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Human Race !

How would it appear here?

You have to know that Shihuang Mountain Range and Human Race World have been closed for a long time, and there is basically no Human Race dare to break in?

Is it!

He is for the’Martial Emperor treasure? ‘.

The fox king thought for a while. She raised her head and looked towards Du Yuesheng, but just after a look, Supreme’s coercion broke out.

“Fuck, want to suppress me with imposing manner?”

After Du Yuesheng felt the strong pressure, his own Emperor imposing manner burst out instantly!

‘Emperor power, open! ‘

Suddenly, the imposing manner of Du Yuesheng’s whole person changed drastically, like a mountain, unmoving.

However, Du Yuesheng was still shocked by the strength of the Fox King.

“Sister, this fox king turned out to be a Demonic beast of’Saint Level’ realm!”

“Dare you dare to play bigger, fucking, the Demonic beast of’Saint Level’ realm, which is converted to the cultivation base of Human Race.”

“Isn’t it tantamount to a powerful existence who is about to completely survive the 70 calamities.”

“This is still the king of Fox Race, and the kings of the other four races, if they are all of this strength?”

“The strength of Demonic beast is simply much stronger than Human Race!”

Du Yuesheng and Fox King looked at each other.

The Fox King looked at Du Yuesheng, slightly nodded.

It is a preliminary recognition of Du Yuesheng’s strength.

After all, under her mighty coercion, even other Saint Level Demonic beasts can only lie down.

But Du Yuesheng was actually able to withstand the pressure of his imposing manner. Just this point has already explained Du Yuesheng’s not simple.

And the most important thing is that she discovered that Du Yuesheng is just a Martial Artist in a 5 difficult situation.

This further illustrates this person’s not simple!

As for the fox girl beside Du Yuesheng, she felt the oppression that erupted from behind the fox king moved towards Du Yuesheng.

She was also sweating, she was afraid that Du Yuesheng would not be able to withstand the pressure of her mother.

“Human Race, are you treasure for the Martial Emperor?” Fox King looked at Du Yuesheng with both eyes and said indifferently.

“Yes, this Emperor is here for the treasure of Martial Emperor.” Du Yuesheng didn’t mean anything with the Fox King either.


“Human Race, do you know the importance of the Martial Emperor treasure, what qualifications do you have to let my fox demon Race form an alliance?”

“What qualifications do you have to help my Fox Demon Race unify the ten wild mountain range?”

“What qualifications do you have for this king to send you to the entrance of Martial Emperor?”

In an instant, the whole fox demon great hall resounded with three “what qualifications do you have?” ‘.


Du Yuesheng didn’t answer the Fox King at the first time, but a smile looked towards Fox King.

“Since you are here, you should understand that to form an alliance with my Fox Race, you must help us obtain the inheritance of Celestial Demon.”

“I don’t know what’s the situation on your human race side, but on our Monster Race side, you need to help me Fox Race and unify the other 4 races.”

“Do you think you have this ability?”


Du Yuesheng stepped forward, his eyes exploded and the Heavenly Emperor scanned the entire palace.

At this moment, he was like a Supreme Emperor, and the emperor’s prestige burst into the great hall.

Du Yuesheng is very upset now!

Very unhappy!

He was actually asked by a fox if he was qualified?

Who is he?

He is the master of a World, the emperor of Supreme Heavenly Hall.

If he is not qualified, then who is qualified?

‘come out! ‘


Du Yuesheng thought that he still had a card that could summon 100,000 Ming cultists.


Du Yuesheng threw out a Summon Card directly.

Suddenly, 10,000 fully armed soldiers appeared densely packed in the fox monster cave.

this is?

Fox King and the other Fox Race powerhouse each and everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the densely packed silhouette that appeared in the palace.

These people appeared so suddenly, without the slightest warning, they appeared instantly.

Fortunately, before these Ming cultists appeared, Du Yuesheng ordered not to act rashly, otherwise, I am afraid that now the entire fox monster cave will have been fighting for a long time.

Du Yuesheng turned around and asked the Fox Monster King, “You said, is this qualified enough?”

The Fox Monster King was stunned, he didn’t know how Du Yuesheng did it?

I don’t even understand why Du Yuesheng can call up so many soldiers with a wave of his hand?

Could it be that the Human Race in front of me actually possesses a mysterious Magic Treasure?

Through that Magic Treasure, can soldiers be teleported?

may be!

The Fox Monster King couldn’t think of other reasons or reasons, so many soldiers suddenly appeared, making her directly dumbfounded.

“Human Race, this king admits that this move is very strong, but you soldiers are only 5 difficult?”

“Such soldiers are completely rubbish to our Demonic beast army, unless they are all soldiers from Heavenly Tribulation.”

“it is good!”

“Very well, then this Emperor is showing you whether I am qualified…”

Du Yuesheng heard the answer from the Fox King.

He was also angry, originally didn’t want him to appear, but now he can’t help but come out to shock the scene.


Du Yuesheng stretched out a hand to grab it, and then quietly suspended a purple card in the center of his palm.

This purple card releases a horrible aura. On the card is printed a man with an invincible battle armour holding a double iron halberd and wearing an invincible battle armour.


In an instant, Fox King, Fox Girl, and Fox Race powerhouse were all attracted by the purple card in the center of Du Yuesheng’s palm.

Because they felt a terrifying aura from the card in Du Yuesheng’s hand.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

In an instant, a soaring killing intent that seemed to tear Heaven and Earth to break through the purple card appeared in the great hall.

With this moment of killing intent emanating from the purple card, the air in the entire great hall became cold.

Later, everyone only saw a black rays of light erupt from the purple card, covering the whole great hall.

‘kill! ‘


The people in the great hall hadn’t reacted yet, and there was a burst of shouting sounds in everyone’s ears.

Everyone moved towards where the sound came out, and only saw a huge battlefield with Space-Time.

This is a very old battlefield.

At this moment, the whole battlefield, murky heavens dark earth, the sound of killing spread all over the battlefield Heaven and Earth.

The earth was ruined and red by blood dyed, bloody.

‘This is an illusion? ‘The Fox King looked at the ancient battlefield that suddenly appeared beside her, and she immediately reacted.

They were forcibly pulled into a huge illusion World under unconsciously circumstances.

What terrifying power this requires!

‘kill! ‘


However, at this time, a man riding a black warhorse, wearing an invincible battle armour, holding a double iron halberd, with a burly body and face looks sinister appeared on the battlefield.

PS: No. 4, I ask the readers for genuine support. You also support the Turtle Update.

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