's expression changed.

   "What does Your Majesty mean?"

  Chen Ju chuckled: "His Majesty meant to send a few guards..."

   Having said this, the leader of the Eighth Prisons of the Inner Court deliberately paused. He raised his head and glanced at Li Shen, wanting to see Li Shen's expression.

Generally speaking, military generals will feel a little uncomfortable when they hear the word "supervising army", because it represents the distrust of the emperor, especially a general of Li Shen's level, who is in the army and has nothing to do with it. Superintendent.

  Who knows, this Great General of Zhuguo has a calm expression.

Chen Ju sighed silently in his heart, and could only continue to say: "Your Majesty's meaning is to send a few military envoys to follow Hou Ye in the southern district to record what they saw and heard along the way, and after Hou Ye wins, Bring these things back to the capital, so that Your Majesty can learn more about Southern Border."

Li Shen nodded and said solemnly: "Southern Xinjiang is indeed a big worry for me, Li Shen and others are just rough people, they only know how to fight and can't speak. His Majesty sent a few people who can write to Southern Xinjiang. Learn more about Southern Border."

  Chen Ju laughed: "Then this matter is settled like this. Lord Hou is preparing for the preparations in the past few days. Let's leave Beijing as soon as possible. Remember to say hello before leaving Beijing, and our family can arrange staff in advance."

   Li Shen looked solemn and said solemnly: "According to the Southern Border Military Report, the matter over there is already quite difficult, please pass the Grand Duke to your Majesty, Li Shen plans to leave the capital early tomorrow morning, and go to Southern Border to clean up the troubles for His Majesty!"

  Chen Ju nodded slowly.

   "Li Houye is high and righteous, our family will tell His Majesty."

   Having said that, the big **** turned and left the Pingnanhou mansion.

   After Chen Ju walked away, Li Shen held the imperial edict in his hand and silently stared at the direction Chen Ju had gone in a daze.

Mrs. Yu, who was kneeling on the ground beside her, stood up from the ground with her family. Mrs. Yu stood carefully beside Li Shen and complained softly, "Master Hou, you just came back and you are leaving again?"

  Li Shen narrowed his eyes.

   "It's a good thing that I'm not in the capital, it's a good thing for Your Majesty, and it's a good thing for both of you, mother and son."

   He turned his head and glanced at Madam Yu, his voice was calm: "When I'm not here, you have to discipline Chun'er well. If he doesn't do well again, my Li family will be defeated by him sooner or later, do you understand?"

   Ping Nanhou's mansion came out to kneel to meet the imperial decree, but Li Shen, the young marquis, was still lying in bed unable to move because he was subjected to "domestic violence" again.

Mrs. Yu sighed, nodded and said, "Master Hou, Chun'er is actually not stupid, but he just didn't think about the right place for some things. When he gets older, he will naturally understand everything. You don't have to worry about it."

   Li Shen's face was calm.

   "I don't know if he's smart or not, but if he makes friends with the prince again, I'll just pretend that he didn't give birth to this son, can you hear me clearly?"

  Mrs. Yu shrank her neck and bowed her head: "Don't worry, Lord Marquis, my concubine will discipline him well for you at home."

  Li Shen said nothing. He walked towards the backyard with his hands behind him.

   On this day, it was not only the Pingnan Houfu that received the imperial edict.

   Colonel Li, who was far away in the Qinghe Princess Mansion of Datongfang, also received an imperial decree.

   Coincidentally, it was also read by the **** Chen Ju.

   In other words, this great **** brought two imperial decrees out of the palace, one for Pingnan Houfu, and the other for Li Xin.

   When Chen Ju finished reading the imperial edict, Li Xin blinked a little confusedly.

  Did you make a mistake and want to go to southern Xinjiang with Li Shen?

   I just killed the little prince of the Southern Border Li family, okay? If I go to the Southern Border at this time, will the people of the Southern Border Li family think they are provoking them?

  Li Shen held the imperial edict in his hand and looked at the big **** in this palace with a strange expression.

   "That... Eunuch Chen, did you send this imperial decree to the wrong person?"

  Chen Ju smiled: "Li Xiaowei thinks our family is like a joker?"


   Li Xin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's just that Beizhi has just been transferred to the Qinghe Princess Mansion for about a month, and he will be transferred to another place, so I'm a little curious."

  Chen Ju glanced at Li Xin with a half-smile.

   "Reluctant to part with the Princess Mansion?"

   Li Xin shook his head: "It's just that I'm not used to it."

   The big **** in the palace smiled and reached out and patted Li Xin on the shoulder.

   "Li Xin, live well in the southern border, if you die in the southern border, the future of our family will not be very good..."

   (end of this chapter)

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