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‘day! ‘

‘horse! ‘

‘flow! ‘

‘star! ‘

‘fist! ‘

Du Yuesheng didn’t say anything nonsense to the old man at all, his hands broke the strongest gesture of’Silver Saint Clothes’.

With both feet crossing the earth, Emperor 3 step formidable power deepens in the strongest posture.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

‘not good! ‘

The old man was also reacted to this sudden attack by Du Yuesheng, but it was a pity that his movement was still one step at night.

‘puff! ‘


A scream came from the old man’s mouth howling, and the cane in his hand fell to the ground instantly.


The entire body of the old man was directly hit by a punch a few meters away, and then fiercely fell to the ground.

‘not dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng appeared on the ground and looked at the old man who was hit by a punch, but he was not killed.

He was surprised!

You know his unexpected punch just now, but it contains 5 difficult Peak powerhouse punches.

Under such circumstances, the general 5 difficult Martial Artist has already been bombarded and killed.

‘An old man! ‘

‘kill! ‘

The bald man looked at An Lao who was blown away by Du Yuesheng, and he waved the Great Blade in his hand.

‘bang! ‘

The blade glow that straddled the Vault of Heaven instantly burst into Heaven and Earth, and the bald man also rushed forward.

‘courting death! ‘


Bai Qi looked at the bald man who rushed forward, and the weapon in his hand quickly attacked the root of the problem.

‘hiss! ‘

‘puci …’

A shot directly pierced the neck of the bald man, and the bald man was nailed to the ground.

‘3 Sect Leader! ‘

‘3 Sect Leader …’

As the bald man was shot and killed by Bai Qi, he appeared in the earth with 1000 Martial Artist each and everyone roar.

‘kill! ‘

‘Vengeance for 3 Sect Leader…’

‘roar! ‘

‘Blood Soul! ‘


In an instant, 1000 Blood Soul beasts appeared on the ground and roared the sky, shaking the sky and the earth in a terrifying imposing manner.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Wait for the ants to come…’

Bai Qi pulled out the long spear inserted around the bald man’s neck and wiped the long spear with blood on the corner of his clothes.

He stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of the blood-stained mouth.

A pair of red rays of light glowed on Bai Qi’s face, watching the impact and 1000 Blood Soul beasts came up.

‘courting death! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched 1000 Blood Soul beasts moved towards the incarnation, and both of his hands moved towards the void and threw a purple card.

‘Come out! ‘

‘Li Yuanba, the number one hero of the tenth eight…’

Du Yuesheng looked at the purple card he had thrown into the void, and his mouth let out a monstrous roared Heaven and Earth.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

With Du Yuesheng roaring Heaven and Earth in his mouth, one after another terrifying Divine Thunder appeared in the Vault of Heaven sky.

‘boom! ‘

A shocking Heavenly God thunder strikes on the ground, and a huge deep pit appears where the strikes were.

‘hiss! ‘


A sound of horse neighing continuously came from the deep pit created by Divine Thunder strikes.

‘bang! ‘

In an instant, a golden war horse rushed out from the pit, and the horse neighed through Heaven and Earth.

Sitting on the back of a golden war horse was a 12 years old, with a sharp mouth and cheeks, a sickly face, and a skinny face.

Wearing a golden crown with black hair, 2 short-winged pheasant hairs, and a young official wearing a pair of molten iron.

The young official holds two 2-pound hammers in his hands, in a terrifying imposing manner to suppress Heaven and Earth.

‘kill! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

The golden war horse neighed Heaven and Earth, and instantly ran between the earth, a cloud of dust appeared Heaven and Earth.

‘dead! ‘


The golden war horse appeared in the center of the 1000 Blood Soul beast, and the young official sitting on the war horse wielded an 800 kilogram hammer with both hands.

‘boom! ‘



Blood Soul beasts were beaten to death by a hammer fiercely, and Blood Soul beasts died and fell to the ground with a hammer.

Less than one minute!

The 1000 Blood Soul beasts that each and everyone imposing manner had just turned into corpses fell to the ground.

‘fuck! ‘

‘This is too strong, right? ‘Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba who was released by summon.

