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“A God World mission was opened!”

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and listened to the name. This task seemed very troublesome.

However, he didn’t get entangled in this matter. Instead, he turned his gaze and looked into the distance: “The Empress and Xian Ji have never appeared. The second thing is to find them!”

Although not mentioned, Du Yuesheng has been thinking about these two women.

thoughts move directly in the heart shouted: “system, help me find the location of Xianji and Empress!”

“Ding, the system prompts, the investigation is complete, there is no location information for Xianji or Empress!”


Du Yuesheng complexion slightly changed. At this moment, the entire Immortal World is his Divine Kingdom. In his Divine Kingdom, no one can escape the detection of the system.

The only explanation is that Xian Ji and the Empress have left Immortal World!

But how do Xianji and the Empress enter God World?

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and he suddenly remembered the black dress nun he had met before.

This sister appeared suddenly, and what left was even more strange, and she seemed to know the whereabouts of Xian Ji.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng is ready to let the system probe the position of the black dress female sister.

Who would have known that at this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded behind him: “It seems Heavenly Emperor is not in a hurry to find me.”

Du Yuesheng frowned, slowly turned around, and it was the black dress sister who appeared behind him.

Now the cultivation base of the black skirt has not improved, but it has become so low that it is only human Immortal.

This black dress sister is really weird.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said in a cold voice: “Do you know the location of the Empress and Xian Ji!”

Nodded, said: “They went to God World.”

“How to go!” Du Yuesheng heart startled asked quickly.

Black skirt woman indifferently said: “I sent it up, speaking of which, several of your women are very loyal to you, no one wants to leave you, it makes me use up all the Divine Power in this body. .”

Speaking of which, the woman in a black dress repaired a meal before saying:

“I mean, not only Xianji and the Empress, but also Long Wushuang, Ling Xiaojun, Fengye, and that stinky rabbit, dead fatty, they are all in God World!”

Du Yuesheng heart trembled, what, the woman in front of him can send so many people to God World in his Divine Kingdom without even noticing it.

What is the origin of this woman!

“You must be very curious about who I am.” The black dress female cultivator saw Du Yuesheng’s thoughts.

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and said, “I can kill you!”

With the system, he is sure to kill the black dress sister, even if the black dress sister is God World Supreme!

But I never thought that after hearing this sentence, the black skirt woman suddenly smiled and said:

“You can’t bear it!”

With that said, the silhouette of the black dress nun turned out to be gradually becoming transparent, and her voice became smaller and smaller:

“One era, two eras, I have waited for you for so long, so infatuated, how can you be willing to kill me, and the people who arrested you, are only because I am running out of time, even for them, you have to become stronger. Come find me…”

Du Yuesheng brows tightly knit, a black dress lady, he couldn’t understand.

However, at the last moment when she disappeared, Du Yuesheng moved in her heart and directly shouted: “system, help me find out who she is!”

“Ding, system prompts, the probe failed.”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players for starting the World Lord line mission: Fate!”

As the system prompt sounded, the black dress sister was completely disappeared, only her words still echoed in her ears, as if someone was whispering in her ears: “Why are you willing to kill me…”

After the black dress sisters disappeared, Du Yuesheng’s frowning brows gradually disappeared.

Du Yuesheng couldn’t help being muttered: “She must be the great power of God World. The reason why she came down was to find me and take Wushuang and them away. It seems to encourage me to work harder for cultivation!”

“But why did she look for me, why didn’t she tell me her identity? She said she had no time, and why?”

Numerous questions lingered in Du Yuesheng’s mind, making him dizzy.

After a long time, he shook his head and said: “No matter what, let me fly to God World first, take one step and count one step. I don’t believe that with the help of system, I can’t find this woman!”

Thoughts move Du Yuesheng took out the soaring card, ready to fly directly to God World.

But at this moment, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, and a flash of playfulness flashed in his eyes: “This Heavenly Emperor let you go, but you yet dare to be arrogant? This is the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear Up!”

At this moment, in an ordinary city in Immortal World, since a cultivator couple named Silver and Blood Shuangsha arrived here, this city has become a hell.

All cultivators in the city not only have to hand in a large amount of immortal spirit stones every month, but also bow down to the silver and blood double evil spirits every day.

This is that’s all, but today Immortal World is everywhere praying for the Heavenly Emperor Du Yuesheng, the silver-blooded evil spirits actually reversed, prohibiting anyone in the city from praying for the Heavenly Emperor, and those who violate the order are killed.

So far, more than 8,000 cultivators have been killed!

At this moment, the two people of Silver-Blood Shuangsha stood with their hands in the sky above the city, and said coldly:

“Pray for Du Yuesheng, it is dead end!”

“Tell you, in this city, my silver-blooded double evil couple, it is heaven!”

“No matter how powerful he is, Du Yuesheng, no matter how tyrannical he is in Heavenly Hall, he can’t control our blood and blood!”

Numerous cultivators in the city cast disgusting glances at the silver and blood double evil spirits, but under the two people’s lust, no one dared to oppose it.

Since the opening of the Primal Chaos fairyland, most of the Immortal Venerable experts have gone to the Primal Chaos fairyland, and Heavenly Hall is busy praying for Du Yuesheng, and can’t take care of this. This makes the silver and blood dual evil so arrogant. .

The Silver-Blooded Shuangsha looked at the corpses in the city, and looked at the many cultivators who dared not pray for Du Yuesheng anymore, and then smiled with satisfaction.

But at this moment, a faint voice suddenly rang behind the two people: “Oh? I can’t control you?”

“Who are you, dare to control us?” The Yinxue Shuangsha couple subconsciously replied, but suddenly, they heart trembled: “You are…”

This voice is somewhat familiar!

“Me? They all call me Heavenly Emperor!”

Du Yuesheng slowly lifts the head, thoughts move, with a thud, the silver-blooded Shuangsha couple didn’t even have a chance to turn their heads, they exploded in the air!

When many cultivators in the city saw this scene, they were shocked to the heavens, they could no longer control their knees, and shouted in unison:

“May Supreme Heavenly Emperor, All Gods proclaim the Dao!”

They knelt down and raised their heads, only to find that Du Yuesheng had already disappeared, only the smell of blood in the air was still permeating.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng has come to Di Village, watching Di Village, which has become a prosperous town now, has become a big young man, a genius little stone under Heavenly Hall, with a knowing smile .

“Since it starts here, let’s ascend from here!”

Du Yuesheng laughed and took out the Soaring Card, thoughts move: “system, use Soaring Card!”

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