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‘kill! ‘

‘Enchanting! ‘

Little Zuan Feng roared into the Vault of Heaven against the wind, and his whole body turned into a Demonic beast and appeared on the earth.

‘What monster? ‘Silhouette of the silhouette in the dark fog, he looked at Little Zuan Feng of incarnation Demonic beast.

He was also surprised, because he found that this person is not’soul’?

‘dead! ‘

However, he didn’t care about the others, his hands broke into endless power, forming a Great Blade.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

In an instant, one human one monster wrestled with each other on the earth, and endless horror energy continued to emerge on the earth.

‘Actually withstood Ying Lao’s attack, incredible? ‘The teenager watching from a distance also opened his lips.

However, he saw the silhouette of Shi Hao lying on the ground, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

‘on! ‘

‘Give me a few…’ The teenager waved his orders directly to the Martial Artists standing beside him.

‘Yes! ‘


After the teenager issued the order, Martial Artist who had been guarding him by the side quickly pulled out his weapon.

each and everyone Martial Artist fighting intent moved towards Shi Hao fell to the ground and shocked past.

‘cough cough …’Shi Hao stood trembling from the ground, and his hands holding the Great Blade were also trembling slightly.

‘bring it on! ‘

‘Kill more than…’

Shi Hao was bleeding all over, but he didn’t have a trace of pain. Martial Artist bleeding was normal.

This bit of pain is nothing, but I want to become the strongest Martial Artist in this Vault of Heaven.

‘boom! ‘

The battle on the other side was over in just a few seconds, and Little Zuan Feng was slapped to the ground by the palm of the shadow elder Fiercely.

‘Shi Hao, run! ‘

‘You are not their opponent, go to Heavenly Emperor. ‘Little Zuan Feng fell on the ground with a roar sound to remind Shi Hao.

‘hateful! ‘Shi Hao looked at Little Zuan Feng who was slapped to the ground with a palm, and he also let out a hint of anger.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Run, none of you want to run today. ‘The shadow old eyes burst into a monstrous murderous intention.

He looked at the silhouette of Shi Hao holding the Great Blade in his hand. His feet crossed the void next, and his hands moved towards Shi Hao.

‘fuck! ‘

‘If it weren’t for her skill to be sealed, Laozi Little Zuan Feng would be afraid that you would wait for ants. ‘Little Zuan Feng looked at the shadow old moved towards Shi Hao’s murderous aura, and he was anxious.

‘haha! ‘

‘Die. . . ‘

Ying Lao looked at Shi Hao in front of him, and both of his hands turned into a blade glow and slashed at Shi Hao.

However, just when Ying Lao’s blade glow was still one centimeter away from Shi Hao’s head.

A terrifying emperor oppresses the Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth, under the oppression of this emperor, Ying Lao is blocked from the void.

‘this Emperor, disciple, dare you to fight, get out of me. . . ‘

‘bang! ‘

A terrifying imposing manner turned into a shocking force and struck Ying Lao, and in the next second Ying Lao’s entire person was blasted away several hundred meters.

‘who? ‘

‘Come out to me. . . ‘

Ying Lao, who was flying to the ground, stood up and looked nervously all around the void, roaring loudly.

‘dead! ‘

‘boom. . . ‘

However, it was not an answering voice that greeted Ying Lao, but a terrifying energy attack.

‘what? ‘

‘what! ‘

Ying Lao looked at the blade glow that appeared in the sky, and it was immediately killed after being reflected.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ beheaded 2 hard realm Martial Artist and won Spirit Points 300,000,000. ‘

Du Yuesheng held the Dragon Swordsman and appeared beside Ying Lao’s corpse, and directly kicked Fei Ying Lao’s whole body with one foot.

‘Master! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor! ‘

Shi Hao and Little Zuan Feng saw the silhouette suddenly coming down, and they shouted in unison.

‘Shadow old. . . ‘The teenager looked at Ying Lao who was killed by Du Yuesheng, and he shivered suddenly.

You must know that Ying Lao, but his father sent him the strongest Martial Artist, a Martial Artist who is in a difficult situation.

In their Black Ox village, it is also a first-class expert.

The young man looked at the step by step moved towards Du Yuesheng as he walked, he couldn’t help but nervously asked: “Who you are, how dare you be right with me in Black Ox Village?”

Du Yuesheng wasn’t in the mood to answer the boy’s words, he held the Dragon Slayer Sword and approached step by step.

“Kill him!” The boy looked at Du Yuesheng who did not answer him, and he ordered the remaining Martial Artist.

‘kill! ‘

In an instant, the Martial Artists who had besieged Shi Hao burst out and moved towards Du Yuesheng and slashed away.

‘dead! ‘

‘boom. . . ‘

Du Yuesheng didn’t have any extra movements, holding Tu Tuobao’s sword to cut the ground with 3 consecutive swords.

‘what! ‘

‘what. . . ‘

Several consecutive screams rang through the earth, and then all the people who moved towards Du Yuesheng rushed to the death.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points. ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points. ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points. ‘

. . . .

‘Rubbish! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched the EXP constantly prompted by the system, and even his upgrades were more than a fraction.

‘you you you. . . Who is it? ‘The boy was also shocked by Du Yuesheng’s horror.

One trick to kill all of him directly, what means?

‘Trash, you go down with them too. ‘Du Yuesheng walked to the boy’s side, holding the Dragon Slayer Sword in both hands and cutting it down.

‘No! ‘

‘I am the Young Fort Master in Black Ox Village. If you kill me, my father will not let you go. ‘

The boy looked at the blade glow that was slain, a piece of urine appeared in his crotch, and his mouth kept begging.

‘Black Ox Village? ‘

‘What the hell? ‘

Du Yuesheng heard the three words spoken in the boy’s mouth, and he was taken aback for a moment, and the Dragon Sword Sword stopped in the void.

“My father is the owner of Black Ox Village, and one of the ten Outer Disciple of Nan Mingzong.”

“As long as you don’t kill me, I can give you a lot of treasure.”


“Nan Mingzong?”

Du Yuesheng heard these three words, and it came to his mind that he seemed to kill a Nanmingzong or something Elder.

Damn, Laozi didn’t bother with you. You came to the door three or five times.

Nan Mingzong, Nan Mingzong, one of the top ten Outer Disciple. . .


Then, Laozi swept from your top ten Outer Disciple but one after another.

‘dead! ‘

After Du Yuesheng wanted to understand, he stopped in midair with a ka-cha knife.

‘what! ‘

‘you you you. . . ‘

When he died, he didn’t want to understand why Du Yuesheng was not afraid of Nanming Sect. You must know that it was the blood moon continent 4 Great Sect force.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 10,000,000 Spirit Points. ‘

‘fuck! ‘

‘It’s a rubbish among rubbish. . . ‘

Du Yuesheng heard about 10,000,000 Spirit Points from the death of a teenager, which is really the least one monster he killed.

‘go! ‘

Du Yuesheng exploded with two energies in both hands, covering Shi Hao and Little Zuan Feng.

Afterwards, it turned into a gust of wind and howled the mountain range, and moved towards the address of Heavenly Hall.

PS: No. 4 more, for recommendation tickets, for subscriptions, for rewards, for monthly tickets, the subscription is so low recently, please pray if you can support the genuine.

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