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“Ding, the system prompts that the Feisheng card is used successfully!”

As the system cue sounded, a golden brilliance, through the layers of dark clouds, descended from the sky and shone directly on Du Yuesheng.

In an instant, Du Yuesheng was covered with golden armor, and the golden light was brilliant and dazzling.

Many petals fell from the in sky, and the entire Immortal World was under a rain of flowers.

Xianle bursts, making everyone intoxicated, unable to self.

And Du Yuesheng didn’t have any movements, but felt a huge force pulling his body from the sky, so that he slowly flew up, and moved straight to the place where the golden light was radiating up!

In Di Village, someone finally saw the bunch of golden light. In a flash, everyone was boiling:

“Who is that!”

“This… this seems to be soaring in daylight!”

“Ascension in the daytime, proving Tao to become a god, then, is it Heavenly Emperor Du Yuesheng?”

Countless people exclaimed and finally disturbed Mayor Di Ya. Di Ya hurried out of the wooden floor and recognized it at a glance, that is Du Yuesheng!

“Heavenly Emperor !”

He couldn’t help shouting, and Du Yuesheng, bathed in golden light in the distance, seemed to hear his voice, and turned around. Suddenly, Di Ya burst into tears:

“Heavenly Emperor even remembers me!”

However, 5 minutes of time, under the rain of the sky, and in the bursts of fairy music, Du Yuesheng stepped on the golden light and skyrocketed!


I don’t know how long.

The golden light before Du Yuesheng was just disappeared.

Before waiting for Du Yuesheng to check the situation of God World, he saw an old man about 7 years old and 80 years old, with his bow and waist on his back.

After the old man glanced at Du Yuesheng, he was extremely skilled at drawing a piece of jade token from his arms and threw it into Du Yuesheng’s hand, saying:

“Boy, I am the messenger of God Lord of Fire, and a pseudo-god that soars in the lower realm can be sheltered by God Lord of Fire.”

Du Yuesheng eyes flashed, he can almost be said to God World 3 I don’t know, what God Lord of fire, what kind of shelter, he completely does not understand.

And the old man seems to have met many ascendants like Du Yuesheng, he said immediately:

“God World has 8 God Lords, namely Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Thunder Wind and the most mysterious 10000 object Ruler God Lord, God of Fire is one of them, and here is also my God of Fire. Lord area, everyone here believes in the God of Fire.

The strength of God World can be divided into: God, God Soldier, God General, Heavenly God, God, God King, God Sovereign, God Emperor, God Venerable, God Lord’

Speaking of which, the old man’s gaze has also become more religious:

“As long as you are pious enough, you can get the favor of the God Lord of Fire, you can get the power of continuously, and improve your realm!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng only understood a little, and after thinking about it, he slowly said:

“Then what if you don’t believe in any God Lord?”

old man eyes flashed, cold light flashed in his eyes: “If you don’t believe in the Supreme God, then you won’t get the power of God Lord, and you can’t improve the realm, it’s dead end!”

After thinking about it, the old man said again:

“I know that ascendants like you, each and everyone are very self-confident, but in fact, the place where you lived before was actually the Immortal World created by the God Lord. I am not afraid to tell you that under God World Immortal World, a total of 100,000!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help being frowned and face changed.

When the old man saw it, he said with pride: “Now you know why you must believe in God Lord. The power of God Lord is not what you can imagine. You are invincible in the world of Immortal World. In fact, it is just the eyes of God Lord. A caged bird”

Du Yuesheng’s heart shakes, Immortal World has 100,000? And yourself is just one of them?

He quickly thoughts move: “system, Immortal World where I was, was it also created by these so-called God Lords?”

“Ding, the system reminds that the world in which the player is located is all the initial World, created by Heaven and Earth, and God Lord was born from these Worlds. The World they created later is all imitated by the initial World!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng let out a long sigh of relief. If everything about him was created by others, the feeling of being treated as a toy would not be good.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng grinned and said lightly: “Since this is the case, I still don’t believe in any God Lord!”

“No one in this world deserves this Heavenly Emperor faith!”

“This Heavenly Emperor is faith!”

“What!” Hearing this, the old man’s complexion changed suddenly, cold light shot in his eyes:

“Boy, I have already explained the words. Didn’t expect you to be so can’t tell good from bad, hehe, there are many ascendants who refuse to accept reality like you, old fogey killed no less than 100, and today again One more!”

While speaking, the old man was shocked all over, and suddenly, a force that is as vast as the sea for Du Yuesheng at present is assaults the senses.

“Boy, you just flew up. God is the most heavy. In front of God who is heavy, only dead end!”

“Oh, really?”

Du Yuesheng sneered, but shouted in his heart: “system, when are you going to release me the EXP I got at Immortal World?”

“Ding, system reminds that the player within the body spirit strength has all been converted to Divine Power!”

“Ding, the system prompts, because the player has successfully ascended to God World, save EXP and release them all at once!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for his level increase, the current Level: God is the first!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level upgrade, the current Level: God 2 heavy!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng’s mouth was a tick, and the eyes of looked towards old man were full of jokes, God 2 was just right, so was he!

The imposing manner suddenly exploded, and the aura, who was not weaker than the old man, even stronger by 2 points, suddenly moved towards the old man and enveloped it.

In an instant, the old man face changed, and a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes: “What, your realm, how can it be promoted to God 2?”

“It’s an accident? Now, this Heavenly Emperor wants to see how you kill me!” Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, raising his hand, Executing Immortal Sword suddenly jumped into the hand, the word light was flowing, and the murderous aura was like a rainbow!

Seeing the appearance of Executing Immortal Sword, the old man looked again in a sudden change: “Divine Sword? Boy, are you the person who just soared, even Divine Sword!”

Although there are many God World Divine Artifacts, it is very rare for a soarer who has just taken off.

But when I thought about it, the old man showed greedy eyes, saying:

“What about Divine Sword? What about God 2 heavy cultivation base? You just arrived at God World. Can you use these powers well?”

With that said, the old man squeezed his lips and chuckled to: “Selling your Divine Sword, I will definitely be able to buy a lot of divine techniques, and I can leave this promising ghost place in the future!”

As he said, the old man stepped forward abruptly, covered in Divine Power, like rivers and lakes, rushing out wildly, and moved towards Du Yuesheng overwhelmed:

“die for me !”

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