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Li Yuanba drank the wine and ate the meat and whispered, “Heavenly Emperor, I don’t think the situation of this Inn seems right?”

“hmph! ”

“In my eyes, it’s just a group of ants. Now, what if it is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses?”

Du Yuesheng heard Li Yuanba’s worry, and he glanced briefly at these people.

Du Yuesheng’s deep in one’s heart is full of artistic conceptions of contempt for all beings in the world.

Yes, let alone these scattered sand ants, even if there is a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses here.

Can’t help him-Du Yuesheng.

You should know that Du Yuesheng has 2 big trump cards, a Summon Card that transforms into a’Hulk’, and a divine light stick that transforms into a’Tiga Ultraman’.

There are 2 items like this!

He Du Yuesheng is still afraid of who? How many people did he kill?

Besides, killing monsters to upgrade is his strength of Du Yuesheng.

Immediately, Du Yuesheng birds were too lazy to enter the Martial Artist of Inn.

The wine is fragrant and the aroma of the food is also very good.

For a while, Du Yuesheng, who admired *** in the system for a while, can be said to have an appetite.

Looking at the food on the large table on the table, I got a big appetite and started to eat and drink.

There is nothing better than a hero on earth, a happy life.

Du Yuesheng and Li Yuanba are both characters who can resist the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

The food intake is equally astonishing, even though the table is full of food, 2 people gobble up.

Clean it in less than a few minutes!

“Strange?” Li Yuanba felt a little dizzy after drinking the last bowl of wine.

“Head dizzy.” Li Yuanba said these three words dreamily, and then lay on the table and fell asleep.

‘Li Yuanba! ‘Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba who suddenly fell asleep on the table.

‘fuck! ‘

‘Actually poisoned in the wine…’

‘This Inn is indeed a black shop, really it is easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark, Li Yuanba ranked first in the Sui and Tang dynasties. ‘

‘A Divine Power is amazing, Martial Arts is in the world, and even the dark old man is so unbearable. ‘

‘But trifling medicine made him fall asleep. ‘

It can be seen that the strength of the Medicine under the Inn, even Martial Artist of the 3 Disaster Peak can poison and fall asleep.

However, Du Yuesheng did not debunk all this.

He looked at Li Yuanba who had fallen asleep, he continued to drink a small wine, he wanted to see what this group of people were going to do…

‘ding! ‘

‘System senses that the player within the body is being invaded by viruses. Will the player take Hundred Venoms Immunity divine medicine? ‘

‘This medicine enters the abdomen, Hundred Venoms Immunity, even if the world is poisoned here, there is no reason for the player. “

In my mind, the voice of the system came through on time.

‘use! ‘

‘It must have been used…’

“Naturally it’s going to be used. Daguai upgrades for equipment. If you don’t have equipment, I am not stupid?”

Du Yuesheng heard the prompt from the system in his mind and answered the system directly in his mind.

Since crossed over to these worlds, what winds and waves have not experienced?

What a powerful influential figure has no knowledge, but how can he overturn in this little gutter?

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’Successfully taking Hundred Venoms Immunity top grade medicine pill, since then it is the body of Hundred Venoms Immunity invincible. “


‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ because of taking the Hundred Venoms Immunity pills, players are now rewarded with a pair of underwear that is waterproof and fireproof, impervious to sword and spear… Do they replace the original underwear? “


Waterproof and fireproof, impervious to sword and spear underwear?

“Replace your original underwear immediately!”

Next, Du Yuesheng only felt tight under his body, as if wearing gold silk soft armor, it was chilly first.

Afterwards, I felt infinitely comfortable, and I had replaced the underwear with a waterproof and fireproof, impervious to sword and spear underwear.

Good thing, with this stuff!

simply don’t be afraid of enemies** and breaking eggs.

“Strange?” Du Yuesheng’s people have been observing in the store, and they found that Du Yuesheng still fainted.

“Hey, is it because of the lack of medicinal properties or is he physique superior? Why hasn’t it responded yet?”

At this moment, Du Yuesheng heard about the guy who was entertaining himself before and was asking another guy.


“Secretly said it should have passed out long ago?” The other man looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Good wine!”

“Good wine…’

Du Yuesheng took a bowl of wine in his hand and drank it, then loudly shouted, and he was’comatose’ all over.

Of course this’coma’ must be fake!

Now that the other party has been addicted to the meal, Du Yuesheng is beating somebody at their own game.

He also looked at the courting deaths who dared to rob me.

But very soon.

Du Yuesheng was thundered again by these two people who thought they whispered…

Only one other guy said: “This shouldn’t be. The foolish boy comatose in the past may also be pure in heart, without the fantasy within the body.”

“But adults will have Seven Emotions and Six Desires. Since they have Seven Emotions and Six Desires, they will be “Seven Emotions and Six Desires Phantom Poison”. They should all be hallucinations.”

“Beauty money will come into view, and then as if drunk and stupefied like a devil, how come you are comatose directly?”

“Very strange?”

The two guys know how powerful the poison they are, and this poison can be poisoned by Martial Artists in a difficult situation.

‘Seven Emotions and Six Desires Phantom Poison! ‘It is the poison produced by Continent Poison Sect.

‘Seven Emotions and Six Desires Phantom Poison! ‘This poison is similar to a drug, but it is much more powerful than any poison.

Because some people’s physique can resist poison, but everyone has Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

And this poison is the Seven Emotions and Six Desires for people, so even the 5 difficult characters also have Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

Unless a head like Li Tianba is mentally handicapped, he will enter a psychedelic realm.

‘kill! ‘


‘Snatch the knife to kill! ‘

Along with it, Du Yuesheng fell in a coma on the table for a moment, and was always beside the Martial Artist around him.

These Martial Artists who constantly entered the Inn, all moved towards the unconscious Du Yuesheng at once.

Quickly rushed to Du Yuesheng’s side, their common goal is the dragon sword on the table.

‘haha! ‘

‘Brother, Jie Bao is right in front of me…’ 4 or 5 Martial Artists appeared on a table.

‘kill! ‘

In an instant, with the start of Martial Artist’s hands on this table, all Martial Artists on the first floor all rubbed their fists.

‘bang! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

In an instant, one after another silhouette ran fast, but, these charge ahead Martial Artists.

Du Yuesheng, who was lying on the table, had not shot yet, and a burst of gloss suddenly shot down from the second floor.

Afterwards, as a celestial girl scattered flowers, many rays of light appeared on the crowd.

‘what! ‘


In an instant, these appeared on everyone’s rays of light, tearing everyone directly.

All of a sudden, a scream appeared in Inn, when he rushed past Martial Artist.

Almost all of them became cannon fodder, howling, crying, and extremely bleak.

the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

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