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‘Who? ‘

‘tired of living, dare to care about our Cangyan Gang? ‘

‘Give me this Uncle to stand up…’

A black-faced big man came out of the crowd that just started on the first floor, holding 2 big hammers in his hand, and lifts the head toward the inside of Inn made a roar.

‘get out! ‘

‘boom! ‘

The black-faced man held two big hammers in his hands and hammered down the table in front of him, and the table was instantly shattered.

‘haha! ‘

‘Cang Yan’s help is so famous, so scared that people dare not speak loudly…’

‘Who! ‘

‘get out! ‘

The black-faced man listened to the gloomy business coming from the 2nd floor, and heard this person say bad things about the Cangyan Gang.

The 2 big hammers in his hand were constantly swaying in the void, and his whole body exploded into the sky.



The Martial Artists in the entire Inn only heard a roar from a room on the second floor.

Along with the roar, a rays of light directly fell on the black-faced man.


‘The hammer shakes the sky…’

‘bang! ‘

The black-faced man was also completely unprepared by the rays of light that suddenly struck from the 2nd floor.

Both of his hands clenched the hammer and struck down suddenly, but they were still bounced a few steps away by the power released by the rays of light.

‘Really strong …’The black-faced man retreated 4 or 5 steps before he stopped, feeling the power from the hammer.

‘I don’t know which friend? ‘The black-faced man has no supercilious look just now.

After all, the strength of this mysterious person is there, and the black-faced man has to be wary.

“Dog bites a dog, it is interesting!” Du Yuesheng lying on the table pretending to be unconscious.

He opened his eyes slightly to see what happened to Inn, and he couldn’t help but get excited.

“This is more exciting and authentic than watching Hollywood blockbusters.”


Du Yuesheng saw that the Martial Artists inside were killing each other, Du Yuesheng who was originally the authority.

Now he simply started the passerby and watched the live dog bite show.

‘Cang Yan Gang, others may be afraid of you, but what is it in my heart? ‘

‘dead! ”

Suddenly, one after another terror weapon flew from the second floor, like popcorn scattered on the first floor of Inn.

In less than a second, the 23 people who were still standing on the first floor suddenly flew blood, and at least has 8 people violent death.

“Damn…” The black-faced man looked at the tragic death of Cang Yan’s gang around him, his eyes glowing with anger.

‘Blackface, didn’t your master tell you who was in charge when you came out? ‘

‘Even if your Sect Leader is here, you dare not be so rampant in the Inn. ‘

A loud voice appeared on the second floor, and then a guy with a bald forehead led a Demon Beast and two thin men under the protection, and walked towards the first floor.

The black-faced man lifts the head and looked at the silhouette walking down from the second floor, when he saw the silhouette of the half-bald forehead.

‘Bald! ‘The black-faced man said in surprise.

‘Damn, I’m afraid it will be planted here today…’ The black-faced man looked at the silhouette of the half-bald forehead that came down.

The bald head was originally ominous, and everyone called him bald anyway.

This person’s methods are extremely spicy, and it is considered an expert in this area of ​​30,000 li.

I have also stepped into the’one difficulty realm’.

But what is frightening is the mysterious power behind him. It is rumored that he is an Outer Disciple of Great Sect.

The bald head appeared in the lobby on the first floor, his eyes looked towards the black-faced man holding 2 big hammers.

Then he said disdainfully: “Black face, did you say I sent you out? Or did you get out?”

“Bald, don’t be too arrogant!” Although the black-faced man was afraid of this person.

But the realm of the two of them is similar, both are in a difficult Rank 2 realm.

The most important thing was that Du Yuesheng took a “Treasure Dragon Sword” on the table to make him afraid to give up like this.

‘Jiebao’ is a weapon rarely owned by the ‘5 Difficulties’ powerhouse.

If he has such a weapon, even if it is a Martial Artist who is a level 2 higher than himself.

He didn’t have any fear!

‘hmph! ‘

The bald man heard the words spoken by the black-faced man. He released a cold light in his eyes, and said indifferently, “courting death!”


The bald hands moved towards the place where the black-faced man was standing and waved his hands, his mouth roared with murderous aura.


With the wave of the bald head, the digital Martial Artist behind him broke out in a monstrous fighting intent.

In a blink of an eye, he came directly to the dozen Martial Artists around the black-faced man, and the weapon in his hand was cut off decisively.

‘what! ‘

‘Elder, save me! ‘


In less than 3 seconds, a dozen Martial Artists who were standing next to the black-faced man fell directly to the ground and died.

They didn’t even have a chance to fight back at the moment of death.

Even they didn’t even see the face of the person they were working with. They were too helpless to die.

‘dead! ‘

‘Hammer combo…’

The black-faced man looked at the Martial Artist who was falling down next to him, his bloodline in his arms violently violently, and the hammer in his hand continued to strike.

‘boom! ‘


After several consecutive hammers, the two Martial Artists who appeared next to the black-faced man were directly killed.

The heads were forcibly smashed by a hammer, and a pool of brains fell on the Inn ground.

‘You courting death! ‘The bald head looked at the two people who were killed by the black-faced man, and a silver spear appeared in his hand.

‘long spear break the sun! ‘

‘Strangulation! ‘

The bald feet stepped across the next step, and the silver spear in his hand quickly moved into the void, piercing the black-faced man’s chest with a shot.

‘how is this possible? The black-faced man looked at the silver spear that pierced his chest.

His face was unbelievable, you know that he is also in a’difficult situation’.

‘boom! ‘

The black-faced man fell directly to the ground with unbelievable doubts, and the 2 big hammer also fell on the ground.

‘courting death, I don’t even ask about it on my site. ‘

‘I am bald in the who character. ‘The bald head stretched out a hand and moved towards the silver spear of the black-faced man’s chest and pulled out.

‘roll! ‘

Looking at the dead black-faced man’s body, the bald head kicked hard with one foot, directly kicking the black-faced man’s body into the corner.

‘haha! ‘

‘treasure is mine…’

After watching the bald head solve everything, his eyes shifted to your dragon-slaying sword with endless blade glow on the table.

‘Hey! ‘

‘Children, next time you walk continent, you still have to understand the situation? ‘

The rule of’since ancient times continent is that weak are prey to the strong, so-this treasure has to be owned by Old Brother. ‘

Coming next to Du Yuesheng, the bald head said triumphantly.

Then the impatient went to grab the Dragon Slaying Sword.

However, relying on the bald Martial Arts and skill, after taking it for a long time, he did not even take the Dragon Slaying Blade away.

“Yi! ”

Bald can’t help being surprised with 10000 points. Although he has never used the’jiebao’, he is a peerless powerhouse in a difficult situation.

How can it be impossible to grasp even a treasure knife?


The mind-turner, the bald head carried all the power in his hands, ka-cha, the whole table suddenly shattered and sawdust flew around.

However, just when the bald head exhausted his whole body strength and moved towards the Dragon Slayer Sword.

“I said bald head, shouldn’t you have to pay for the knife? ‘

‘You have to pay for playing a woman, you touched it 3 times! ‘

‘This Emperor can just cut you with a single knife…’

‘bang! ‘

A lazy and invincible voice echoed in the Inn, and a horrible blade glow appeared all around in an instant.

The bald head hadn’t figured out what happened yet, the blade glow of Inn Space-Time was instantly slashed at his waist.

‘what! ‘

He was directly cut and flew to the wall by the blade glow, and then fell fiercely.

At the same time, the bald head let out a scream because of a huge wound on his waist.

Drops of bright red blood kept flowing from his waist.

PS: Second more.

You can rest assured that the tortoise will be done one after another.

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