In less than tens of seconds, all the Blood Soul beasts fell under his hammer.

After killing countless Blood Soul beasts, Li Yuanba appeared in front of Du Yuesheng riding a golden horse.

Li Yuanba held two big hammers, walked down from the golden war horse, bowed down in front of Du Yuesheng and saluted: “Subordinates, Li Yuanba pay respects to Heavenly Emperor.”

‘haha! ‘

‘Li Yuanba, the number one hero in the tenth eighth period of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, really is not in vain! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba who was kneeling in front of him and holding two big hammers. He smiled and jokingly said.

‘hehe! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor, they are all fictitious names…’

Li Yuanba was also joked by Du Yuesheng, making his face blush.

‘pay respects to Heavenly Emperor! ‘The Killing God Bai Qi on the other side also walked over and bowed down in front of Du Yuesheng.

However, Killing God Bai Qi focused on Li Yuanba, and a fighting intent burned.

‘really strong ! ‘

‘This person is not under me…’

Li Yuanba also looked towards the killing god who was kneeling beside him, feeling the monstrous killing intent exuding from this person.

He sighed that he was not such a person, but on battle strength.

Li Yuanba is confident that he can kill Baiqi because he has absolute confidence.


‘haha …’

‘No one has made old fogey so battered and exhausted in 100 years, you are the first. ‘

The dark old man who was just punched by Du Yuesheng just now, he broke into a huge fighting intent and appeared on the ground.

The dark old eyes shot one after another rays of light, looking at Du Yuesheng who stood on the ground, wishing to eat this person.

‘Dead! ‘

‘Dark Devil Heaven and Earth …’

The dark old hands broke into a monstrous fighting intent, and Du Yuesheng, a terrifying energy moved towards standing, shot out.

One after another energy appeared Heaven and Earth Space-Time, converged into a horrible demon shadow appeared in the sky.

‘roar! ‘

A loud roar emerged from appearing in the sky demon shadow, and a demon Heavenly God sword appeared in the hands of demon shadow.

‘cut! ‘

One sword cut through Sun, Moon and Stars, and one sword cut through Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven.

‘hong long long ! ‘

The entire Heavenly Emperor Space-Time is under the 10000 word sword glow, and bursts of thunderbolts.

The monstrous Sword Qi cut through Heaven and Earth.

The earth is ragged under this sword, and a deep ravine appears in it

‘hong long long ! ‘

Sword Qi is as vast as the earth shakes.

Du Yuesheng stood on the ground, lifts the head looked towards the attacking Shocking Heaven Sword, he did not put him in the heart at all.

He had no worries at all, like a slight wind blowing his hair.

Talking and laughing, looking at the prosperity of the world.

‘Who dares to offend Heavenly Emperor! ‘

‘I don’t respect Heavenly Emperor, kill without mercy…’

Li Yuanba lifts the head looked towards Sword Qi, who knelt on the ground, with a scream in his mouth.

Then Li Yuanba held 2 big hammers and stood up and said to Du Yuesheng: “Heavenly Emperor, please wait here for one minute, and you will be killed.”

‘Oh! ‘

‘Li Yuanba You have to understand that the old man on the opposite is a powerhouse in 5 difficult situations? ‘

Du Yuesheng heard Li Yuanba’s call for battle, and he couldn’t help being surprised, because Li Yuanba was only 3 disaster Peak.

The dark old man on the opposite side is really hard 5 Peak Powerhouse!

2 people’s realm are too far apart…

simply is not on a level.

‘haha! ‘

‘5 The difficult situation is like a chicken and a duck under my 2 big hammers, just beheaded..’

Li Yuanba was just talking and laughing, and did not put the dark old man in the heart.

‘Ok! ‘

‘You go, but you can’t kill this person! ‘Du Yuesheng looked at the confident Li Yuanba.

He nodded agreed.

Du Yuesheng also wanted to see what Li Yuanba could do when he fell down?

Can you be so confident?

Anyway, Du Yuesheng’s’Silver Saint Clothes’ has two minutes left, which is enough for him to kill the old.

So he didn’t worry about anything.

PS: No. 5

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