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It’s a one-sided situation…

The bandits in Black Ox Village are exactly the little sheep to be slaughtered, in the hands of Du Yuesheng and Shi Hao 2 master and disciple.

There is no chance of resistance.

’40! After Shi Hao killed a Martial Artist, he reported a number.

‘150! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the corpse lying at his feet, took out the Dragon Sword and wiped the blood on it, and whispered in his mouth.

‘Hey! ‘

‘disciple, it seems that you still need to exercise. Killing people is still very fragile. ‘

Du Yuesheng could not help but looked towards Shi Hao, then shook the head, and then walked towards the head of 3.

Shi Hao heard Du Yuesheng’s words, but his face was laughed embarrassingly.

I didn’t dare to refute, but muttered in my heart: “Who dares to compare with you, you kill with one stroke.”

“I have to fight a little bit, but if I encounter a siege, be careful, I will carry it myself…”

Of course, Shi Hao admires Du Yuesheng even more.

Master deserves to be the Master, and this battle strength, no one is.

Black Ox Zhai 3 has been watching towards moving towards Du Yuesheng, and the whole person hastily retreated.

‘Who are you? ‘3 The boss stepped back and asked with a trembling voice.

He is afraid!

Although they are bandits, Du Yuesheng’s performance is even more bandit than bandits!

Killing people is not blinking at all, one knife at a time, it feels like cutting a watermelon.

Du Yuesheng looked at the only survivor, that is, the three heads.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were completely covered by the body of the 3rd master.

‘BOSS! ‘

‘haha …’

3 There is a faint halo on the master, which is the rhythm of the boss!

Boss and so on, that is Du Yuesheng’s love.

‘kill! ‘

Du Yuesheng was not in the mood to talk nonsense with 3 Master, and suddenly he moved towards 3 Master and rushed over.

“You, don’t come over, our Boss is Black Ox Boss, our Boss, but the Outer Disciple of Nanmingzong.”

“You killed me, my boss won’t let you go.”

3 The boss has long been terrified, although he has a difficult Rank 7 cultivation base.

But after his crazy killing by Du Yuesheng, he was terrified long ago.

Who is the bandit?

Why is this guy in front of him, murderous aura, who is more professional and crazy than their professional bandits.

Du Yuesheng didn’t take care of it at all. He split out the Dragon Slaying Blade in his hand, a blade glow flashed, and he immediately came to the front of the 3rd master.

3 The master instinctively raises a knife to block.

‘bang! ‘


A wave of vigorous smashed him back dozens of steps.

Then he fell to the ground all over his ass, and the weapon in his hand was also beaten up.

‘not dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the 3 master who fell to the side, and actually carried his own this blade.

It made Du Yuesheng a little surprised, but the blade glow in his hand flashed and shot out again.

‘stop! ‘

‘Dare to stay in my Black Ox Village, is it because you think your life is not long enough? “

Suddenly, at this moment, a roar rang from behind the 3 heads fell to the ground, accompanied by a roar of terrifying energy.

‘bang! ‘

‘hong long long …’

A very burly man appeared on the ground, holding two big hammers to resist the attack of Lord Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng looked at the man who appeared suddenly and shouted loudly: “Don’t tell me, I really don’t think my life is long enough, you said, what should I do! “

The head of the 3 who fell on the ground, looked at the man who appeared suddenly, as if he had seen a savior.

Quickly got up from the ground, ran to the man holding two big hammers and said: “Big Boss, he killed all of us.”


“Courting death, dare kill my Black Ox, don’t you know how good my Black Ox is”

Black Ox heard the report from the head of 3, and his hands holding the 2 big hammer also rioted.

‘It’s you grandfather me, grandson! ‘Du Yuesheng looked at the man who appeared, his face said with a smile evil.

He watched appearing on the ground. The man holding 2 big hammers should be the final boss of Black Ox Village.

Black Ox old ghost!

Damn, it really deserves the word’Black Ox’ if you don’t say it.

People have dark skin, tall and strong.

Not knowing the situation, Du Yuesheng thought he was a nigger from Africa…

‘what! ‘

‘you are…’

Hearing the sound, Black Ox turned his gaze to Du Yuesheng’s body, but this look made him excited.

‘I got rich and I actually met Black Ox. ‘Black Ox old ghost’s hands holding the hammer were shaking.

Because Black Ox discovered that Du Yuesheng was actually the person Nan Mingzong was looking for.

Within Nanmingzong, a Slaughter Order has been issued. Anyone who kills Du Yuesheng can get a generous reward.

As one of the top ten outer sect heroes, Black Ox, of course, also knows this news.

But his cultivation base is among the top ten heroes, but it is the bottom of the existence.

So not at all back to sect assembly.

But he didn’t expect this person who was infinitely scrupulous by Nan Mingzong?

Actually appeared in front of him.

This is totally giving him Black Ox a great opportunity, as long as this person is killed?

Maybe I can go further and become the elite disciple of the Southern Ming School. At that time, it was not without a chance to break through the ‘5 difficulties’.

‘haha! ‘

‘Boy there’s a road to Heaven yet you don’t walk it, hell is doorless yet you charged to it …’

‘trifling a 2 plague ant, die for me! ‘

‘Hammer shocked! ‘

Black Ox clenched the hammer in both hands, and a foot flew to the ground quickly, and the foot was shaking.

‘Heavenly Emperor, let me go. ‘Li Yuanba looked at the Black Ox silhouette that appeared, he was unable to bear and wanted to start.

Because Li Yuanba watched Black Ox actually use a hammer, but saw the way he held the hammer.

Li Yuanba was so angry that this person was not worthy of using a hammer.

‘No way! ‘

‘You are staying with me on the side! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba’s posture of wanting to shoot. This is a BOSS.

You still want to grab BOOS with me!

Cool me over there to stay there and play with mud…

‘kill! ‘

‘berserk, open…’

‘Diwei, open…’

Du Yuesheng’s Emperor’s 3-step skill appeared at a leisurely burst, and the 3-step across the earth was step by step.

‘Surgery! ‘


In 3 steps, Du Yuesheng raised his imposing manner to the limit, and cut the dragon sword with a knife.

‘The hammer hammers…’

Black Ox didn’t have any action for the action either, the two big hammers were clenched with both hands and suddenly hit with a hammer.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

A horrible explosion resounded through Heaven and Earth, and the power of blade glow and the hammer hammer collided with each other.

‘not good! ‘


After Black Ox 2 hammer smashed the blade glow from the attack, he also reacted wrong.

However, when the reaction came, it was too late.

‘No! ‘

‘Big Boss, save me! ‘3 Watching Du Yuesheng suddenly appeared in front of him, shouting loudly.

3 The master had no idea that this person would actually appear in front of himself.

‘hmph! ‘

‘The people I want to kill can’t be saved by God! ‘

‘You go to hell! ‘

‘Surgery! ‘

After Du Yuesheng coldly snorted, his head was cut off with a sharp knife with both hands at the head of 3.

‘stop! ‘Black Ox running from a distance, he looked at Du Yuesheng who shot, and there was a roar in his mouth.

PS: The first one is more. In addition, I recently came to a way to add more money. One-time rewards are 10,000 coins, plus one more one. As long as you dare to reward, the turtle will dare to play code.

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