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Heavenly Hall.

The Chamber of Deputies.

Du Yuesheng sat in a central chair, stood legs crossed, smoked a cigar, and drank red wine.

Li Yuanba, Huang Yueying, Xiang Yu, Little Zuan Feng, and Shi Hao stood at the 5nd side of the meeting hall.

After Du Yuesheng took a sip of red wine, he opened his mouth slightly and asked, “Speak, what happened to the investigation?”

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor!” Huang Yueying heard Du Yuesheng’s words, she stood up from the crowd and answered.

“There are many Outer Disciple of Nan Mingzong, but the most famous one is only ten people.”

“These ten people are collectively known as the top ten heroes of Nanming!”

“Ten great heroes, the lowest cultivation base is only 3 difficult realm, the highest one has reached 5 difficult realm.”

“Outer Disciple, it is not that their aptitude does not work, so they are called outer sect, but what they do is outside the sect.” “The top ten heroes are equivalent to Nan Mingzong’s outside world. Ten spokespersons, naturally, each has a certain amount of power.”

“And each of the forces they possess, in fact, will not be worse than Cang Yan Gang!”

“Of course, these ten spokespersons also have good and evil, but they are responsible for plundering resources for Nan Mingzong, even the kindest, and how kind they can be.”

“As for Heavenly Emperor, the owner of the Niutou Village you surveyed is known as Black Ox old ghost. The cultivation base is probably in a difficult situation.”

Du Yuesheng heard this news and frowned and asked, “What is the difficulty?”

“Heavenly Emperor is a sin for me to wait for and cannot be detected accurately.” Huang Yueying quickly knelt on the ground and asked for sin.

‘All right! ‘

‘After all, Heavenly Hall was originally built, and it has not been staffed, nor is it your fault. ‘

‘Thank Heavenly Emperor! ‘Huang Yueying stood up and backed away.

Ten heroes!

Niutou Village!

Black Ox old ghost. . .

Very good, then start with you.

The first goal Du Yuesheng chose was Black Ox old ghost in Niutou Village, one of the ten great heroes.

Taking such a broken name also accounts for the mountain bandits.

If this special code can be a good person, I will eat live on Du Yuesheng!

‘go! ‘

‘Shi Hao, Xiang Yu, Li Yuanba, let’s go, Little Zuan Feng and Huang Yueying stay in Heavenly Hall. ‘

Du Yuesheng got up and began to give orders, and then left Heavenly Hall with Shi Hao, Xiang Yu, and Li Yuanba.

moved towards Niutou Village away. . . .

. . . . .

A cottage not far from Heavenly Hall, here is the Niutou Village of Black Ox old ghost, one of the top ten Outer Disciples of the Southern Ming Dynasty.

Niutou Village.

The main house of the walled house.

Black Ox old ghost the past few days is very proud, leaning back against Nan Mingzong, let him do anything, it is smooth.

A few days ago, when he took the tribute to sect, his Master specifically told him.

Nan Mingzong will have big moves in the past few days. The batch of materials he sent made Big Elder like it very much, so he was specially given a set of cultivation technique.

This cultivation technique, Black Ox old ghost, is a good thing that I haven’t thought of for more than ten years.

I didn’t expect, this time, I actually gave it to him, when Black Ox old ghost’s face was full of smiles.

the past few days I saw everyone with a smiley face.

Suddenly, while Black Ox old ghost was thinking about the problem, the room door was opened from the outside.

A silhouette ran quickly and bowed down in front of the Black Ox old ghost and said, “The village owner, a caravan was found at the foot of the mountain. Look at the banner because it should belong to the Lou family. 3 The owner will ask, can we eat?”

“Oh, Lou’s family? Did their tolls be paid on time?” Black Ox old ghost said nonchalantly.

“Reporting back to the village owner, they paid the toll on time, but according to brothers’ observation.”

“The Lou family is not doing the medical ingredients business as they said, but it is very likely that the medicine pill is secretly hidden!”


medicine pill? medicinal ingredients?

Indeed, medical ingredients are the basis for refining medicine pill, but the gap between the two is very large.

The mountain pass occupied by the Black Ox Village is the only way to communicate with the outside world in the surrounding 3 cities.

He relied on his 5 difficult Peak cultivation base, in this piece, he can be said to be the most well-deserved powerhouse.

Guarding the Black Ox village, Black Ox old ghost, can be regarded as a gold and silver bowl.

‘So, eat it! ‘Black Ox old ghost thought for a moment, and directly ordered the copycats to prepare.

At the moment, at the foot of the mountain, Lou’s family is restless.

“A few guests, I’m afraid this time, we want to pass this valley, it’s not so easy.”

“If you are waiting for the people from Black Ox Village to make trouble, please don’t do it for 10,000,000!”

The Lou family caravan met these people after they left the city. They just asked them for directions.

But I heard that they were going to pass here, so they followed the caravan.

These people are Du Yuesheng who are looking for Black Ox Village.

At this time, Du Yuesheng heard what Lou Da shopkeeper said, but he didn’t take it seriously.

He came here this time, but he was dedicated to leveling.

How could it be said that seeing that the enemy is somewhat powerful, it is necessary to think about running away

This is not his Du Yuesheng style.

