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after all!

Being able to let a’Tribulation Saint’Martial Artist follow his words, this already represents his power.

The Fox King thought of this, and she knew what to do next.

Du Yuesheng looked at the Fox Monster King for a long time without responding, and asked again: “Fox King, do you know if this Emperor is eligible now?”



The Fox King quickly answered, but she was afraid that Dian Wei would attack once.

“Okay, I believe in you, being able to show up here has already explained your not simple.”

“Well, then, let us make a contract!

“You can explore your Martial Emperor treasure, of course, all take responsibility for the consequences.”

“However, once you get the Martial Emperor treasure!”

“Then you must help me Fox Race to unify the ten wild mountain range and obtain Celestial Demon inheritance!

“I don’t know, what do you think?” The Fox King made her final request again.

Du Yuesheng nodded: “Yes, I promise!”

Of course, in Du Yuesheng’s mind, he actually doesn’t care too much about not at all.

Regardless of the actual situation, get the treasure first, this is the last word.

“Okay, okay…” After the Fox King heard Du Yuesheng’s promise to her, a smile appeared on her face.

“Okay, then, let us take our blood as an alliance.”

The fox king moved towards the void with his hands, and a quaint contract appeared in the sky.

‘Blood covenant! ‘

This is the ancient contract of the continent of the blood moon.

The Fox King first pressed his blood handprint on the’Blood Covenant’ before handing it to Du Yuesheng.

‘system, is there a problem? ‘Du Yuesheng looked at the contract that appeared before him.

He didn’t have the first time, dripping blood on it, but contacted the system in his mind.

‘ding! ‘

‘There is no harm, only benefits. ‘


What the hell?

Du Yuesheng heard the system prompt in his mind. What does it mean?

No harm, but still good?

Du Yuesheng heard the system’s prompt, and he did not hesitate to move towards’Blood Deed’ and pressed his handprint.


When Du Yuesheng pressed his handprint on the’Blood Deed’, a burst of red rays of light emerged from the’Blood Deed’.

The emergence of the void red rays of light scattered into 2 beams of light into the body of Fox King and Du Yuesheng respectively.

‘ding! ‘

“The system prompts the player Du Yuesheng to start an alliance with the fox demon.”

“Mission requires the ball, 5 years and so on will help Fox Race obtain Celestial Demon inheritance, within 1 years, help Fox Race unify the ten wild mountain range!

“Successful mission, no reward!”

“The mission failed and the player’s level dropped to Level 100.”



“The system prompts, because the player discovered the hidden large map mission for the first time.”

“A system special reward luxury package, a VIP package, and an Upgrading Gift package! Please check it out!”

What’s the situation…

Du Yuesheng was also stunned by the system’s sudden prompt, and saw the task again!


The mission failed and the player level dropped to Level 100!

Du Yuesheng heard the consequences of the mission failure, and the player’s level dropped to Level 100, which was completely pitted by the fox demon.


The benefits are also powerful!

3 big gift packages!

There is actually a VIP spree, Du Yuesheng is fully confident that this time, he will be developed.

This time, he has developed absolutely.

“The contract is reached, Human Race, I hope you can get out of the Martial Emperor treasure soon!”

“The most important thing is that you don’t die inside, after all you…”

When Fox King talked about this, he glanced at the Fox Girl who was standing a few meters beside Du Yuesheng.

She is a fox, how can she not guess the relationship between Du Yuesheng and the fox girl?

The Fox King thought for a while, and then whispered to the fox girl: “Ker, you take him to the entrance of the Martial Emperor treasure.”


When the fox girl heard that the fox king asked her to send Du Yuesheng to the entrance of the Martial Emperor treasure, she was also surprised.

“Yes, Fox King!”


The fox girl came to Du Yuesheng, looked at Du Yuesheng tenderly, and said softly in her mouth.

‘Wait! ‘Du Yuesheng didn’t leave with the Fox Girl for the first time, but turned around towards Dian Wei.

“Dianwei, you stay in Fox Demon Race, remember that whenever other races enter Fox Race to make trouble.”

“kill without mercy !”

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor!” Dianwei heard Du Yuesheng’s order, and he bowed to the ground and answered.

‘This…! ‘The fox king standing on the central platform was also shocked by Du Yuesheng’s order.

After all, to be able to have a character like Dian Wei sit in the fox demon Race.

She believed that for a while, no race would dare to come to Fox Monster Race to make trouble.

“Let’s go, Fox Girl!” Du Yuesheng doesn’t care what the Fox King and Fox Race powerhouse think.

He grabbed the fox girl’s flourishing jade hand and moved towards the entrance of the Martial Emperor treasure.


After one hour.

Under the leadership of the fox girl, Du Yuesheng was taken to a very desolate place.

You know, even the Fox Demon Cave is covered by densely packed vegetation.

But at this moment, here, there is another extremely desolate zone, which seems so out of place!

“Did you see the lake in front, there is the’Holy Spring’ of the fox demon Race.”

“Our Monster Race, every king-level, when they just become king-level, is eligible to bathe in the holy spring to achieve the effect of transformation.”

“In the center of the holy spring, there is a small island, and on that small island is the entrance to the treasure of your human race Martial Emperor.”

“Then Du Lang, the rest is on your own, and I won’t send you there anymore.”

“Okay!” Du Yuesheng nodded, looking at the small island in front of the holy spring.

‘Oh, since you are a woman of this Emperor, this Emperor will not treat you badly. ‘

‘This thing is for you! ‘

Du Yuesheng took out a purple card from the system space, which was sealed with a terrifying Demon Beast.

‘what is this? ‘Fox Girl looked at the purple card Du Yuesheng took out, and she felt a terrifying bloodline oppression from above.

This is a kind of bloodline pressure above the level.

Du Yuesheng held the purple card and faintly moved towards the fox girl and asked: “Have you heard of Divine Dragon Race?”

Divine Dragon ?

Fox Girl wondered why Du Yuesheng asked this question?

Divine Dragon This is the blood moon continent Super Influence, which is above the Demonic beast, the Supreme King family above Demon Beast.

Is this card?

The fox girl looked at the purple card in Du Yuesheng’s hand incredulously and asked stutteringly: “Is this purple card sealed with’Divine Dragon’?”


“And as a member of the Imperial Family bloodline in Divine Dragon Race, today this Emperor will be your gift!”

‘what! ‘

‘Imperial Family bloodline, give it to me…’ The fox girl heard Du Yuesheng saying that she didn’t know how to describe it.

The card in Du Yuesheng’s hand is exactly the “Blue Eyed White Dragon” card he burst out at the beginning.

Pet Card: Blue Eyes White Dragon

From: Game King Anime World

Grade: Level 8 Demon Beast (Evolvable)

Level: Disaster Rank 9

Description: King’s Summon Card in the sky, Dragonline Supreme’s bloodline race, and the royal bloodline.

‘I am leaving! ‘Du Yuesheng handed the card sealing the’Blue Eye White Dragon’ to the fox girl’s hand.

Then, regardless of the shocked female fox silhouette, his foot stepped out next.

moved towards the island of the holy spring.

The fox girl looked at the Du Yuesheng silhouette moving towards the island of Shengquan.

She tightly held the card with’Blue Eyed White Dragon’ sealed, her eyes filled with worry.

‘You have to come back safely! ‘

‘Must safely come back from the treasure of Martial Emperor…’

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