Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 109: I understand

   Chapter 109 I figured it out

  In the palace of King Wei.

The seventh prince Ji Wen and Li Xin sat across the table. The prince held the imperial decree handed over by Li Xin and squinted his eyes to read the imperial decree carefully. The imperial decree was rolled up again and handed back to Li Xin's hands.

Li Xin put the imperial decree into his sleeve and said softly, "Your Highness, this imperial decree came very abruptly, without the slightest warning in advance, and even with the position of the military envoy, I don't quite understand what your majesty wants me to do. , so I want to come and ask His Highness for advice.”

It has been a while since Li Xin came to this world. During this time, he gained a general understanding of the capital through the intelligence of the Deyi Building. However, a position like the military envoy involves some detailed knowledge. Not so clear.

His Royal Highness Prince Wei reached out and picked up the teapot on the table. After pouring a cup of tea for Li Xin, he slowly said, "This military envoy is a position without rank... In the past, it was sent by the Censor to do it. The duty is to follow the army, record the situation along the way, and when the army wins and the class teacher returns to the court, the records of the military envoy will be sent directly to the palace and handed over to the emperor's imperial inspection."

   Hearing the words of the seventh prince, Li Xinxin vaguely had a concept.

  This position is probably equivalent to a war correspondent plus a whistleblower...?

  After a pause, the seventh prince gave Li Xin a deep look, and continued: "But this was a long time ago. Since Emperor Wu of the Great Jin Dynasty, he abolished the position of the military envoy."

  Emperor Wu of Dajin was the emperor who brought Dajin to rule the world thirty years ago, the grandfather of the seventh prince Ji Wen, and the father of the emperor of Chengde.

At that time, Emperor Wu of the Great Jin Dynasty, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, delegated power to the generals, and cancelled the positions of supervisor and military envoy. Because of this, the Emperor Wu sent many fierce generals, such as the first generation Chen Guogong Ye Sheng, the first generation Pingnan Hou Li Zhi Festival and so on.

  With these fierce generals, Dajin was able to sweep the world 30 years ago.

   But everything has advantages and disadvantages, and for this reason, Li Zhijie, the Marquis of Pingnan, had the opportunity to secretly run a small world in the southern border under the eyes of Emperor Wu, leaving such a family business for the Marquis of Pingnan.

The seventh prince's tone was complicated: "At the beginning, Emperor Wu and his generals promised to achieve great things together and never doubted, so the supervisors and their envoys were abolished, and the generals were allowed to play by themselves. After more than 30 years, the imperial court has always respected them. According to Emperor Wu's will, there were no posts such as military supervisors or military supervisors."

As a royal family, it is not as easy as it seems to ordinary people. The princes of the Ji family have been studying in the palace since they were five years old. The history of the Jin Dynasty is a "required course", and the gentlemen will also conduct random inspections on a regular basis. Therefore, seven Only the prince can keep track of these old things.

   His Royal Highness King Wei lowered his head and sipped his tea, sighing faintly.

   "Father Emperor now re-establishes the military envoy, which is to give up the promise left by the emperor, but even if he wants to set up the military envoy, it should be selected from the censor's desk..."

   Having said this, he frowned: "But the royal father chose you to go, there must be a deep meaning."

  Li Xin lowered his head and said, "Eunuch Chen said, I am not alone to be the military envoy, and there are some accompanying people. I think those people are from the Censor Terrace."

His Royal Highness King Wei lowered his head and pondered: "The Holy Will has come out, Brother Xin will definitely go to the southern border this time, but Brother Xin, you and Li Shen are in trouble like this, and you have to get involved again... The two of them are together. Among the contradictions between the two, this trip is quite dangerous..."

   He wanted to talk about the contradiction between the emperor of Chengde and Li Shen, but this contradiction has not yet been revealed in the court. The seventh prince is cautious by nature and did not directly say it.

Li Xin lowered his head and said, "Dangerous is dangerous, but Li Shen shouldn't do anything to me on the bright side. What he should be worried about is the remnants of Nanshu in the southern border. If I kill their little highness, most of them will find me. seek revenge."

His Royal Highness King Wei shook his head: "The military envoy is not a member of the military, so he doesn't have to listen to the command of the commander, and he doesn't have to charge into battle. Brother Xin just needs to hide in the army, those Li Ni can't rush into the Pingnan army. Get revenge in the squad."

   Li Xin laughed and said meaningfully, "That's not necessarily true."

What is the relationship between the remnants of Nanshu in the southern border and the Pingnanhou Mansion, or what the extent of the relationship between them is, no one can tell now, if they are already wearing a pair of pants, it is really possible to swagger into Ping An. The southern army camp, after killing him, went away.

   "Not as bad as you think."

His Royal Highness King Wei said in a low voice: "This time, you are not the only one to be the military envoy. With people from the Censor Terrace, the Pingnan Army will always be afraid of doing things, and Li Shen, who is very cautious, will not do such a thing. Bold thing."

   "Besides... Father, he definitely doesn't want you to have an accident, and most likely will send some people to protect you."

Hearing the seventh prince's analysis, Li felt a lot more confident. He took a sip from the tea cup and said softly, "Based on what Your Highness knows about His Majesty, what is the purpose of His Majesty letting me go to Southern Border this time? "

   His Royal Highness King Wei hesitated for a while, but finally spoke slowly.

   "Mostly, I want you to take a look at what's going on in the Southern Border. By the way, I'll look for it... Where is the flaw in the Pingnanhou Mansion."

   Having said this, His Royal Highness the King of Wei lowered his voice: "Apart from you, no one else can find the flaw in the Pingnanhou Mansion, or in other words, even if they do, they will not be able to leave the southern border alive."

  Li Xin's face changed slightly: "Then I'm going to die without life?"

   "Not so..."

Ji Wen reached out and patted Li Xin's shoulder, and said softly, "Whether you find or not find the flaws in Pingnanhou Mansion, you can't say it outright, after you came back from Southern Border, father Most of the emperor won't ask you about this, his old man's meaning should be, let you go to the southern border and take a look..."

   Having said this, Ji Wen took a deep breath and then lowered his voice.

   "To prepare for the future."

   At this point, Li Xin wanted to fully understand why the emperor of Chengde thought so highly of him.

   This emperor wants to use himself to deal with the Pingnan Houfu.

   And the reward after the accomplishment...is the Nine Princesses.

  If things don't work out, then it's nothing more than risking his own life. On the surface, the emperor still has peace with the monarchs and ministers of Nanhoufu.

   He has nothing to lose.

   If it does, it would be a more cost-effective business to exchange a princess for a Southern Border.

  Li Xin bowed his head slightly, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   This is actually not entirely a bad thing for Li Xin. The emperor of Chengde wants to use him to break the southern border, and Li Xin also wants to use the emperor of Chengde to fight against the Pingnan Houfu.

   They both have a common enemy.

   This is a very fair use of each other.

  Thinking of this, Li Xin raised his head and glanced at the King Wei in front of him, thinking silently in his heart.

   Moreover, he may not be completely controlled by the emperor of Chengde...

   When Li Xin was thinking about this, the seventh prince poured him another cup of tea, his voice solemn.

   "Brother Xin, remember, after you arrive in the southern border, try not to anger Li Shen, let alone try to contact the people of the Li family in the southern border. This is not something that can be solved in a hurry, and you need to take care of it slowly."

   His Royal Highness King Wei looked directly at Li Xin with a sincere tone.

   "Alive is the most important thing."

   (end of this chapter)

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