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Suddenly, a purple clothed woman rushed over, not afraid of Du Yuesheng’s majesty.

Hearing this name, Du Yuesheng naturally understood that this is Azi.

For A Zi, Du Yuesheng doesn’t have a good evaluation, this girl, to say that it is abominable, indeed gnash the teeth that people sometimes hate.

But then again, she is actually a bit naughty, too attached to love that’s all.

At this time, Du Yuesheng turned to look towards all around.

Du Yuesheng still likes Qiao Feng’s personality. In the original book, he watched Qiao Feng commit suicide.

Du Yuesheng also felt unhappy in his heart, so this time, since he is here, he can’t let Qiao Feng die in vain.

‘Your destiny is in the hands of this Emperor. ‘Du Yuesheng has decided to change The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections.

“You, what are you talking about.”

Only then did King Liao react. Even if you are tough, don’t you dare to fight against a few 100,000 troops? Who do you think you are?

However, the words of King Liao were directly exchanged for Du Yuesheng’s attack!

‘courting death! ‘

‘pa! ‘

Du Yuesheng snapped two fingers, and a pair of silhouettes instantly appeared from the sky and landed on the ground.

‘pay respects to, Heavenly Emperor! ‘Ten soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons appeared on the ground kneeling on the ground.

Du Yuesheng looked at the terracotta soldiers who appeared. He waved his hand and said, “Go, destroy for me, the Liao army on the opposite side.”

‘Yes! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor …’

Ten terracotta warriors kneeling on the ground, got up and looked at them, a bunch of shrimps, too garbage?

However, this was the order of the Heavenly Emperor, they did not dare and could not violate it, and then moved towards the Liao Army rushed over.


If the ten terracotta warriors were hit at random, there would be hundreds of Liao troops fought. In front of the ten terracotta warriors, no one was their enemy.

Du Yuesheng looked at Qiao Feng with interest at this time.

“Qiao Feng, right? Are you going to commit suicide, death ends all one’s troubles?”

Qiao Feng stared blankly at the two people who were massacring the army of the Liao State, and suddenly heard Du Yuesheng’s question, nodded.

‘This Emperor is here today, just to change your destiny, commit suicide and so on you don’t have to think about it. ‘

“This, this, Senior, can you stop your men?”

Qiao Feng was so shocked that 6 gods had no master, and his words became a little stuttering.

“Why do you care about them? Come here, then King Liao deliberately stimulated you, don’t you just want to kill you, kill him death ends all one’s troubles.”

“Senior, after all, I also have Khitan bloodline, and I don’t want to see my own family slaughtered.”

Isn’t it a massacre? Ten terracotta warriors have killed more than 10000 people in the Liao army in such a short time.

In fact, Du Yuesheng also asked the system about why the strength here is so low. At that time, the system’s answer was like this.

“Ding, system prompts, the player Du Yuesheng is now arriving at the normal version of The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections instead of the mythical version of The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections. Therefore, the strength here will be So low.”

At that time, this answer made Du Yuesheng utterly complaining about the The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections. You still have a normal version and a mythical version.

I just don’t know what it is like when I go to the myth version map later.

“It’s okay, let them kill, don’t those Liao people want to go to Song Dynasty to fight grass valley, kill them for nothing.”

In other words, Song is also under the Chinese historical dynasty, and Liao is also a barbarian.

‘what! ‘

Qiao Feng now knows what North Qiaofeng and South Murong are. In front of a powerhouse like Du Yuesheng, they are not even farts.

Seeing ten terracotta warriors and horses continuously slaughtering Liao soldiers, Qiao Feng’s 10000 points is not a taste.

He didn’t want to see Song Kingdom being invaded by Liao, and he didn’t want to see Liao soldiers being massacred.

“Senior, please also show mercy.” Qiao Feng fell to his knees with a brush, and said respectfully to Du Yuesheng.

The sincerity in his eyes made Du Yuesheng look sideways.

“Hey, Qiao Feng, you…, forget it.”

“Listen to me, now that this Emperor is here, you shouldn’t be there, Liao Kingdom, take out ten cities for Song Kingdom.”

“Then go back and develop slowly, if let me know that your Liao King has the idea of ​​invading the Song Kingdom, then Laozi destroys your Liao Kingdom.”

So arrogant, so arrogant, so domineering!

No one dared to say no, even 100,000 people in front of Du Yuesheng did not even dare to show up!

After Du Yuesheng waved his hand, the ten terracotta warriors disappeared.

How could it be possible that ten peerless powerhouses simply disappeared when they said they had disappeared.

If it weren’t for the 10000 soldiers’ bodies lying there, no one would believe it was true.

There was a nasty smell from the body of King Liao, and he was scared to pee!

God, Song Guo actually has such a powerhouse, what other expedition he talks about!

Fortunately, such a peerless expert would basically not intervene in mundane matters, otherwise, just come out any one, and it would be nice if he could protect himself.

It’s too scary, it’s really scary, is his elite soldier, in front of those two people, like clay chickens and pottery dogs, impossible to withstand a single blow!

Ten cities, how? A lot, really a lot, enough for the Liao country to bleed, but the king of Liao did not dare to resist.

Seeing Du Yuesheng looking over, King Liao clicked and rolled off his horse, and then fell directly to the ground.

Respectfully said: “Yes, former, Senior, Ben, no, no, small, small, do it immediately, do it immediately.

‘roll! ‘

Du Yuesheng coldly snorted, his hands suddenly shot towards the nearest mountain strikes.

‘hong long long ! ‘

With a fist, the entire mountain instantly fell into gravel and fell on the ground.

‘hiss! ‘

If everyone was shocked just now, then at this moment, each and everyone is one step at a time.

Is this still something human can do?

It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as “God”

‘withdraw! ‘

Seeing this scene, King Liao was already scared of 6 souls without a master, quickly riding a war horse, with several 10000 Liao soldiers disappeared.

‘All right! ‘

‘Qiao Sect Leader, this Emperor matter of Liao Kingdom has been resolved, don’t you have to die? ‘

Du Yuesheng turned to look towards Qiao Feng with a terrified look, he asked Serene.

‘Uh! ‘

‘Don’t know Senior, are you? ‘Qiao Feng didn’t know how to explain the shock in his heart.


Too strong…

Anyway, in Qiao Feng’s heart, he originally thought that the old man sweeping in Shaolin Temple was already the strongest person.

But today I found that there is always someone who is better than us…

Perhaps, this World was not the scene he saw at all. Qiao Feng couldn’t help burning a vitality in his heart.

‘many thanks, Senior enlightened, Qiao Feng understands. ‘Qiao Feng couldn’t help but kowtow to Du Yuesheng, thank this person for initiating.

‘haha! ‘

‘Yes, Qiao Feng, you are a good person, and innate talent is also on the top. I hope you can clear comprehension. ‘

‘this Emperor came from the Eastern Earth Great Tang Empire, and was sent by the Supreme God to the West of Bliss to find a way of detachment? ‘

‘I hope I can meet you in the unknown World next time. ‘

‘bang! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s words fell, he stepped towards the sky, and then disappeared into the sky.

It seems that it has never appeared before.

PS: No. 2

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