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鏉ヤ 钖楋纻

Haha !

Du Yuesheng lifts the head to look at the man wearing invincible battle armour, holding double iron halberds, burly body, and face looks sinister.

‘boom! ‘

The moment this person appeared on the battlefield, the entire battlefield heaven falls and earth rends, the battlefield disappeared instantly.

However, the silhouette that remained deep in the minds of everyone at Fox Race could not dissipate for a long time.

‘Come out! ‘

‘The ancient evil comes…’

Du Yuesheng’s cold light flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking towards everyone present.


Du Yuesheng threw it in his hand, and the purple card floating in his palm flew into the air.


Void exploded, a red rays of light emerged from the place where the explosion took place, and a silhouette slowly walked out of the envelope of red rays of light.


The entire palace swayed under the silhouette of the red rays of light.

For an instant, everyone at Fox Race in the palace was also attracted by the silhouette that gradually emerged from the red rays of light.

this is one man wearing invincible battle armour, holding double iron halberds, burly body and face looks sinister.


It was the man riding a black horse that everyone at Fox Race saw in the illusion just now.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’ draws the’Tribulation Saint’ Summon Card. ‘

Along with the appearance of this person, a system prompt was resounded in Du Yuesheng’s mind as promised.

Lying in the trough!

Tribulation Saint?

Du Yuesheng heard the system prompting the strength of’Dianwei’, and he unexpectedly extracted the strength of’Tribulation Saint’.

This time purple card was exploded by killing the wolf king before him, on the way to the fox demon cave.

Du Yuesheng has already selected the characters, and he has selected the “Dianwei” who has the title of “Evil from the Ancient”.

However, when Du Yuesheng picked up’Dianwei’, the system reminded him that the strength of’Dianwei’ could only be known by summon.

It’s just a gambling on luck. If you don’t have bad luck, the Dianwei from summon may be the Battle Disciple realm.

However, now it seems that his luck is pretty good.

Dianwei who has drawn the strength of’Tribulation Saint’ is enough to sweep the entire fox demon Race.

Summon Card: Dianwei

From: Three Kingdoms Era

realm: Tribulation Saint (73 robbery)

Weapon: Double Iron Halberd

Description: One Lu 2 Zhao 3 Dian Wei, an invincible Battle General character powerhouse in the Three Kingdoms era, one to kill 10000 characters.

Skill: “Ancient Evil” using this skill can increase one’s battle strength ten times, use it once a year.

‘haha! ‘

‘Tough to have no friends! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the information given by Dianwei by the system, and he was so powerful that he had no friends.

Especially Dianwei’s “Ancient Evil” using this skill can increase his battle strength ten times.

This is exactly the horror skill of skipping grades to kill!

Dian Wei held a pair of iron halberds, his eyes exploded with fighting intent, and he glanced at all around everyone.

However, all the Fox Race powerhouses swept by Dian Wei’s eyes were all afraid to look at each other.

Even the king of Fox Race dare not look at Dian Wei.

After Dianwei glanced at the crowd, he held the double iron halberd and took the boundless killing aura, walked to Du Yuesheng’s side and bowed to his knees.

“The final general Dianwei, pay respects to Heavenly Emperor!” Dianwei put down the double iron halberd in his hand, and bowed down on the ground with a pious face.

‘haha! ‘

‘The ancient evil comes, Dianwei, you rise up. ‘Du Yuesheng watched Dian Wei kneeling on the ground, he faintly smiled.

“Thanks to the Heavenly Emperor.” Dian Wei suddenly stood up from the ground, holding the double iron halberd in both hands, standing beside Du Yuesheng, his gaze all around the palace.

A smile appeared at the corner of Du Yuesheng’s mouth, looking towards the silhouette of the Fox King standing in the center, he said indifferently: “Fox King, I don’t know if Du Yuesheng is qualified now?”

“This Emperor, are you eligible to form an alliance with the Fox Demon Race now?”