And he is also the target of the Black Ox village, which is to release his power.

‘hehe! ‘

‘brothers, surround me. ‘

A big man looked at Du Yuesheng, he moved towards the people behind the Black Ox village loudly shouted.

‘Yes! ‘

In an instant, a group of people directly encircled a circle, enclosing Du Yuesheng and everyone in it.

‘Rubbish! ‘Looking at the bandits surrounding them, Du Yuesheng simply didn’t care.

If it were to wait for the big bosses here to come, Du Yuesheng had already killed these bandits directly.

As for Li Yuanba, Xiang Yu and the other two are not in the mood to watch it. It’s too rubbish.

However, Shi Hao is full of excitement, this is his upgraded monster. “Hey, Lou shopkeeper, are you sure this is the site of that Black Ox?”

Du Yuesheng asked Lou shopkeeper.

“Hey, Young Master, you can speak quietly, and be careful to speak out, Black Ox village owner, but a super powerhouse, it is said that there are already 2 difficult cultivation bases, which is so tight that it is not something we can offend. “

Du Yuesheng glanced at the shopkeeper disdainfully. There were also many Martial Artists in their caravan.

3 There are 7 realms in disaster realm, and 8 realm in difficulty. This shopkeeper himself has a difficult Peak cultivation base.

It can be said that even in the face of the Black Ox Village, it is not without the power of a battle, but these people are as small as mice, and they can only say that they deserve to be oppressed.

I didn’t pay attention to these people. Now that the target has been determined, Du Yuesheng should fight monsters and level up.

“Shi Hao, you and your teacher, let’s go to leveling, Li Yuanba, Xiang Yu, the two of you.”

“Yes, Master!”

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor.”

Everyone agreed in unison.

Du Yuesheng directly pounced on these bandits in Black Ox Village.

The strength of the bandits in Black Ox Village is indeed not very good. Most of them are first calamity, 2 calamity level, and among the leading small bosses, the cultivation base is the highest, which is just a difficult situation.

But Du Yuesheng has only two cultivation bases, so EXP still has it.

Du Yuesheng held the Dragon Slaying Blade in his hand and rushed into the bandit group of Black Ox Village like Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat. Besides, there are 100 bandits here and they are all killed. How can Du Yuesheng rise to Rank 1 half?

“Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, kill the bandits in Black Ox Village, and get Spirit Points 50,000,000 10000.”

“Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who killed the small bandit leader of Black Ox Village and got 100,000,000 Spirit Points.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, beheading the bandits of the Black Ox village, and getting Spirit Points 5 100,000,000.”


Du Yuesheng blade after blade, under his knife, there is no bandit at all, it can be his enemy with one blow.

“Bah, kid, do you know who we are, you dare kill my brother in Black Ox, kid, are you impatient?”

3 The boss looked at Du Yuesheng and didn’t even say a word, so he rushed to kill him.

While frightened in his heart, he was extremely upset.

As the saying goes, when a word doesn’t fit, it snaps.

But, your sister, you don’t even say a word, just go ahead and do it, what’s the point!

What is when we Black Ox Village? Is it really your family’s cattle, do you mean to take it away?


Du Yuesheng slashed and killed another one, and then turned and looked towards the person who said.

3 The heads of the family are trembling, and I have seen someone cruel, but never seen such a cruel.

You don’t know who we are, so you still kill so vigorously, not at all soft?

Seeing their own people continue to fall down, 3 masters have no way at all, they can’t even escape.

Around them, 2 super powerhouses are guarding all directions. Anyone who wants to escape will be thrown back directly by these 3 powerhouses!

What is this?

Can anyone explain, what is this?

They Black Ox Village, after all offended who are you, why did they attract such an unreasonable killing god!

Especially the kid with the lowest cultivation base, murderous aura, even laughed heartily. This is just too perverted. Is he a murderous demon who specializes in killing?

“Shi Hao, move faster, let’s compare, who kills the bandits faster.”

Watching EXP rubbing upwards, Du Yuesheng was in a good mood and even issued orders to Shi Hao.

“Yes, Master.”

Shi Hao answered complied, but his heart was crying, let him go to Master to kill bandits faster?

Isn’t this looking for abuse? Master is a knife, no matter what the cultivation base is, as long as he is standing in front of the Master, he will definitely kill him with a knife.

But he is Shi Hao, although he has EXP Pill to directly promote his realm to Spirit Transformation.

However, the combat EXP does not mean that you can have it. Even if it is a small disaster with 3 disasters, Shi Hao wants to kill, and it takes some effort.

However, Shi Hao must be a genius-level figure, so as the battle progresses, the battle EXP also accumulates quickly.

The most intuitive performance is that he is killing bandits faster and faster

“Ding, congratulations to player Shi Hao, for beheading the small leader of the Black Ox Village bandit and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points.”

“Ding, congratulations to player Shi Hao, for beheading the small leader of the Black Ox Village bandit and get 10,000,000 Spirit Points.”

. . .

Shi Hao also started to kill with the sword one by one, and EXP also soared rapidly.

‘kill! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched Shi Hao’s hands, he didn’t care about anything and started to level up.

(3000 words)

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