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‘ding! ‘

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading the dark old man and getting Spirit Points 800 100,000,000 and Unparalleled Value 1000 100 points!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading the dark old man and getting a summon Three Kingdoms card…”

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for killing the dark old man and gaining the pet white eye White Dragon.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ beheading the dark old man and getting the diga divine light stick.”

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to players full EXP! ‘

‘upgrade! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Spirit Transformation Rank 5’

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Spirit Transformation Rank 6’

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Spirit Transformation Rank 7’


‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Spirit Transformation Rank 9’

‘The player’s next level upgrade EXP: 1000 100,000,000. ‘

Du Yuesheng killed the dark old man with a knife, and the sound of rewards from the system was heard in his mind.

Three Kingdoms are so powerful, all of them are like Heavenly God.

They are more brave than the mighty heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, one Lu Bu, two Zhao, and three Dianwei.

With the power of these few military generals, they spread 1000 ancient times and shocked China.

Therefore, Du Yuesheng is naturally very happy when he hears the prompt sent by the system.

But when Du Yuesheng heard the 2 items that were rewarded later, he was stupid?

‘Did I hear it wrong? ‘

‘Or system you are wrong? ‘


‘Even the Ultraman Transformer came out? It’s a crazy rhythm of hanging the sky…

Du Yuesheng can’t believe the next two things. After all, they are too young, right?

‘Blue-eyed White Dragon? ‘

‘Tiga divine light great? ‘

Du Yuesheng didn’t wait for him to start looking at the stuff that the dark old burst out. He directly threw the cards of Three Kingdoms Wushuang into the system space.

Will this be used to talk about it in the future, or will you watch the remaining 2 things?

Pet Card: Blue Eyes White Dragon

From: Game King Anime World

Grade: Level 8 Demon Beast (Evolvable)

Level: Disaster Rank 9

Description: King’s Summon Card in the sky, Dragonline Supreme’s bloodline race, and the royal bloodline.

‘Cool! ‘

‘Exactly no mount…’

Du Yuesheng grasped the “Blue Eyed White Dragon” card in his hand and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Then Du Yuesheng turned his gaze to the other hand, which was a shiny thing.

Special card: Tiga divine light stick

From: Tiga Ultraman Anime

Description: Players can use this object to transform into Diga Ultraman with super attack power.

Note: 1. Only available once, it is a disposable item

2. The time lasts ten minutes, users should always pay attention to the ebbing of time when using

3. After using the shape changer, the user directly becomes a giant of 100 feet tall, with infinitely powerful power, which can destroying heaven extinguishing earth,

4. Please use with caution, the system is not responsible for the consequences.

While Du Yuesheng was immersed in all the items exploded by the dark old death, a sound of footsteps appeared from the distance.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

However, at the moment when Du Yuesheng beheaded the assassin, the army of 10000 terracotta warriors that ran from a distance appeared on the ground and quickly stood in Du Yuesheng all around.

The 100-flower Princess and Leng Yan who closely followed the army of terracotta warriors appeared.

The undefeated Aotian and the undefeated male beside them also followed.

But when, the undefeated Aotian appeared from a distance, when he saw the head of the person falling on the ground.

Undefeated Aotian couldn’t help but be surprised, because he knew the master of the head.

‘what? ‘

‘Isn’t it the dark old of the Red Flame Gang? ‘

This person is continent in the blood moon, which can also be regarded as a giant powerhouse.

Martial Artist who died under his hands does not know how many people there are?

However, now undefeated Aotian looked at the dark old man who had died, and saw Du Yuesheng standing beside him.

Undefeated Aotian’s whole body is shaking, he really wants to know what kind of God Du Yuesheng is?

Can even the dark elders of Peak 5 be killed?

This is too scary?

Fortunately, he didn’t start with himself. Such a character can’t afford to offend.

Undefeated Aotian included Du Yuesheng as a dangerous person.

… ..

‘good stuff! ‘


Du Yuesheng looked at the two treasures in his hand, but he thought of what the old man said when he died.

In an instant Du Yuesheng’s heart burst into anger.

Du Yuesheng reached out a hand and grabbed the dark old man’s skull on the ground, turned and moved towards the fallen blood in a step.

One hand held the dark old bloody head, and the other hand held the Dragon Sword, and he was murderous aura.

Less than a few steps away, Du Yuesheng had already walked in front of Cangyan Blood!

Tulong Baodao sent out a chill, the blood that had been scared already.

At this time, lifts the head saw the dark old man’s head, the bloodthirsty Dragon Sword and Du Yuesheng, a murderous aura.

The whole person was almost paralyzed.

‘Heavenly Emperor, you don’t need to shoot this kind of ants, I’ll…’ Follow Li Yuanba behind Du Yuesheng.

When he saw Heavenly Emperor, his face was ugly, and he asked to say it immediately.

‘boom! ‘

While speaking, Du Yuesheng has taken a step forward, the muscles of his arms bulging high, and the bloodthirsty double hammers are raised high.

What is Li Yuanba and the others?

That’s the first person in the Sui and Tang Dynasties ranked eighth?

Very brave, even if the dark old man is in a difficult situation, the world powerhouse died in his hands.

Besides, this blood of flame has been scared like mud.

When this hammer hits, it will directly become a patty.

‘what! ‘

‘Do not kill me…’

‘Anything you want…’

Cang Yanxue saw Li Yuanba’s horror fall, but did he know Li Yuanba’s horror?

If this hammer really hits his body, I’m afraid he doesn’t exist.

Suddenly knelt in front of Du Yuesheng and hugged Du Yuesheng’s thigh!

‘stop! ‘


Standing next to the killing god white eyes swiftly, his hands clenched long halberd outrageously a spear thrust out.

‘boom! ‘

The spear glow instantly touched the hammer, and a burst of force appeared directly in the void.

‘Baiqi, what are you doing? ‘Li Yuanba looked at Bai Qi that appeared suddenly, his eyes glared.

‘Very scary Divine Power. ‘

Bai Qi felt the power from long halberd, and the heart was a little surprised by Li Yuanba’s power.

‘Baiqi eat me a hammer! ‘Li Yuanba looked at Bai Qi without answering, but he directly moved the hammer towards Bai Qi.

‘All right! ‘

‘Stop this Emperor…’


Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba, who was still preparing to shoot, and his dragon sword was suddenly extended.

‘boom! ‘

In an instant, the two forces of Tulong Baodao and Hammer hit each other in midair.

Li Yuanba only felt sore arms, and the big hammer in his hand almost flew out of his hands.

The whole body is staggering back and forth for several steps.

At this time, Li Yuanba was shocked to the extreme, he was the head of the Great Tang Ten Eight.

But with the inherent Divine Power of the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, and the people directly attack the enemy with 1-2 moves, they will not retreat half a point at all.

But now, he collided with Du Yuesheng’s Dragon Sword, and the palm of his hand almost cracked.

This time, Li Yuanba couldn’t help but admire Du Yuesheng to the extreme.

He really did not expect that Heavenly Emperor would be so scary.

Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba, who was shaken by a knife, and couldn’t help shaking his head and thought,’Is it really a child? ‘.

However, Du Yuesheng was really shocked by Li Yuanba’s power, if not his silver Saint Clothes skills.

He really couldn’t do it.

‘ding! ‘

‘Silver Saint Clothes skill time is up! ‘

Du Yuesheng only thought of this, the power of the silver Saint Clothes he was wearing disappeared directly without a trace.

He was beaten back to the original form of Spirit Transformation Rank 9.

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