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‘haha! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor you see how I behead this person! ‘

Li Yuanba heard Du Yuesheng’s words and he laughed and answered.

‘bang! ‘

Li Yuanba walks on the ground holding 2 big hammers step by step.

Wherever Li Yuanba was trampled on his feet, there was a crack, especially the 2 big hammers in his hand.

When dragged on the ground, there was a burst of sparks 4 shots…

‘bring it on! ‘

‘Let me see your skills? ‘

Li Yuanba dragged the 2 big hammers to lift the head and looked at the demon shadow that appeared in the sky.

He lifted 2 big hammers in one hand, and raised a roar through the sky.

‘hmph! ‘

‘trifling a 3 calamity ants…’

‘Dare to run wild with this Venerable, die for me…’

‘Boy, if you don’t want to die, please kneel down and give the old man some knocks. ‘

‘old man can spare your life, otherwise old man lets you die without a burial site! “

Looking at the young Li Yuanba in front of him, the dark old man said wildly!

As a dark old man in a difficult situation, he has this rampant qualification.

From his debut to the present, he did not know how many people’s lives were harvested with his hands.

There are also some experts who are even Supreme in their own level!

The Li Yuanba in front of him is just a Martial Artist with 3 disasters, such a level, such a character, in the eyes of the dark old, it is completely a ants.

So, is a mantis resisting a war chariot not courting death?

“You’re wrong. So far, it’s not certain who will be born or who will die, so-you can’t say so early!”

Facing the dark old man in realm who is a little stronger than himself, Li Yuanba seemed calm and abnormal.

Especially with his eyes, he shot out the perfect light and locked the dark old body up and down!

“Act recklessly, since you are courting death, then the old man will give you a ride. Dealing with a junior like you, you can scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in a few minutes…”

Originally, dark old thought Li Yuanba would beg for mercy on his knees under the crush of his strong imposing manner.

But who could have expected that he was determined to fight against himself?

Then, he fulfilled himself and sent him to Xitian!

The road has run out and the words have been said absolutely. The dark and old figure instantly seems to be not a mortal body, but a ghostly ghost, and even passed through the space barrier and pressed his hands to Li Yuanba’s heart.

According to the dark old speculation, killing a kid with 3 disasters realm, this one move is enough.

“Make me dark old man, die!”

At this moment, in the eyes of An Lao, it was as if he had seen the boss shamelessly, arrogant and arrogant young man who had been shot into a sword by himself, and suddenly a murderous aura sentence burst out of his teeth.

‘Shadow Heaven and Earth! ‘

‘Off! ‘

The dark old hands waved, and the demon shadow appeared in the sky and the violent oppression came down.

‘hong long long ! ‘

The long sword in the hand of demon shadow tears the tearing void, and the power radiated by the sword glow oppresses the Vault of Heaven.

‘haha !’

‘I will show you what a real fight…’

Li Yuanba looked at the oppressive sword glow, and he squeezed the two big hammers against each other.

‘Boom, boom…’

The sound produced by the collision of the hammers is extremely harsh, one after another Fire Snake rays of light appears Space-Time.

‘kill! ‘

‘One hammer breaks the sky! ‘

‘bang! ‘

Li Yuanba held 2 big hammers and his feet crossed the void next, and the hammers in his hands slammed out.

‘broken! ‘

Li Yuanba looked at the sword glow hit by his 2 big hammers, and slammed his arms hard.


The attacked sword glow was directly forcibly smashed by the bursting force of 2 big hammers.

‘what? ‘

Dark old looked at the word glow smashed by the Li Yuanba 2 hammer, and there was a trace of shock on his face.

‘How is it possible, he is just 3 disaster Martial Artist! ‘An old man couldn’t believe it was true.

You know that he is a terror giant in Peak Realm.

How can this be?

With his own eyesight, he is fundamentally impossible to misunderstand him. The other party is obviously the 3 disaster realm. Even if he obtains some great martial arts in this realm, he is impossible to fight hard and not die?

‘There is nothing impossible! ‘

‘Mushuang Berserk Transformation! ‘

‘roar! ‘

Li Yuanba looked at the sword glow smashed by him, and he roared up to the sky, his clothes exploded in an instant, and bloodline veins all over his body violently.

‘Berserk Transformation? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba’s scene at this time, and he was also surprised.

‘system, Li Yuanba, what is his skill? ‘Du Yuesheng couldn’t help contacting the system in his heart.

‘ding! ‘

Berserk Transformation of’general skills’! ‘

‘Able to instantly increase Battle General Level 50’

‘Damn! ‘

‘Improve Battle General Level 50? ‘

‘system Are you kidding? ‘

Du Yuesheng heard the answer given by system, and his mouth was wide open. He couldn’t believe the answer of system.

