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‘how is this possible? ‘

‘Why is he not in a coma? ‘

The bald head who fell in the corner widened his eyes, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Du Yuesheng on the table with 10000 points of horror in his eyes!

Isn’t he already comatose, why is he still awake!

Why does he have such a powerful battle strength?

Who he is, who he is.

Numerous doubts flashed in the bald mind, but no one answered him.

‘the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind …’

‘Unfortunately bald, you are not the last carduelis…’ Du Yuesheng held Tu Longbao’s sword in his eyes and looked indifferently at the bald man who fell on the corner.

‘bang! ‘

Du Yuesheng stood up, and his dragon-slaying sword issued a monstrous imposing manner to suppress the entire Inn.

‘Quickly kill him! ‘

‘Fuck me…’

The bald head lying in the corner looked at the moved towards Du Yuesheng who was walking towards the protagonist, and he yelled at the Martial Artist standing in the Inn.

‘kill! ‘

In an instant, 7 Martial Artists holding Spirit Treasure burst into killing intents, moving towards Du Yuesheng rushing forward.


‘Operation, destroy…’

Du Yuesheng’s indifferent eyes looked towards the 7 8 Martial Artist, and the Dragon Sword in his hand flashed.

‘pu chi …’

In the next second, all the 7 Martial Artists who had attacked just now kept their final positions and fell to the ground.

A scary blade glow appeared on the neck of each one.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points’

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points’

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points’

… ..

Du Yuesheng stood in the center of the Inn with the Dragon Swordsman in his hand, listening to the system sound in his mind.

He smiled slightly, then looked towards the bald man on the side of the wall.

A pair of indifferent eyes instantly awakened the bald man who fell in the corner.

‘kill! ‘

‘kill for me …’

The bald head looked horrified at Du Yuesheng who kept moving towards him, and he let out a roar.

However, no matter how he roared and shouted, no one in the Inn was making any moves.

Oh shit!

Although they are bald men, they are also rational people.

Is it possible to die stupidly?

I was talking about knowing that there was a 2 disaster Martial Artist who rushed up just now, but all of them were solved by a single blow.

Some of them are still Martial Artists in the Spirit Transformation environment. They are not mantis trying to stop a chariot —— courting death.

Du Yuesheng walked to the wall with the Tu Longbao knife in hand, and stepped on one foot on the bald head lying on the ground.

‘Bald, you just touched the knife 3 times, how much do you think you should pay? ‘

‘How much do you want? ‘The bald man was stepped on his head, his eyes glowed with red rays of light and looked at Du Yuesheng.

‘pa! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s backhand slaps the fan’s bald face,’this Emperor doesn’t like others looking at it with such eyes, so the cost is not used. ‘

“Your head is very good, suitable for playing football for me!”


“No, you can’t kill me. I’m the Nanmingzong recipe. If you kill me, Nanmingzong won’t let you go.”

“Please don’t kill me, I can give you whatever you want!” The bald head was also more fierce and shocked than Du Yuesheng, and his mouth made a begging voice.

Normally, he relied on his own cultivation base tyrannize, but when faced with Du Yuesheng.

The bald only felt the threat of death.

“Nan Mingzong?”

“What is it?”

“Never heard of it, well, you can go to death.”


“You don’t know Nan Mingzong?”

The bald man heard what Du Yuesheng said, and his face was full of horror.

But he hadn’t been able to say anything yet, and the Dragon Sword Sword slashed directly.

‘pu chi sounded. ‘Du Yuesheng fell freely with a knife, and instantly, the bald man died.

A blood-red head rolled down Du Yuesheng’s feet.

“Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, beheading the bald head and getting Spirit Points worth 1,000,000,000.”

‘fuck! ‘

‘Nothing came out? ‘

Du Yuesheng closed his eyes and heard the prompt given by system, his heart was full of helpless expressions.

I thought I could explode a few items at random, but in the end I didn’t even explode a single piece of hair.

‘roll! ‘

Du Yuesheng stretched out one foot and kicked hard against the bald head.


The bald head was kicked out of the Inn in an instant.

At this time, all the people hiding in the corner of the Inn were all horrified.

Who on earth is this guy, how can he be so strong, even the bald head can be killed at will.

But at the same time, some people felt that Du Yuesheng was over this time.

He provoked Nan Mingzong, and Du Yuesheng had no chance to survive.

‘come here! ‘Du Yuesheng turned around and shot everyone in the Inn, then he extended a finger to the nearest Martial Artist.


For a moment, the Martial Artist pointed by Du Yuesheng’s finger fell on the ground, and his forehead was cold with sweat.

‘Senior, what are you doing…’ the man said with trembling lips, and the whole person knelt on the ground quickly.

‘Say, how far is the Cang Yan Gang from here? ‘Du Yuesheng’s indifferent look, said coldly in his mouth.

‘Senior, Cangyan Gang is not far from here, you can quickly see the site of Cangyan Gang when you leave Inn. ‘

‘well! ‘

‘Look at the answer you gave you a thing. A medicine pill appeared in Du Yuesheng’s hand and threw it directly into that person’s hand.

Then, Du Yuesheng turned and moved towards Li Yuanba who was still in a coma.

‘this is? ‘Kneeling to the Martial Artist, he looked at the medicine pill that appeared in his hands, and felt the power released from the medicine pill.

He felt trembling all over, and the bloodline seemed to be burning.

‘system, can you detoxify Li Yuanba? ‘Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba who was in a coma and couldn’t help contacting the system to ask.

‘ding! ‘

‘Yes, it consumes 3000 Exchange Coins. ‘

‘Consumption! ‘

Du Yuesheng nodded answered system’s request. After all, Li Yuanba’s cooperation was needed to go to Cangyan Gang.

‘Huh…’ When Li Yuanba woke up, he saw piles of corpses on the ground and blood flowing into a river.

He couldn’t help feeling his head and wondering 10000 points: “Can I kill people in a dream? But why don’t I have any memory?”

“Heavenly Emperor, what is this?” Li Yuanba shook his head, then looked at Du Yuesheng, who was stained with blood around him, and asked inexplicably.

‘It’s nothing, some of the younger generations of Inn, poisoned under the water, but they were all solved by this Emperor. ‘

‘what? ‘

‘courting death …’

Li Yuanba heard Du Yuesheng saying that someone was poisoned by alcohol, and both of his hands clenched the hammer and directly hit the table in front of him.

‘boom! ‘The entire table was instantly shattered and dissipated under the hammer.

‘All right! ‘Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba with an angry face, he didn’t say much.

He took the lead out of the Inn and moved towards the position of the Cangyan Gang. Li Yuanba also followed closely with 2 big hammers.

At the same time, when Du Yuesheng and Li Yuanba left the Inn.

Far away in Heaven and Earth, a wooden token in a house suddenly broke.

“Hey, that guy’s Life Source card. It seems that Elder likes the bald head very much. It seems that I have to report it.”

In a room, a discipline is reporting to an old man with closed eyes.


“Baldness has benefited me a lot over the years, even more how, it’s still the Outer Disciple of the Southern Ming School.”

“Hmph, you dare to kill my Nanming Sect’s discipline, then you must be ready to die!”

“Let’s go down and check this person thoroughly and find this person, kill without mercy!”

“Yes, Elder!”

Suddenly, with the death of bald head, the entire Nanming Sect took action.

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