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“East Earth, Great Tang?”

“Elysian West?”

“The law of detachment?

Everyone looked at the disappeared Du Yuesheng, each and everyone didn’t know how to describe the scene they saw today.

‘Dongtu, Great Tang? I will definitely go. ‘Qiao Feng looked at Du Yuesheng who was missing, Qiao Feng swore from the bottom of his heart.

He felt that he had recovered to the invincible Joe Sect Leader.



‘Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for completing the hidden mission and changing the fate of Qiao Feng. ‘

‘Get special rewards, the myth version of The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections map is opened, and the normal version of The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections map is overwritten and disappears forever. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Due to a system error, the player’s one-day tour experience card time was shortened, so the player was compensated and the player received a character drawing card from The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections. ‘


Du Yuesheng listened to the constant sound of the system in his mind, if he could play more in The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections.

‘Go and see how Shi Hao is doing. After Du Yuesheng thought for a while, he quickly moved towards the mountain range and ran deep.

A wide open space deep in the mountain range.

‘Who are you guys anyway? Shi Hao held the Great Blade in his hand and pointed at the crowd that suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

Shi Hao had originally killed the Demon Beast in the mountain range to upgrade. The kill was good, but suddenly a dozen silhouettes appeared.

I haven’t asked myself yet, and one of the Martial Artists suddenly attacked himself.

However, fortunately, Shi Hao reacted fast enough, and the Great Blade in his hand slammed out, and the Martial Artist who had attacked was directly beheaded on the spot.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Boy, hand over the treasure in your hands, this Young Fort Master can spare you not to die. ‘

From a group of Martial Artists across from Shi Hao, one walked out wearing a yellow gold brocade shirt with an azure Dragon Mark belt tied around his waist.

A head of ink-black hair, with a pair of deep handsome eyes, a tall and handsome boy.

The boy looked at Shi Hao, who was holding the Great Blade in his hand. He said disdainfully, “Give you a chance, otherwise you will end up…”

‘Young Fort Master talks to him nonsense, the small one will solve this person immediately! ‘A middle age person next to the teenager lowered his head and said.

‘Go! ‘The young man also nodded, and then stretched out a finger to point to Shi Hao.

‘Yes! ‘


The middle age person is obviously a Martial Artist who often kills people, carrying extremely murderous aura all over his body and rushing up.

‘die for me! ‘

‘Shattered palm! ‘

The middle age person’s hands exploded with endless power, and in an instant, the giant palm pressed against Shi Hao.

‘haha! The’middle age person is confident that a small Spirit Transformation Martial Artist is under the palm of his own strikes.

That is definitely a dish of death, after all, I am a Martial Artist in Rank 2 of a disaster.

Shi Hao looked at the palm he moved towards towards himself, his eyes full of disdain.

If it were the former Shi Hao, he might not be able to fight back.

But today’s Shi Hao, Shi Hao who has already shedding body and exchanging bones, his strength cannot be compared with ordinary people’s eyes.

After all, there is a monster Master. Could his discipline be worse?

‘Rubbish! ‘

‘Blade, come out…’

Shi Hao spit out indifferently, then squeezed the Great Blade with both hands and stepped across the ground with his feet.

‘boom! ‘

In the next second, Shi Hao appeared above the attacking Martial Artist and stepped on him suddenly.

‘Go down…’ Shi Hao stepped on Martial Artist’s head, and Martial Artist was directly stepped on the ground.

‘dead! ‘

‘pu chi sound…’

The Great Blade in Shi Hao’s hand slashed Martial Artist’s neck, and a stream of blood sprayed the earth.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Shi Hao’ beheaded the monster and gained EXP 100,000,000. ‘

‘Level up! ‘

‘Current Level: Rank 1 for a disaster. ‘


Shi Hao listened to the mysterious voice prompt in his mind and felt the horror energy full of his body.

this is even more terrifying power than Spirit Transformation Realm.

‘Cool! ‘

Shi Hao felt the power flowing all over his body, which was ten times stronger than himself just now.



The boy standing on the ground looked at the Martial Artist who was killed by Shi Hao with a single knife, and his whole person was surprised.

You know, that middle age person is a Martial Artist, and Shi Hao is just a Spirit Transformation environment.

‘courting death …’There was also a trace of anger on the boy’s face, and it was the first time he was hit by someone like this.

To know his dad, it is a famous Martial Artist within 10,000 li.

Top Ten Nanming Heroes!

His dad is exactly one of the top ten heroes, the owner of Black Ox Village.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Go, kill this person for me…’

Although the young man shocked Shi Hao’s ability, he still did not put Shi Hao in the heart.

‘Yes, Young Fort Master. ‘A silhouette shrouded in black mist appeared on the ground.

‘demon shadow! ‘

‘kill! ‘

As soon as this person appeared on the earth, a horrible bloodthirsty aura that shook Heaven and Earth shrouded the mountain range.

‘really strong ! ‘

Shi Hao looked at the silhouette that appeared, feeling the power erupting from him, and his whole body was shaking.

‘Slash! ‘

‘Broken, broken, broken…’

Shi Hao didn’t know that he was waiting to be killed. He took the lead in attacking, swinging the Great Blade 3 times in a row.

3 The knives are continuously combined to form a shocking blade glow and shatter void.

‘kill! ‘

‘3 Knife in one, I am blade glow! ‘

Shi Hao stepped on the sky, lifted the Great Blade with both hands, and the endless blade glow instantly merged into the Great Blade.

‘cut! ‘

3 The shocking power of the sword’s outbreak shook Heaven and Earth, Shi Hao clenched the Great Blade with both hands and cut it off with a knife.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

Under this blade, the mountain range is trembling, and the ground is released with a blade glow, and a series of cracks are drawn.

It’s a pity that all of Shi Hao is completely impossible to withstand a single blow in front of the silhouette of the opposite person who is covered in black mist.

‘broken! ‘


An anger resounded through the void, and the silhouette covered with black mist attacked with both hands and blade glow a finger pointed.

In an instant, a shocking rays of light erupted from his fingertips, and Shi Hao’s blade glow was instantly disintegrated.

‘what! ‘

As for Shi Hao’s whole person was also killed by this rays of light, and his whole person fell from the sky to the ground instantly.

The silhouette of “Dead” covered in black mist looked at Shi Hao who fell on the ground, and he stretched out his hands and pinched it.

‘courting death, you dare to touch the discipline of the Heavenly Emperor! ‘

‘tired of living! ‘

‘roar! ‘

With a blast of Celestial Demon, the beast roared through the void, and Little Zuan Feng, who had been guarding Shi Hao in secret, appeared in the sky.

He looked at the silhouette that moved towards Shi Hao’s black mist.

Both of his hands exploded with Celestial Demon power, a God Soldier appeared in his hands, and a bold blow broke out.

‘hmph! ‘

‘trifling 2 Scourge ants, dare to be so rampant…’

‘courting death! ‘

On the ground, the silhouette lifts the head looked towards the sudden appearance of Little Zuan Feng, covered in black mist.

But is a 2 disaster ant, for his Martial Artist in 2 difficulty.

That is simply the existence of an ant pinched to death by a hand.

PS: 3rd more, ask for recommendation tickets, ask for subscriptions, ask for rewards, ask for monthly tickets, the recent subscription is so low, I ask if you can support the genuine.

Shi Hao’s realm has been adjusted.

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