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Seeing this Divine Power hit like a tsunami, Du Yuesheng’s face was full of sneers.

This old man does have a God 2 heavy cultivation base, but the attack method is very clumsy. It is only crushed with Divine Power and has no divine technique blessing at all.

“It seems that you are only a small role in God World, you don’t even have a divine technique!”

After Du Yuesheng gave a sneer, he moved his feet and his figure flashed a few 10 feet away, directly letting the old man miss his blow.

However, Du Yuesheng was still a little surprised: “en? It seems that God World’s Heaven and Earth Law is more powerful. If it were in Immortal World, I am afraid that my leap would have appeared a dozen or more li.”

The old man was even frowned, and said: “Hide? I want to see how long you can hide, come again!”

Shouted in a low voice, the old man bullied himself again and wanted to kill Du Yuesheng. He thought that Du Yuesheng retreated because of a guilty conscience and fear.

When Du Yuesheng saw this, he couldn’t help but say with a big smile: “This Heavenly Emperor is just getting used to the Heaven and Earth Law of God World. Now… Give this Heavenly Emperor to death!”

The Executing Immortal Sword in his hand suddenly lit up with countless brilliant lights, and Swallowing Heaven came out!

In an instant, the sword light 10,000 feet, directly moved towards the old man and flew over.

“Divine technique! You still have a divine technique?” The old man’s complexion changed drastically, his heart shocked!

In God World, God is only the lowest level of existence, God 2 is more important than the bottom level. Under normal circumstances, the existence of this level does not even exist in the Divine Sword, let alone divine techniques.

And Du Yuesheng, an ascendant, has Divine Sword and divine technique, how can it not be shocking!

The old man immediately realized that Du Yuesheng was definitely not an ordinary ascender. He quickly gave up the attack, stepped on his feet, shot backwards, and after drawing an arc in the air, he wanted to escape!

“Escape from my Swallowing Heaven, you won’t be a small role here!”

Du Yuesheng is only coldly smiled, Swallowing Heaven sword light cuts through the sky in an instant, directly enveloping the old man who is trembling in fear back and forth.

The old man immediately screamed and threatened: “I am the servant of the God Lord of Fire, you…you dare kill my? The God Lord of Fire will surely kill you!”

“This Heavenly Emperor is waiting for him!”

Du Yuesheng lifted his eyelids, and there was no fear in his eyes, while Swallowing Heaven sword light was full of firepower, directly crushing the old man’s body completely.

At this time, Du Yuesheng Divine Consciousness found out that the Primordial Spirit of the old man escaped from his body and wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

“Sorry, this Heavenly Emperor uses a lot of Divine Consciousness. Don’t try to escape from the Heavenly Emperor in this way!”

Du Yuesheng laughed, the Divine Consciousness in his mind burst out, like an invisible big hand, directly grabbing the old man’s Primordial Spirit and crushing it.

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing God 2 as an expert and earning 100 Shinto points!”

“Ding, system reminds you that because the player has gained Shinto points, the system has started to upgrade. It will take 3 days!”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but raised his brows. The system started to upgrade so soon, and now it’s time for him to enter and exit God World 2 again…

I’m afraid I will be sad for the next 3 days.

However, Du Yuesheng didn’t feel so depressed, he just grinned: “That’s right, let this Heavenly Emperor challenge himself!”

With that, he walked to the broken body of the old man and picked up a wooden token from the old man.

This wooden token is only palm-size, and it is red, with a fire word on it.

On the back, a simple road map is depicted, marking the location of several ascenders in this area, and in this area Foreign Domain, there is a city.

After seeing the location of this city, Du Yuesheng moved towards the city without any hesitation.

At least it is necessary to figure out the division of power in God World.

The city is only more than 100 miles away from here. If you are in Immortal World, you can get there in less than 5 minutes.

But in God World, Heaven and Earth Law was severely suppressed, making him much slower, and it took him a full hour before he rushed over.

When this God World city appeared in front of him, it was because he had been used to seeing all kinds of strong Great City in Immortal World, and his face was still showing shocking color.

The area of ​​this city is not that big, but the buildings are soaring into the sky, straight into the sky. From a distance, it seems that this city supports this piece of Heaven and Earth.

And as depicted on the map, this is just an ordinary city in God World, and the strongest City Lord in the city is only God Soldier!

“I really don’t know how the city where the real experts are located will be a spectacular scene!”

After Du Yuesheng sighed, he moved towards the city gate.

There is a team of guards standing on the city gate, and the cultivation base is all God 2 heavy, which is the same as Du Yuesheng’s current cultivation base!

Seeing Du Yuesheng coming in, these guards didn’t care at all.

After walking into the city, Du Yuesheng looked at the building directly into the sky, and suddenly vision freezes.

Because he saw that at the entrance of a building right in front of his eyes, there was a sign that read: God World Mission!

“God Killing Mission?” Du Yuesheng raised his brows. While thinking about it in his mind, an aura and tyrannical person suddenly walked out of the God World mission.

This person was wearing a strong suit with a scimitar hanging from his waist. The sharp aura of the scimitar distorted the surrounding air.

It is an expert!

After this expert went out, his gaze swept across the street. When his gaze fell on Du Yuesheng and saw Du Yuesheng’s Executing Immortal Sword behind his back, he couldn’t help but eyes shined.

Then the expert came straight forward, facing Du Yuesheng self-introduced:

“Little Brother, my name is lei, but a bounty hunter. This time we have a mission and we still have a guard. It is better to join us than Little Brother!”

Du Yuesheng vision freezes, subconsciously swept this lei with Divine Consciousness, and found that lei’s realm has reached the God 5th layer!

And lei was also in this brief moment, eyebrows slightly frowned, and said: “Little Brother, you just ascended to God World!”

Du Yuesheng was taken aback and couldn’t help but curiously said: “How do you know?”

“Only people who have just ascended to God World can use Divine Consciousness to probe others so boldly. In God World, Divine Consciousness to probe others is regarded as a provocation!” Lin Lei laughed and said:

“But I am reasonable, so I don’t blame Little Brother. Why, you certainly haven’t seen through my cultivation base. In God World, Divine Consciousness and realm are synchronized, while the low-level Divine Consciousness is not seen through High. Rank!”

Du Yuesheng was shocked, and he was only God 2 heavy, but he just saw through Lei’s cultivation base. Does this mean that his Divine Consciousness is already comparable to God 5th layer?

This thought just flashed through my mind, and then Du Yuesheng secretly said in one’s heart that he really needs to know God World better.

So he directly opened the mouth and said: “My name is Du Yuesheng, many thanks to the invitation, let’s go!”

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