“This Emperor, is it right now to help my fox demon Race to unify the ten wild mountain range?”

“This Emperor, is it right now to let this fox demon Race send me to the entrance of Martial Emperor?”

“Do you have?”




Du Yuesheng didn’t put the Fox King in his eyes at all. He had the right to speak at this moment.

If it wasn’t for the face of the Fox Girl, he would have let Dian Wei teach the Fox King once.

Oh shit!

When did he Du Yuesheng be taught such a lesson, this is not his character at all.

Dare to pretend to be’forced’ in front of me Du Yuesheng, you don’t want to be confused in this world.

However, the Fox King has not answered Du Yuesheng what…

Standing in the great hall, a fox demon whose cultivation base is at Sovereign level Peak, he stepped across the ground.

He extended a finger to Du Yuesheng, shouted loudly in his mouth: “Bold, you are the one who scolds the Fox King.”

Courting death !

Dian Wei, who was standing next to Du Yuesheng, stood up and scolded Du Yuesheng fox demon.

A raging anger appeared on his face. In their minds of summon characters, Du Yuesheng is their faith.

Everything exists for Du Yuesheng…

At this moment, someone dared to point to Du Yuesheng with their fingers and yelled at Du Yuesheng.



Dian Wei’s foot crossed the ground next, and the next second he appeared directly beside the fox demon who pointed to Du Yuesheng.

‘King Fox, save me! ‘Lihu looked at Dian Wei who appeared beside him, and he knew that he was definitely not Dian Wei’s opponent.

‘not good! ‘


Fox King looked at Dian Wei who suddenly appeared beside Lihu, she roared loudly, and a force strikes away.

‘Go…’ Dian Wei looked at the power coming from the fox king, and lightly hit the double iron halberd held by both of his hands.

The power from the Fox King’s attack was directly shattered ruthlessly, without even a trace of dust aroused.

‘People who disrespect the Heavenly Emperor will all go to hell, even the gods can’t save you. ‘

‘dead! ‘

Dian Wei raised his double iron halberds against the strength fox strikes, and the iron halberd burst into killing intent and emerged from the earth.

‘what! ‘

A scream came from Lihu’s mouth, and then a fox whose body was broken into several parts appeared on the ground.


The Fox King watched Dian Wei kill the fox demon Race in front of her. She burst out to the sky and oppressed Dian Wei. .

“Trash!” However, all of this was in the eyes of General Dianwei’s killing.

The killing intent that the Fox King broke out is really rubbish, and such a killing intent is in their World.

Any garbage general who comes out is 100 times stronger than her.


Dianwei stepped across the ground next with his feet, holding the two iron halberds in his hands and looked towards the silhouette of the fox king in the central great hall.

In an instant, a monstrous killing of aura broke out from Dian Wei, as if there were countless souls roaring.

However, a killing King appeared in the center of the endless souls, and a monstrous killing intent spouted out from him.

Suppress endless souls in an instant, this is the killing intent of Three Kingdoms invincible Battle General.

This is a terrible killing aura. As soon as this killing intent appeared in the fox demon cave, even Space-Time was broken.

“Dian Wei, stop!”

Du Yuesheng looked at Dian Wei who was going to kill the Fox King. He quickly shouted loudly: “Dian Wei, leave me!”

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor!” Dianwei heard Du Yuesheng’s words, and he instantly retracted the killing intent, stepping back and standing beside Du Yuesheng.

Good terrifying!

As for the others, after Dianwei took back the imposing manner, each and everyone was breathing air-conditioning in their hearts.

Too terrifying!

The Fox King was also shocked by the imposing manner that Dian Wei broke out, which is completely beyond her understanding since cultivation.

At this moment, the Fox King also began to take Du Yuesheng seriously, not daring to be like just now.

After all, such a powerful fierce man exists.

That is definitely not something ordinary forces can do?

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