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“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players for killing Zuo Jie and getting immortal dao points 7000 6,000,000 30 20,000!”

“Ding, the system prompts that since the player level has reached the upper limit of Immortal World, the overflow EXP will be temporarily stored and will be issued after the player soars to God World!”

“Ding, the system prompts, because the player is about to fly into God World, the system is about to be upgraded, please complete the 8 Divine Artifact missions as soon as possible!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the players for killing Zuo Jie and getting the heart of Immortal World continent!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the players for killing Zuo Jie, getting the item card, the soaring card!”

Listening to a series of system prompts sounded, Du Yuesheng’s face changed continuously.

The EXP obtained by forcibly killing Zuo Jie is absolutely very rich, equivalent to killing dozens of Immortal Lord 9 Layers.

And the system is about to start upgrading again, but I don’t know what will happen to the system after it reaches God World.

After getting the continental heart of Immortal World, you can even incorporate Immortal World directly into your Divine Kingdom!

The most important thing is that I even got a soaring card. Without any hesitation, Du Yuesheng directly clicked on the soaring information to check it out:

Item name: Soaring Card

Item description: Players can use this item card to fly to God World!

Although the description was brief, Du Yuesheng was very happy in his heart. He was waiting for this card!

However, before leaving God World, he still has two things to do. The first is to collect the remaining two 2 Divine Artifacts!

Thoughts move, Du Yuesheng directly took out the continent’s heart he just got and put it into Divine Kingdom.

Suddenly, a strange wave spread between Heaven and Earth, and the entire Immortal World, including the Primal Chaos fairyland and the Demon Race area, became a part of the Divine Kingdom.

At this time, he thought move and said: “system, help me check the location of the remaining 2 8 waste Divine Artifacts!”

Now that Immortal World has been included in Divine Kingdom, it is naturally easy to search.

Sure enough, after a while, system issued a prompt:

“Ding, system prompts, the location of the 8 Wild Divine Artifact has been marked, please go to collect it!”

At the same time, a mark appeared in front of Du Yuesheng’s eyes. Seeing this mark, Du Yuesheng smiled, just a single thought movement, his figure instantly crossed over 1000 mountains and 10000 water, and came directly to Primal Chaos. The other side of the domain.

Here it is said that it is the tomb of the Immortal Lord, the invincible Immortal Lord, who has the most hope to ascend into a god 10,000,000 years ago in Primal Chaos.

What is very surprising is that the last 2 pieces of Divine Artifact are all here.

Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but smiled and muttered to himself: “It seems that the so-called invincible Immortal Lord back then was also invincible by relying on these two 2-barren Divine Artifacts.”

As he said, he stretched out his hand slightly, just hooked his fingers, and the Myriad Mountains Luan pressed above the tomb flew directly forcibly, revealing the tomb below.

But at this moment, a stern shout came from the tomb: “Who dares to break into the tomb of the invincible, courting death!”

With the spread of Li drink, only a tyrannical silhouette of aura flew directly out of the tomb.

Although I didn’t see the appearance of this silhouette clearly, Du Yuesheng felt that this silhouette was powerful enough to surpass all the Immortal Lord experts I had encountered before.

It turned out that the legendary invincible Immortal Lord did not fall, but a Primordial Spirit was left, changed a shell, and hid in his tomb drag out an ignoble existence!

For a while, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing:

“You are also a romantic character in Rank 1. This Heavenly Emperor does not want to kill you. As long as you hand in the 2 pieces of Divine Artifact in your hand, this Heavenly Emperor will send you into reincarnation, otherwise, this Heavenly Emperor will let you the soul flew away and scattered, forever unable to reincarnate!”

When fighting invincible heard this, he said with a sneer: “Arrogant, I am the invincible Immortal Lord. If you broke into my grave, you still want to seize my treasure. If I don’t kill you today, wouldn’t I have fallen to me? prestige!”

Du Yuesheng sneered and said: “You should have died 10,000,000 years ago, and now you are still alive. It is against God’s will. It is not good to hold Divine Artifact. This Heavenly Emperor will also enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven. !”

After speaking, Du Yuesheng gently raised his hand.

Suddenly, within a radius of 10,000 li, all the peaks were lifted from the ground to the sky. At this time, Du Yuesheng said indifferently:

“And you haven’t been born for too long. You are no longer invincible. This Heavenly Emperor is the real invincible. Even the entire Immortal World continent must listen to the orders of the Heavenly Emperor!”

As soon as the words were spoken, the 10,000 large and small peaks with a radius of 10000 li were all moved towards war invincible over!

When Zhan invincible saw this, he couldn’t help but screamed: “Hehe, how could someone order 10000 mountains? This is Illusion Technique, I can smell the smell of Primal Chaos clansman, break for me!”

While speaking, a touch of golden flashed across the invincible eyes, as if he could see through all the illusion Illusion Technique.

But after the golden disappeared in his eyes, 10000 mountains still rushed towards him.


The big mountain that flew in the front hit Zhan Invincible directly, and he directly hit Zhan Invincible within the body spirit strength, and almost vomited blood!

“What! You can actually order 10000 mountains?”

At this moment, Zhan Invincible was shocked. He claimed to be the invincible Immortal Lord, but he couldn’t order 10000 mountains at all. In his understanding, it was impossible for this to happen.

But when this scene really appeared before his eyes, Zhan invincible knew what kind of opponent he had encountered.

In an instant, Zhan invincible made a decision in his heart, yelling: “Stop, stop, I give up!”

“I gave you a chance before, now it’s too late!” Du Yuesheng said coldly.

After the words fell, the 10000 mountains were overwhelmed by the moved towards war invincible.

The Immortal Lord, who claimed to be invincible 10,000,000 years ago, was as weak as a child, and was directly submerged by 10000 mountains!

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing the invincible and getting immortal dao points 100 70 20,000 points!”

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, raised his hand and waved, and the 10000 mountains on Zhan invincible immediately flew away.

This fleshy body from Invincible has long been crushed into meatloaf, but beside him, there are still 2 Magic Treasures safe and sound!

“This is the last 2 pieces of 8 Wild Divine Artifact!”

Du Yuesheng eyes shined, raised his hand and hooked it, and the last two pieces of Divine Artifact appeared directly in his hands.

As soon as these 2 pieces of Divine Artifact were received, Du Yuesheng’s ear sounded the system prompt:

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for collecting and completing all 8 Divine Artifacts, completing the task of 8 Divine Artifacts, and getting Unparalleled Value 10,000 points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, because the player gave the 8 Wild Divine Artifact to others and opened the God World mission: Myriad Realms Battle God, the mission details will be announced after the player enters God World!”

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