This is more powerful than his’berserk’ skill.

‘ding! ‘

”Berserk Transformation’can only appear in Unparalleled War General, not all Battle Generals have this skill. ‘

‘Fortunately! ‘

When Du Yuesheng heard the system answer again, he was also secretly surprised. What if all Battle Generals possess such skills?

What a terrifying scene is that?

Originally, the realm of both parties were the same, but the other party suddenly used’Berserk Transformation’ to raise Level 50.

What kind of situation is this?

‘roar! ‘

‘bring it on…’

Li Yuanba was exposed to the sky, two big hammers were tightly held in his hands, and his mouth roared.

‘hmph! ‘

‘I do not believe…’

‘kill! ‘

An Lao didn’t believe that this scene was true, both of his hands burst into endless battles, rushing into the sky.

‘One sword breaks the sun and the moon! ‘

‘One sword breaks Vault of Heaven!

An Lao clenched a long sword with both hands, and pierced mercilessly against the Li Yuanba 2 sword in the sky.

A sword is faster than a sword. The sword tears the void and turns into a Shocking Heaven Sword, which cuts through Heaven and Earth.

‘kill you! ‘

‘One hammer is enough! ‘

Li Yuanba looked at the attack and came darkly old, he did not put this person in his eyes at all.

‘boom! ‘

Li Yuanba’s foot crossed Heaven and Earth next, and the hammer in his hand struck the attacking sword glow lightly.

‘bang! ‘


Under a hammer, two sword glows turned into nothingness and disappeared into the sky.

‘impossible? ‘

Dark old looked at the word glow knocked out by Li Yuanba 2 hammer, he couldn’t believe it.

However, while he was still thinking, a pair of rock hammers moved directly towards his chest.

‘not good! ‘

‘what! ‘


Dark Old wanted to resist, but his movements were too slow, and there was no chance to block them.

Li Yuanba’s 2 big hammers directly fiercely hit the dark old chest.

2 Under the hammer!

The entire dark old man was directly dropped from the sky to the earth, and the long sword in his hand also fell off the side.

‘Get over! ‘

Li Yuanba looked at the dark old man who was smashed into the ground by 2 hammers. He stepped across the void and came to the dark old man.

Li Yuanba slammed his hands against the dark old foot who was already injured.

‘boom! ‘


There was a scream in the dark old mouth.

He was directly kicked by Li Yuanba several meters away.

Finally, the straight drop stopped beside Du Yuesheng, and blood continued to flow from his mouth.

‘Heavenly Emperor, fortunately it’s not humiliating! ‘Li Yuanba took 2 big hammers and walked to Du Yuesheng’s side one-knee kneels and worshipped.

‘haha! ‘

‘It is worthy of Sui and Tang’s ten eight heroes first!’

‘Li Yuanba get up! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba kneeling in front of him, and he let Li Yuanba get up directly.

‘hehe! ‘

‘old man weren’t you awesome just now? ‘

Du Yuesheng walked over to the dark old man, stretched a foot on his head, and said indifferently in his mouth: “Are you getting up to give me a try?”


‘If you want to kill you, come here! ‘

The dark old man who was stepped on the head by Du Yuesheng had nothing to say.

‘You’re pretty good…’

‘boom! ‘


Du Yuesheng looked at the appearance of dark old proud and arrogant, his feet kicked on the dark old chest in a row.

‘Say! ‘

‘What do you guys do to catch my discipline? After Du Yuesheng kicked a few times, he lowered his body and said in the dark old ear.

‘disciple? ‘Dark old heard Du Yuesheng’s question, he was stunned for a moment, his face puzzled.

On the side of Shi Tian, ​​he looked at the dark old stunned face and couldn’t help but ran over and roared loudly, “It’s the teenage kid you caught in Stone Village.”

‘Oh! ‘

‘cough cough …’

After dark coughing for a few times, he looked at Du Yuesheng with a smile on his face, and then said: “That child has been beheaded, haha…”

‘You courting death! ‘

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng heard what was spoken from Dark Lao’s mouth, both of his hands clenched Tu Longbao’s sword against Dark Lao and cut it out with a knife.

‘pu chi’ sounded.

A wide-eyed head rolled to the ground, his face full of surprise.


‘Dark old dead? ‘

In the distance, Du Yuesheng’s blood as a pig’s head was looked at. He looked at the dark old scene killed by Du Yuesheng.

Cang Yanxue was completely scared, and his whole body was shaking.

Even the invincible powerhouse like the dark old man was beheaded. In a flash, a lot of urine appeared in his pants.

PS: First

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