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‘crap! ‘

‘System, why is this time crossed over so uncomfortable? ‘

Du Yuesheng watched all around the vast expanse of black, as if he was in a world without air.

‘ding! ‘

‘System error caused the player to counterflow Space-Time. ‘

‘The goal comes to the normal version of Heavenly Dragon World, which lasts for one hour. ‘


Du Yuesheng heard System’s answer. The moment he opened his mouth to scold, a powerful current came to his mind.

‘what! ‘

Du Yuesheng screamed, and then he passed out into a coma.


‘kill! ‘


The ground was covered with flags, and groups of soldiers stood on the ground with various weapons in hand.

Luo will never stop shouting.

‘bang! ‘

Suddenly a tiny crack appeared void, and the soldiers who were fighting did not notice.

‘boom! ‘

The earth shook, and a silhouette fell from the tearing void to the ground.

‘! ‘

‘System, can your uncle crossed over…’

Du Yuesheng, who fell on the ground, stood up and rubbed his head. It was a powerhouse like him.

Can’t bear the click of system.

But, when Du Yuesheng moved towards all around, he was confused? What is this situation?

Entering the scene in Du Yuesheng’s eyes is a large swath of soldiers fighting, and countless corpses die.

‘What is this situation? ‘

‘Which plot has come to The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the scene that happened before him, and he was also puzzled, not knowing which plot system arranged him in.

‘Who are you? ‘

‘kill! ‘

‘He should be from Da Song…’

However, just as Du Yuesheng was thinking about where to come, several soldiers appeared beside him.

‘courting death! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched a group of soldiers moving towards him with a weapon in his hand, his eyes were glowing with red rays of light.

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng took a picture with both hands, and a large group of soldiers was directly photographed into scum, some soldiers who had not yet attacked.

All of them inhaled air-conditioning, and were shocked by the person who suddenly appeared in front of them.

Who is this guy, a very powerful aura, such a fierce imposing manner!

‘Go away! ‘

Du Yuesheng loudly roared, surrounded by imperial prestige, he didn’t want to say anything to this rubbish.

‘Yin! ‘


Suddenly, a monstrous dragon roar kept resounding through Heaven and Earth, and patches of golden red clouds light appeared in the sky.


Divine Dragon…

Is this plot wrong?

Du Yuesheng remembers that The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections are just a Martial Arts World, and it is basically impossible to have a Divine Beast like’Divine Dragon’?

Is it wrong to crossed over the version?

“big brother !”

“brother-in-law !”

“Big brother Xiao!”

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the distance, and countless exclamations spread throughout Heaven and Earth Space-Time.

What the hell is this!

Du Yuesheng was quite puzzled, his silhouette flashed and he had come to the forefront.

Standing at the highest point, Du Yuesheng moved towards looking down, just to see a scene that shocked him.

‘Lying trough! ‘

‘I actually crossed over to this episode…’

The plot of Du Yuesheng crossed over The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections is exactly the scene where Xiao Feng is about to commit suicide.

‘Xiao Feng! ‘

Du Yuesheng is very sorry for this person’s death. Now that this Emperor is here, let me change your destiny.

Regardless of Du Yuesheng, Xu Zhu and Duan Yu on the battlefield panicked.

Moving quickly, the two of them have already flown out. They understand what the big brother thinks.

The big brother couldn’t stand the excitement of the King of Liao, he didn’t want to see Song and Liao at war.

But he has Khitan blood on his body. This is a fact that cannot be erased. Therefore, the big brother who has always been loyal.

He would rather choose to commit suicide than to end his life in this way in order to contact the misunderstanding of the Liao King.

At the same time, in order to give the world peace and security!

‘No! ‘

“No, Joe Sect Leader…” All the heroes who came to rescue the Jianghu heroes also roared loudly.

Everyone was frightened by 10000 points. They were desperately trying to save life. Isn’t it to save Joe Sect Leader?

Joe Sect Leader morality reaching up to the clouds, that’s the big hero!

No, Joe Sect Leader, no one will say anything to you, don’t commit suicide if you are 10,000,000!

However, it was too late, and everyone understood that no one could stop Xiao Feng, his strength.

Even his two brothers are not enough to be his opponent.

‘Joe Sect Leader, your destiny changes here! ‘

‘Suicide is not your result…’

Du Yuesheng looked at this scene, his silhouette flashed suddenly, and had come to Xiao Feng.

“big brother !”

“big brother !”

Duan Yu and Xu Zhu were terrified, and they were eventually slow.

Did not grab the broken knife in the hands of big brother!

Suddenly a dragon sounded, and Xiao Feng suddenly exerted force.


Well, the knife? Has the knife in his hand?

Xiao Feng was dumbfounded.

The broken knife in his hand suddenly disappeared!

Other people are also dumbfounded.

Who is that person and where did it come from, how could it be so powerful!

Just now, all of them were staring at Xiao Feng. It can be said that every move was absolutely clear.

However, at that moment a person suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Feng, and then snatched the broken knife in Xiao Feng’s hand!


It’s too powerful. It’s too powerful.

This is something I dare not imagine.

North Xiaofeng, South Murong, these are the two most powerful men in the martial arts, but suddenly, the person who appeared appeared to be taking away the weapon from North Xiaofeng.

Xiao Feng couldn’t find it, it was too powerful, it was too powerful!

“You, who are you!”

Xiao Feng looked dumbfounded at the youngster in front of him, how could it be so powerful, who is he!

King Liao has not left yet. He saw the scene of Xiao Feng committing suicide. In fact, he also regretted it.

He shouldn’t stimulate Xiao Feng that much, but if Song Guo gets Xiao Feng, then the national power will definitely increase greatly. In this way, wouldn’t he be extremely passive in Liao.

Therefore, since he cannot get Xiao Feng in Liao, he cannot let Song Guo get Xiao Feng!

However, at the moment Xiao Feng was about to commit suicide, a person suddenly appeared.

‘Boy Xiao Feng, why did you commit suicide? Do you want to know that life is a precious thing? ‘

‘a real man, shouldn’t die like this. ‘

When Du Yuesheng talked about this, he turned to look towards the Liao King riding a war horse in the distance.

‘Then what’s the matter, King Liao is also here, King Liao, I don’t think you are pleasing to the eye, what do you say! “

So arrogant, so domineering, so good invincible tone!

However, this man has such strength, he wants to say who to kill, here, anyone is impossible to stop him.

Xiao Feng is already the most powerful house here. In front of him, the paper cup is called the kid!

“You, who are you.”

Across the old distant King Liao, shouted in panic.

Is this person from Song State? If this is the case, wouldn’t his Liao State have no chance to resist at all!

“You care who I am, so many soldiers, I don’t know how long it will take to kill them all?”

Du Yuesheng’s words made everyone’s heart tremble.

All killed!

He actually wanted to kill all 100,000 troops of Liao Kingdom!

God, who is he?

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